Chapter 13. Data Persistence

I want my programs to be able to share their data, or even reuse those data on their next run. For big applications, that might mean that I use a database server such as PostgreSQL or MariaDB, but that also means every application needs access to the database, whether that involves getting the permission to use it or being online to reach it. There are plenty of books that cover those solutions, but not many cover the other situations that don’t need that level of infrastructure.

In this chapter, I cover the lightweight solutions that don’t require a database server or a central resource. Instead, I can store data in regular files and pass those around liberally. I don’t need to install a database server, add users, create a web service, or keep everything running. My program output can become the input for the next program in a pipeline.

Perl-Specific Formats

Perl-specific formats output data that makes sense only to a single programming language and are practically useless to other programming languages. That’s not to say that some other programmer can’t read it, just that they might have to do a lot of work to create a parser to understand it.

The pack built-in takes data and turns it into a single string according to a template that I provide. It’s similar to sprintf, although as the pack name suggests, the output string uses space as efficiently as it can:


my $packed = pack( 'NCA*',  31415926, 32, 'Perl' );

print 'Packed string has length [' . length( $packed ) . "]\n";
print "Packed string is [$packed]\n";

The string that pack creates in this case is shorter than just stringing together the characters that make up the data, and it is certainly not as easy to read for humans:

Packed string has length [9]
Packed string is [öˆ Perl]

The format string NCA* has one (Latin) letter for each of the rest of my arguments to pack, with an optional modifier, in this case the *, after the last letter. My template tells pack how I want to store my data. The N treats its argument as a network-order unsigned long. The C treats its argument as an unsigned char, and the A treats its argument as an ASCII character. After the A I use a * as a repeat count to apply it to all the characters in its argument. Without the *, I would only pack the first character in Perl.

Once I have my packed string, I can write it to a file, send it over a socket, or do anything else I can with a chunk of data. When I want to get back my data, I use unpack with the same template string:

my( $long, $char, $ascii ) = unpack( "NCA*", $packed );

print <<"HERE";
Long: $long
Char: $char
ASCII: $ascii

As long as I’ve done everything correctly, I get back the data I started with:

Long: 31415926
Char: 32

There are many other formats I can use in the template string, including many sorts of number format and storage. If I want to inspect a string to see exactly what’s in it, I can unpack it with the H format to turn it into a hex string. I don’t have to unpack the string in $packed with the same template I used to create it:

my $hex = unpack( "H*", $packed );
print "Hex is [$hex]\n";

I can now see the hex values for the individual bytes in the string:

Hex is [01df5e76205065726c]

With almost no effort I can serialize Perl data structures as (mostly) human-readable text. The Data::Dumper module, which comes with Perl, turns its arguments into Perl source code in a way that I can later turn back into the original data. I give its Dumper function a list of references to stringify:


use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

my %hash = qw(
    Fred    Flintstone
    Barney  Rubble

my @array = qw(Fred Barney Betty Wilma);

print Dumper( \%hash, \@array );

The program outputs text that represents the data structures as Perl code:

$VAR1 = {
    'Barney' => 'Rubble',
    'Fred' => 'Flintstone'
$VAR2 = [

I have to remember to pass it references to hashes or arrays; otherwise, Perl passes Dumper a flattened list of the elements, and Dumper won’t be able to preserve the data structures. If I don’t like the variable names, I can specify my own. I give Data::Dumper->new an anonymous array of the references to dump and a second anonymous array of the names to use for them:


use Data::Dumper;

my %hash = qw(
    Fred    Flintstone
    Barney  Rubble

my @array = qw(Fred Barney Betty Wilma);

my $dd = Data::Dumper->new(
    [ \%hash, \@array ],
    [ qw(hash array) ]

print $dd->Dump;

I can then call the Dump method on the object to get the stringified version. Now my references have the name I gave them:

$hash = {
    'Barney' => 'Rubble',
    'Fred' => 'Flintstone'
$array = [

The stringified version isn’t the same as what I had in the program, though. I had a hash and an array before, but now I have scalars that hold references to those data types. If I prefix my names with an asterisk in my call to Data::Dumper->new, Data::Dumper stringifies the data with the right names and types:

my $dd = Data::Dumper->new(
    [ \%hash, \@array ],
    [ qw(*hash *array) ]

The stringified version no longer has references:

