Kirkcudbrightshire 369
Kirkton, James 109
Lagan 389
Lambert, John 273
Lancashire 28
land settlement 86, 87, 90, 92–4, 101, 102–3, 135, 377, 380, 410, 424
land tax 111
Lane, Barbara 399
Lane, John 399
Latimer, William, Lord 176–7
Laud, Archbishop 250
Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of 33, 71, 106, 112–13, 134, 199, 360 ascendancy 116–18, 120–21, 122, 123, 124 death 359 fall 168, 169–71, 333 political enemies 129–31 and York 264, 334
law 62–4, 70–71, 228–33, 236–7, 255–6, 258, 299, 421
Lawrie, Robert 34
Learmont, James 127–8
Lee, Sir Thomas 175
Leicester 299
Leicestershire 301
Leighton, Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow 120, 122–3
Lennox, Charles, Duke of Richmond and Lennox 73
Leominster 295
L'Estrange, Edward 267
L'Estrange, Sir Roger 211, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 419 abhorrences 277 civil war and Interregnum 245, 246, 247, 289 The Committee 249–50 monarchy 227, 228, 229, 234, 256 nonconformists 244 parliament 258 revolutions 34, 35 Rye House Plot 239 Scotland 242, 329, 373 trimmers 325–6, 327 Whig demonstrations 286 Whigs and Tories 323, 417
Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland, A 96
Letter on the Subject of the Succession, A 226
Licensing Act 1662 16, 59, 70, 142
lieutenancy 66, 83, 193, 275, 293
Lifford, County Donegal 390
Limerick, County 391
Lincolnshire 305
literacy 17–19
local government 66–7, 83, 200–201, 413, 420 abhorrences 278–80 Exclusion Crisis 192–6 Ireland 379, 401–2 purge 293–300, 303, 424 Scottish Test 355–6 Tory Reaction 262, 327–8
Lockhart, Sir George 126
London abhorrences 277, 278, 280–81 Catholics 28, 163–4 disorder 65–6 elections 295–6 Exclusion Crisis 144–5, 184, 185, 186, 200 Great Fire 79–80, 83, 150–51 literacy 18 local government 193, 195 loyal addresses 268, 272–3, 276 members of parliament 23 Monmouth 188, 189 nonconformists 29 plague 79 quo warranto proceedings 296–7 religious persecution 305, 307 Rye House Plot 318–19 Tory and Whig street politics 81–2, 265, 281–3, 284, 285, 286–7, 288–9, 290, 292
London Gazette 69, 217, 264, 300, 304, 315, 419 addresses and abhorrences 271–2, 276–7 Scotland 243, 335, 336, 345
Lord Lieutenants 66, 83, 193, 275, 293
Lords of the Articles 24–5, 106, 113, 344, 349, 419
Loudon, Earl of 364–5
Louis XIV 7, 58, 132 absolutism 137, 139, 152–3 army 65 Charles II's subsidy 71–2, 166, 253–4, 419 dragonnades 118 Glorious Revolution 8 Ireland 396 threat of invasion 164–5 Whig subsidies 190, 247
Low Countries 9, 111, 164, 166–7, 191
Lowlands 29
Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Intelligence (Thompson) 216, 244–5, 289–90, 308, 384, 387, 390
Lumsden, Andrew 354
Lundin, John Drummond of 359, 360
Luttrell, Narcissus 32, 267, 291, 298, 302, 322
Lyme Regis 271, 273–4, 280, 319
Lyons, Richard 176–7
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 10
MacCarthy, Colonel Justin 396, 397
Macclesfield, Earl of 310, 311, 322
McGill, David 119
Mackenzie (of Rosehaugh), Sir George, Lord Advocate 33, 342 absolutism 375–6 oath of allegiance 333–4 penal laws 127, 363–4, 372, 373 Test 348 union with England 132
Mackenzie of Tarbat, George 108, 342, 373
Maclauchlan, Margaret 371
magistrates see JPs
Magrath, Teige 98
Manchester 284
Manchester, Earl of 51, 62, 293
Mandeville, William 197
