
abstraction 9293, 114, 115, 327, 329; and association 92, 154; and conception 28, 263264; and reasoning 91, 130
association 8791, 9697, 101102, 106, 183184; and brain 197; by contiguity 85, 8889, 9192, 154; and habit 84, 89; laws of 40, 57, 88, 151, 189, 211; and learning 93, 121, 140141; and memory 121; secondary nature of 86, 9899, 125; and self-identity 242243; by similarity 85, 8892, 152154, 326
attention 67, 101102, 110, 205213, 223227; defined 208; explanation of 209; immediate vs. derived 208; and interest 85, 88, 179, 190, 193, 196197, 207, 246; passive vs. active 208; and preperception 209210; and reality 222, 264; and reasoning 157; sensorial vs. intellectual 208209; see will: and attention
belief 131, 259273; definition of 260; doubt as the opposite of 261; and imagination 260261; and interest 263; and memory 139; and perception 261262; and reality 114, 139, 166, 253254, 261, 263265; and science 7, 263, 268270; and will 261262; see truth: and belief
body: and experience 6668, 168; meaning of 5556; and mind 5355, 6364, 6970, 160161; and self-identity 6667, 243245; see self: and body; self: material aspect of
brain 1415, 206; and evolution 178; and habit 1517, 7879; hemispheres of 43, 6064, 78, 133135; and indeterminism 65, 178179, 206, 259; and memory 133135, 141; plasticity of 6263, 78, 178, 206; and self 241, 247; see consciousness: and brain
Carpenter, William B. 79; and ideo-motor action 29, 216
causality: attribution of 54, 6366; vs. attribution of 39, 4344, 259, 322, 323; opposed by mental spontaneity 154, 208; as metaphysical conjecture 158, 284, 307; vs. probability 330331; see brain: and indeterminism; consciousness: causal efficacy of; mind: freedom of
cognition 45, 145159, 164166, 168169, 318319, 330; and evolution 150151; see also emotion
comparison 58, 8687, 91, 153157; investigative method of 32; and reality 263
conception 28, 100117; change in 280, 324325; function of 280; evolution of basic forms of 283; vs. perception 126127, 318319; as translation 112, 158, 280, 329; see cognition
consciousness 173193; and activism 19, 43, 57, 85, 98, 154, 190, 205, 208, 214217, 235236, 301; and brain 4345, 6263, 6566, 6869, 97, 177178, 182, 200201, 307; causal efficacy of 54, 65, 177, 179180, 206; characteristics of 180193; equivalent terms for 4243, 145151, 174175, 198, 230; and evolution 6465, 134, 158, 176179; flights and perchings of 106107, 128, 130, 183, 188, 308; fringe of 106107, 130; function of 6466, 83, 177; and holism 35, 5758, 86, 189, 195, 242, 301, 309; and interest 46, 57, 85, 112, 189; primary and secondary consciousness 199201; and purpose 46, 60, 6465, 72, 83, 112, 115, 155, 176177; questioned 312316; and reflex action 150151; vs. sciousness 308, 313314, 316317; selectivity of 6566, 125, 189193, 242; stream of 19, 4243, 57, 8586, 125, 181185; vagueness of 23, 185186; see meaning; psychology: and radical empiricism; selection: and consciousness
constancy: of meaning 102103; of size and shape 117, 119121; see sameness
dualism 70, 312; of mind and body 44, 5371, 320321; of mind and thing 4546, 72, 323324
emotion 145151, 159172, 213214; and belief 263, 269; and bodily changes 159163; genesis of 166167; and memory 141; and perception 162; types of 167; variation of 166; see also cognition
experience: equivalent to consciousness 94; James’s influential analysis of 276, 284; as open-ended 266267; as product of mind and body 208; as selective 207; as starting point 58, 71, 176, 315316, 319320; see consciousness
feeling: and cognition 145146, 269; and emotion 163; and images 128; priority of 168; of relation 106110, 130, 139, 183185, 196; of tendency 23, 107109, 127, 131132, 184187
Freud, Sigmund 47, 171, 173, 198, 199, 246, 296, 298; compared to James 169170, 178, 188, 200, 248
genius 34, 108109, 282, 298; and analogical (metaphorical) thinking 9091, 152153, 183184, 326; two kinds of 9091, 152
habit 13, 15, 7385; and association 140; and attention 83; and character 73, 7981, 246; and education 7981; and instincts 7678; and main forms of thinking 285; and preperception 8182; and unconsciousness 8283; see brain: and habit
Helmholtz, Hermann von 9, 100, 118, 191, 296; and unconscious inference 121, 197
imagination 124132, 133, 138, 141144; defined 127; and neurology 127; and thought 129132
interest: and association 153154; and freedom of thought and action 85; and reality 261, 265; and selective attention 46, 57, 6566, 87, 8892, 115, 125, 192, 205207; and self 236; see attention
James, William: continuing relevance of 117; described 22, 291, 295; as individualist 248250, 317318; legacy of 3, 252, 285286, 296300; life of 48, 248252, 296300; life reflected in work 45, 24, 7071, 8384, 99100, 120, 129, 191, 223224; prejudices of 250255; vs. pretense to exactitude 17, 2123, 29, 39, 42, 47, 74, 87, 9697, 101, 126, 136, 147149, 159, 167, 168, 175, 212, 328331; religious beliefs of 273275, 317318; writing style of 2124, 292296; see analogical (or metaphorical) thinking: examples of