%hash = (
    'Barney' => 'Rubble',
    'Fred' => 'Flintstone'
@array = (

I can then read these stringified data back into the program, or even send them to another program. It’s already Perl code, so I can use the string form of eval to run it. I’ve saved the previous output in data-dumped.txt, and now I want to load it into my program. By using eval in its string form, I execute its argument in the same lexical scope. In my program I define %hash and @array as lexical variables but don’t assign anything to them. Those variables get their values through the eval, and strict has no reason to complain:

use strict;

my $data = do {
    if( open my $fh, '<', 'data-dumped.txt' ) { local $/; <$fh> }
    else { undef }

my %hash;
my @array;

eval $data;

print "Fred's last name is $hash{Fred}\n";

Since I dumped the variables to a file, I can also use do. We covered this partially in Intermediate Perl, although in the context of loading subroutines from other files. We advised against it then, because require or use work better for that. In this case we’re reloading data and the do built-in has some advantages over eval. For this task, do takes a filename, and it can search through the directories in @INC to find that file. When it finds it, it updates %INC with the path to the file. This is almost the same as require, but do will reparse the file every time, whereas require or use only do that the first time. They both set %INC, so they know when they’ve already seen the file and don’t need to do it again. Unlike require or use, do doesn’t mind returning a false value, either. If do can’t find the file, it returns undef and sets $! with the error message. If it finds the file but can’t read or parse it, it returns undef and sets $@. I modify my previous program to use do:

use strict;

use Data::Dumper;

my $file = "data-dumped.txt";
print "Before do, \$INC{$file} is [$INC{$file}]\n";

no strict 'vars';

do $file;
print "After do, \$INC{$file} is [$INC{$file}]\n";

print "Fred's last name is $hash{Fred}\n";

When I use do, I lose out on one important feature of eval. Since eval executes the code in the current context, it can see the lexical variables that are in scope. Since do can’t do that, it’s not strict safe and it can’t populate lexical variables.

I find the dumping method especially handy when I want to pass around data in email. One program, such as a CGI program, collects the data for me to process later. I could stringify the data into some format and write code to parse that later, but it’s much easier to use Data::Dumper, which can also handle objects. I use my Business::ISBN module to parse a book number, then use Data::Dumper to stringify the object, so I can use the object in another program. I save the dump in isbn-dumped.txt:


use Business::ISBN;
use Data::Dumper;

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '0596102062' );

my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [ $isbn ], [ qw(isbn) ] );

open my $fh, '>', 'isbn-dumped.txt'
    or die "Could not save ISBN: $!";

print $fh $dd->Dump();

When I read the object back into a program, it’s like it’s been there all along, since Data::Dumper outputs the data inside a call to bless:

$isbn = bless( {
     'common_data' => '0596102062',
     'publisher_code' => '596',
     'group_code' => '0',
     'input_isbn' => '0596102062',
     'valid' => 1,
     'checksum' => '2',
     'type' => 'ISBN10',
     'isbn' => '0596102062',
     'article_code' => '10206',
     'prefix' => ''
   }, 'Business::ISBN10' );

I don’t need to do anything special to make it an object, but I still need to load the appropriate module to be able to call methods on the object. Just because I can bless something into a package doesn’t mean that package exists or has anything in it:


use Business::ISBN;

my $data = do {
    if( open my $fh, '<', 'isbn_dumped.txt' ) { local $/; <$fh> }
    else { undef }

my $isbn;

eval $data;  # Add your own error handling

print "The ISBN is ", $isbn->as_string, "\n";

The Data::Dumper module might not be enough for every task, and there are several other modules on CPAN that do the same job a bit differently. The concept is the same: turn data into text files and later turn the text files back into data. I can try to dump an anonymous subroutine with Data::Dumper:

use Data::Dumper;

my $closure = do {
    my $n = 10;

    sub { return $n++ }

print Dumper( $closure );

I don’t get back anything useful, though. Data::Dumper knows it’s a subroutine, but it can’t say what it does:

$VAR1 = sub { "DUMMY" };

The Data::Dump::Streamer module can handle this situation to a limited extent:

use Data::Dump::Streamer;

my $closure = do {
    my $n = 10;

    sub { return $n++ }

print Dump( $closure );

Since Data::Dump::Streamer serializes all of the code references in the same scope, all of the variables to which they refer show up in the same scope. There are some ways around that, but they may not always work:

my ($n);
$n = 10;
$CODE1 = sub {
    return $n++;

