ONE SECTION IN EDWARDS' Personal Narrative has proved troubling to some Christians. They find Edwards’ description of his own sinfulness to be excessively introspective, unduly pessimistic, and downright morbid. I’ve heard it said that we may justifiably view ourselves in this way before our conversion, but once we have been born again, justified, and forgiven, being as we are now new creatures in Christ, our perspective should take on a decidedly more positive tone. Here is Edwards’ description:
Often, since I lived in this town, I have had very affecting views of my own sinfulness and vileness; very frequently to such a degree as to hold me in a kind of loud weeping, sometimes for a considerable time together, so that I have often been forced to shut myself up. I have had a vastly greater sense of my own wickedness, and the badness of my heart, than ever I had before my conversion. It has often appeared to me, that if God should mark iniquity against me, I should appear the very worst of all mankind; of all that have been, since the beginning of the world to this time; and that I should have by far the lowest place in hell. When others, that have come to talk with me about their soul concerns, have expressed the sense they have had of their own wickedness, by saying that it seemed to them that they were as bad as the devil himself, I thought their expressions seemed exceeding faint and feeble, to represent my wickedness.
My wickedness, as I am in myself, has long appeared to me perfectly ineffable, and swallowing up all thought and imagination; like an infinite deluge, or mountains over my head. I know not how to express better, what my sins appear to me to be, than by heaping infinite upon infinite, and multiplying infinite by infinite. Very often, for these many years, these expressions are in my mind, and in my mouth, ‘Infinite upon infinite! Infinite upon infinite!’ When I look into my heart, and take a view of my wickedness, it looks like an abyss infinitely deeper than hell. And it appears to me, that were it not for free grace, exalted and raised up to the infinite height of all the fullness and glory of the great Jehovah, and the arm of his power and grace stretched forth in all the majesty of his power, and in all the glory of his sovereignty, I should appear sunk down in my sins below hell itself, far beyond the sight of every thing, but the eye of sovereign grace, that can pierce even down to such a depth. And yet it seems to me, that my conviction of sin is exceeding small, and faint; it is enough to amaze me, that I have no more sense of my sin. I know certainly that I have very little sense of my sinfulness. When I have had turns of weeping and crying for my sins, I thought I knew at the time that my repentance was nothing to my sin.
I have greatly longed of late for a broken heart, and to lie low before God; and, when I ask for humility, I cannot bear the thoughts of being no more humble than other Christians. It seems to me, that though their degrees of humility may be suitable for them, yet it would be a vile self-exaltation in me, not to be the lowest in humility of all mankind. Others speak of their longing to be ‘humbled to the dust’; that may be a proper expression for them, but I always think of myself, that I ought, and it is an expression that has long been natural for me to use in prayer, “to lie infinitely low before God.” And it is affecting to think, how ignorant I was, when a young Christian, of the bottomless, infinite depths of wickedness, pride, hypocrisy and deceit, left in my heart.
Does Edwards exaggerate his own sinfulness? Was he the victim of an overly-sensitive conscience? From our perspective, yes. From his, no. From all we know of his life, and we know a great deal, he was by common consensus one of the most godly men who ever lived. I don’t think Edwards’ conclusion concerning himself is the result of some quantitative comparative analysis, as if he literally measured his wickedness against that of all others. Yes, there are degrees of sin and evil among men. Some are more wicked than others. But Edwards, I suggest, is concerned only with how far short he falls from God’s standard, not that of some other human.
Surely his sense of personal depravity is the fruit of seeing himself over against the infinite holiness of God. As far as Edwards was concerned, the only reasonable conclusion was that he was “the very worst” of all men, deserving of “the lowest place in hell.” May I be so bold to suggest that if you and I have never come to a similar conclusion, we have spent too much time comparing ourselves to others rather than looking at our souls in the light of transcendent righteousness.
So what accounts for Edwards’ vivid sense of personal depravity and wickedness? I suggest it comes from his knowledge of God. Perhaps we don’t see ourselves this way because we don’t see God at all. Or if we do see him, we see little of his holiness and the magnitude of his purity and the measureless sweep of his righteousness and the unimaginable depths of his integrity and the commitment of his will to the vindication of truth and goodness. For if we knew God as he is, what so easily and often passes for “minor indiscretions” in us would suddenly appear appallingly revolting and horrendously evil.
