Page references followed by p indicate a photograph.

A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.


Abbey Road (The Beatles album), 190

Abbey Road Studios (London), 190

Abhay Charan De & Sons (Lucknow, India), 45, 46

Abhay Charan. See De, Abhay Charan (Prabhupada)

“About New York” column (Francis X. Clines), 252

Academy of Sciences (Moscow), 222

acharya (Vaishnava teacher), 18, 22, 23

achintya-bhedabheda-tattva principle (oneness and difference from God), 172–73

Achyutananda, 151, 208

Adi Keshava, 249, 250, 253–54, 255

Advaita Acharya, 75–76

Adyar Library Bulletin, 70

Agarwal, Gopal, 74, 86

Agarwal, Sally, 86, 87

Agarwal family sponsorship, 74, 85, 86–87

Agehananda Bharati (Leopold Fischer), 244

Ajamila story (Bhagavatam), 222

Allahabad University, 33

All-India Muslim League, 44

“All You Need Is Love” (The Beatles), 191

American Center for Students and Artists (Paris), 191–92

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 249

American Reporter, 47

Amrita Bazar Patrika (Indian newspaper), 214

Ananda, 226

animal souls debate, 233–34, 235–36

Apple Records (London), 190

Apple Studios (London), 188p, 190

archana deity worship, 147

Arjuna, 166

Arnould, Sir Joseph, 14

atma-rama (self-satisfied), 174–75

Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramhansa Yogananda), 90, 138, 220

Avalon Ballroom (San Francisco), 138, 139–40

avatars: bhakti text references and definition of, 4

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (sixteenth-century) as an, 4

Axis: Bold As Love (Hendrix), 125


Back to Godhead magazine: leading people to the

bhakti life, 201

overdue at Dai Nippon printer, 186, 194

published in America, 133–34, 161, 167, 170, 185, 186, 208

published in India, 43, 47, 53–54, 58, 60

Balaram, 145, 225

Baradraj, 183

Barnett, Charles, 101

Basham, A. L., 181–82

The Beatles (rock band), 125, 189, 190, 191

Bell Tone Studies (New York), 122, 124

Benedict XVI, Pope, 231

Beth Israel Hospital (New York), 151, 152

Beyond Birth and Death, 202

Bhagavad Gita: Abhay’s memorization of verses of, 32

Abhay’s newspaper ad offering home study course on, 51

Abhay’s plan to publish the, 56, 58

the Bhaktivedanta edition provoking “Krishna’s miracle” of transforming Westerns into devotees, 149–50

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on following teachings of the, 19

on four general headings of people attracted to bhakti life, 201

John Coltrane’s Om album quoting Krishna from the, 125

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s commentary of the, 102–3, 104

Sri Krishna quotations in the, 9, 41, 69, 113, 139, 165, 189, 243

on the soul passing from childhood to old age and into a new body, 245–46

on the spirit soul in all species, 234

Swami’s teachings on the, 102–3, 104, 113

Bhagavad Gita As It Is (Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada): bringing people to the bhakti life, 202

edited by Hayagriva, 135

Macmillan’s publication of the, 148–50, 162

print-run (1976) of, 3

raising money for the publication of, 148–49

Swami’s commentary of, 54, 66, 131–32

Bhagavata Purana, 132. See also Srimad Bhagavatam (ancient scripture)

bhakti life: Bhagavad Gita on four general headings of people attracted to, 201

defining the eternal nature of life, 249

niskama-karma (unselfish action) of a, 264

Richard L. Thompsons’s journey toward the, 202–6

the two paths of, 198

why people were attracted to the, 201–2. See also spiritual life

Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (sixteenth-century treatise), 27, 66

Bhakti Saranga Maharai, 51

bhakti-shastri study and certification, 179–81

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati: Abhay’s initiation ceremony (1932) conducted by, 35–36

acharyas (teacher) position of, 18, 22, 23

“aggressive grace” teaching approach of, 27–28

Bhaktivedanta Swami’s visit to the tomb (1965) of, 75–76

controversial practices of, 22–24

criticized for his empowerment of women, 24

final reflections to Abhay and his disciples expressed by, 38–39, 47

The Harmonist on his campaign to expose fallacies of mayavada philosophy by, 37

his advice to Abhay to print books, 38, 67

inaugurating the first Western world Rathayatra festival (1967), 136p; influence over his followers by, 22, 24–25

initiating non-Brahmins as his disciples, 23–24, 127

opening Abhay’s eyes to meaning of Krishna, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

organization of a pilgrimage to Koshi by, 34 165–69

sixty-four maths established by, 28

Srimad Bhagavatam commentary by, 67–68

Theistic Exhibition displays (1928 to 1936) to capture public attention by, 23

Vyasa puja celebration of sixty-second birthday of, 36–37

worldwide movement vision of, 22–24, 28, 34, 39, 59, 76

Bhaktisiddhanta Thakur, 18, 22, 24, 57

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) [Los Angeles], 208, 228

Bhaktivedanta Institute, 206–7

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. See Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

