Abbott, Richard 49
Aberdeen 354
Aberdeen, Bishop of 353
Aberdeen, Earl of 342, 359, 360, 369
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire 186
abhorrences 266, 277–81, 403–5
Abingdon, Berkshire 305
Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden) 255
absolutism 7, 8, 12, 56, 57–8, 105, 212, 419–24
France 152–3
Scotland 120–21, 129, 134, 334, 356, 374–6
Tory Reaction 220–21, 226–37, 258
Account of the Growth of Popery, An (Marvell) 56, 84
Act of 35 Elizabeth 185, 300, 302
Act against Tumultuous Petitioning 1661 59
Act concerning Religion and Church Government 1661 108, 113
Act of Explanation 1665 (Ireland) 93–4, 101, 102, 134
Act of Indemnity 1662 (Scotland) 111
Act of Indemnity and Oblivion 1660 (England) 47–8, 92, 110
Act of Settlement 1652 (Ireland) 87
Act of Settlement 1662 (Ireland) 93, 101, 102
Act of Supremacy 1559 (England) 59
Act of Supremacy 1560 (Ireland) 91, 92
Act of Supremacy 1669 (Scotland) 120–21, 134, 353–4
Act of Uniformity 1560 (Ireland) 91, 92
Act of Uniformity 1662 (England) 53, 59
Act of Uniformity 1666 (Ireland) 91, 402
Adair, Patrick 91 addresses England 266, 268–77, 317–19, 418 Ireland 387–8, 390–95, 403–5 James II's accession 408–9 Scotland 369–70
Adrian IV, Pope 25
Airds Moss 337
Albany, Duke of see James II
Albemarle, Christopher Monck, second Duke of 278, 284, 299
Alford, Thomas 265
Alison, Isobel 337
Allen, William 256
Althorp, Northamptonshire 287
Anglicans see Church of England
Anglo-Dutch Wars 60, 65, 71–2, 74, 80, 380 Ireland 97, 102–3 Scotland 111, 119
Anice, Martha 321–2
Anice, Richard 321–2
Answer to the Nineteen Propositions (Charles I) 177
Antidotum Britannicum 226, 231
Apologetical Declaration 370–71, 372
Apostrophe from the Loyal Party, An 230
Appeal from the Country (Blount) 153, 156
Appeal from the Country to the City, An (Harris) 142, 192
Appleby, Edward 202
Appleby, James 202
arbitrary government 56, 57, 58, 83–4 Exclusion Crisis 86, 134, 137, 138, 203, 408 Scotland 169, 410–411, 419 Tories 227, 245–6
Arbitrary Government Display'd (May) 245–6
Argyll, eighth Earl of 110
Argyll, ninth Earl of 112, 344 1685 rebellion 200, 409 conspiracies 312, 364, 365, 366 Test 348, 351–2
Aristotle 233
Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of 51, 71, 72, 94
armed forces see militia; standing army
Armstrong, Sir Thomas 140, 310, 314, 315–16
Arran, Earl of 378, 379, 397, 405 and Catholics 382, 387 Dublin apprentices 395, 396 local government 401–2 loyalist addresses 393, 394 Rye House Plot 397, 399, 400
Arthur, John 76
Ashley, Lord see Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of
assassination 347
Assheton, William 232
Atholl, Earl and Marquis of 112, 342, 359, 360 and Lauderdale 130, 169–70, 335
Aylesbury 276
Ayrshire 124
Baillie of Jerviswood, Robert 365, 366–7
Balcarres, Earl of 105
Barillon, Paul 58
Barnardiston, Sir Samuel 316
Barne, Miles 257
Barrow, Isaac 154
Barrymore, Earl of 391
Barsham Downs, Suffolk 264
Baskerville, Thomas 48
Baxter, Richard 164
Bedford, Earl of 51
Bedfordshire 275
Behn, Aphra 244
Bennet, Henry see Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of
Benskin, Thomas 267
Berkeley, Charles 51
Berkeley, Lord John 100–101
Bethel, Slingsby 143
Bill of Association 200