If you stand in the darkness, depravity is difficult to see. But when you walk in the light of God’s glory, every spot and every stain is magnified beyond words. This is why Edwards felt what we don’t. Might it also be that we’ve become so accustomed to our sin, indeed, comfortable with it, that its presence in our souls arouses little more than a whimper of conviction?
In our therapeutic, anthropocentric world, many would say to this Puritan, “Ease up, Jon! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not nearly as bad as you think you are. You just need a little help with your self-image.” I can only conclude that Edwards’ description is not the result of what we today would call “low self-esteem,” but comes from a biblically-informed “high God-esteem”!
Could this also be why Edwards had such a profound view of hell and its eternal torments and the justice of unending punishment? Resistance to the concept of hell is the direct result of ignorance of God. With the knowledge of God comes the awareness of sin. And with the awareness of sin, hell seems not so unreasonable. We minimize God and thus find the notion of hell unjust.
We must also remember that this sense of personal depravity was far from paralyzing to Edwards. It didn’t cripple his determination to walk in purity. He refused to wallow in the reality of his own moral corruption or to use it as an excuse to give up on God or to justify a life given to passivity or, worse still, perversion. How so, you ask? Because the only thing that stood forth in his mind with greater clarity and power than the reality of sin was the vision of God’s grace, unending love, and redemptive mercy in Christ Jesus. Hear him again: “Were it not for free grace, exalted and raised up to the infinite height of all the fullness and glory of the great Jehovah, and the arm of his power and grace stretched forth in all the majesty of his power, and in all the glory of his sovereignty, I should appear sunk down in my sins below hell itself; far beyond the sight of every thing, but the eye of sovereign grace, that can pierce even down to such a depth.”
Ah! The “eye of sovereign grace”! It peers into the depths of the lowest hell and elevates the sunken, sinful soul to heights of joy and freedom and forgiveness.
Joyfully Defendent
As I said before, Edwards wasn’t driven to despair by the reality of his own sin but was compelled to depend ever more urgently on the strong grace and sovereign good pleasure of God. He writes:
I have a much greater sense of my universal, exceeding dependence on God’s grace and strength, and mere good pleasure, of late, than I used formerly to have; and have experienced more of an abhorrence of my own righteousness. The very thought of any joy arising in me, on any consideration of my own amiableness, performances, or experiences, or any goodness of heart or life, is nauseous and detestable to me. And yet I am greatly afflicted with a proud and self-righteous spirit, much more sensibly than I used to be formerly. I see that serpent rising and putting forth its head continually, everywhere, all around me.
How strange such words sound in modern ears! When people today consider their deeds and what they imagine is their “goodness of heart or life,” they strut. They strain to ensure that others take note of their achievements. For many, such joy is the aim of life. For Edwards, such joy is detestable, the source of a spiritual smugness that made him sick to his stomach.
Are we as aware as he of our “universal, exceeding dependence on God’s grace and strength, and mere good pleasure”? I doubt it. When I read Edwards’ words I’m reminded of 2 Corinthians 1:8–11, where Paul describes how he was “so utterly burdened beyond . . . strength that [he] despaired of life itself” (v. 8b). He felt as if the “sentence of death” had been pronounced over him (v. 9a). But all this, he says, “was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead” (v. 9b).
James Denney, in his commentary on 2 Corinthians, captures the spirit of what Edwards has in view:
It is natural . . . for us to trust in ourselves. It is so natural, and so confirmed by the habits of a lifetime, that no ordinary difficulties or perplexities avail to break us of it. It takes all God can do to root up our self-confidence. He must reduce us to despair; He must bring us to such an extremity that the one voice we have in our hearts, the one voice that cries to us wherever we look round for help, is death, death, death. It is out of this despair that the superhuman hope is born. It is out of this abject helplessness that the soul learns to look up with new trust to God. . . . How do most of us attain to any faith in Providence? Is it not by proving, through numberless experiments, that it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps? Is it not by coming, again and again, to the limit of our resources, and being compelled to feel that unless there is a wisdom and a love at work on our behalf, immeasurably wiser and more benign than our own, life is a moral chaos? . . . Only desperation opens our eyes to God’s love.1
Concluding Comments on the Exellency of the Gospel
I find it fitting that Edwards would conclude his Narrative with the following observations on the excellency of the gospel itself.
