Snapping Crocodile 1


If you experiment with the folding of the crocodile’s eyes, many variations can be made. The shape of the snout can change too.

Snapping Crocodile 1

Begin with a square of origami paper, colored side up.

1. Fold and unfold corner to corner. Turn over.

Snapping Crocodile 1

2. Fold the top left and bottom left edges of the paper square to the center line.

Snapping Crocodile 1

3. Similarly, fold the top right and bottom right edges also to the center line, eliminating all the white paper from view.

Snapping Crocodile 1

4. Unfold the paper back to Step 1.

Snapping Crocodile 1

5. Rotate the paper to the position shown. Fold just the single valley fold as shown...

Snapping Crocodile 1 this. On the colored triangle, make the mountain and valley folds as shown. These folds will collapse the paper flat...

Snapping Crocodile 1 this. Repeat Steps 5–6 on the left-hand side.

Snapping Crocodile 1

8. The paper is now symmetrical, left and right. Turn over.

Snapping Crocodile 1

9. Make a valley fold where shown at the junction of the X-ray dots . . .

Snapping Crocodile 1 this. Valley fold the point back down, just a little above the level of the first fold.

Snapping Crocodile 1

11. Fold the paper in half, but only make a very small pinch across the middle.

Snapping Crocodile 1

12. Fold in half.

Snapping Crocodile 1

13. Fold up the loose corner.

Snapping Crocodile 1

14. Fold dot to dot.

Snapping Crocodile 1

15. Again, fold dot to dot.

Snapping Crocodile 1

16. And finally, fold again dot to dot.

Snapping Crocodile 1

17. This is how the eye should look. Make the other eye by repeating Steps 13–16 on the back.

Snapping Crocodile 1

18. Make an Inside Reverse Fold. Note that the top of the fold touches the midway pinch made back in Step 11.

Snapping Crocodile 1

19. Pull out the eye assembly so that both eyes stand out at right angles to the plane of the head...

Snapping Crocodile 1 this. Note how this makes the eyes look forward, down the line of the snout.

Snapping Crocodile 1

21. To make the crocodile snap, hold as shown. The first finger is behind the eyes and the thumb is up inside the lower jaw.

Snapping Crocodile 1