Bhaktivilas Tirtha Maharaj, 61

Bhaktivinode Thakur, 202

bhakti yoga: beginning and ending with Hare Krishna (ancient prayer), 4–5

as contemplative practice, 198

Easy Journey to Other Planets on eternal religion of, 204

Prabhupada’s “unplugging the fan” description of, 238–39

printing books on Prabhupada’s position on, 184–86

rasa theology on love of God achieved through, 26

soldier’s story on the power of, 264–65

the Swami on love and devotion to Krishna focus of, 166

traditional lineage of teaching, 4. See also yoga

bhu-mandala (earth contained in), 200

Big Brother and the Holding Company, 138

Big Mac (prison guard), 250

“The Big Mridanga” printing operations (Gaudiya Math), 106–7

Blake, William, 95, 240

Book of Genesis, 132

Bose, Dr. Kartick Chandra, 13, 17, 21–22, 37

Bose, Jagadish Chandra, 235

Brahma (the first being), 4, 131, 261

Brahmachari, Vinode Bihari, 24

Brahmananda Das (Bruce Scharf), 113–14, 117, 122, 129, 133, 148, 259

Brahma Samhita (prayer of Brahma), 146

Brahmin caste: Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati criticized by the, 23–24

duty to assure just actions of government, 179

requirements for study and mastery of ritual required by, 116–17

Swami’s intent to create Western Brahmins, 4, 116–17

Brahminical initiations: Abhay’s (1932) conducted by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, 35–36

basic rules of Vaishnava behavior and Krishna mantra chants required for, 125

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s acceptance of non-Brahmins into the, 23–24, 127

rules written out by the Swami, 130

Swami’s controversial award to his students of, 4, 125–30

brainwashing accusations: case and verdict vindicating ISKCON of, 242p, 247–59

Clines’s “Religious Freedom vs. Parental Care” article on, 252

fighting in the New York courts, 247–48

The New York Times “Judge Dismisses Charges in Hare Krishna ‘Brainwashing’ Case,” 242p; Prabhupada’s response to the, 247, 248–49, 250, 252–53, 254–55

proving ISKCON to be a religion as defense against, 249–59. See also cults

Brawley, Donald (Dinanath Das), 218

British Council of Churches, 266

British East India Company, 49

B. R. Sridhar Maharaj, 61

B. S. Govinda, 61

Buckley, William F., 125

Bury Place temple (London), 194

Butler Eagle article (1965), 86

B. V. Narayan Maharaj, 66–67


Campanella, Jan (Janaki Dasi), 89, 114, 127, 129, 137–38, 138, 189

Campanella, Joan, (Yamuna Devi) 138

Camus, 114

Chaitanya Charitamrita (Bhaktivedanta edition), 251

Chaitanya Charitamrita (Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami), 57, 84, 110, 172

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: Bhaktivedanta Swami’s visit to the birthplace of, 75

Chaitanya Charitamrita biography written by Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami, 57, 84, 110, 172

on chanting in the streets and parks, 110

continued influence of, 27

Hare Krishna chanting and dancing practice of, 168

his mission to bring people out of the darkness, 247

library organized by followers of, 172

1966 celebration of Appearance Day of, 89

prayer written by, 33

predicting worldwide acceptance of the Holy Names, 59–60

prediction on Hare Krishna chanting heard around the world by, 191, 213, 214

Richard Thompson’s reading about, 202

the Six Goswamis sent to Vrindavan by, 30

taking his message to the Western world, 18, 19, 20, 34

teaching lineage from, 4

Teachings of Lord Chaitanya (Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada) written on, 173

teaching that all souls were prakriti (or female) in relation to God, 24

teasing children into chanting Hare Krishna, 125

understanding of Radha as teaching of, 25

Chaitanya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna): Abhay’s family as followers of, 10–11

Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaj’s travels to spread, 24. See also Hinduism; Krishna consciousness; Vaishnava community

Chief 29 printing press (Boston), 184–86

Children of God cult, 244–45, 254

Clines, Francis X., 252

Cocker, Joe, 191

Coltrane, John, 125

cows: debate over the souls of, 233–34, 235–36

Shaunaka on newborn calf placed on the altar, 266

sin of killing, 233–34

Cracknell, Reverend Kenneth, 266

cults: Children of God and other, 244, 254

deprogrammers retrieving wayward children from, 244–45

ISKCON accused of being a, 244. See also brainwashing accusations


Dai Nippon Printing Company (Japan), 186, 194, 197

“dancing white elephants,” 217, 218

Daniélou, Cardinal Jean, 212p, 231–36

dasya rasa (or servitude), 26

Dayananda Das, 170

De, Abhay Charan: ad run in Calcutta newspapers placed by, 48

advised by Bhaktisiddhanta to print books, 38, 67

agrees to Bose’s offer to start a franchise, 21–22

Bhaktisiddhanta’s final reflections and advice to, 38–39, 47

Calcutta Gaudiya Math community gatherings attended by, 25–28

continued study and meditation in Paramahamsa Maharaj’s math, 50–52

criticized by his family and neighbors, 49–50

declares and pursues his priorities and mission, 45–51

devotion to Krishna consciousness by, 16–18, 54

early life and personality of, 9–18

education and marriage of, 15–16

financial difficulties experienced by, 37–38, 45, 46, 49–50

Gandhi’s movement followed by, 17–18, 19–20

on his transformation and learning to love, 21

honorific title of “Bhaktivedanta” bestowed on, 45

increasing breach between his wife and, 48–50

initiation ceremony (1932) of, 35–36

leasing rooms to Sridhar Maharaj and other monks, 41–42

making the commitment to renunciation, 61–62, 65–66

offers home study course on Bhagavad Gita, 51

photographed on day of initiation (1959), 64

Prayag Pharmacy established in Allahabad by, 29, 32, 33, 34, 46

seeking funds and support for his new mission, 46–62

singing and chanting by, 32–33

visit to Vrindavan (1932) by, 55–56

visit to Vrindavan (1925) by, 29–32. See also Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

De, Bhaktilata (Abhay’s daughter), 256

De, Bhavatarini (Abhay’s sister), 13, 42, 61

De, Gour Mohan (Abhay’s father), 11–14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 220

