1 Jennifer Finney Boylan, “The Risk Pool,” in Op-Ed, The New York Times, August 27, 2013
Chapter 1
1 Madaline Levine, “Raising Successful Children,” Sunday Review; The Opinion Pages, The New York Times, August 5, 2012.
Chapter 2
1 Susan Guibert, “Research shows child rearing practices of distant ancestors foster morality and compassion in kids,” University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame News, September 17, 2010,
2 Robert Francis Harper, ed. “Some Babylonian Laws” in Assyrian and Bablonian Literature, William Muss-Arnolt, tran. (New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1904).
3 J. B. Watson, Psychological Care of Infant and Child (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1928).
4 A. S. Neil, Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing (New York: Hart Publishing Company, 1960).
5 Summerhill: A Radical Approach.
6 Diana Baumrind, “Effects of Authoritarian Parental Control on Child Behavior,” Child Development, No. 37 (1968), 887-907.
7 Suzanne M. Bianchi, John P. Robinson, Melissa A. Milke, The Changing Rhythms of American Family Life (New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2006).
8 Diana Baumrind, “Effects of Authoritarian Parental Control on Child Behavior,” Child Development, 37 (1968), 887-907.
9 “N.Y. school bans balls at recess, cracks down on tag games over safety fears,” Ryan Jaslow, CBS News (New York: WCBS, October 8, 2013).
10 Nancy Gibbs, “The Growing Backlash Against Overparenting,” Time (November 30, 2009),,8599,1940395,00.html.
Chapter 3
1 Cristen Conger, “5 Signs of Overparenting,”, (June 21, 2014)
2 Magid, Larry, “Is Taser Guilty of Over-Parenting?” CBS News, January 13, 2010. (April 17, 2012)
3 Brett Singer, “Apps for Paranoid Parents,” January 20, 2012 (April 17, 2012)
4 Nick Gillespie, “Stop Panicking About Bullies,” Wall Street Journal, (April 2, 2012).
5 Ata Johnson, “The Professional Kid––Too Big To Fail?”, TheRockmomblog, (January 16, 2013),
6 Carl Honoré, Under Pressure: Rescuing Our Children from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (New York: HarperOne Reprint Edition, 2009).
7 Dylan Matthews, “The key to evaluating teachers: Ask kids what they think,” wonkblog, (February 23, 2013),
8 George Carlin, You Are All Diseased, Atlantic Records, released May 18, 1999.
9 “Drawbacks of Overprotective Parents,”,
10 Ata Johnson, “The Professional Kid––Too Big To Fail?”, TheRockmomblog, (January 16, 2013)
11 P. Solomon Banda, “Aggressive Parents Force Colorado Egg Hunt Cancellation,” (March 26, 2012),
12 “Get families talking about separating,”,
13 Stephen T. Asma, Against Fairness, (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2012).
Chapter 4
1 “Survey of high school athletes: 2006,” Josephson Institute Center for Sports Ethics,” (2006),
2 Michael De Groot, “Gotta have: Are smartphones a need or just a want?” Deseret News, National Edition, October 16, 2013,
3 Louis C.K., September 23, 2013, “Conan”, TBS.
4 Howard P. Chudacoff, Children at Play: An American History, (New York and London: New York University Press, 2007).
5 Peter Gray, “The Play Deficit: Children today are cossetted and pressured in equal measure. Without the freedom to play they will never grow up,” Aeon Magazine (September 18, 2013),
6 Lizette Alvarez, “Felony Counts for 2 in Suicide of Bullied 12-Year-Old,” The New York Times, October 16, 2013.
7 “Poor parenting – including overprotection – increases bullying risk, study of 200,000 children shows”, Warwick News and Events
8 Catherine Saint Louis, “Effects of Bullying Last into Adulthood, Study Finds”, The New York Times, February 21, 2013, page A15.
9 William E. Copeland, Dieter Wolke, Adrian Angold, E. Jane Costello, “Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence”, JAMA Psychiatry,
10 Amanda Ripley, “The Case Against High School Sports”, The Atlantic, October 2013.
11 Amanda Ripley, “The Case Against High School Sports”, The Atlantic, October 2013.
12 “The Case Against High School Sports.”
13 Honey Grove Preservation League,
14 “The Case Against High School Sports.”
