YOU THINK YOU HAVE EVERYTHING PLANNED BUT, nevertheless, sometimes things go awry. Through the tips in this chapter, you’ll be prepared for anything and everything so a torn hemline or giant pimple doesn’t ruin your big day.
Packing the Perfect Bridal Survival KitPacking the Perfect Bridal Survival Kit
The key to a flawless wedding isn’t avoiding disaster; it’s being prepared. More specifically, it’s about preparing for the worst (and, of course, hoping for the best!) with a bridal survival kit. This is the kind of stuff every celebrity stylist has on hand at photo shoots, red carpets, and yes, at celebrity weddings, to ensure all the what-ifs are taken care of!
Having quick and easy access to all of your “in case of emergency” products is just as important as actually having them, so organization is key. To get started, you’ll need a large cosmetics bag. My top pick is the kind with lots of clear, plastic, smaller bags nestled within, which you can find at most beauty supply shops—although lots of small plastic Ziploc bags will do the trick as well. Another option is the kind of toiletry organizer you can hang either over the door or on the door-knob of the bathroom. Just make sure you have it in your bridal suite and that you put one of your bridesmaids in charge of bringing it to the wedding reception venue.
MAKEUP: Depending on your skin and the makeup you’re wearing, this will differ for everyone, but some powder, concealer, and lip gloss are definite must-haves. Ask your makeup artist if he or she has any other suggestions.
OIL BLOTTING SHEETS: Unlike powder that can look ashy when applied too many times throughout the night, these convenient sheets actually absorb the oil instead of merely covering it up—and without messing up your makeup.
Q-TIPS + MAKEUP REMOVER: In the event unexpected tears creep up during the ceremony, you’ll be glad to have some clean-up tools!
DEODORANT: For touch-ups—or in case someone in your bridal party forgets. Just make sure it’s a clear dry formula.
DEODORANT-REMOVING SPONGE: Have a bridesmaid who failed to jump on the clear deodorant bandwagon? Wipe away the evidence with a sponge designed to remove deodorant sans water.
DOUBLE-SIDED FASHION TAPE: From a spaghetti strap that keeps slipping to a hemline that’s come undone, stick fabric to itself—or skin—with this multi-use, fashionista must-have.
SEWING KIT + SAFETY PINS: You never know when a good old needle and thread will come in handy—or when you’ll need safety pins to secure a broken dress strap or remove a splinter. If possible, ask your wedding dress designer (or the salesperson) if they have a swatch of the thread used on your gown in case you need it to reattach a strap or otherwise troubleshoot).
HAIR TIES + BOBBY PINS: You got your hair done for the big day but dancing’s left it messy? You’ll be grateful for your ability to fix it on the fly (or for your maid of honor to do it!).
HAIR SPRAY: Sure, it tames frizzy flyaways and secures falling up-dos, but did you know it can also remove lipstick stains from your man’s shirt?
STATIC GUARD: While hair spray can sometimes do the trick, don’t risk ruining fabrics with this made-for-clothes static solution.
LINT-REMOVING ROLL: Because you may love your pet, but you don’t love their hair making a cameo in all your pictures.
STAIN-REMOVING STICK OR WIPE: It’s like an insurance policy: you hope you don’t need it, but you sure are glad you have it on hand if you do.
NAIL FILE: Snag a nail? Instead of picking at it all night (like I would!) or scratching yourself (or others) repeatedly, fix it pronto.
BAND-AIDS: Cuts, blisters, hangnails, oh my! Just make sure they’re clear so they’re invisible on all skin tones.
ANTIHISTAMINES: Runny noses and watery eyes are never a good thing. Hives are even worse. Treat all of the above with an over-the-counter antihistamine.
ASPIRIN: It’s not just for when your future mother-in-law comes down with a migraine, but also for reducing the appearance of a pimple, too! Just crush one aspirin in a few drops of water and apply to the spot for a couple of minutes. Rinse off and conceal with makeup!
ANTACIDS: Just in case nerves give you a sour stomach—or the best man eats one too many passed hors d’oeuvres.