De, Mathura Mohan (Abhay’s son), 48, 77, 256

De, Prayagraj (Abhay’s son), 29, 256

De, Radharani Datta (Abhay’s wife), 15–16, 22, 37–38, 42, 45, 48–49, 256

De, Rajani (Abhay’s mother), 11, 15

De, Sulakshana (Abhay’s daughter), 256

De, Vrindavan Chandra (Abhay’s son), 46, 61, 77, 256

Deep Purple (rock band), 191

deprogrammers: brainwashing accusations against and verdict in favor of ISKCON against, 242p, 247–59

targeting Krishna devotees and other new religious movements, 245

Ted Patrick as one of the first, 244–45

De’s Pain Liniment product, 41

Devahuti (daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva Manu), 199

dhoti (length of orange cotton cloth), 1

Dhruva (a child prince), 199–200

diksha ceremony, 23–24

Dimock, Edward C., 251

Dinanath Das (Donald Brawley), 218

Diotima of Mantinea, 104

Dominati, Jacques, 230–31

Dublin Krishna temple, 265

Durga (Hindu deity), 96

Dutta, Sudhir Kumar, 46

Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age), 197


East, Sir Edward Hyde, 15

East Village Other (newspaper), 121, 122, 132

Easy Journey to Other Planets (Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada), 202–4, 205

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Wolfe), 125

emotionally unstable visitors, 143–44

Experiments with Truth (Gandhi), 101


Fifth Arrondissement (Paris), 236–37

Firing Line (TV talk show), 125

Fischer, Leopold (Agehananda Bharati), 244

Ford Foundation, 46–47

Franklin & Marshall College (Pennsylvania), 132

French Catholic Church: New Theology movement within the, 231

Parbhupada’s meeting with Cardinal Daniélou of the, 231–36

The Fugs (rock group), 122


gambling prohibition, 128

Gandhi, Mahatma: Abhay’s one month retirement proposal to, 44–45

assassination of, 45

Experiments with Truth autobiography of, 101

his movement opposing British rule of India, 17–18, 19–20, 72

Ganesh, 96

Gargamuni Das (Greg Scharf), 129, 133–34, 171

Gaudiya Math (Vaishnava institution) [India]: Abhay brought by his friend to, 17–18

Abhay’s attendance at the gatherings of, 21, 25–26

Bhaktisiddhanta’s leadership of the, 22–24

“The Big Mridanga” printing operations of, 106–7

The Harmonist (English-language magazine) by the, 34

introducing New York students to the practices of, 102

schism among members of, 38, 39

training missionary monks work of the, 28. See also Vaishnava community

Gaudiya Patrika (newspaper), 51

Gelade, Garry, 251

Ghosh, Gopal Chandra, 67

Ginsberg, Allen: introduction to the Swami, 116, 117–18, 122, 125, 138

Krishna Mantra-Rock Concert participation by, 138, 139–41

poetry of, 95

Giriraj Das, 220, 251

Gita Press (Gorakhhpur, India), 69

God, Devil, and religion story, 267

“God prints” (India), 183

Godse, Nathuram, 45

Goldsmith, Steven, 114

Gopal (another name for Krishna), 142

Gopal, Mahant, 55

Gopal Krishna Das, 245–46

Goswami, Gaurachand, 66

Goswami, Vishwambhar, 224

Gouranga (Abhay Charan’s servant), 45, 46

Govardhan Puja festival (Gaudiya Math), 23

Govinda (another name for Krishna), 142

Govinda Dasi, 170

Grant, Charles, 144

Grant, Michael (Mukunda Das): eager to enter initiation, 127, 129

early life of, 89–90

helps Swami to find a new residence, 93

introduction to Bhaktivedanta Swami, 90–91

as one of the first trustees of ISKCON, 114

on people finding their way to the Swami’s classes, 100

recording at Abbey Road Studios, 190

sent by the Swami to California to spread the message, 137–38, 189

Grateful Dead, 138

Greene, Joshua M. (Yogesvara Das): in Apple Studios (London), 188p; on the final moments and passing of Prabhupada, 259–61

going to London and joining the movement, 193–94

his last meeting and parting words with Prabhupada, 5

introduction to Hare Krishna mantra, 191–92

translating during the Paris Hotel de Ville reception (1973), 229–31

Guarino, Steve (Satsavarupa Das), 101

Gunarnava Das, 225

Gurudas, 167, 189

Guru-vastakam (prayer), 124


Haight-Ashbury. See San Francisco

Halpern, Irving, 118–19

Ham, Keith (Kirtanananda Das), 94, 95, 100, 104, 105, 109, 129, 162

Hanuman Das, 192

“The Happening Album” (1967), 148

Happening Records, 122

happiness: Srimad Bhagavatam (ancient scripture) on, 167

the Swami on Krishna consciousness as path to, 167

Hare Krishna (ancient prayer): bhakti practice beginning and ending with, 4–5

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on chanting the, 19, 110

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teasing children into chanting, 125

Happening Records’ recording of the, 122, 124, 148

heard in Bhubaneswar, India (1977), 1

increasing public interest in the, 125

the Swami’s advice to his disciples to raise funds through, 166–68

the Swami’s chant in New York blizzard (1966), 88

the Swami’s demonstration of the, 95, 100–101, 105, 118–19

the Swami’s explanation on reviving dormant Krishna consciousness through, 124, 140–41

the Swami’s illness and recovery thanks to devotees’ chanting of, 151

Tompkins Square Park chanting sessions, 117–19, 121, 122–23p, 152

“Hare Krishna Mantra” (Apple Studios recording, 1969), 190–91

Hare Krishna Tree (Tompkins Square Park), 123p

Haridas, 144

Hari-sauri Das, 246–47

“Hari’s son” (George Harrison), 194

Harley, Gene, 249

The Harmonist (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati), 37, 42

Harrison, George: interest in Hare Krishna chanting by, 125, 164, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194

Krishna Book funding requested of and provided by, 165, 194–95

Krishna Book preface written by, 164, 196

London temple leased by, 239

photographed at Apple Studios recording Hare Krishna chant, 188p

Havens, Richie, 101

Hayagriva Das. See Wheeler, Howard

Hendrix, Jimi, 125

Hinduism: American hostility toward (1920s), 20

European missionary complaints about idolatry of, 14–15

Hindu intelligentsia movement on reform of, 15. See also Chaitanya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna); Krishna; Vedic cosmology