Blackadder, John 126
Blackloch, Lanarkshire 367
Blague, William 313
Blood, Lieutenant Thomas 96–7
Bodin, Jean 235
Borlase, Edmund 151–2
Boscawen, Hugh 150, 152, 155, 167
Bothwell Bridge rebellion 137, 169–70, 196–9, 203, 241–2, 330, 411–12 aftermath 331–3, 363, 365
Botts, John 49
Bowell, John 194
Box, Ralph 295–6
Boyle, Michael, Archbishop of Armagh 385, 387, 389, 397, 401
Boyne, Battle of 9
Braddon, Laurence 313–14
Bradshaw, John 48
Brady, Robert 228
Brandon, Lord 322
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando 60
Bridgwater 275
Bristol 295 addresses and abhorrences 266, 268, 277 bonfires 284, 287 clubs 141 nonconformists 29, 145, 301, 304 Scots 197
Bristol, Earl of 72
Broghill, Lord see Orrery, Earl of
Brooke, Lord 298–9
Brown, John 118
Buckingham, Duke of 31, 71, 82, 141
Burke, Edmund 10
Burlington, Earl of 96
Burnet, Alexander, Archbishop of Glasgow 117, 120, 123
Burnet, Gilbert 46 Duke of York 335, 345 Exclusion Crisis 218 Lauderdale 117 L'Estrange 217 local government 293 loyalist addresses 269 nonconformists 80 revolutions 34 Scottish Test 363
Burrishoole, County Mayo 400
Bushell's Case 62
Butler, Mr 322
Calvin's Case 27
Cameronians 198–9, 203, 242, 330, 336, 342–3, 357, 373, 374 Apologetical Declaration 370–71 Remnant 360–61, 364, 367–8 Sanquhar declaration and Torwood conventicle 337
Canterbury 264
Capel, Arthur see Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of
Capel, Sir Henry 168–9, 173, 175, 192
Care, Henry 142, 144, 155, 191, 283, 284
Carew, Sir Nicholas 175
Carew, Sir Thomas 181
Cargill, Donald 198–9, 243, 337, 342–3, 385
Carlisle, Bishop of 225
Carlisle, Earl of 75
Carrickfergus 393
Carstairs 367
Carstares, William 365, 366, 367
Cary, Francis 181
Cashel, County Tipperary 101
Cassillis, Earl of 29, 106, 107, 125–6, 127, 351
Castlemaine, Countess of see Villiers, Barbara
Catherine of Braganza 75, 83, 204 birthday celebrations 281, 282, 284, 357
Catholics at court 72–3, 79, 83 blamed for Great Fire of London 79 Charles II's conversion 407 Declarations of Indulgence 63 England 28, 54, 61–2, 74–6, 81–2 Glorious Revolution 4 Ireland 30, 89–90, 99–104, 168, 377–80, 399, 405, 410; clergy 87–8, 400–401; holding weapons 399; Irish Plot 172–4; Irish Rebellion commemorations 95; land settlement 86, 87, 92–4; loyalism 28, 404; penal laws 91–2, 132–3, 134
Scotland 29, 128–9, 169, 170, 347–56
Tory Reaction 246–9
Treaty of Dover 71 see also Exclusion Crisis; Popish Plot
Cattle Acts 1663, 1667 (Ireland) 95, 380
Causes of the Lord's Wrath (Guthrie) 110–111, 115
Cavalier Parliament 48, 61, 82, 138, 147, 247
censorship 59, 69–70, 142–3, 337–8, 419
cess 111–12
Cessnock, Sir Hugh Campbell of 365
Character of a Trimmer (Halifax) 325
Charles 17, 15, 189, 205 execution 5, 408 judges 62 and London 65–6 pardons 177 Scotland 104–5, 108–9, 410–412
