Introduction: The Early History of the CFR
Part I: Wall Street’s Think Tank, 1976–2014
1. The U.S. Capitalist Class and the Council on Foreign Relations
2. The Organizational History of the Council, 1976–2014
3. The CFR’s Domestic Network, 1976–2014
4. The International Connections of the CFR
Part II: The Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics
5. The CFR’s Worldview, Grand Strategy, and Tactics, 1976–2014
6. Imperial Neoliberal Geopolitics in Action: The CFR and the War on Iraq, 1982–2013
7. The CFR and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics: Case Studies
8. Fiddling while the Earth Slowly Burns: The Council and the Ecological Crisis, 1990–2014
Concluding Reflections: Capitalist Class Rule vs. Democracy and the Public Interest