Hopkins, Thomas J., 132–34, 251

Hotel de Ville (Paris) reception (1973), 212p, 229–31

Hridayananda Babaji, 73–74

Hussain, Zakir, 70


illicit sex-connections prohibition, 128, 130

India: Abhay Charan’s early life in, 9–18

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s controversial practices in, 22–24

Gandhi’s movement against British rule in, 17–18, 19–20, 43–45, 72

“God prints” in, 183

Great Britain’s rule over, 9–10

hostility between Hindus and Muslims in, 10

Kumbha Mela pilgrimage (1971) in, 219–20

Prabhupada’s plans to build three centers in, 238

Rathayatra festival (“journey of the chariots”) in, 13–14

the Swami’s return (1967) to regain his health in, 160–62

Theistic Exhibitions (1928 to 1936) in, 23

vamashram system in, 179

violence associated with Muslim country of Pakistan separation from, 44

Western disciples traveling with Prabhupada (1970–1971) to, 213–27

World War II impact on, 42–43

Indian National Steamship Owners Association, 72

inferior energies, 134–35

initiation ceremony. See Brahminical initiations

intoxicants prohibition, 128, 131

ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness): accused of being a “cult,” 244

Australian attempts to ban, 246–47

Bhagavad Gita As It Is print-run (1976) order by, 3

brainwashing accusations and verdict proving ISKCON to be religion, 242p, 247–59

challenges facing the members of the, 226–27

continued problem with lack of income, 196–97

disciples assigned to create paintings of God, 183–84

disciples traveling and opening new temples internationally, 181

efforts to grant government recognition of religious status to, 179

followers paying a fee to become “Life Members” of, 221

George Harrison producing album with devotees from London temple of, 188p; incorporation as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, 114–15

Los Angeles bookselling marathon (1972) driving growth of, 227–28

Los Angeles congregation of, 171–72, 176–78

O’Hare International Airport harassment against book distributors of, 251

Prabhupada as founder of, 8p; proposal for adapting lilas for children, 3, 5

Raman Reti (Vrindavan parcel of land) donated for temple of, 225

student-designed handbill inviting everyone to, 116

traveling to Bhubaneshaw, India (1977) to visit, 1–2

Western devotees studying for their bhakti-shastri certification in the, 179–81. See also Prabhupada’s writings/publications; Western Krishna devotees

ista-ghosti (a time for questions and answers), 27


Jackson, Billy, 244

Jackson, Mrs. Samuel, 244–45

Jadurani, 183

Jagannath: installed in the San Francisco Krishna temple, 146

Malati Dasi’s purchase of a wooden scuplture of, 145–46

Swami’s request for offerings (or archana) made to the, 147

Jain, Surendra Kumar, 53

Janaki Dasi (Jan Campanella), 89, 114, 127, 129, 137–38, 138, 189

japamala (“garland of beads”), 101–2

Jesus Christ, 232, 234

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 44

Jnani Nadia (Bengali magazine), 50

John XXIII, Pope, 235

Josephson, Brian, 206

journalism coverage: Butler Eagle article (1965) on the Swami, 86

as a challenge to Bhaktivedanta Swami’s American mission, 144–45

Clines’ “Religious Freedom vs. Parental Care” article, 252

criticism of Western Krishna devotees by Indian press (1970–1971), 216

Howard Smith’s interview and article about the Swami, 92–93

interviewing Swami about his family and mission, 150

interview with historian A. L. Basham, 181–82

ISKCON accused of being a “cult” by, 244

The New York Times “Judge Dismisses Charges in Hare Krishna ‘Brainwashing’ Case,” 242p; of Prabhupada travels in India with his Western disciples (1970), 215, 216, 219

San Francisco radio interview of the Swami (1968), 168–69

The Times of India’s “Hare Krishna Movement is a Bona Fide Religion,” 256–57

Times of London “Krishna Chant Startles London” article, 190

Village Voice article on the Swami (1966), 92–93

Jyotirmayi Dasi, 231


Kali Yuga (current Iron Age), 56–57, 59, 65, 91, 197–98, 259

Kallman, Allan, 122, 124, 148

Kallman, Carol, 122

Kapila, 199

Kapoor, O.B.L., 33, 226

Kardama Muni, 199

karma: difficulties created by leftover, 239

Prabhupada’s “spinning fan” description of, 238

Karma yoga, 166

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 229

Kennedy, John F., 229

Keshava Maharaj (Bhakti Prajnan Keshava Maharaj), 34, 50–51, 61, 62, 66

Kiernan, Kitty, 265

Kiernan, Timothy (Tadgh Mactighearnain) [Shaunaka Rishi], 265–67

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 138

Kirtanananda Das (Keith Ham), 94, 95, 100, 104, 105, 109, 129, 162

Koshi pilgrimage, 34

Koslofsky, Judy, 119–21

Kreshour, Merylee, 245, 252, 257

Krishna: Abhay on his transformation into greatest missionary of love for, 21

atma-rama (self-satisfied) of, 174–75

Bhagavad Gita quotations of, 9, 41, 69, 113, 139, 165, 189, 243

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the sixteenth-century avatar of, 4

Christian missionary condemnation of idolatry of, 14–15

honoring Bhaktivedanta Swami as representative of, 126, 127, 132

John Coltrane’s Om album inclusion of Bhagavad Gita quotes of, 125

Judy Koslofsky’s paintings of, 120

love between Radha (the feminine Godhead) and, 176

Prabhupada’s lineage extending back to, 4

Prabhupada’s tour of Vridavan and telling stories about, 224–25

prayers offered by Brahma to child, 261

quoted in the Bhagavad Gita, 9

rasa lila (loving exchanges with gopis), 174–75

Rathayatra festival (“journey of the chariots”) of, 13–14, 136p; Srimad Bhagavatam on personal life of, 25