manuscript newsletters 17, 70, 142, 145, 337–8
Mary I (Mary Tudor) 150
Mary, Princess of Orange (Charles II's sister) 76
Mary of Modena 75, 264, 334, 339, 357
mass petitioning campaigns 13
Mather, Cotton 77
Maxwell, Lord 129
May, Sir Thomas 245–6
Maybole 128
Meath, County 392
media 16–17, 19, 20, 69, 70, 142–3, 213, 214, 290–91
Meldrum, George 354
Melville, Lord 364–5
Mendham, John 297
Merchant Adventurers of England 318
Mercurius Reformatus 43
Middlesex 272–3, 277, 304, 307
Middleton, Earl of 106–7, 110, 112, 116, 359
militia England 64, 66, 293 Ireland 172 Scotland 112, 127, 355
Militia Acts (Scotland) 107–8, 121, 125, 127, 130–31, 134, 168, 375
Militia Bill 1678 175
Minchin, Charles 97–8
mistresses, Charles II's 72–4, 83
Mitchel, James 355
Mitchell, James 120, 241, 243–4
Molyneux, William 386
monarchy 12, 45, 82–3, 409, 425–6 absolutism 7, 8, 419–24 constraints on power 56–67, 83 Exclusion Crisis 155–61 finances 111–12 France 152–3 and Ireland 27–8 loss of prestige 68–82 mixed 59, 212, 231 pardons 175–9 and parliament 23, 24–5, 51, 182–3, 214 Scotland 104, 106–9, 119–20, 129, 171, 374–5 Tory Reaction 212, 220–37 Whigs 140
Monck, General George 14, 43–4, 88–9, 105
Monmouth, Duke of 1685 rebellion 200, 319, 409 Bothwell Bridge rebellion 197, 199, 331, 332 conspiracies 310–312 Coventry 299 Exclusion Crisis 140, 142, 146–7, 148, 161–3, 199 indictment and flight 314–15 London riots 66 Oxford 194 popular support 181, 188–9, 287–9 Rye House Plot 399 Scotland 171, 333, 350
Monmouthshire 28
Monro, Alexander 365
Moore, Sir John 295
Moray, Earl of 359
Mountjoy, Viscount 398
Murray, James, Laird of Philiphaugh see Philiphaugh, James Murray, Laird of
Murray, Sir Mungo 119
Murray, Sir Thomas 350
Nalson, John 226, 232, 233, 245, 257–8
Narrative of the Settlement and Sale of Ireland, A (French) 85, 94
National Covenant 105, 109, 111, 114
Naylor, James 249
Needham, Marchamont 58
Neville, Henry 149
New English 30
Newark 22
Newcastle, Duke of 68, 275–6, 279
Newmarket 281
Newport, County Mayo 400
newsletters 17, 70, 142, 145, 337–8
newspapers 69, 216, 217, 218, 290–91, 419
Nithsdale, Earl of 351
Niven (Nevin), John 338
nonconformists 50, 409–410, 424 England 28–9, 54–5, 69; in local government 193–6, 294; Rye House Plot 322–3; Tory Reaction 249–50, 257, 263, 300–309; and Whigs 179–80, 238–9 Ireland 30, 96–8, 101, 134, 378, 379, 388–9 Scotland 117–24, 347–56, 371–4 see also Baptists; penal laws; Presbyterians; Quakers
non-resistance oath 91
Norreys, Lord 307
North, Dudley 295
North, Sir Francis, Baron Guilford 215, 254 call for impeachment 191 Ireland 27–8, 35 propaganda 145, 216–17 Rye House Plot 317 as trimmer 326
North, Roger 216–17
Northampton 324–5
Northampton, Earl of 51
Northamptonshire 186, 268, 322
Northleigh, John 233, 242, 256
Northumberland 274
Northumberland, Earl of 62
Norwich 295, 298, 299, 325 address 272 clubs 141 loyalism 282, 283 nonconformists 29, 193, 309
Norwich, Bishop of 256
Nova Scotia 71
Ó Bruadair, David 94
Oates, Titus 144, 189, 194, 283 Popish Plot 136–7, 163, 204, 241, 378 scandalum magnatum trial 316
O'Bryen, Mortagh 98
Observator (L'Estrange) 216, 217, 218, 220, 419 civil war and Interregnum 289 law 256 Rye House Plot 239 Scotland 329, 373 trimmers 325 Whig demonstrations 286 Whigs and Tories 323
O'Dwyer, Thomas 98