CORTISONE CREAM: On bug bites, rashes, and other irritations, it will help to assuage discomfort and reduce redness.
BREATH MINTS + TOOTHPICKS: You’ll be close-talking with all your friends and family over the music—and kissing your newly betrothed all night. Make sure your breath is minty fresh and there’s no food in your teeth. Look for breath mints at a health food store that are made without any artificial sweeteners, which can upset your stomach.
TOOTHBRUSH + PASTE: You’ll want one last brush after you eat your final pre-gown meal and before you apply your lipstick.
TISSUES: For tears and sniffles—as well as post-kiss lipstick on cheeks.
TAMPONS: You never know how stressors like a wedding can affect your cycle—or if someone in your wedding party will have forgotten her own.
SHOE PADS + MOLESKIN: If your feet start to ache or your shoes start to slip, you’ll be thankful you have them.
ANTI-REDNESS EYEDROPS: They’re great post-tears (and post-hangover!).
SUPERGLUE: To reattach a heel on a shoe or beads on a dress.
SMALL SCISSORS: Just in case.
WHITE CHALK: Cover up a stain on your dress with white chalk if you’re in a bind.
COMFORTABLE SHOES: Whether flip-flops or sneakers, bring an extra pair of shoes so you can dance the night away sans heels (and blisters)!
GREAT ATTITUDE: It’s not a matter of if something will go “wrong,” it’s a matter of what it will be and when. Nothing, though, should get in the way of your ability to enjoy your big day. Sure, a big red wine stain on your gown isn’t ideal, but would you rather spend your wedding in the bathroom crying about it, or enjoying the party you’ve spent months planning anyway? Today is about celebrating your love and your commitment to spend the rest of your lives together, the rest is just icing on the cake. (Sometimes literally.)
DRY SHAMPOO: If you’re wearing your hair down and it’s prone to falling flat, use dry shampoo to give it a volumizing boost. Just make sure it’s a formula that either matches the color of your hair or dries invisibly. We aren’t going for a powdered Marie Antoinette look.
PERFUME: Toss your favorite perfume in your kit if you want to touch up your fragrance during the evening. Just make sure to use a solid or rollerball—not a spray, which can stain your dress! And remember that your nose becomes desensitized, so make sure you’re not applying too much.
MATTIFYING POWDER: If your skin is oily and prone to breakthrough shine, keep a translucent mattifying powder on hand to control shine without messing up your makeup.
BABY POWDER: Worried about sweaty, sticky, swollen feet? A dash of baby powder in your shoes will help!
STRAWS: Wearing a dramatic lipstick or high-shine gloss? Sip your drinks without leaving most of your lip color behind by using a straw. You’ll also be less likely to inadvertently spill your drink on your dress. Just be sure to sip slowly to try to minimize the amount of air you swallow, which can lead to bloating.
BLISTER BLOCKERS: Whether you prefer a blister-blocking stick or gel insoles, plan for the worst-case scenario with a blister-blocking solution that fits in your shoes.
EXTRA HOSIERY: If you’re wearing hose, make sure you have a backup pair on hand!
EXTRA DRESS SHIRT: For him, in case he sweats or spills—or gets your makeup on his shirt.
NAIL POLISH: If a small chip will drive you crazy, bring the exact shade with you for a touch-up on the go.
NAIL POLISH REMOVER: If you’re wearing a darker shade than nude, bring nail polish remover just in case. Just be sure it’s securely stored to avoid a second beauty disaster!
CROCHET HOOK: If your dress—or your attendants’ dresses—have buttons with loop closures, this will help ease the process.
UMBRELLA: If your wedding venue poses any risk of rain—and of subjecting you to it—it’s better to be safe than sorry!
FULL-FAT GREEK YOGURT: It’s one of my favorite facial masks and an amazing spot treatment for immediately reducing the appearance of any facial redness or even a pimple. Just make sure you have a refrigerator to store it in!