Swami on other names for, 142

Swami’s instructions on the meaning of, 96, 104–6, 113, 142–43

tradition on Vrindavan being the home of, 29–32

the Vedas on truth of, 25. See also Hinduism; love for Krishna

Krishna, the Reservoir of Pleasure pamphlet, 185

Krishna Book. See KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Krishna Book) [1970]

Krishna consciousness: Abhay Charan’s devotion to, 16–18, 54

achintya-bhedabheda-tattva principle (oneness and difference from God) grounding, 172–73

as an active proposition today, 264

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s vision of a worldwide movement of, 22–24, 28, 34, 39, 59, 76

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on power of the, 19

incorporation of ISKCON as part of the evolution of, 114–15

increasing public interest in the philosophy of, 125

perspective of a spiritual life in, 134–35

Prabhupada and his Western disciples traveling in India (1970–1971) to raise, 213–27

Prabhupada’s parting words on the permanence of, 5

psychologists and academics study over legitimacy of, 243–44

as recognizing commonplace minutia as well as peak experiences, 135

the Swami on path to happiness through, 167

the Swami’s explanation of Hare Krishna chant to revive dormant, 124, 140–41

Vedic texts on creation relationship to, 5. See also Chaitanya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna); love for Krishna; spiritual life

Krishna Mantra-Rock Concert (San Francisco) [1967], 138, 139–41

KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Krishna Book) [1970]: cover of the printed, 164p; Garry Gelade’s review of the, 251

George Harrison’s preface to, 164, 196

printing funded by George Harrison, 164, 194–95

the story of King Kamsa in, 248

written as summary of Srimad Bhagavatam, 164p, 173–77, 182–83, 186, 194, 196–200, 248

ksatriyas (soldiers of just government), 179

Kumbha Mela pilgrimage (1971), 219–20

Kuntsler, William, 249


Lahiri Mahasaya, 220

Lane, Mark, 122

League of Devotees, 67, 161

Leahy, Justice John J., 255, 257

Leary, Timothy, 122

Lennon, John, 190, 193

Liberty (newspaper), 23

Liston, Sonny, 231

Long, Bruce, 251

Los Angeles congregation (ISKCON): bookselling “marathon” (1972) by the, 227–28

establishment of the, 171–72

Prabhupada’s presence in the, 176–78

love: Abhay on his transformation and learning to, 21

between Radha and Krishna, 176

samadhi (in trance of love), 261

the Swami on “unalloyed” or pure, 146

love for Krishna: Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (sixteenth-century treatise) on, 27, 66

dasya rasa (or servitude), 26

gopis rasa, 26

madhurya rasa (ignoring all social constraints), 27

rasa theology on bhakti yoga and, 26

sakhya rasa (friendship), 26

samadhi (in trance of love), 261

shanta rasa (love’s early stage), 26

Swami as embodied, 121

vatsalya rasa (love of parent toward child), 26. See also Krishna; Krishna consciousness

LSD: Howard Wheeler’s discussion with Swami on, 97

“I am God” fantasy occurring with, 144

Swami’s roommate Paul’s trip on, 93


McCartney, Linda, 190

McCartney, Paul, 190

Macmillan publishing house, 148–50, 162, 172

Madhav Maharaj (Bhakti Dayita Madhav Maharaj), 58, 208

The Magic Mountain (Mann), 90

Mahabharata epic, 69, 117

Malati Dasi (Melanie), 138, 145, 189, 190, 216

Malcom X, 122

Mann, Thomas, 90

Matchless Gifts (New York): Brahmananda and Gargamuni’s administrative duties of, 133–34

Brahminical initiations of students of the, 4, 125–30

classes taught by Bhaktivedanta Swami at the, 94, 95–109, 113–16

Judy Koslofsky’s paintings of Krishna on the walls of, 120

offering students food to Krishna with prayers, 106

student-designed handbill inviting others to the, 116

Swami’s ascension to spiritual master signaled by renovation (1966) of, 115–16

Swami’s demonstration of the Hare Krishna mantra during, 95, 100–101, 105, 109–10

Thomas J. Hopkins’ visit to the, 132–34. See also New York; Prabhupada’s Western mission; Western Krishna devotees

mayavada (impersonalist) philosophy, 37, 180

meat-eating: Christianity sanction of, 235

Prabhupada and Daniélou’s dialogue over animal souls and, 233–34, 235–36

Western discipline initiations and prohibition from, 128, 130

Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science (Thompson), 206

Melanie (Malati Dasi), 138, 145, 189, 190, 216

Merton, Thomas, 90

Michael Collins (film), 265

Midday Meals (Mumbai), 264

Midnight Sun Festival (Stockholm), 191

Mishra, Dr. Ramamurti, 87, 90

Misra, Bipin Chandra, 53

The Moody Blues (rock band), 191

Morarjee, Narottam, 72

Morarjee, Sumati, 72–73, 74–75, 214

Mother Yashoda, 224–25

Mountbatten, Lord, 44

Muhammed Ali, 231

Mukunda Das. See Grant, Michael

Muller, Max, 144

Mullik, Narendra, 17–18, 32

Murlidhar, 183

Mutty Lal Seal Free School (India), 15


Narada Muni (son of Brahma), 71, 131, 198, 199

Nara-Narayan Das, 171

Narottama Das Thakur, 32

Nayananda Das, 34–35

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 59, 75

newspaper coverage. See journalism coverage

Newsweek magazine, 253

New Theology movement: description of the Catholic, 231

Prabhupada’s meeting with Cardinal Daniélou exercise of the, 231–36

New York: Bell Tone Studies in, 122, 124

brainwashing case and verdict vindicating ISKCON, 242p, 247–59

the Swami’s chant during a blizzard (1966) in, 88

the Swami’s stay in Beth Israel Hospital, 151, 152

the Swami’s stopover before leaving for India (1967), 160–61

Tompkins Square Park chanting sessions in, 117–19, 121, 122, 123p, 152. See also Matchless Gifts (New York); United States

