abduction stories 266
abolitionists 267
Acts of Uniformity 95
‘Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The’ (Sherlock Holmes story) 25
‘Adventures of Mother Hubbard and her Dog, The’ 145
African Baptist Church 267
African Methodist Episcopal Church 267
‘Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman’ 226-7
Aladdin 218
Alaska 126
Albert, Prince 168
Albion Flour Mills 256
alcohol 88
taxes 88
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 167-8, 228
Allerton Castle 52
almshouses 220
Amaethon 201
Amazing Grace 241-4
Anacreontic Society 263
Andersen, Hans Christian 192
Andrew, Duke of York 55
Andrewes, Lancelot 174-5
Anglo-Dutch Wars 56
Anglo-Spanish Wars 169
Anjou, Duke of 42
Apple A Day, An 3
applied mathematics 7
Aprice, John 215
arachnophobia 110
Archaeologica Scotica: Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 12
archery 38
Ariosti, Attilio 223
Arne, Thomas Augustine 245
‘Rule Britannia’ 245
Arthur, legend of 142-3
Arthwys 142-3
As I Was Going by Charing Cross 4-6, 43
As I Was Going to St Ives 7, 86
Assize of Arms 38
Aubrey, John 28
Baa Baa Black Sheep 8-11, 105, 170, 218
Babylon 62
Baker, Tafit 250
Baltimore, Battle of 264
Banbury 178-9
Banbury Cross 178
Bank of England 86
baptism 199
‘Barebones Parliament’ 72
Baring-Gould, Sabine 125
Barnaby Rudge 155
Barry, Major Augustine 13
Bastard, Thomas 10
Beaulieu, Jacques 39
Beaulieu, Palace of 134
bees 171
Beggar’s Opera, The 217
beggars 57
Beghards 57
Belasyse, Bridget 22
Belgium 9
Bellerophon 127
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray 11-14
Bethlehem 253
Big Dipper (constellation) see Ursa Major
Big Over Easy, The 94
Big Ship Sails on the Ally-Ally-Oh, The 15-16
Bishoprick Garland, The 254
Blackbeard 195-8
Milton: A Poem 255
Songs of Innocence and of Experience 128
Blind Men and the Elephant, The 16-21
Bloody Mary see Mary Tudor
Bobby Shafto 21-2
Boleyn, Anne 12, 85, 194-5, 213
bomb disposal experts 122
Bonnie Prince Charlie 33, 97-9, 246, 261
Bonnie, Anne 91
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista 223-5
Boosey & Co. 162
Boudicca 121
Boulton, Sir Harold 261
Bow Church 150
Boy Scouts 37
Boys and Girls Come Out to Play 23-4
Brandon, Richard 5
brandy 102
Bremen 118
bridges 118
Brighton Pavilion 47
Britain, Roman occupation 141
brothels 74
Bryant, Jacob 76
bubonic plague symptoms 180-2
Buckingham Rebellion 68
Buddhists 19
Butterfly Effect 37
buttocks 192
Byrom, John 223-4
candle jumping 92
Canis Minor (constellation) 69-70
Canterbury 251
Archbishop of 105
Caroline of Brunswick 47, 208-9
Carroll, Lewis Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 167-8, 228
Through the Looking Glass 83, 222
Casanova 123
Castillon, Battle of 59
Cat and the Fiddle, The 207
Catesby, Robert 173
catfights 123
Catherine of Aragon 35, 84-5, 104, 145, 194, 212
Catherine of Braganza 44
Catherine wheels 92 Catholic Church 134, 144-5, 179, 213
Catholic Mass 250
Catholicism 35, 50, 51, 107, 136, 199
Celts 216
Centaurs 127
chain gangs 65
Chambers, Robert Popular Rhymes of Scotland 251
Chaos Theory 37
Charing Cross 4
Charles I 4, 6, 46, 54, 81, 88-9, 101, 203, 204
Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) 35
child labour 188
Chimera 127
China 125
Choctaw 265
Christianity 243
Christians 124
Christmas Carol, A 25
Christmas clubs 25
Christmas is Coming 24-5
Church 144
Church of England 50, 195, 213
Church of St Dunstan and All Saints 150
Church of St Mary-le-Bow 150-52
Churchill, Winston 94
cinders 113
City Road 161
Civil War, English 4, 80, 101, 179, 255
Clare Market 148
Clement V (pope) 39
Clement VII (pope) 213
Clément, Jacques 39
cloth workers 9
cobwebs 110
Cock Inn 123
cockleshells 135
Cockney rhyming slang 159-60
Coel Godhebog (a.k.a. Coel the Magnificent) 141, 142