O'Kelly, Charles 31–2
Old English XVI, 30, 31, 32, 86, 87, 99–100
Oldmixon, John 272
Onslow, Arthur 271
Orbistoun, Laird of 371
Orfeur, William 202
Orléans, Duchess of 73
Orléans, Duke of 166
Ormonde, Earl of 86, 98, 378, 379 abhorrences 278 Catholics 92, 172, 381–2, 387, 400–401, 404 Church of Ireland 388 French invasion threat 173, 383 land settlement 94 local government 401, 402 loyal addresses 318, 391–2, 393 loyalist demonstrations 390 nonconformists 372, 385, 389, 406 propaganda 217 Rye House Plot 399
Orrery, Earl of (former Lord Broghill) 88, 92, 101, 382, 383
Osborne, Henry 385
Ossory, Earl of 382
Oundle 283
out-of-doors politics 13–14, 19–20, 50 England 43, 69, 81–2; Danby's impeachment 178; Exclusion Crisis 138, 141, 144, 184–9, 190, 212, 238; Tory Reaction 219–20, 261–2, 281–92 Ireland 94–5, 387–8, 389–90 Scotland 338–41
Oxenden, Sir Henry 271
Oxford 141, 187, 188, 194, 274, 289, 319, 320
Oxford Parliament 147, 161, 187, 200, 205 Charles II's declaration 253–6 dissolution 211, 252–4, 413 elections 266, 303
parliament (England) 22–3 Danby's impeachment 166, 175–9 Exclusion Crisis 7, 11, 138, 140–41, 147, 155, 156, 191–2 Glorious Revolution 5, 8 and Ireland 26–7, 102 Irish representation 87 and monarchy 59, 60–62, 63–4, 78, 80, 83, 182–3, 203, 205, 214, 227–8, 230–31, 419, 420 and out-of-doors politics 81–2 Restoration 1, 15, 47–8, 51 Rump 43–4 and Scotland 130–32 standing army 64–5, 175 Tories 250, 257–8 Whigs 250 see also Oxford Parliament
parliament (Ireland) 26, 89, 93, 95
parliament (Scotland) 23–5, 330, 411 1681 341–7, 413–14 and monarchy 111–12, 129 political and religious settlement 106–9, 113–14
Parnell, Thomas 393
passive resistance 229–30, 234, 402–3
Paterson, John, Bishop of Edinburgh 34, 336, 348
Patriarcha (Filmer) 220–21, 222–3, 225, 226, 228
Patrick, Simon 325
Pauling, Robert 194
Pearson, Richard 257
Peebles 362
Peirson, Mr 370
Pelling, Edward 219, 220, 248–9
penal laws England 53–4, 55–6, 67, 74–5, 76–8, 79, 164, 179–80, 192 Ireland 92, 103, 134 Scotland 117–18, 347–56 see also Declarations of Indulgence
Pennington, Isaac 250
Pentland rebellion 97, 118–20, 129, 134
Perth 361
Perth, Earl of 335, 359, 360, 369
Peterborough, Earl of 51
Petition of Right 1628 65, 175
Philiphaugh, James Murray, Laird of 367
Plain Dealing is a Jewel 232–3, 237, 245, 251
Plato Redivivus 149
Player, Sir Thomas 199
plays 144
Plea for Succession, A 245, 252
Plunket, Dr Oliver, Archbishop of Armagh 103, 173
Pomfret, Thomas 228–9
pope-burnings 81–2, 95, 186–8, 197, 265, 285–7, 339, 352
popery see Catholics
Popish Plot 6, 136–7, 139, 163, 173, 204, 249, 411 Ireland 102, 172, 378, 379–86 Monmouth 162 Scotland 241 York 35, 146, 147, 148
Portman, Sir William 267
Portsmouth, Duchess of see Kéroualle, Louise de
Poynings’ Law 26, 89, 93, 419–20
presbyter-burnings 282, 283, 285, 289, 319–20
Presbyterians England 28, 52, 410; and monarchy 51; Restoration settlement 53, 55–6; Tory Reaction 239 Ireland 30, 91, 99 Scotland 29, 104, 105, 368–9, 410; Bothwell Bridge rebellion 169–70, 196–9; Highland Host 124–5; Lauderdale's strategy 117, 120–29, 134; Pentland rebellion 118–20, 129; Restoration Day 110; Restoration settlement 53, 106, 108, 109, 112–13, 114–15; Tory Reaction 241–4 see also Cameronians; Ulster Presbyterians
Preston, Viscount 396
