For parents living in a perpetual time crunch (aren’t we all?) or simply saddled by a severe lack of concentration (perhaps caused by overparenting), we suggest an abbreviated version of this book. If your time and patience are limited, here is what we recommend, in this order:

Page xi: Our disclaimer. All levity aside, no single book can consider every child’s special needs or the exact circumstances of any individual family.

Page xiii: The glossary. Skim through this, and if you recognize yourself—and admit it—it may behoove you to abandon this page altogether and read the entire book.

Page xxi: From the introduction: “If we never give our children permission to get things wrong, they’re unlikely to ever learn how to get things right.” Is this starting to make any sense?

Page 3: “Overparenting occurs when someone tries too hard to manage the outcome of his or her child’s life, imposing his or her own expectations, often inappropriately, regardless of the child’s wishes and abilities.”

Page 4: “How Do You Know whether You Are Overparenting?” If you answer “yes” to some of the descriptions, find a comfortable chair and take notes. You obviously have a lot to learn.

Page 56: “Mindful Parenting”—This is key to everything.

Page 65: “Managing Expectations”—Oh, boy, don’t we all need help with that?

Page 78: “Parental Aptitude Test”—Same as above. Keep that comfortable chair handy.

Page 129: “How Overparenting Affects Your Child”—This should make any parent curious.

Page 176: “How Overparenting Affects You as a Parent”—After all, it’s all about you, isn’t it? You’re thinking about that . . . pretty sure you are. Gotcha! It’s not about you. It’s because of you. This book exists because of you! Ready or not, please proceed.