The New York Times: “Judge Dismisses Charges in Hare Krishna ‘Brainwashing’ Case,” 242p; “Swami’s Flock Chants in Park to Find Ecstasy,” 118

niskama-karma (unselfish action), 264

Northern Ireland conflict, 265–66


O’Hare International Airport harassment, 251

Om (Coltrane album), 125

Orlovsky, Peter, 116

Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 266


Pakistan, 44

Paramahamsa Maharaj, 50

Paramhansa Yogananda, 20, 76, 90, 138, 220

Pariksit (Vedic king), 175–76, 198–99

Paris trip (1973): debate between Cardinal Jean Daniélou and Prabhupada during, 212p, 231–36

the Hotel de Ville reception during the, 212p, 229–31

passport (Bhaktivedanta Swami), 82p

Patrick, Ted, 244–45

Paxton, Tom, 125

Poddar, Hanuman Prasad, 69, 70

poverty, as a merciful dispensation, 47

Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada): approving children’s books on Krishna, 3, 5

Bhagavad Gita As It Is written by, 3

the character and strength of, 266–67

commemorative gathering on Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s birth day (1961) by, 68–69

commitment and renunciation by, 62, 65–66

continued health deterioration of, 256

debate between Cardinal Jean Daniélou and, 212p, 231–36

early personal journey and mission of teaching, 2–3, 5

final moments and passing of, 259–61

his comments on the Vietnam conflict, 178–79

his last will and testament providing monthly stipend to former wife and children, 256

his unique teaching style, 4

honoring him as Krishna’s representative, 126, 127, 132

Joshua Greene’s last meeting and parting words with, 5

last visit to San Francisco before leaving for India (1967), 153–60

musical training of, 118–19

official reception in Paris’s Hotel de Ville (1973) for, 212p, 229–31

passport of, 82p; photographs of, 8p, 136p, 163p, 241p, 261p, 262p; response to New York brainwashing accusations against ISKCON by, 247, 248–49, 250, 252–53, 254–55

return to India (1967) to regain his health, 160–62

samadhi (in trance of love) described by, 261

science-discussions during morning walks with, 207–8

on seeing reality with shastra-chaksus (the “eyes” of scripture), 201

on the success of his mission, 258–59

taken and released from Beth Israel Hospital (1967), 151, 152–53

traveling to India with Western disciples (1970–1971), 213–27. See also De, Abhay Charan

Prabhupada’s Western mission: Agarwal family sponsorship of, 74, 85, 86–87

arrival to America on the Jaladuta (1965) and early days of the, 84–88

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s worldwide vision of Krishna driving, 22–24, 28, 34, 39, 59, 76

the Bhaktivedanta edition of Bhagavad Gita provoking “Krishna’s miracle” of transforming Westerners into devotees, 149

billboard advertisement on the Swami’s classes beginning his, 112p; Butler Eagle article (1965) on, 86

dramatic impact on Vrindavan and the rest of the world by, 263–67

educators’ acknowledgment of his introduction of Vaishnava culture to the West by, 111

his preparation and finding sponsor to come to America, 71–72, 73–78

Howard Smith’s interview and article about, 92–93

journalists as a challenge to the, 144–45, 150

Krishna Mantra-Rock Concert (San Francisco) [1967], 138, 139–41

letter of recommendation by S. Radhakrishnan for visa, 71–72

Los Angeles congregation (ISKCON) of, 171–72, 176–78

Prabhupada on the success of his, 258–59

renovation of Matchless Gifts (1966) signaling Swami’s ascension to spiritual master, 115–16

San Francisco radio interview of the Swami (1968) during, 168–69

sends Mukunda and Janaki to California to spread the message, 137–38

suffering two near-fatal heart attacks during journey to America, 82, 83

the Swami’s demonstration of the Hare Krishna mantra, 95, 100–101, 105, 109–10

Swami’s intention to create Western Brahmins as part of his, 4, 116–17

the Swami’s response to emotionally unstable visitors, 143–44

the Swami’s return to India (1967) to regain his health, 160–62

the Swami’s return to San Francisco (1968), 165–69

teaching archana (deity worship), 147. See also Matchless Gifts (New York); United States; Western Krishna devotees

Prabhupada’s writings/publications: Back to Godhead, 40p, 43, 47, 53–54, 58, 60, 133–34, 161, 167, 170, 185, 186, 194, 201, 208

Beyond Birth and Death, 202

Bhagavad Gita, 56, 58

Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 3, 54, 66, 131–32, 148–49, 202

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) in Los Angeles to print booklets, 208, 228

Chaitanya Charitamrita (Bhaktivedanta edition), 251

continuing to write during his trip to India (1970), 217

donations for beginning the printing of, 60–61

Easy Journey to Other Planets, 202–4, 205

Gaudiya Math’s “The Big Mridanga” printing operations, 106–7

Krishna, the Reservoir of Pleasure pamphlet, 185

KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Krishna Book) [1970], 164p, 173–77, 182–83, 186, 194, 196–200, 248, 251

Los Angeles bookselling “marathon” (1972), 227–28

opening a Boston press and Chief 29 printing press for, 184–86

poems written by the Swami, 60

progress and significance of, 66–71

provoking “Krishna’s miracle” of transforming Westerners into devotees through, 149–50

Srimad Bhagavatam commentary, 55, 56–58, 67–68, 69–70, 71, 72–73, 91, 92, 99, 162, 172

Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, 173

The Perfection of Yoga and Krishna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System booklets, 185