If I don’t like the variables Data::Dumper has to create, I might want to use Data::Dump, which simply creates the data:

use Business::ISBN;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '144939311X' );

print dump( $isbn );

The output is almost just like that from Data::Dumper, although it is missing the $VARn stuff:

  article_code => 9311,
  checksum => "X",
  common_data => "144939311X",
  group_code => 1,
  input_isbn => "144939311X",
  isbn => "144939311X",
  prefix => "",
  publisher_code => 4493,
  type => "ISBN10",
  valid => 1,
}, "Business::ISBN10")

When I eval this, I won’t create any variables. I have to store the result of the eval to use the variable. The only way to get back my object is to assign the result of eval to $isbn:


use Business::ISBN;

my $data = do {
    if( open my $fh, '<', 'data_dump.txt' ) { local $/; <$fh> }
    else { undef }

my $isbn = eval $data; # Add your own error handling

print "The ISBN is ", $isbn->as_string, "\n";

There are several other modules on CPAN that can dump data, so if I don’t like any of these formats I have many other options.

The Storable module is one step up from the human-readable data dumps from the last section. The output it produces might be human-decipherable, but in general it’s not for human eyes. The module is mostly written in C, and part of this exposes the architecture on which I built perl, and the byte order of the data will depend on the underlying architecture in some cases. On a big-endian machine I’ll get different output than on a little-endian machine. I’ll get around that in a moment.

The store function serializes the data and puts it in a file. Storable treats problems as exceptions (meaning it tries to die rather than recover), so I wrap the call to its functions in eval and look at the eval error variable $@ to see if something serious went wrong. More minor errors, such as output errors, don’t die and return undef, so I check those too and find the error in $! if it was related to something with the system (i.e., couldn’t open the output):


use Business::ISBN;
use Storable qw(store);

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '0596102062' );

my $result = eval { store( $isbn, 'isbn_stored.dat' ) };

if( defined $@ and length $@ )
    { warn "Serious error from Storable: $@" }
elsif( not defined $result )
    { warn "I/O error from Storable: $!" }

When I want to reload the data I use retrieve. As with store, I wrap my call in eval to catch any errors. I also add another check in my if structure to ensure I get back what I expect, in this case a Business::ISBN object:


use Business::ISBN;
use Storable qw(retrieve);

my $isbn = eval { retrieve( 'isbn_stored.dat' ) };

if( defined $@ and length $@ )
    { warn "Serious error from Storable: $@" }
elsif( not defined $isbn )
    { warn "I/O error from Storable: $!" }
elsif( not eval { $isbn->isa( 'Business::ISBN' ) } )
    { warn "Didn't get back Business::ISBN object\n" }

print "I loaded the ISBN ", $isbn->as_string, "\n";

To get around this machine-dependent format, Storable can use network order, which is architecture-independent and is converted to the local order as appropriate. For that, Storable provides the same function names with a prepended n. Thus, to store the data in network order I use nstore. The retrieve function figures it out on its own, so there is no nretrieve function. In this example, I also use Storable’s functions to write directly to filehandles instead of a filename. Those functions have fd in their name:

my $result = eval { nstore( $isbn, 'isbn_stored.dat' ) };

open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Could not open $file: $!";
my $result = eval{ nstore_fd $isbn, $fh };

my $result = eval{ nstore_fd $isbn, \*STDOUT  };
my $result = eval{ nstore_fd $isbn, \*SOCKET  };

$isbn = eval { fd_retrieve(\*SOCKET) };

Now that you’ve seen filehandle references as arguments to Storable’s functions, I need to mention that it’s the data from those filehandles that Storable affects, not the filehandles themselves. I can’t use these functions to capture the state of a filehandle or socket that I can magically use later. That just doesn’t work, no matter how many people ask about it on mailing lists.

Freezing Data

The Storable module can also freeze data into a scalar. I don’t have to store it in a file or send it to a filehandle; I can keep it in memory, although serialized. I might store that in a database or do something else with it. To turn it back into a data structure, I use thaw:


use Business::ISBN;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw(nfreeze thaw);

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '0596102062' );

my $frozen = eval { nfreeze( $isbn ) };

if( $@ ) { warn "Serious error from Storable: $@" }

my $other_isbn = thaw( $frozen ); # add your own error handling

print "The ISBN is ", $other_isbn->as_string, "\n";

This has an interesting use. Once I serialize the data, it’s completely disconnected from the variables in which I was storing it. All of the data are copied and represented in the serialization. When I thaw it, the data come back into a completely new data structure that knows nothing about the previous data structure.