James’s book-length publications: Essays in Radical Empiricism 8, 41, 44, 69, 72, 115, 259, 303; The Meaning of Truth 8, 70, 110, 281, 283, 286, 303, 319320; A Pluralistic Universe 8, 142, 259, 266, 301, 303; Pragmatism 8, 112, 279, 281, 301, 303, 318; Psychology: Briefer Course viii, 7, 8, 41, 42, 48, 57, 95, 175, 230, 293294, 297, 305310, 314, 320; Some Problems of Philosophy 8, 303; Talks to Teachers and to Students 8, 1213, 80, 128129, 140, 141, 296; The Varieties of Religious Experience 78, 20, 176, 189, 204, 223224, 247, 259, 270274, 278, 292, 299300, 328, 329; The Will to Believe 8, 259, 265270, 296, 314; see also The Principles of Psychology
knowledge 277288, 318319; by acquaintance (knowledge of) 45, 96, 101, 111, 146147, 186; knowledge-about 45, 96, 101, 111, 146147, 186; limits of 114, 260261, 267268, 277278; as social 281282; see cognition
language: dangers of 35; limits of 34, 116, 147149, 194, 276; and thought 98, 102, 128129, 131
logic 288; James vs. Peirce on 291292; limits of 267; see narrative: vs. logic
memory 107108, 124125, 130, 131, 132144, 214; and brain 133135, 139; fallibility of 138139; and habit 84, 139; and images 133; primary vs. secondary 137, 196197; and self 133, 242, 244, 245246
narrative: vs. logic 291292, 329330; and psychology 328331
objectivity 260; and subjectivity 46, 7071, 100, 117, 180, 181, 188189, 191, 208, 323324, 327
others (aside from one’s own self) 229230, 248255; as source of concepts 281; as source of social aspect of self 233234; uniqueness and dignity of 229; see James, William: prejudices of
perception 96101, 330; and reality 265, 318319; and selection 33, 118, 119; and sensation 9697, 126; see also cognition; constancy of size and shape; emotion
possibility: brain as instrument of 46, 65, 178, 225; James’s commitment to 259, 266, 268, 274, 275, 285, 314315, 317; mind as selective of 65, 110, 179, 192, 219; mind as theatre of 58, 76, 93, 192, 205; vs. soul as source of 241
pragmatism 3, 7, 2627, 74, 105, 112, 116, 151, 152, 158, 169, 180, 260, 268, 278282, 283284, 286288, 319320
Principles of Psychology, The: contemporary reception of 290295; context of vii-viii, 713; historical significance of viii-ix, 294295, 299; hypothetical revision of 48, 7172, 305, 310, 320331; later reputation of 292297, 300304; legacy of 3, 21, 30, 297, 302304; structure of 1821; subject matter of 1618, 4142, 174; see also analogical (or metaphorical) thinking: examples of; James, William: writing style of
probability 32, 167, 268, 318, 323; dramatic 274, 328331
psychology: and metaphysics 3841, 48, 53, 240, 306310; and methods of investigation 2936; philosophical reflection in 40, 47; and positivism 3941, 4849, 5354, 56, 245, 306, 309, 310; and radical empiricism 305308, 310, 320326, 329; as science 3839, 41, 306310; see philosophy: and psychology
radical empiricism 3, 41, 44, 48, 55, 6972, 86, 94, 116, 259, 265267, 274, 277, 286, 305306, 321331; development of James’s 308320; see psychology: and radical empiricism
realism 99100, 104, 230; vs. naïve 116; perceptual 114115, 119, 124, 189
reasoning 36, 152157, 192; limits of 168
sameness: conceptual 102105, 119, 155; perceptual 100, 262; personal 241, 245; and sense of reality 188; see self: identity of
selection: and consciousness 19, 3334, 46, 65, 9899, 101, 106, 250251; and preperception 119120; and reality 278279; and reasoning 155; and self 19
self 205, 220, 228248; and body 161, 229, 231233, 237238, 240, 243245; continuous with wider self, 299300, 316318; empirical aspect of 230239; esteem of 234; as fiction 242; identity of 6667, 102, 239247; as immediate datum of psychology 181, 228229; material aspect of 232233, 238239; multiple 245247; mutations of 230231, 245248; primary vs. secondary 181, 198, 201, 230, 245247; as pure ego 230231, 234236, 239245; and reality 262; redefined 316, 325326; self-estimation 238239; self-seeking 238239; social aspect of 233234, 239; spiritual aspect of 234239; warmth and intimacy of 138, 240241
sensation 9497; and brain 133135; and language 128129; vs. perception 9697, 126; primacy of 94, 110111, 113, 125, 230; subject matter for physiological investigation 95; see cognition
soul 10, 1617, 3940, 47, 56, 66, 234235, 236, 239242; unnecessary for psychology 241242, 299
space 68; concept of 284; sense of 117121
time 68; concept of 284; remembered 124125, 141; sense of 117119, 135137
truth 3, 131, 139, 159, 164, 169, 249, 263, 268, 273, 284, 301; and belief 260, 267, 282283; according to James 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 47, 105, 111, 112, 115, 277278, 285, 288, 290, 291, 313, 318; vs. usefulness 268
will 20, 80, 81, 161, 205206, 213223, 224227; and action 213214, 222223; and attention 190, 221223; and belief 212, 261262; and consent 222, 224; and deliberation 217220; disturbances of 220; and feeling of effort 219223; and ideo-motor theory 214216; and reality 222, 265; see also consciousness: causal efficacy of; mind: freedom of