“Who Is Crazy?” (Bhaktivedanta Swami), 144–45. See also ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness)

prakriti (female souls in relation to God), 24

Prasad, Rajendra, 54

Prayag Pharmacy (Allahabad, India), 29, 32, 33, 34, 46

publications. See Prabhupada’s writings/publications

Puranas translation, 69


Quicksilver Messenger Service, 138


Rabindranath Tagore, 76

Radha (the feminine Godhead), 25, 31, 142, 146, 176, 224

Radha Damodar Temple (Vrindavan, India), 66, 67, 70, 73, 78, 162

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 71–72, 102–3, 104

Radha Memorial, 48

Radha Press (India), 69–70

Rado, James, 119

Ragni, Gerome, 119

Raja Yoga (Swami Vivekananda), 90

Rama (another name for Krishna), 4–5

Raman Reti (Vrindavan parcel of land), 225

Ramayana epic, 69

Ramesvara Das, 183

rasa lila (Krishna’s loving exchanges with gopis), 174–75

Rathayatra festival (“journey of the chariots”): description of the Indian, 13–14

inauguration of the first Western World (1967), 136p, 208

Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph, 231

Ravindra Svarup Das, 227

religion: New York brainwashing verdict proving ISKCON to be a, 249–59

Northern Ireland conflict over, 265–66

story on God and Devil’s organization of, 267

The Republic, 265

Roy, Rammohun, 15

Rupa Goswami, 27, 31, 66


Sadaputa Das (Richard L. Thompson), 202–6

Sajjana-tosani (“source of pleasure for devotees”) journal, 51

samadhi (in trance of love), 261

Sanders, Pharaoh, 89

San Francisco: first Western Rathayatra festival inaugurated (1967) in, 136p, 208

installing Hindu deities figures in Krishna temple of, 146

Krishna Mantra-Rock Concert (1967) in, 138, 139–41

the Swami’s arrival (1967) to, 138–39

the Swami’s disciples’ plan to have a Krishna center in Haight-Ashbury, 138

the Swami’s return to (1968), 165–69

the Swami’s visit before returning to India (1967), 153–60. See also United States

San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), 139

San Francisco radio interview (1968), 168–69

Sanskrit language instruction, 180–81

Sanyal, N. K., 25

Saraf, Gita Devi, 225

Saraf, Sashi Prasad, 225

Satsvarupa, 135

Satya Yuga (the Golden Age), 57, 197

Saurabha, 225

Scharf, Bruce (Brahmananda Das), 113–14, 117, 122, 129, 133, 148, 259

Scharf, Greg (Gargamuni Das), 129, 133–34, 171

Schwed, Michael, 245, 252

science: Bhaktivedanta Institute mission to establish Vedic viewpoint as scientifically defensible, 206–7

contradiction between fifth canto and explanation of the universe of, 200–201

Easy Journey to Other Planets as Prabhupada’s response to Times of India issue, 202–4, 205

Richard L. Thompson on reconciling Vedic view and, 205–6

science-discussions during morning walks with Prabhupada, 207–8

on seeing reality with shastra-chaksus (the “eyes” of scripture), 201

Scindia Steamship Company, 72, 74, 214

Scindia Steamship Company ticket, 79p

Scottish Churches College (India), 15, 17

Second Vatican Council, 235

Selective Service, 179

The Seven Storey Mountain (Merton), 90

Shankara (eighth-century scholar), 71

shanta rasa (love’s early stage), 26

Shapiro, Edward, 257

Sharma, Hitsaran, 70

Sharma, Kishanlal, 78

shastra-chaksus (the “eyes” of scripture), 201

Shastri, 48

Shaunaka Rishi Das (Timothy Kiernan) [Tadgh Mactighearnain], 265–67

Sheffey, Wally (Umapati Das), 95, 106, 126, 129, 130, 132, 191–92, 193

Shinn, Lawrence, 251

Shiva, 96

Shyamsundar Das (Sam Speerstra), 138, 145–46, 189, 190, 194, 216, 222–23

Siegel, Roger (Gurudas), 138

Sikes, James R., 118

the Six Goswamis, 30

Smith, Howard, 92–93

Smith Institute, 37

Socrates, 104

soldier’s story on bhakti yoga, 264–65

souls: Bhagavad Gita on passing from childhood to old age into a new body, 245–46

possibility of a Supreme Soul when acknowledging, 253

Prabhupada and Daniélou’s dialogue over meat-eating and animal, 233–34, 235–36

Prabhupada on the laws of nature controlling, 254

Speerstra, Sam (Shyamsundar Das), 138, 145–46, 189, 190, 194, 216, 222–23

spiritual life: Howard Wheeler’s discussion with Swami on a, 97–98

Krishna-conscious perspective of a, 134–35. See also bhakti life; Krishna consciousness

“spiritual typewriter” story, 135

Sridhar Maharaj (Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaj), 24–25, 41–42, 88

Sri Keshavji Gaudiya Math temple (Mathura, India), 50

Srimad Bhagavatam (ancient scripture): Abhay’s study and memorization of the verses of, 32, 47

answering the “who” and “why” questions, 132

Bhaktivedanta Swami’s commentary on, 55, 56–58, 69–70, 71, 72–73, 91, 92, 99, 162, 172

Gaudiya Math discussions about the, 25

on happiness, 167

KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (the Krishna Book) [1970] summary of the, 164p, 173–77, 182–83, 186, 194, 196–200, 248, 251

Radharani De’s trade for tea biscuits using a copy of, 49

stories about Krishna in the, 3

Sukadev quoted in the, 62

the Swami’s work on the, 67

Thomas J. Hopkins’s interest in, 132–33

week-long discussion between Pariksit and Sukadev in, 175–76

written by Vyasadev, 198. See also Bhagavata Purana

Sri Nathaji (Hindu deity), 72

Star Club (Hamburg), 191

Starr, Ringo, 190

Steve Miller Band, 138

Subhadra (Hindu deity), 145

Sukadev (sage), 175–76, 198–99

superior energies, 134, 135

Swami/Swamiji. See Prabhupada (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