Before I show this copying, I’ll show a shallow copy, in which I copy the top level of the data structure, but the lower levels are the same references. This is a common error in copying data. I think they are distinct copies, but later I discover that a change to the copy also changes the original.

I’ll start with an anonymous array that comprises two other anonymous arrays. I want to look at the second value in the second anonymous array, which starts as Y. I look at that value in the original, and the copy before and after I make a change in the copy. I make the shallow copy by dereferencing $AoA and using its elements in a new anonymous array. Again, this is the naïve approach, but I’ve seen it quite a bit and probably have even done it myself a couple or 50 times:


my $AoA = [
    [ qw( a b ) ],
    [ qw( X Y ) ],

# Make the shallow copy
my $shallow_copy = [ @$AoA ];

# Check the state of the world before changes
show_arrays( $AoA, $shallow_copy );

# Now, change the shallow copy
$shallow_copy->[1][1] = "Foo";

# Check the state of the world after changes
show_arrays( $AoA, $shallow_copy );

print "\nOriginal: $AoA->[1]\nCopy: $shallow_copy->[1]\n";

sub show_arrays {
    foreach my $ref ( @_ ) {
        print "Element [1,1] is $ref->[1][1]\n";

When I run the program, I see from the output that the change to $shallow_copy also changes $AoA. When I print the stringified version of the reference for the corresponding elements in each array, I see that they are actually references to the same data:

Element [1,1] is Y
Element [1,1] is Y
Element [1,1] is Foo
Element [1,1] is Foo

Original: ARRAY(0x790c9320)
Copy: ARRAY(0x790c9320)

To get around the shallow copy problem I can make a deep copy by freezing and immediately thawing, and I don’t have to do any work to figure out the data structure. Once the data are frozen, they no longer have any connection to the source. I use nfreeze to get the data in network order, just in case I want to send it to another machine:

use Storable qw(nfreeze thaw);

my $deep_copy = thaw( nfreeze( $isbn ) );

This is so useful that Storable provides the dclone function to do it in one step:

use Storable qw(dclone);

my $deep_copy = dclone $isbn;

Storable is much more interesting and useful than I’ve shown in this section. It can also handle file locking and has hooks to integrate it with classes, so I can use its features for my objects. See the Storable documentation for more details.

The Clone::Any module by Matthew Simon Cavalletto provides the same functionality through a façade to several different modules that can make deep copies. With Clone::Any’s unifying interface, I don’t have to worry about which module I actually use, or which is installed on a remote system (as long as one of them is):

use Clone::Any qw(clone);

my $deep_copy = clone( $isbn );

Storable has a couple of huge security problems related to Perl’s (and Perl programmers’!) trusting nature.

If you look in Storable.xs, you’ll find a couple of instances of a call to load_module. Depending on what you’re trying to deserialize, Storable might load a module without you explicitly asking for it. When Perl loads a module, it can run code right away. I know a file with the right name loads, but I don’t know if it’s the code I intend.

My Perl module can define serialization hooks that replace the default behavior of Storable with my own. I can serialize the object myself and give Storable the octets it should store. Along with that, I can take the octets from Storable and re-create the object myself. Perhaps I want to reconnect to a resource as I rehydrate the object.

Storable notes the presence of a hook with a flag set in the serialization string. As it deserializes and notices that flag, it loads that module to look for the corresponding STORABLE_thaw method.

The same thing happens for classes that overload operators. Storable sets a flag, and when it notices that flag, it loads the overload module too. It might need it when it re-creates the objects.

It doesn’t really matter that a module actually defines hooks or uses overload. The only thing that matters is that the serialized data sets those flags. If I store my data through the approved interface, bugs aside, I should be fine. If I want to trick Storable, though, I can make my own data and set whatever bits I like. If I can get you to load a module, I’m one step closer to taking over your program.

I can also construct a special hash serialization that tricks perl into running a method. If I use the approved interface to serialize a hash, I know that a key is unique and will only appear in the serialization once.