Prestonpans 354–5
Pride, Colonel Thomas 15, 48, 50
Pritchard, Sir William 295
privy council, remodelling of 190, 215
Prospect of a Popish Successor, A 153
Protestant Association 239, 242, 391, 394 abhorrences 277–81 burned 282, 283, 284
Protestant (Domestick) Intelligence, The (Harris) 142
Protestant Intelligence (Smith) 142
Protestants Europe 164, 167 Ireland 26, 27, 30, 86–7, 89–90, 104; cattle trade 96; corporations 92; Irish Rebellion commemorations 95; land settlement 92, 93, 102 Scotland 29 see also Church of England; Church of Ireland; Church of Scotland; Huguenots; nonconformists
Pryor, John 399
public opinion 17–20, 195–6 addresses and abhorrences266–81 authenticity and mobilization 414–19 loyalism before Oxford Parliament 263 Tory Reaction 212, 213, 214–20, 261–2, 327–8, 412–13 see also out-of-doors politics
Putt, Sir Thomas 267
Quaker Act 1662 53
Quakers England 28, 29, 52, 55; persecution 76, 77, 284, 301, 302–3 Ireland 389, 400
Queensberry, Earl of 130, 335, 350, 351, 359, 360, 370,373
Queensferry 355
Quinlyn, Daniell 98
quo warranto proceedings 296–8, 319
Radford, Joseph 295
Radnor, Earl of 218
Ramsey, James 105
Rawdon, Sir George 393
Raymond, Sheriff 266
Reading 275, 280, 318, 320, 321, 324
regium donum 99
Renwick, James 367
republicanism 48–50, 80–81, 82–3, 97–8, 148–9
Reresby, Sir John 264, 275–6, 277, 279, 291
Restoration 1, 4, 6, 14–15, 20–21, 37, 132–5, 409–410 England: hedonism 46; opposition 48–50; political and religious settlement 47–8, 51–6, 83; popular support 43–4, 45, 82–3 Ireland 85–6, 88–95 as revolution 32–4, 35 Scotland 85, 104–116
Restoration Day 1, 3, 68–9 England 281, 283–4, 285, 289, 290–91 Ireland 94–5, 389, 390 Scotland 109, 113, 115, 340
Rich, Sir Peter 296
Richmond, Yorkshire 274
Rider, Matthew 224, 225–6, 228, 236–7
ridicule 244–5
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 72, 73
Rochester, Laurence Hyde, Earl of 215, 218
Roman Catholicism see Catholics
Rosewell, Thomas 302
Rothes, Earl of 106, 112, 117, 119, 120, 123, 130, 334, 339, 340, 342
Roundheads, The (Behn) 244
Roxburghshire 368–9
Royal Charles 71
Rullion Green 118
Rumbold, Richard 312
Rump Parliament 15, 43–4, 88–9
Russell, William, Lord 32, 159 Exclusion Crisis 139–40, 145,149–50 Rye House Plot 160–61, 310–312, 313, 316
Rutherford, Samuel 111
Rutherglen declaration 137, 196, 361
Rutland 268
Rye 295
Rye House Plot 161, 200, 234, 239, 261, 311–17, 416 Ireland 379, 384, 397–406 responses 317–23 Scotland 364–7 thanksgiving sermons 217, 228–9
Sacheverell, William 146, 166, 169, 298
Sage, John 116
St Ives, Huntingdonshire 298
Salisbury 186, 268, 283, 286, 287, 301
Salisbury, Earl of 75
Saltash, Cornwall 194
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 223
Sanquhar declaration 337, 361, 385, 386
Scotland 15, 20, 21–2, 85–6, 104–5, 132–5, 203, 329, 330, 408, 410, 411–12 1681 parliament 341–7, 413–14 arbitrary government 129–32, 420–21, 422 bias against 80 Bothwell Bridge rebellion and Cameronians 196–9, 331–3 and England 22 Glorious Revolution 5, 6, 8–10, 12, 14, 21, 36 Lauderdale's ascendancy 97, 116–29 Lauderdale's fall 168–71 literacy 18 loyalism 417–18 newsletters 17 parliament 23–5, 419 persecution and the law 359–76, 424 pope-burning processions 187–8 population 29 Restoration 14–15, 105–6 Restoration settlement 106–116 Test 347–56 Tory Reaction 213, 214, 239–44 York's visits 191, 251–2, 333–41, 357–9