Swami Vivekananda, 76, 90

Swarup Damodar Das, 258


Tadgh Mactighearnain (Timothy Kiernan) [Shaunaka Rishi Das], 265–67

“Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues” (Paxton song), 125

Tamal Krishna Das, 166, 167, 171, 193, 220, 245, 254, 255, 256–58

Teachings of Lord Chaitanya (Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada), 173

Theistic Exhibitions (1928 to 1936) [India], 23

The Perfection of Yoga and Krishna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System booklets, 185

Thompson, Richard L. (Sadaputa Das), 202–6

Time magazine, 230, 250

The Times of India: “Hare Krishna Movement is a Bona Fide Religion,” 256–57

Prabhupada’s response to 1959 issues on particles discovery, 203

Times of London “Krishna Chant Startles London” article, 190

Tirtha Maharaj (Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaj), 24, 32

Tompkins Square Park (New York): chanting session held while Swami is in the hospital, 152

chanting sessions held in the, 117–19, 121, 122

plaque on Hare Krishna Tree in, 123p

Trailanga Baba, 220

Treta Yuga (the Silver Age), 197


Umapati Das (Wally Sheffey), 95, 106, 126, 129, 130, 132, 191–92, 193

United States: Bhaktivedanta Swami’s desire to bring Krishna to the, 75

Bhaktivedanta Swami’s preparation and sponsor to come to the, 71–72, 73–78. See also New York; Prabhupada’s Western mission; San Francisco

Upanishads: on accepting spiritual master to teach about God, 127

translation of, 69

“Uptown Swamis” (New York), 89


Vaikuntha (eternal world), 134

Vaishnava community: acharyas (teachers) of, 18, 22, 23

Bhaktisiddhanta’s vision of a worldwide, 22–24, 28, 34, 39, 59, 76

Swami’s introduction to the West of Vaishnava culture acknowledged by educators, 110–11. See also Chaitanya Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna); Gaudiya Math (Vaishnava institution) [India]

Vamsi Gopalaji Temple (India), 55

varnashram system (India), 179

Vedanta Society (United States), 20

the Vedas: Gaudiya Math study of knowledge revealed in, 25

Vyasadev’s transposition of oral Vedic teachings into, 198

Vedic cosmology: Bhaktivedanta Institute mission to establish Vedic viewpoint as scientifically defensible, 206–7

divided into cycle of four yugas (ages), 197

Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age), 197

Easy Journey to Other Planets as Prabhupada’s response to Times of India issue, 202–4, 205

Kali Yuga (current Iron Age), 56–57, 59, 65, 91, 197–98, 259

Richard L. Thompson on reconciling science to, 205–6

Satya Yuga (the Golden Age), 57, 197

Treta Yuga (the Silver Age), 197. See also Hinduism

vegetarian diet, 128, 130

Vietnam conflict, 178–79

Village Voice: article on the Swami (1966) in, 92–93

“The Happening Album” ads (1967) placed in the, 148

Vishakha Das, 230

Vishnu, 96, 199

Vishnujan Das, 166, 167

Vivekananda, Swami, 20

Voltaire, 180

Vrindavan (India): Abhay’s fourth visit (1932) to, 55–56

Abhay’s visit (1925) to, 29–32

concerns over Prabhupada’s Western disciples in, 223–24

dramatic impact of Prabhupada’s mission on, 263

Prabhupada’s return with Western disciples (1971) to, 223–27

Radha Damodar Temple in, 66, 67, 70, 73, 78, 162

the Six Goswamis sent to, 30

tradition on Krishna’s home being, 29–32

Vyasadev, 131–32, 198


Wade, James O’Shea, 148–50

Western Krishna devotees: A. L. Basham interviewed on his opinion of, 181–82

assigned to create paintings of God, 183–84

the Bhaktivedanta edition of Bhagavad Gita provoking “Krishna’s miracle” of creating the, 149–50

called “dancing white elephants” in India, 217, 218

on contradiction between fifth canto and scientific explanation of the universe, 200–201

criticism of Indian press (1970) of, 216

entering the fourth generation of, 5

fanning out across America to spread the message, 170–72

George Harrison producing album with devotees from London temple, 188p; Hare Krishna chanting to help Swami recover from illness (1967), 151

Paris police arresting the les foux de Dieu (“God’s mad people”), 231

Prabhupada’s final moments with his, 260–61

scientist-disciples among the, 202–7

studying for their bhakti-shastri certification, 179–81

the Swami’s advice to raise funds through Hare Krishna chanting, 166–68

the Swami’s controversial Brahminical initiations of, 4, 125–30

the Swami’s intent to create Western Brahmins and, 4, 116–17

traveling to India with Prabhupada (1970–1971), 213–27. See also ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness); Matchless Gifts (New York); Prabhupada’s Western mission

Wheeler, Howard (Hayagriva Das): on chanting in public with the Swami, 109–10

helping the Swami by typing for, 99, 130–31

initiation instruction and new name of, 126, 129

introduction to the Swami, 93–98

on learning from the Swami, 104, 106

recruiting students for the Swami, 100

“spiritual typewriter” story of, 135

on Swami’s Govinda chanting, 142

“Who Is Crazy?” (Bhaktivedanta Swami), 144–45

Wigner, Eugene, 206

Wolfe, Tom, 125

World Heavyweight Boxing Championship (1964), 231

World’s Parliament of Religions (Chicago, 1893), 20

World War II, 42–43

Wynne, David, 194


Yadubara Das, 230

Yamuna Devi, 167, 189, 190

Yamunacharya (tenth-century philosopher), 122

Yeargens, Carl, 93

Yoga Sutra (morality and ethical living), 185

yoga: Karma, 166

printing books on Prabhupada’s position on, 184–86

Sukadev’s description of the practice of, 199

Yoga Sutra (morality and ethical living), 185. See also bhakti yoga

Yogesvara. See Greene, Joshua M. (Yogesvara)