Again, I can muck with the serialization myself to construct something that Storable would not make itself. I can make a Storable string that repeats a key in a hash:

use v5.14;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Data::Printer;

say "Storable version ", Storable->VERSION;

package Foo {
    sub DESTROY { say "DESTROY while exiting for ${$_[0]}" };

my $data;
my $frozen = do {
    my $pristine = do {
        local *Foo::DESTROY = sub {
            say "DESTROY while freezing for ${$_[0]}" };
        $data = {
            'key1' => bless( \ (my $n = 'abc'), 'Foo' ),
            'key2' => bless( \ (my $m = '123'), 'Foo' ),
        say "Saving...";
        freeze( $data );
    $pristine =~ s/key2/key1/r;

my $unfrozen = do {
    say "Retrieving...";
    local *Foo::DESTROY = sub {
        say "DESTROY while inflating for ${$_[0]}" };
    thaw( $frozen );

say "Done retrieving, showing hash...";

p $unfrozen;

say "Exiting next...";

In the first do block, I create a hash with key1 and key2, both of which point to scalar references I blessed into Foo. I freeze that and immediately change the serialization to replace the literal key2 with key1. I can do that because I know things about the serialization and how the keys show up in it. The munged version ends up in $frozen.

When I want to thaw that string, I create a local version of DESTROY to watch what happens. In the output I see that while inflating, it handles one instance of key1 then destroys it when it handles the next one. At the end I have a single key in the hash:

% perl
Storable version 2.41
DESTROY while inflating for abc
Done retrieving, showing hash...
Exiting next...
DESTROY while exiting for 123
DESTROY while exiting for 123
DESTROY while exiting for abc
\ {

    key1   Foo  {
        public methods (1) : DESTROY
        private methods (0)
        internals: 123

If I haven’t already forced Storable to load a module, I might be able to use the DESTROY method from a class that I know is already loaded. One candidate is the core module It includes the CGITempFile class, which tries to unlink a file when it cleans up an object:

    my($self) = @_;
    $$self =~ m!^([a-zA-Z0-9_ \'\":/.\$\\~-]+)$! || return;
    my $safe = $1;             # untaint operation
    unlink $safe;              # get rid of the file

Although this method untaints the filename, remember that taint checking is not a prophylactic; it’s a development tool. Untainting whatever I put in $$self isn’t going to stop me from deleting a file—including, perhaps, the Storable file I used to deliver my malicious payload., one of Perl’s big supporters, developed a new serialization format that avoids some of Storable’s problems. But the site developers wanted to preserve some special Perl features in their format, including references, aliases, objects, and regular expressions. And although it started in Perl, they’ve set it up so it doesn’t have to stay there. Best of all, they made it really fast.

The module use is simple. The encoders and decoders are separate by design, but I only need to load Sereal to get Sereal::Encoder:

use Sereal;

my $data       = ...;
my $encoder    = Sereal::Encoder->new;
my $serealized = $encoder->encode( $data );

To go the other way, I use Sereal::Decoder:

my $decoder      = Sereal::Decoder->new;
my $unserealized = $decoder->decode( $serealized );

In the previous section, I showed that Storable had a problem with duplicated keys. Here’s the same program using Sereal:

use v5.14;
use Sereal;
use Data::Printer;

say "Sereal version ", Sereal->VERSION;

package Foo {
    sub DESTROY { say "DESTROY while exiting for ${$_[0]}" };

my $data;
my $frozen = do {
    my $pristine = do {
        local *Foo::DESTROY = sub {
            say "DESTROY while freezing for ${$_[0]}" };
        $data = {
            'key1' => bless( \ (my $n = 'abc'), 'Foo' ),
            'key2' => bless( \ (my $m = '123'), 'Foo' ),
        say "Saving...";
        Sereal::Encoder->new->encode( $data );
    $pristine =~ s/key2/key1/r;

my $unfrozen = do {
    say "Retrieving...";
    local *Foo::DESTROY = sub {
        say "DESTROY while inflating for ${$_[0]}" };
    Sereal::Decoder->new->decode( $frozen );

say "Done retrieving, showing hash...";

p $unfrozen;

say "Exiting next...";

The output shows that a DESTROY isn’t triggered during the inflation. I wouldn’t be able to trick CGITempFile into deleting a file, as I could do with Storable. Also, since Sereal doesn’t support special per-class serialization and deserialization hooks, I won’t be able to trick it into loading classes or running code.