siege 81
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 231
Cologne 253
Columbus, Christopher 211, 254
commedia dell’arte 162
commonsense 7
Company of Mercers 220
Complaynt of Scotland 42
Confessio Amantis 36
Connecticut 270
Constantine the Great 141-2
Convention of Alkmaar 54
Cope, Sir Anthony 179
Coventry 176-8
Crater (constellation) 70
Crockett, Davy 185
Crockett, Effie 185
Cromwell, Oliver 43, 58, 70, 204, 255
Cromwell, Richard 71-3
crusades 93
Culloden, Battle of 33, 98, 261
Cumberland, Duke of 34, 98-9, 261
curfew 151
Cutty Wren, The 26-8
Dale, Joseph 155
Dark Ages 48
Darnley, Lord 112
Davies, Temporary Lieutenant Robert 122
Dee (river) 257-8
Defoe, Daniel 156-7
Life and Strange and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 156-7
Depp, Johnny 195
devolution, Wales 201
Barnaby Rudge 155
Christmas Carol, A 25
Pickwick Papers, The 148
Dictionary of British Folklore 183
Ding, Dong, Bell 29-30
Dissolution of the Monasteries 55, 106, 139, 194, 214
Divine Right of Kings 203
doctors 3
‘Dolomphious Duck’ 154
Domesday Book 8
double aulos 140
Drake, Sir Francis 169
Drinking Gourd (constellation) see Ursa Major
Duncombe, Anne 22
East Anglia 176
Edmund of England 120-21
Effingham, Lord Howard of 36
Elizabeth I 12, 35, 42, 50, 56, 69, 107, 112, 134, 135-6, 165, 169, 178, 206
annual progresses 178
Elsie Marley 32-4, 99, 246, 261
Emesa, Syria 191
English Civil War see Civil War
English Dancing Master, The 147
English Reformation 214
Epirus 127
equinox, spring 76
Eucharist 199
evil spirits 23
Exeter Book 86
factories 256
Fairfax, Sir Thomas 71, 80, 82, 204
fairies 23
farming 211-12
Farquhar, George Recruiting Officer, The 217
farthings 149
Fawkes, Guido (Guy) 173-5
feast of St Catherine 92
female fertility 209
Ferdinand II of Aragon 84
Fforde, Jasper 94
Fiennes, Celia 178
fire 90
fire leaping 92
fireworks 175
First Act of Supremacy 106
First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, The 111
First World War 256
Fisher, Kitty 123
Fitzherbert, Maria Anne 47
Flour of England 7, 34-6, 86, 135, 214
folk medicine 3
folk tales 28
For Want of a Nail 28, 36-8, 80, 236
Fort McHenry 264
Fotheringhay Castle 136
Fourth Bear, The 94
France 9
Francis II of France 112
Frederick, Duke of York 52, 54
French and Indian War 270
Freya 137
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go, A 40-44
Fugitive Slave Act 267
Gaius Julius Hyginus 62
gallstone surgery 39
Gardiner, Bishop Steven 134-5
Gay, John Beggar’s Opera, The 217
geese 51
Genesis 199
Gentlemen’s Magazine, The 246
History of the Kings of Britain(Historia Regnum Britanniae) 49, 142
George Cross 122
George I 223
George IV 47
George V 246
Gillray, James 47
Glastonbury 109
Benedictine abbey 106-107
Glastonbury Tor 109
Glorious Revolution of 1688 33, 54-5, 56, 184
Gloucester 32
Godiva, Lady 176-8
Gomme, Alice Dictionary of British Folklore 183
Good King Arthur 48-50
Good King Wenceslas 247-8
‘goose club’ 25
Goosie, Goosie Gander 50-51
Gower, John 37
Grand Old Duke of York, The 33, 184, 47, 52-5
graveyards 135
Great Custom 10
Great Fire of London 118, 121, 122, 147
Great Fire of Southwark 122
Greek gods 127
Greenaway, Kate 182
Mother Goose 183
Greene, Maurice 224
Grey, Lady Jane 134
Greyfriars Library 220
Greyhound(slave ship) 242, 244
Grimaldi, Joseph 221
Guild of Merchants 220
Guildford 9
Guildhall 220
guillotine-type devices 135
guinea pigs 206
Guinevere 49
gunpowder plot 173-4
Gylfaginning 89
Halliwell-Phillips, James Orchard 199
Hampton Court Palace 104, 107, 145
Handel, George Frideric 223-5
Hardy, Thomas 237
‘Oxen, The’ 237
Hark, Hark, the Dogs Do Bark 55-7
Harrogate 52
Harry, Prince 55
Harwich, HMS 242
Henri II 42
Henri III 39
Henry III 9
Henry IV 220
Henry VIII 11-12, 35, 42, 84, 104, 107, 139, 144-5, 146, 194-5, 212, 214, 216, 258