Charles II 1681 declaration 260, 261, 267–71, 272, 274, 326, 390 1681 Scottish parliament 341, 343–4, 347, 356 abhorrences 277, 278 absolutism 7, 78, 419–24 arbitrary government 139 and Argyll 352 birthday celebrations 109, 281, 289, 290, 357–8 Bothwell Bridge rebellion 331–2 Catholic sympathies 72 coffee houses 70 coronation 69, 94–5, 109 Danby's pardon 176–9, 191 death 34, 407–8 Declaration of Breda 52, 425 Declarations of Indulgence 63–4, 69–70, 80, 120, 122–3, 233, 333,336–7 and English parliament 60–62, 182–3 Exclusion Crisis 146, 148, 184, 189–91, 203–5, 211, 214, 237 excommunication by Cameronians 198–9 finances 111–12 foreign policy 71–2, 165–7 French subsidy 71, 253–4, 419 Halifax 192 hedonism 46 Ireland 90–91, 92–3, 94, 100, 101, 380, 384 and James II 264 judges 62 and Lauderdale 117, 130–31 local government 294, 295, 297 loyalist addresses 276, 392 loyalist demonstrations 281, 285 mistresses 72–4, 83 monarchy 425–6 and Monmouth 162, 314, 315 and nonconformists 301 Oxford Parliament 252–6 penal laws 55–6, 77, 78, 164 personal attributes 46–7 popular support 16, 82, 83 Restoration 1, 4, 44, 68, 89, 105–6 Rye House Plot 317 Scotland 105, 106, 126–7, 131, 171, 330, 338; bishops 112–13; Highland Host 124; political union 131–2, 135; religious persecution 362, 368, 369, 371 standing army 64, 65, 174–5 succession 6, 75, 409 torture 365 and Tory Reaction 217–18, 258–9, 262 Ulster Presbyterians 405–6
Charteris, Laurence 354
Cheshire 28, 266, 275, 321, 322–3
Chesterfield 269
Chiesly, John 363–4
Church of England 28, 410 Exclusion Crisis 158–9 and loyal addresses 275 and monarchy 59 and religious persecution 307–8 Restoration settlement 52–3, 54, 55, 56, 59 Tory Reaction 246–7 trimmers 325, 326, 327 Whigs 179–82
Church of Ireland 30, 90–91, 115, 377, 410 loyalism 388, 418 Rye House Plot 402–3, 405
Church of Scotland 112–16, 120–21, 133–4, 358, 373–4, 410
civil war 5, 6, 7, II, 219–20 political and religious legacy 46–56, 83 as revolution 34–5, 37 Scotland 104–5
Clackmannan 23
Clanrickard, Earl of 396
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, first Earl of 53, 62, 71, 94, 117
Clarendon, Henry Hyde, second Earl of 27, 31, 35, 88, 149, 215
Clarendon Code 53
Clarges, Sir Thomas 238–9
Clarke, Edward 323
Claverhouse, John Graham of 331, 332, 355, 360, 361, 362, 363
Clerk, Robert 260
Cleveland, Duchess of see Villiers, Barbara
Cochrane, Lord 126
Cochrane, Sir John 126, 169–70, 364–5
Cochrane, John (son of Sir John) 364–5
coffee houses 16–17, 70, 141, 143, 145, 267–8, 291, 338
Coke, Sir Edward 27
Colchester 299
Coleman, Edward 137
Collection of Certain Horrid Murthers in Several Counties of Ireland, A 151
Committee, The (L'Estrange) 249–50
Committee of the West 126
Compton Census 1676 54
Confession of Faith 344, 349, 353, 354
Constantine, Roman emperor 25
Conventicle Act 1664 (England) 53
Conventicle Act 1670 (England) 53, 55, 65, 67, 76, 77–8, 300, 305, 306
Conventicle Act 1670 (Scotland) 121, 122, 123, 170, 333, 369
Conventicle Courant 306
conventicles 300, 301, 356, 399–400 see also field conventicles; house conventicles
Convention of Estates 108
Convention Parliament (Glorious Revolution) 5
Convention Parliament (Restoration) 1, 44, 47–8, 51, 60, 65
Conway, Earl of 96, 178, 267, 392–3
Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of
coordination 59, 156, 227–8, 231, 233
Cork, Bishop of 386
Cork, City 395
Cornish, Henry 143
Cornwall 268
Coronation Act 1567 (Scotland) 345, 346, 353, 376
Coronation of the Queen Elizabeth 144
Corporation Act 1661 53, 59, 67, 194, 294
corporations 67, 100–101, 172, 193–5, 293–300, 424
Cotton, Sir Robert 322