Scott, Walter, Earl of Tarras see Tarras, Earl of
Scroggs, Lord Chief Justice Sir William 142, 147, 189, 191, 192
Seaforth, Earl of 112
Second Treatise of Government (Locke) 33
seditious libel 191, 200–201, 215, 418–19
Selkirk 362
semiplena probatio 365–6
sermons 19, 69–70 Exclusion Crisis 143–4, 153–4 Great Fire of London and plague 79–80 Tory Reaction 217–18, 219, 228–9, 256–7
Seymour, Sir Edward 148, 192, 215, 218, 240
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of 1675 Test Bill 78 absolutism 56 Cabal 71 Cavalier Parliament 82, 247 conspiracies 310–311 customs and excise 253 Danby's impeachment 178–9 Declarations of Indulgence 63, 233 effigies 282, 320, 390 Exclusion Crisis 144, 146, 147, 153, 162, 163, 168, 171, 239, 241, 242 Ireland 88–9, 103, 172–3, 378, 381 as Lord President 190 peerage 62 in privy council 215 Protestant Association 277, 279, 391 religion 179 Restoration 51 Scotland 130–31 Stop of the Exchequer 60 succession 75 Swan club 141 treason charges 195, 200, 287, 294 Whigs 139–40, 141
Sharp, James, Archbishop of St Andrews 113, 117, 120, 123 murder 196, 241, 242–3, 330, 363, 385
Sharp, John 325
Sheffield 306–7
Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury 69–70
Sheldon, Ralph 4
Sherlock, William 218, 234, 236
Sherwin, John 298
Shields, Alexander 35, 109, 118–19, 372
Shrimpton, Henry 399
Sidney, Algernon 32, 97, 140, 148, 158, 171, 183 conspiracies 312, 314, 316 Discourses 223
Skein, James 243
Skelton, Mr 194
Slingsby, Sir Thomas 279
Smith, Francis 142, 166–7, 283
Smith, John 267
Smith, Margaret 116
Smithfields 144
Snaith 163
Solemn League and Covenant 91, 105, 108, 114 burned 69, 282, 283, 284
Somers, John 155
Southwark 266, 273, 276, 304, 305, 327
Spanish Armada 150
Speke, George 323
Speke, Hugh 184
Stafford 145
Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount 344, 349, 350, 366
standing army 50, 420 England 64–5, 78, 80, 84, 126, 150, 174–5, 176 Scotland 107–8, 112, 124–6, 127, 168–9, 346
Standish, John 256–7
Stationers' Company 419
Stepkins, Peter 396
Stirling 369
Stone, Lawrence 11
Stonehouse, Laird of 355
Strafford, Earl of 250
street politics see out-of-doors politics
Strode, William 323
Stuart, Frances 73
Stuart, Henry see Gloucester, Henry Stuart, Duke of
Stuart, James see James II
Stuart dynasty 5, 6, 28, 80, 99, 240
Studholme, Cuthbert 48
succession 75–6, 134, 226, 375, 409 see also Exclusion Crisis
Succession Act 1681 (Scotland) 345–6, 351, 361, 376, 413
Suffolk, Earl of 293
Sunderland, Earl of 266, 278, 287, 313
Surinam 71
Surrey 275
suspending power 333
Sussex 323
Sutherland, Earl of 351
Talbot, Peter, Archbishop of Dublin 172
Talbot, Richard, Earl of Tyrconnell 34, 101, 172
Talbot, Sir William 383
Tangier 148
Tantivees 180
Tarras, Earl of 367
Taunton 141, 186, 275, 285, 305, 320–21, 323
Taunton-Dean, Somerset 286
Temple, Mr 127–8
Temple, Sir Richard 33
Temple Bar 144
Tenison, Thomas 325
Test Act 1678 22, 54, 62, 74–5, 237
Test Act 1681 (Scotland) 347–56, 359, 360, 361, 363
Test Bill 1675 78
Thames watermen 318
Thetford, Norfolk 297
Thirty Years War 151
Thompson, Nathaniel 216, 244–5, 274, 287, 289–91, 308 Ireland 384, 387, 390 Rump-burning 265 Scotland 243, 252, 345