divorce from Catherine of Aragon 145
herbalism 3
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 61-5, 265
Hey Diddle Diddle 58
Hickory, Dickory, Dock 58, 70-74
Higgeldy, Piggeldy, My Black Hen 74-5
Historia Regnum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain) 49, 142
History of Richard Whittington 221
‘Hitler Has Only Got One Ball’ 82
Hoey, Gerry 250
Hokey Cokey, The 249-52
Holborn Viaduct 149
Holmes, Sherlock Holofernes 168
holy fool 191
Holy Thorn 107
homosexuality 46
Hoover, President Herbert 264
Horner, Thomas 107
hortus inclusus 136
Hot Cross Buns 75-6
hot cross buns 76
House of Commons 207
House of Correction 65
House of Lords 11
House That Jack Built, The 28, 77-80
Howard, Thomas 134
Hoxton 159
Huguenots 159
Humpty Dumpty 80-83, 168, 222, 227
hymns 242
Hymns for Infant Minds 226
I Had a Little Nut Tree 83-5, 212
I Saw Three Ships 252-4
Iceni 121
In Marble Walls as White as Milk 7, 85-6
‘In Una Siepe Ombrosa’ 224
Industrial Revolution 256
internet 60
Inuit 126
Irving, Washington 199
Isabella of Gloucester 93-4
Itinerary 110
Jack Sprat 93-4
Jack, Be Nimble 90-93
Jacobites 99
Jainists 19
homosexuality 46
James VI of Scotland see James I
James, Roger 109
Japan 125
Jenkins, Robert 246
Jerusalem 254-6
Joan of Arc 58
John, king of England 93-4 ‘Johnny English’ 170
Johnson, Samuel Dictionary of the English Language, A 101
Judith (Old Testament) 168
Kennedy, Jimmy 250
‘Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ 250
Kenyon, Kate and Luke 185
Kéroualle, Louise de 43
Key, Francis Scott 264
Kilmersdon 88
King Arthur 48-9
King Lear 101
Kipling, Rudyard 10
Kitley House, Yealmpton 145
Knightley, Keira 195
Knights Templar 39
knockdown comedy 164
First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, The 111
Ladybird, Ladybird 95
LaPrise, Larry 250
Latimer, Hugh 214
Lear, Edward Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets 153
Leasor, James 182
Plague and the Fire, The 182
Lednock 14
Leland, John Itinerary 110
Leo (constellation) 69
Leofric, Earl of Mercia 176
Leopold, Duke 93
Leslie, General Sir Alexander 202
lexicographers 154
Life and Strange and Surprising
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 156-7
Lincoln 9
Lion and the Unicorn, The 34, 97-9, 246, 261
Lisle, Sir George 80
Little Bo Peep 29, 100-103, 217
Little Boy Blue 103-106
Little Jack Horner 55, 106-110, 139, 194
Little Miss Muffet 110-12, 135
Little Polly Flinders 113-14
Little Tommy Tucker 114-15
Liverpool 15
Londinium 117
London, City of 220
auction 119
London Bridge Is Falling Down 115-21
London’s Burning 39, 121-2, 218
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 205, 231
Song of Hiawatha, The 205
Lord Chancellor 11
Lotti, Antonio 224
Louis XVI of France 87
execution 87
Lovell, Francis 68
Lucas, Sir Charles 80
Ludford Bridge, Battle of 59
Ludgate Hill 122
Lyra (constellation) 70
Macak, Charles 250
macaroni 270
MacDonald, Flora 261
Macedonia 127
Mackay, Charles 258
Mad Hatter 228
Magna Carta 94
Maijor, Richard 72
Malaysia 126
Malory, Thomas Morte d’Arthur, Le 49-50
Man Friday 157
man in the moon 89
Man of Thessaly, The 126-7
Manchester 15
Ship Canal 15
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus 51
Marian Persecutions 214
Marie Antoinette of France 87
execution 87
Marlborough, Duke of 55
Marley, Alice 32
marriage 139
Martello Tower 102
Martin, Sarah Catherine 145, 146
Martin Lane 148-9
Mary Had a Little Lamb 29, 128-33, 217
Mary I of Scotland 111
Mary of Guise 42
Mary Queen of Scots 36, 42, 111, 134, 135-6
Mary Tudor 12, 35, 111, 134-5, 212, 213, 214, 215
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary 133-6, 145, 214
Mary, mother of Jesus 95, 134, 136
Mason, Dr Lowell 129
Mass 199
Massachusetts 186
Mayflower 186