Council of Six 311–12
Courtenay, Sir William 398
Covenant see New-Covenant; Solemn League and Covenant
Coventry addresses and abhorrences 274, 278, 280 charter 298–9 loyalist demonstrations 320 Monmouth 288 nonconformists 29, 193–4, 308 parish constables 307
Coventry, Sir William 165, 175
Crawford, Earl of 106, 112, 116
Crewkerne, Somerset 188
Cromwell, Henry 88
Cromwell, Oliver 43 death 5 effigies 4, 69, 105, 265, 284 exhumation 48 Long Parliament 15 nostalgia for 81, 98 Scotland and Ireland 22, 86–7
Cromwell, Richard 43
Crossman, Samuel 225
Crouch, Mr 295
crowd see out-of-doors politics
Cunningham, Sir John 126
Cupar 355–6
Curtis, Jane 142
Curtis, Langley 142, 167, 173–4, 283, 301–2
Dalziel, General Tom 119
Danby, Earl of Exclusion Crisis 138 foreign policy 72 impeachment and pardon 162, 166, 175–9, 190, 191 pamphleteering 69 and parliament 61, 78, 81 succession 75–6, 146
Davies, David 98
Declaration of Breda 52, 90, 92, 425
Declarations of Indulgence 1662 (England) 63, 247 1672 (England) 63–4, 69–70, 72, 80, 102, 122–3, 130, 169, 233, 247 see also Indulgences
Delamere, Earl of 311
Delaune, Thomas 303
demonstrations see out-of-doors politics
Derby 274, 275, 281, 284, 285, 289
Derby, Earl of 318
Derbyshire 268
Dering, Edward (son of Sir Edward) 181–2
Devonshire, Earl of 62
Dialogue at Oxford 156
dialogues 218–19
Disbanding Act 1679 175
Discourses upon Government (Sidney) 223, 312, 314
dispensing power 62–3
dissenters see nonconformists divine-right monarchy 220, 223–4, 225, 233–4, 235, 258
Dixon, Margaret 48–9
Domestick Intelligence (Harris) 142
Donation of Constantine 25
Dopping, Bishop Anthony 402
dragonnades 152
Dron 355
Drummond, George 355
Drummond, Lieutenant-General Sir William 126, 371
Dublin Catholics 101, 102, 388 Huguenots 395 literacy 18 loyal address 390, 391, 392 population 380–81 Quakers 400
Dublin, County 404–5
Duddingstoun, Lord 332
Dumbarton 357
Dumfriesshire 124
Dunfermline 355
Durham 22, 264, 274, 283–4, 285
Dutch 9, 111, 164, 166–7 see also Anglo-Dutch Wars
East Sussex 306 economy Ireland 95–6, 103–4, 253, 380–81 Scotland 111–12, 119, 131
Edict of Nantes 152
Edinburgh commissioners 23 loyalist demonstrations 105–6, 109, 340–41 pope-burning 187–8, 197 Test 363
Elborough, Robert 80
elections see general elections
Elham, Kent 321
Elizabeth I 155
Ellis, Serjeant Sir William 177
England 20, 21–2, 82–4, 410 Catholic menace 163–7 Exclusion Crisis 15, 137–63, 183–96,199–205 Glorious Revolution 5–6, 8, 10–11, 14 and Ireland 25–6, 93, 95–6, 379 literacy 17–18 loss of royal prestige 68–82 newsletters 17 Oxford Parliament 252–6 parliament 22–3, 24, 419 Popish Plot 136–7 popular Toryism 263–300 population 28 radical conspiracy and Rye House Plot 309–323 religion 28–9 religious persecution 300–309, 424 Restoration 43–4, 132–3 Restoration settlement 46–56, 134–5 royal power 56–67, 174–83, 220–37, 420–23 and Scotland 22, 131–2 Tory Reaction 213–20, 237–52, 256–9, 260–62, 327–8, 329–30 trimmers 325–7 and Wales 22 Whigs and Tories 323–5
England's Alarm 165
England's Calamity 151
Essex 184–5
Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of 140, 148, 168, 190, 215, 311–12 corporations 101 death 313–14
Evelyn, John 32
Excellency of Monarchical Government, The (Johnston) 235–6
