Kissing Cousins


The traditional Cup in Step 7, although a model itself, is the starting point for many models. Its interesting geometry means that it can be developed in many ways, some quite complex. The folding sequence for the Kissing Cousins beyond Step 7 is unusual because only two new, small folds are made. Most of the sequence involves inverting and re-inverting the paper and refolding existing creases.

Kissing Cousins

Begin with a square of origami paper, white side up.

1. Fold corner to corner.

Kissing Cousins

2. Fold dot to dot, but pinch only at the right edge. If the crease were to continue, it would extend to the bottom left-hand corner.

Kissing Cousins

3. Fold dot to dot.

Kissing Cousins

4. Again, fold dot to dot. Everything should line up neatly, left and right. Nice!

Kissing Cousins

5. There are two loose corners at the top of the paper. Fold down just the front corner.

Kissing Cousins

6. Mountain fold the other corner behind.

Kissing Cousins

7. This is the traditional Cup model, which really will hold liquids. Unfold back to Step 2.

Kissing Cousins

8. Make two very small Outside Reverse Folds at the bottom corners.

Kissing Cousins

9. Unfold the Outside Reverse Folds.

Kissing Cousins

10. Make an Inside Reverse Fold along the Step 3 crease.

Kissing Cousins

11. Similarly, make another Inside Reverse Fold, along the Step 4 crease . . .

Kissing Cousins this. The two reverse folds will lie happily alongside each other inside the paper.

Kissing Cousins

13. Hold one of the corners and refold the Step 8 Outside Reverse Folds. But note that the colors are now opposite compared to Step 8.

Kissing Cousins

14. Repeat Step 3 with the other corner.

Kissing Cousins

15. This is the result. Draw eyes on the heads of the two “cousins.”

Kissing Cousins

16. To make the cousins kiss—or nearly kiss—hold the two large triangles as shown and move your hands together and apart. It is quite difficult to make the cousins kiss square-on, so practice your kissing technique! The model will fold flat for storage.

Kissing Cousins