McCulloch, Robert P. 119
medieval times 114
Mells Manor House 108
Members of Parliament 21
Merchant of Venice, The 30
Mercia 176
mice 211
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 62, 89
Milton, John 255
Paradise Lost 255
Milton: A Poem 255
Molay, Jacques de 39
monasteries 139
Monday’s Child 137-8
Mont Cassell 54
Montague, Edward, 3rd Earl of Sandwich 185
Montague, Richard 185
man in the 89
Morris dancing 179
Morte d’Arthur, Le 49-50
‘Mother Goose’ 113
Mother Goose 182
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 227
Muffet, Dr Thomas 112
mulberry trees 64
Murray, Lord George 98
music 140
music hall 250
Muslims 19
Muzio Scevola 223
Napoleon 54
Napoleonic Wars 53
National Covenant of 1638 203
Neale, John Mason 248
Needles and Pins 139-40
Neville, Anne 68
Neville, Richard 67
New Model Army 71
New York Times 129
Book Review 129
Newburn, Battle of 202
Mother Goose’s Melody 85
Newcastle 203
Newmarket 43
Newton, John 242-4
nonsense poems 65
Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets 153
North Star 268
Northampton 9
Battle of 60
Northumbria 176
Norwich 124
nuns 136
Nurse Truelove’s New Year’s Gift, or The Book of Books for Children 79
‘O du lieber Augustin’ 155
Oedipus 86
Olaf of Norway 120
Old Bailey 149-50
great bell 150
Old English poetry 86
Old Mother Hubbard 35, 104, 143-6
Old Norse literature 85-6, 89, 120
‘Old Rowley’ 43
Old Testament 168, 199, 266, 268
imagery 191
Olney Church 244
Olympus, Mount 127
Onward Christian Soldiers’ 125
opera, Italian 223
Oranges and Lemons 146-52, 219
Original Poems for Infant Minds 226
orphans 114
Ottar the Black 120
Owl and the Pussycat, The 152-4
‘Oxen, The’ 237
Oxford, Siege of 204
‘Oxford Martyrs’ 214
Oxford University 72
paganism 76
Palmer, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine 43, 44
Pammelia, Musickes Miscellanie 30
pantomime 221
Paradise Lost 255
Parliamentarians 4
Parr, Katherine 139
Parry, C. Hubert H. 256
pawnbrokers 161
peep shows 186-7
‘peeping Tom’ 177
pepper 211
Pepys, Samuel 6, 162-3, 182-, 221
Percy, Henry 68
Perrault, Charles 113
Perth 14
Pickwick Papers, The 148
plague 14
Plague and the Fire, The 182
Plague of 1666 13
Plato 85
Playford, John English Dancing Master, The 147
PlayStations 24
Plough (constellation) see Ursa Major
ploughing 211
plum pudding 34
Poems of Early Childhood 183
Polly Put the Kettle On 154-6
Polo, Marco 211
Polydore Vergil 49
Poor Law Act 56
Poor Old Robinson Crusoe 156-7
Pop Goes the Weasel 158-62
Popular Rhymes of Scotland 251
porridge 124
potato 119
Powers, Richard K. 129
Prague 248
Presbyterian Church 111
Prestonpans, Battle of 98, 246
priest-holes 51
Prince Charming 113 ‘Princes in the Tower’ 66
prisons 64
Wakefield 64
Privy Council 46
privy counsellors 135
prostitutes 123
prostitution 189
Protectorate 72
Protestantism 35
pub crawls 161
Pudding Lane 149
Punch and Judy 162-4
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat 164-6
Pye, Henry James (poet laureate) 193-4
Pyramus and Thisbe 62-3
Quakers 267
Queen of Hearts, The 83, 166, 222
quilts 268
Rackham, Calico Jack 90
rags-to-riches 113
Rain, Rain, Go Away 169-70
Raleigh, Sir Walter 119
Ratcliffe, Sir Richard 207
Ravenscroft, Thomas 215
Deuteromelia 215
Melismata 215
Pammelia 215
Read, Mary 91
Recruiting Officer, The 217
Red Sky at Night 170-71
Redstone School 132-3
Remember, Remember the Fifth of November 97, 172-5
Restoration 43
Reynolds, Joshua 123
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus 7
Richard I 93-4
Richard II 218-9
Richard III 66, 68, 69, 110, 207
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York 58, 59, 60
riddles 85
Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross 4, 106, 176-9, 251
Ridley, Nicholas 214
Ring-a-Ring o’ Roses 180-83
Rizzio, David 112