Sereal, unlike the other serializers I have shown so far, makes a deliberate and conscious effort to create a small string. Imagine a data structure that is an array of hashes: the keys in each hash are the same; only the values are different.

The Sereal specification includes a way for a later hash to reuse the string already stored for that key, so it doesn’t have to store it again, as with JSON or Storable. I wrote a tiny benchmark to try this, comparing Data::Dumper, JSON, Sereal::Encoder, and Storable, using the defaults from each:

use v5.18;

use Data::Dumper    qw(Dumper);
use Storable        qw(nstore_fd dclone);
use Sereal::Encoder qw(encode_sereal);
use JSON            qw(encode_json);

my $stores = {
    dumper   => sub { Dumper( $_[0] ) },
    jsoner   => sub { encode_json( $_[0] ) },
    serealer => sub { encode_sereal( $_[0] ) },
    storer   => sub {
        open my $sfh, '>:raw', \ my $string;
        nstore_fd( $_[0], $sfh );
        close $sfh;

my $max_hash_count = 10;

my $hash;
my @keys   = get_keys();
my @values = get_values();
@{$hash}{ @keys } = @values;

my %lengths;
my @max;

foreach my $hash_count ( 1 .. $max_hash_count ) {
    my $data = [ map { dclone $hash } 1 .. $hash_count ];

    foreach my $type ( sort keys %$stores ) {
        my $string = $stores->{$type}( $data );
        my $length = length $string;

        $max[$hash_count] = $length if $length > $max[$hash_count];
        $max[0] = $length if $length > $max[0]; # grand max
        if( 0 == $length ) {
            warn "$type: length is zero!\n";
        push @{$lengths{$type}}, $length;

# make a tab separated report with the normalized numbers
# for each method, in columns suitable for a spreadsheet
say join "\t", sort keys %$stores;
open my $per_fh, '>:utf8', "$0-per.tsv" or die "$!";
open my $grand_fh, '>:utf8', "$0-grand.tsv" or die "$!";

foreach my $index ( 1 .. $max_hash_count ) {
    say { $per_fh } join(
            map { $lengths{$_}[$index - 1] / $max[$index] }
            sort keys %$stores
    say { $grand_fh } join(
            map { $lengths{$_}[$index - 1] / $max[0] }
            sort keys %$stores

# make some long keys
sub get_keys {
    map { $0 . time() . $_ . $$ } ( 'a' .. 'f' );

# make some long values
sub get_values {
    map { $0 . time() . $_ . $$ } ( 'f' .. 'k' );

This program serializes arrays of hashes, starting with an array that has 1 hash and going up to an array with 10 hashes, all of them exactly the same but not references of each other (hence the dclone). This way, the keys and values for each hash should be repeated in the serialization.

To make the relative measures a bit easier to see, I keep track of the maximum string length for all serializations (the grand) and the per-hash-count maximum. I use those to normalize the numbers and create two graphs of the same data.

The plot in Figure 13-1 uses the grand normalization and shows linear growth in each serialization. For size, Data::Dumper does the worst, with JSON and Storable doing slightly better, mostly because they use much less whitespace. The size of the Sereal strings grows much more slowly.

Many people would be satisfied with that plot, but I like the one from the per-keys normalization, where the numbers are normalized just for the maximum string size of the same hash size count, as in Figure 13-2. The Data::Dumper size is always the largest, so it is always normalized to exactly 1. JSON and Storable still normalize to almost the same number (to two decimal places) and look like a straight line. The Sereal curve is more interesting: it starts at the same point as JSON and Storable for one hash, when every serialization has to store the keys and values at least once, then drops dramatically and continues to drop, although more slowly, as the number of keys increases.

But, as I explained in Chapter 5, all benchmarks have caveats. I’ve chosen a particular use case for this, but that does not mean you would see the same thing for another problem. If all the hashes had unique keys that no other hash stored, I expect that Sereal wouldn’t save as much space. Create a benchmark that mimics your use to test that.

The next step after Storable is tiny, lightweight databases. These don’t require a database server but still handle most of the work to make the data available in my program. There are several facilities for this, but I’m only going to cover a couple of them. The concept is the same even if the interfaces and fine details are different.