Though it seems to me that, in some respects, I was a far better Christian, for two or three years after my first conversion, than I am now; and lived in a more constant delight and pleasure; yet, of late years, I have had a more full and constant sense of the absolute sovereignty of God, and a delight in that sovereignty, and have had more of a sense of the glory of Christ, as a Mediator revealed in the gospel. On one Saturday night, in particular, I had such a discovery of the excellency of the gospel above all other doctrines, that I could not but say to myself, “This is my chosen light, my chosen doctrine”; and of Christ, “This is my chosen Prophet.” It appeared sweet, beyond all expression, to follow Christ, and to be taught, and enlightened, and instructed by him; to learn of him, and live to him.
Another Saturday night (January 1739) I had such a sense, how sweet and blessed a thing it was to walk in the way of duty; to do that which was right and meet to be done, and agreeable to the holy mind of God; that it caused me to break forth into a kind of loud weeping, which held me some time, so that I was forced to shut myself up, and fasten the doors. I could not but, as it were, cry out, “How happy are they which do that which is right in the sight of God! They are blessed indeed, they are the happy ones!” I had, at the same time, a very affecting sense, how meet and suitable it was that God should govern the world, and order all things according to his own pleasure; and I rejoiced in it, that God reigned, and that his will was done.
What moves you to tears? For some, I fear it is the prospect of biblical obedience. They cringe under what they believe is the oppressive burden of divine law. They feel hemmed in, as if confined by a biblical straitjacket. God appears to them as a grumpy despot who wants everyone to be as unhappy as he is. The commandments of his Word strike their souls as a deliberate strategy to deprive them of what little happiness and pleasure they’ve been able to achieve to this point in life. So, when they think of such words as “duty” and what is “right and meet to be done,” they weep.
For Edwards, walking “in the way of duty” was so “sweet and blessed” that he broke forth in such “loud weeping” that he had to shut himself away lest he be a disturbance to others! Where did this perspective on Christian living come from? It came from Edwards’ understanding of the heart of God and his purpose in creation.
Edwards was convinced that the goodness and generosity and grace of God shine forth with greatest brilliance in his commands to you and me. In his sermon “Christian Happiness,” he explains: “What could the most merciful being have done more for our encouragement? All that he desires of us is that we would not be miserable, that we would not follow those courses which of themselves would end in misery, and that we would be happy.”2
Did you hear that? I have to pause for a moment lest that statement slip by unnoticed. Read it again. All that God desires of us is that “we would not be miserable . . . and that we should be happy.” Does that sound like the God you’ve been “serving” these many years? It should. Now let’s continue with Edwards as he explains how God goes about fulfilling this great desire. You may find it surprising:
God, having a great desire to speak after the manner of man, that we should not be miserable but happy, has the mercy and goodness that he forwards us to it, to command us to do those things that will make us so. Should we not think him a prince of extraordinary clemency, he a master of extraordinary goodness, he a father of great tenderness, who never commanded anything of his subjects, his servants, or his children, but what was for their good and advantage? But God is such a king, such a lord, such a father to us.3
Every syllable of every statute, every clause of every commandment that ever proceeded from the mouth of God was divinely designed to bring those who would obey into the greatest imaginable happiness of heart. Why? Because God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him!4 Don’t swallow God’s law like castor oil. For when you understand his intent, it will be like honey on your lips and refreshment to your soul, and duty will appear “sweet and blessed” beyond all comparison.
1James Denney, “The Second Epistle to the Corinthians,” in W. Robertson Nicoll, ed., The Expositor’s Bible, 6 vols. (New York: Wilbur B. Ketcham, n.d.), 5:724.
2Jonathan Edwards, “Christian Happiness,” in Jonathan Edwards, Sermons and Discourses 1720–1723, ed. Wilson H. Kimnach, vol. 10 of The Works of Jonathan Edwards (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992), 304.
4See John Piper, The Pleasures of God (Portland, Ore.: Multnomah, 1991), 215–216.