excise see customs and excise
Exclusion Bills 138, 140, 147, 148, 150, 161, 189, 253 burnt 282, 283
Exclusion Crisis 7, 11, 15, 83–4, 86, 137–9, 189–90, 203–5, 211, 409, 411 Catholic menace 163–7 general elections 183–4 Ireland 21, 171–4, 378 and local government 192–6 Oxford Parliament 252–4 popery and arbitrary government 146–63 public opinion 16, 19–20, 184–9, 191, 416 Scotland 21, 131, 168–71 sedition 199–202 Whig campaign 139–46 see also Tory Reaction
Exclusion Parliaments 182, 184, 185, 192 see also Oxford Parliament
fairgrounds 144
Feltham, Henry 98
Ferguson, Robert 311, 312, 314, 320, 397
Ferns, Bishop of see French, Nicholas
Ferrar, Richard 324
field conventicles 116, 122, 197–8 military repression 126–8 penal laws 121–2, 333, 337, 342, 347, 372
Fife 361
Filmer, Sir Robert 220–21, 222–3, 225, 226, 228
finances 60, 83, 111–12, 253–4, 412, 419
Finch, Sir Heneage 96
Fingall, Earl of 100
Fitzgerald, David 383
Five Mile Act 1665 53, 80, 300
Foley, Paul 155
foreign policy 70, 71–2, 74, 83, 165–7
Fortescue, Sir John 157
Fountainhall, Sir John Lauder of 254, 338, 342, 352, 360, 370, 396 Exclusion Crisis 200, 340 Succession Act 346
France absolutism 7, 152–3, 420, 421 Charles II's policy towards 71–2, 81, 83, 134, 165–7 and Ireland 102–3, 172–3, 382, 383, 396 Protestants 152, 395–6 and Scotland 111 threat of invasion 164–5
French, Nicholas, Bishop of Ferns 94, 100
Galway 400
Garraway, Willia 175
general elections 1679–81 Exclusion Parliaments 138, 141, 153, 167, 181, 183–4, 185–6, 192, 211–12, 263, 266 1681 Scottish parliament 341–2 1685 408
Gerard, Sir Gilbert 51
Gerard of Brandon, Lord 311
Germany 151
Glencairn, Earl of 106, 110, 112, 115, 116
Glorious Revolution 4–6, 8–16, 20, 37, 38, 426 as revolution 32, 33, 35–6 Whigs 212–13
Gloucester, Henry Stuart, Duke of 1
Goddard, Thomas 223–4, 229–30, 240–41, 249
Godfrey, Sir Edmundberry 137
Gordon, George see Aberdeen, Earl of
Gorges, Ferdinando 202
Gower, Sir Humfrey 225
Gowrie Conspiracy 110
Grafton, Duke of 278
Graham, Sir Richard 169
Grahme, Richard 267
Great Fire of London 70, 79–80, 83, 150–51, 164
Great Yarmouth 79, 274, 282, 299
Greaves, Alderman 298
Green Ribbon Club 82, 141, 144, 184
Grey, Ford, Lord Grey of Warke 141, 188–9, 310–311, 314
Grimston, Sir Harbottle 51, 177
Grisley, Sir Thomas 274
Guilford, Baron see North, Sir Francis, Baron Guilford
Gunpowder Plot 150 commemoration 95, 110, 153–4, 186–7, 281, 284
Gurney, Sir Richard 250
Gyles, Thomas 145
habeas corpus 365
Haddington, Earl of 351
Haddo, George Gordon of see Aberdeen, Earl of
Hailsham, Lord 8
Hales, Sir Edward 4 Halifax, Earl and Marquis of abhorrences 278, 279 call for sacking 192 ecclesiastical commission 218 Exclusion Crisis 148, 149, 215, 238, 240, 241 Rye House Plot 314 Scottish Test 352 succession 75 Test Bill 78 trimmers 325
Hamilton 196–7
Hamilton, Duke of 130, 169–70, 335, 342, 359–60 bond 124, 126 and Carstares 366 and Meldrum 364 Test 348, 350–51
Hampden, Richard 177
Hampshire 274
Harris, Benjamin 142, 143, 180, 192
Harvey, Marian 337
Harvey, William 361
Haslemere, Surrey 269–70
Henry II 25
Heraclitus Ridens 216, 217, 218, 243, 247, 257
Herbert, Sir Edward 326
Herbert of Ragland, Lord 308
Hereford 280
Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh 352
Hertford 309
Hertfordshire 184
Hertfordshire, Earl of 293
Hethersett, Wormley 297
Hickeringill, Edmund 159
Hickes, George 33, 228, 243–4, 248, 257
Hickman, Sir William 240
Higgins, James 296
High Commission 117–18
Highland War 9–10
Hill, Christopher 11
Hilton, George 305
Holland 9, 111, 164, 166–7, 191
Holles, Sir Denzil 51
Hone, William 313
House of Commons (England) 22–3, 63–4, 182, 203, 215, 227, 230–32
House of Commons (Ireland) 26, 27
House of Lords (England) 22, 61–2, 78, 215, 227, 230–32
House of Lords (Ireland) 26
Howard, Lord, of Escrick 311–12, 314
Huddleston, Father John 407
Huntingdon, Earl of 35, 156–7, 166, 266–7, 299
Hunton, Philip 157
Hyde, Anne 75
Hyde, Henry see Clarendon, Henry Hyde, second Earl of
Hyde, Laurence see Rochester, Laurence Hyde, Earl of
Hyde, Sir Robert 60
Impartial Protestant Mercury (Janeway) 142
impeachment 175–9
Indulgences 1669 (Scotland) 120, 122–3 1672 (Scotland) 122–3 1679 (Scotland) 333, 335, 336–7 see also Declarations of Indulgence
Interregnum 43–4, 46–56, 86–8, 105
Inverkeithing 355
Ireland 7, 20, 21–2, 85–6, 131, 132–5, 203, 377–9, 408, 410, 412, 414 absolutism 420, 421, 422 Civil War 86 economy 253 and England 25–8 Exclusion Crisis 15, 168 Glorious Revolution 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 21 Irish Plot and Plunket affair 171–4 Irish Rebellion 151–2 literacy 18 newsletters 17 parliament 26, 419–20 Popish Plot 137, 379–86 population 30–32 Protectorate 86–8 Restoration 14, 86, 88–9 Restoration settlement 89–95 royalist reaction 386–97, 418 Rye House Plot 397–406 sources of discontent 95–104, 424, 425 Tory Reaction 213, 214, 239–41
Ireland's Sad Lamentation 387
Ireton, Henry 48
Irish Convocation 91
Irish Rebellion 86, 92, 95, 151–2
Irish Town 394
Irongray, Dumfriesshire 116
Isle of Ely 323
James I (James VI of Scotland) 22, 28, 110–11
James II (James VII of Scotland) 408, 412 absolutism 422 accession 7, 34, 211, 408–9 Catholicism 6, 75–6, 81, 380 Charles II's Restoration 1 and death of Essex 313 demonstrations for and against 189, 263–4, 266, 281, 282–3, 284, 285, 288–9 Exclusion Crisis 15, 137–8, 146, 147–8, 149, 161, 191, 199, 204 French subsidy 253 Glorious Revolution 4–5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 426 hedonism 46 Irish lands 94 local government 297 and Oates 316 and Pilkington 296 Popish Plot 35 Scotland 171, 187, 240, 251–2, 330, 414; Cameronians 198, 199; first visit 333–8; second visit 338–41, 342, 343, 345, 357–9; Test 348, 349, 352 succession 83 Test Acts 54 and Tories 223
Janeway, Richard 142, 283, 292
Jeffreys, Sir George, Lord Chief Justice 191, 192, 302, 313, 316, 326
Jenkins, Sir Leoline 195, 215, 217, 225, 236
Jenks, Francis 82
Jephson, Colonel Alexander 96–7
Jesuits 136, 137, 241, 249, 381
Johnson, Samuel 159
Johnston, Dr Nathaniel 235–6
Jones, Alice 48
Jones, Edward 48
Jones, Sir Theophilus 88
Jones, Sir William 149, 158, 171, 183
JPs England 66–7, 192, 193, 195, 278–9, 293, 303, 306 Ireland 100, 101, 401–2
Julian the Apostate (Johnson) 159
Keeling, Josiah 312
Keighley, Yorkshire 321
Kéroualle, Louise de 73–4
Kerry, County 393–4
Kilkenny 394
Killing Times 371
King, William 291
Kingston, Richard 79