He dreams of skulls. Seventy-eight of them—factors 1, 2, 3,…
The letter came one Saturday at the end of April,…
Dear Mr Straker,
Alan Fisher sat neatly on the train, his back to…
‘Jonathan. It’s Imogen. Listen. You know the roof?’
Straker is not interested in the rows of televisions in…
Mike folded his arms, stretched his long legs out in…
Sitting next to Straker, eating his crisps, Doody realises that…
Patterns. Rhythms. Sequences. They are all around Straker and part…
Anne was standing by the open train door watching a…
Doody pushes a chunk of crusty bread and a slice…
Dear Mr Straker,
Harry sat alone on the train and pretended to look…
It’s dark by the time Doody finishes mowing the playing-field,…
Dear Mr Straker,
So, who is Maggie?
As they drive away from the lighthouse, Doody doesn’t speak.
Doody has tried to visualise seventy-eight people. In the three…
Straker runs all the way to the lighthouse. It is…
Steve sat in the aeroplane, unable to believe that this…
‘Mother? It’s Imogen. Jonathan said you wanted me to phone.’
Straker follows Simon Taverner down his narrow hall and into…
In Doody’s mind, Stella has always been tall and authoritative,…
Straker sits at the end of the pier with Doody’s…
Rows of cardboard boxes from the supermarket stand around Doody’s…
It’s a fine, sunny day, the sky pale blue and…
All faces are turned to the windows on the right…
Doody marches through the cottage gate and turns towards the…
Doody wanted Straker to run, to escape from those vindictive…
Harry has been walking for three hours. He caught the…