Thorogood, Sir Benjamin 228, 251
Tidewell, Stephen 320–21
Tillotson, Dr John 148, 274, 325
Tilly (Tool), Mr 396–7
Titus, Colonel 150
Tonge, Dr Israel 137
Tories 323–5 before Oxford Parliament 263–6 clergy 180 general elections 183–4, 408
torture 365–6
Torwood conventicle 198–9, 337
Tory Reaction 11, 21, 138, 200–201, 211–14, 258–9, 260–62, 329–30, 424–5 absolutism 23, 220–37, 256–8 addresses and abhorrences 266–81, 395 Ireland 379 local government purge 293–300 nonconformists 76, 300–309 out-of-doors politics 281–92 popery and arbitrary government 237–52 public opinion 7, 214–20, 327–8,389–90, 412–13, 417, 419 Rye House Plot 317–22 street politics 281–92
Totty, John 383
trade 96, 111–12, 131, 253, 380
Treatise of Monarchy (Hunton) 157
Treaty of Dover 71
Treaty of Newport 51
Treaty of Nijmegen 165
Trevelyan, G. M. 10
Triennial Act 1640 (Scotland) 107
Triennial Act 1641 (England) 51
Triennial Act 1664 (England) 51, 419, 421
trimmers 325–7
Trinity College, Dublin 26
True Protestant Mercury (Curtis) 142, 167, 173–4, 290
Tunbridge Wells, Kent 145
Turner, Sir James 118
Turney, John 295
Tweeddale, Earl of 359
Two Treatises of Government (Locke) 161, 223, 312
Tyrconnell, Earl of see Talbot, Richard, Earl of Tyrconnell
Ulster Presbyterians 30, 91, 97, 116, 134, 405–6 Bothwell Bridge Rebellion 378, 385–6 regium donum 99 Rye House Plot 398–400
United Provinces 9, 111, 164, 166–7, 191
University of Oxford 317
Vaughan, Edward 177
Verney, John 267
Vernon, Rev. 145
Vernon, James 175
Vesey, John 402–3
Vickris, Richard 302
Villiers, Barbara 72–4
Vincent, Mr 48
Vindication of Addresses 260
Vox Angliae 268
Wade, Nathaniel 314
Wakeman, Sir George 189
Waller, Sir William 265
Ward, Sir Patience 151
Wariston, Earl of 111
Warminster, Wiltshire 287
Wars of the Roses 238
Warwick, Sir Philip 57, 58, 224, 226, 231
Warwickshire 185
Waterford 102, 391–2, 398, 403
Weekly Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity, The 216
Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome (Care) 142, 144, 191
Weir, Major 244
Wells, Somerset 279
Welsh, John 128
Wentworth, Anne 44–5
West, Robert 312
Westminster 23, 28, 265, 273, 281–2
Weston, Richard 191
Wexford 392
Wharton, Lord 141
whiggamore 241
Whigs 241, 323–5 Church of England 179–82 Exclusion Crisis 7, 21, 86, 138, 139–63, 167, 189–90, 191–2, 199–201, 203–5 and Filmer 223 general elections 183–4, 408 Green Ribbon Club 82 Ireland 171–4, 384 local government 193, 278–9, 293, 294–7, 298–9, 413 out-of-doors politics 184–9, 285–92 parliament 23, 182–3, 227 public opinion 416–17 radical conspiracy and Rye House Plot 309–317, 319, 320–21 Scotland 168–71, 358–9 Tory Reaction 211, 212–13, 215, 237–9, 250–51, 258, 260–62, 328, 388
Whitaker, Edward 202
Whitekirk, Haddingtonshire 127–8
Wicklow, County 392
Wild, Gervase 298
William III (of Orange) (William II of Scotland) Exclusion Crisis 149, 162 Glorious Revolution 4, 5–6, 9–10, 14, 36 marriage 75–6
Wilson, James 364
Wilson, Margaret 371
Winnington, Sir Francis 169, 177–8
Withens, Sir Francis 191
Wodrow, Robert 113, 124, 125, 329, 333, 340, 355, 362, 368, 371–2
women and franchise 228
Woodbridge, Suffolk 287
Wyche, Sir Cyril 131
Yarmouth, Earl of 299
York 65, 76, 141, 184, 195, 264, 284, 299
York, Duchess of see Mary of Modena
York, James Stuart, Duke of see James II