15 Diana Nyad, “Views of Sport; How Illiteracy Makes Athletes Run,” The New York Times, May 28, 1989.
16 “Is Your Child Ready for Sports? (Care of the Young Athlete),” American Academy of Pediatrics, Patient Education Online,
17 Amanda Williams, “Pressure on Kids in Sports,” Live Strong Foundation, (updated October 21, 2013),
Chapter 5
1 Doan Bui, “From China to France to America, a Backlash Against Overparenting,” (January 24, 2013),
2 Jakob Asplund, “Overprotective parenting a growing worldwide problem,” Hard News Café, Logan Library (December 12, 2010),
3 “Overprotective parenting a growing worldwide problem.”
4 Katherine Ozment, “Welcome to the Age of Overparenting”, Boston Magazine, December 2011.
5 Steve Baskin, “The Gift of Failure,” Psychology Today (December 31, 2011).
6 Nathaniel Branden, The Psychology of Self-Esteem: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding that Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology, (New York: Tarcher, 1969).
7 “5 Signs of Overparenting.”
8 Lori Gottleib, “How to Land Your Kid in Therapy”, The Atlantic, July 2011.
9 Peter Gray, “The Decline of Play and the Rise of Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents,” American Journal of Play, Volume 3, Number 4, Spring (2011).
10 Sandra L. Hofferth, “Changes in American children’s time – 1997 to 2003,” PubMed Central (PMC), Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. Author manuscript; available in PMC, September 15, 2010, published in final edited form as: Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. January 1, 2009; 6(1): 26–47.
11 Jamie Hale, “Interview with Margarita Tartakovsky,” World of Psychology Blog, (February 8, 2012),
12 Bruno Bettelheim, “The Importance of Play,” The Atlantic Monthly, March 1987.
13 “Welcome to the Age of Overparenting.”
14 “Anxiety Disorders in Children,”,
15 Vanessa van Petten, “10 Qualities of Teacup Parenting: Is Your Kid Too Fragile?”, Radical Parenting (June 19, 2008),
16 Wendy Mogel, “The Dark Side of Parental Devotion: How Camp Can Let the Sun Shine,” Camping Magazine (2006: January/February).
17 “10 Qualities of Teacup Parenting.”
18 “The Dark Side of Parental Devotion.”
19 “The Dark Side of Parental Devotion.”
Chapter 6
1 Nick Gillespie, “Stop Panicking About Bullies,” Wall Street Journal, April 02, 2012 (April 17, 2012),
2 “Overprotective parenting a growing worldwide problem.”
3 “Overprotective parenting a growing worldwide problem.”
4 “Overprotective parenting a growing worldwide problem.”
5 Simon Cheung, “Wary parents hire private eye for kids”, South China Morning Post, June 11, 2012.
6 “Wary parents hire private eye for kids.”
7 Jalelah Abu Bakar, “More parents hiring private eyes to check on their kids,” The Straits Times, October 16, 2013.
8 Sean Thompson, “Sleuths track rowdy teens – parents keep an eye on schoolies,” The Daily Telegraph, page 15, November 30, 2013.
9 Fred Weir, “Russian parents make no apologies for being ‘hyperprotective’,” The Christian Science Monitor, May 22, 2013.
10 “Russian parents make no apologies for being ‘hyperprotective’.”
11 Stephanie Pappas, “’Tiger Mom’ & Her Critics Both Right, Study Finds,” Livescience, January 22, 2013,
12 “‘Tiger Mom’ & Her Critics Both Right, Study Finds.”
13 Barabra Liston, “Many U.S. baby boomer mums support grown kids – poll,” Reuters, Edition UK, April 15, 2011,
14 Lenore Skenazy, “Why I’m Raising Free-Range Kids,” the Blog, Huffington Post (New York), U.S. Edition, June 24, 2009.
Chapter 7
1 “Overparenting trend worries psychologists,” Queensland University of Technology, Medical Xpress (January 15, 2013),
2 Pilar Onatra, “Over parenting: When caring too much becomes harmful,” BC Council for Families, February 14, 2014
3 Victoria Clayton, Stuart Fischbein, Joyce Weckl, “Fearless Pregnancy: Wisdom and Reassurance from a Doctor, a Midwife and a Mom,” (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2004).
4 Victoria Clayton, “Overparenting: When good intentions go too far, kids can suffer”, (December 7, 2004),
5 Liza Mundy, “Daddy Track: The Case for Paternity Leave,”The Atlantic, January/February 2014.
6 “Daddy Track: The Case for Paternity Leave.”
7 Erin Kurt, “The Top 10 Things Children Really Want Their Parents To Do With Them,” Lifehack,,
8 D. H. Lawrence, “Education of the People” essay, Times Educational Supplement (circa 1918).