Much more popular today is DBM::Deep, which I use anywhere that I would have previously used one of the other DBM formats. With this module, I can create arbitrarily deep, multilevel hashes or arrays. The module is pure Perl so I don’t have to worry about different library implementations, underlying details, and so on. As long as I have Perl, I have everything I need. It works without worry on a Mac, Windows, or Unix, any of which can share DBM::Deep files with any of the others. And, best of all, it’s pure Perl.

Joe Huckaby created DBM::Deep with both an object-oriented interface and a tie interface (see Chapter 16). The documentation recommends the object interface, so I’ll stick to that here. With a single argument, the constructor uses it as a filename, creating the file if it does not already exist:

use DBM::Deep;

my $isbns = DBM::Deep->new( "isbns.db" );
if( ref $isbns ) {
    warn 'Could not create database!\n";

$isbns->{'1449393098'} = 'Intermediate Perl';

Once I have the DBM::Deep object, I can treat it just like a hash reference and use all of the hash operators.

Additionally, I can call methods on the object to do the same thing. I can even set additional features, such as file locking and flushing when I create the object:


use DBM::Deep;

my $isbns = DBM::Deep->new(
    file      => "isbn.db",
    locking   => 1,
    autoflush => 1,
unless( defined $isbns ) {
    warn "Could not create database!\n";

$isbns->put( '1449393098', 'Intermediate Perl' );

my $value = $isbns->get( '1449393098' );

The module also handles objects based on arrays, which have their own set of methods. It has hooks into its inner mechanisms so I can define how it does its work.

By the time you read this book, DBM::Deep should already have transaction support thanks to the work of Rob Kinyon, its current maintainer. I can create my object, then use the begin_work method to start a transaction. Once I do that, nothing happens to the data until I call commit, which writes all of my changes to the data. If something goes wrong, I just call rollback to get to where I was when I started:

my $db = DBM::Deep->new( 'file.db' );

eval {


    die q(Something didn't work) if $error;

if( defined $@ and length $@ ) {

So far in this chapter I’ve used formats that are specific to Perl. Sometimes that works out, but more likely I’ll want something that I can exchange with other languages so I don’t lock myself into a particular language or tool. If my format doesn’t care about the language, I’ll have an easier time building compatible systems and integrating or switching technologies later.

In this section, I’ll show some other formats and how to work with them in Perl, but I’m not going to provide a tutorial for each of them. My intent is to survey what’s out there and give you an idea when you might use them.

JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, is a very attractive format for data interchange because I can have my Perl (or Ruby or Python or whatever) program send the data as part of a web request, so a browser can use it easily and immediately. The format is actually valid Javascript code; this is technically language-specific for that reason, but the value of a format understandable by a web browser is so high that most mainstream languages already have libraries for it.

A JSON data structure looks similar to a Perl data structure, although much simpler. Instead of => there’s a :, and strings are double-quoted:

   "meta" : {
      "established" : 1991,
      "license" : "416d656c6961"
   "source" : "Larry's Camel Clinic",
   "camels" : [

I created that JSON data with a tiny program. I started with a Perl data structure and turned it into the JSON form:

use v5.10;

use JSON;

my $hash = {
  camels => [ qw(Amelia Slomo) ],
  source => "Larry's Camel Clinic",
  meta => {
    license => '416d656c6961',
    established => 1991,

say JSON->new->pretty->encode( $hash );

To load that data into my Perl program, I need to decode it. Although the JSON specification allows several Unicode encodings, the JSON module only handles UTF-8 text. I have to read that as raw octets though:

use v5.10;

use JSON;

my $json = do {
    local $/;
    open my $fh, '<:raw', '/Users/Amelia/Desktop/sample.json';

my $perl = JSON->new->decode( $json );

say "Camels are [ @{ $perl->{camels} } ]";

Going the other way is much easier. I give the module a data structure and get back the result as JSON:

use v5.10;

use JSON;

my $hash = {
  camels => [ qw(Amelia Slomo) ],
  source => "Larry's Camel Clinic",
  meta => {
    license => '416d656c6961',
    established => 1991,

say JSON->new->encode( $hash );

The output is compact with minimal whitespace. If machines are exchanging data, they don’t need the extra characters:

,"source":"Larry's Camel Clinic"}

The module has many options to specify the encoding, the style, and other aspects of the output that I might want to control. If I’m sending my data to a web browser, I probably don’t care if the output is easy for me to read. However, if I want to be able to read it easily, I can use the pretty option, as I did in my first example:

say JSON->new->pretty->encode( $hash );

The JSON module lists other options you might need. Read its documentation to see what else you can do.