Wedding Woes SOSWedding Woes SOS
The key to cleaning up a spill is to dab, not rub—and to do so ASAP. Use a cloth damped with water or club soda and dab the spot until no more of the stain is coming up. Then, let it dry before covering up with white chalk. Take the dress to an experienced dry cleaner immediately after the wedding (or ask your maid of honor to do so if you’re off on your honeymoon).
Spent all night up with your girlfriends or the morning crying with your mom? Cure puffy eyes easily at an event venue. Just ask for a cup of ice water and two metal spoons. Soak the spoons in the water to chill before applying on your eyes (with the back on the spoons gently pressing in your eye socket) for a few minutes. Repeat as needed.
If your hem comes undone from dancing, have your bridesmaids help you to secure it using the double-sided tape and/or safety pins in your emergency kit. If the strap snaps, use the sewing kit, if possible, or a safety pin.
Use a Q-tip and some makeup remover (or even some Vaseline or coconut oil!) to carefully remove running makeup. Dab dry before reapplying makeup, as needed.
Stress is a major skin aggravator so it’s not unusual to break out on the big day. Rule #1: DON’T PICK IT! The best option is to call your dermatologist and have it injected with cortisone to immediately reduce the puffiness and redness.
Not an option? Apply a small dab of full-fat Greek yogurt and let it sit for fifteen minutes (or longer). The lactic acid helps to break down the clogged pore and reduce redness and puffiness, the probiotics balance bacteria, and the fat moisturizes for a surface perfectly primed for makeup.
No yogurt to be found? Head to your emergency kit and get crafty. Start by crushing an aspirin in a few drops of water to create a paste. Apply that to the pimple for a few minutes (remove it immediately if you feel any irritation) before rinsing off. Then saturate a Q-tip with the anti-redness eyedrops and hold it on the pimple for a few minutes. Finally, conceal it!
Walking down the aisle should be one of the best moments of your life, not ripe with anxiety. Scuff your shoes on a driveway or sidewalk before the wedding so they’re not slippery and walk around in them for a couple of days to get your footing. And, in the off chance your heel breaks, either ditch your shoes and put on the comfortable pair you (should have) brought with you, or reattach the heel with the superglue in your emergency kit.
Use your nail file to gently buff any rough edges before applying a fresh coat of polish to the entire nail. Just make sure to do this far away from your dress!
Have your wedding planner (or best man) call a local rental store and see if they can messenger one over. Otherwise, talk with the photographer. He or she can likely position the forgetful fellow so as to minimize attention. Alternatively, you can ask all groomsmen to ditch the tie if your wedding’s dress code allows.
Whether you plan on wearing your wedding and engagement rings stacked or on separate hands, prior to your ceremony you’ll want to move your engagement ring to your right hand to make putting your wedding band on easier.
Fingers swollen from traveling or climate change and it won’t budge? Don’t panic. Submerge your hand in ice water to reduce swelling before applying hand lotion, oil, or hair conditioner to your finger and wiggling the ring off. Just make sure you don’t do this over the sink or near any drain! Reapply a bit of lotion, oil, or hair conditioner before walking down the aisle, too, so it’s easier to slip on your wedding band during the ceremony.
Treat it like you would any other hangover (and head back to Chapter 4 for a refresher course).
Whether the itchiness or unsightliness is the biggest concern, apply a cortisone cream to the affected areas to reduce redness, inflammation, and discomfort. If it’s really unbearable, consider taking one of the antihistamines in your emergency kit, just be careful because they can make you groggy.
Your walk down the aisle should be dramatic, but not because you’re having a panic attack! If you’re feeling anxious, surround yourself with calming love and avoid any heart-racing beverages like coffee, caffeinated soda, and energy drinks. Some brides find that seeing their soon-to-be-betrothed eases nerves, so if the anxiety becomes too much, consider breaking your ban on seeing each other before the ceremony so you can calm down and enjoy the wedding.
Ask someone in your bridal party to help you to use the stain-removing sticks or wipes in your bridal survival kit to clean his shirt while he changes into the spare. Hang the dirty shirt, though, so in the event the second one is spilled on, the first one isn’t a wrinkled mess.