CPAN has other JSON implementations, such as JSON::Syck. This is based on libsyck, a YAML parser (read the next section). Since some YAML parsers have some of the same problems that Storable has, you might want to avoid parsing JSON, which doesn’t create local objects, with a parser that can. See CVE-2013-0333 for an example of this causing a problem in Ruby.

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) seems like the same idea as Data::Dumper, although more concise and easier to read. The YAML 1.2 specification says, “There are hundreds of different languages for programming, but only a handful of languages for storing and transferring data.” That is, YAML aims to be much more than serialization.

YAML was popular in the Perl community when I wrote the first edition of this book, but JSON has largely eaten its lunch. Still, some parts of the Perl toolchain use it, and it does have some advantages over JSON. The META.yml file produced by various module distribution creation tools is YAML.

I write to a file that I give the extension .yml:


use Business::ISBN;
use YAML qw(Dump);

my %hash = qw(
    Fred    Flintstone
    Barney  Rubble

my @array = qw(Fred Barney Betty Wilma);

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '144939311X' );

open my $fh, '>', 'dump.yml' or die "Could not write to file: $!\n";
print $fh Dump( \%hash, \@array, $isbn );

The output for the data structures is very compact although still readable once I understand its format. To get the data back, I don’t have to go through the shenanigans I experienced with Data::Dumper:

Barney: Rubble
Fred: Flintstone
- Fred
- Barney
- Betty
- Wilma
--- !!perl/hash:Business::ISBN10
article_code: 9311
checksum: X
common_data: 144939311X
group_code: 1
input_isbn: 144939311X
isbn: 144939311X
prefix: ''
publisher_code: 4493
type: ISBN10
valid: 1

YAML can preserve Perl data structures and objects because it has a way to label things (which is basically how Perl blesses a reference). This is something I couldn’t get (and don’t want) with plain JSON.

The YAML module provides a Load function to do it for me, although the basic concept is the same. I read the data from the file and pass the text to Load:


use Business::ISBN;
use YAML;

my $data = do {
    if( open my $fh, '<', 'dump.yml' ) { local $/; <$fh> }
    else { undef }

my( $hash, $array, $isbn ) = Load( $data );

print "The ISBN is ", $isbn->as_string, "\n";

YAML isn’t part of the standard Perl distribution, and it relies on several other noncore modules as well. Since it can create Perl objects, it has some of the same problems as Storable.

By stringifying Perl data, I have a lightweight way to pass data between invocations of a program and even between different programs. Binary formats are slightly more complicated, although Perl comes with the modules to handle those, too. No matter which one I choose, I have some options before I decide that I have to move up to a full database server.

Programming the Perl DBI by Tim Bunce and Alligator Descartes covers the Perl Database Interface (DBI). The DBI is a generic interface to most popular database servers. If you need more than I covered in this chapter, you probably need DBI. I could have covered SQLite, an extremely lightweight, single-file relational database in this chapter, but I access it through the DBI just as I would any other database so I left it out. It’s extremely handy for quick persistence tasks, though.

The BerkeleyDB module provides an interface to the BerkeleyDB library, which provides another way to store data. It’s somewhat complex to use but very powerful.

Alberto Simões wrote “Data::Dumper and Data::Dump::Streamer” for The Perl Review 3.1 (Winter 2006).

Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski shows an example of Storable in “Implementing Flood Control” for

Randal Schwartz has some articles on persistent data: “Persistent Data”, Unix Review, February 1999; “Persistent Storage for Data”, Linux Magazine, May 2003; and “Lightweight Persistent Data”, Unix Review, July 2004.

The JSON website explains the data format, as does RFC 4627. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has a good section on JSON. I also like the JSON appendix in JavaScript: The Good Parts.

Randal Schwartz wrote a JSON parser as a single Perl Regex.

The YAML website has link to all the YAML projects in different languages.

There’s a set of Stack Overflow answers to “Should I use YAML or JSON to store my Perl data?” which discuss the costs and benefits of YAML, JSON, and XML.

Steffen Müller writes about’s development of Sereal in “Sereal—a binary data serialization format”.

The documentation for AnyDBM_File discusses the various implementations of DBM files.