robins 237
Rock-a-Bye, Baby 54, 97, 184-6
Roman Catholic Church see Catholic Church
Roman Catholicism see Catholicism
Roman Empire 142
Romeo and Juliet 63
Roulstone, John 132-3
Royal Academy of Music 223
Rub-a-Dub-Dub 186-7
Rufus, William 122
Rufus Stone 236-7 ‘Rule Britannia’ 245
runcible 153-4
Runnymede 94
Rupert, Prince 204
St Albans, Battle of 59
St Bartholomew’s Hospital 220
St Catherine, feast of 92
St Ceneu ap Coel 142
St Clement Danes 148
St Clement’s Church 147-8
St Helena 142
St James’s, London 73
St Leonard’s 102
St Leonard’s Church 150
St Martin Orgar 148
St Martin’s Church 148-9
St Paul 192
St Paul’s Cathedral 122
St Sepulchre-without-Newgate 149-50
miracles 192
St Stephen’s Day 28
St Thomas’s Hospital 220
Salisbury, Earl of 60
Salmagundi 199
Salmagundi 199
Sandman 230
Saturn 137
Sawyer, Mary 130-33
Scotland 97
Scott, Sir Walter 262
Scottish Presbyterian movement 267
sea shanties 21
Second Jacobite Rebellion 246
See-Saw, Marjorie Daw 188-9
see-saws 188
Selkirk, Alexander 156-7
Sepher Haggadah 80
seven 199
Seven Years’ War 270
Severn (river) 32
Shakers 251
Shakespeare, William 29, 69, 89, 110
King Lear 101
Merchant of Venice, The 30
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 62, 89
Romeo and Juliet 63
Tempest, The 29
shamans 125
Sharp, Sir Cuthbert 254
Bishoprick Garland, The 254
sheep 216
sheep farming 8
Shining Cliff Woods 184
Shoreditch 159
Shoreditch Church 150
Shrove Tuesday 75
Siege of Oxford 204
Simple Simon 190-93
Simple Simon’s Misfortune(chapbook ballad) 192
Sing a Song of Sixpence 35, 139, 193-8
skipping rhymes 90
Skye Boat Song, The 34, 99, 246, 260-62
slapstick 164
slave trade 242-4
slavery 267
abolition 244
Smith, John Stafford 263
Smithfield Riots 101
Solemn League and Covenant 204
Song of Hiawatha, The 205
songbirds 194
Songs of Innocence and Experience 128
South Sea Bubble 209
Southwark 221
Spanish Armada see Armada Sphinx 86
spirituals 268
Spitalfields 159
Spratt, Jack 94
Stanley, Edward 153 ‘Star, The’ 226
Star-Spangled Banner, The 262-4
stealing 218
steam ships 16
Steevens, George 193-4
Sterea Ellada 127
Stirling 132-3
stocks 144
Stuart dynasty 97
Sturlson, Snorri 89
Sufis 19
sun 137
swallows 171
sweatshops 159
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 65, 256, 265-70
Swinton, John 13
symbolism 253
Taffy Was a Welshman 200-201
tarmacadam 31
Taurus (constellation) 69
taxation 102
taxes 10
Taylor, Jane ‘Star, The’ 226
tea 102
‘Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ 250
teenagers 74
Tempest, The 29
Tewkesbury, Battle of 60
There Was a Crooked Man 43, 202-4
There Was a Little Girl 205-6, 231
There Was a Little Guinea Pig 206-7
There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 208-9
Thessaly 127
Third Crusade 93
Thirty Years’ War 202
This Is the House That Jack Built 236
Thor 137
Thorne, John 109
Three Acres of Land 210-12
Three Blind Mice 35, 85, 107, 134, 145, 212-16
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There 83, 222
thumbscrews 135
Times(newspaper) 161
Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son 216-18
Tomlinson, Ralph 263
Tower Bridge 119
Tower of London 12, 32, 59, 60, 66 69, 109, 134, 174, 261
treason 51
Treaty of London 203
Turn Again, Whittington 39, 121, 151, 218-21
‘Twa Lasses, The’ 12
Tweedledum and Tweedledee 83, 222-5
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 226-8
two fingers 38
Tyr 137
Underground Railroad 266-8, 270
unicorn 97
Ursa Major (constellation) 70, 268
US Navy 264
V-sign 38
vaccination 90
vagrants 56
Victoria, Queen 168
Vienna 155
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham 45-6, 47
Wakefield, Battle of 60
Wakefield prison 64
Wales 201
devolution 201
Wampanoag 186
War of Jenkins’ Ear 245
War of the Austrian Succession 246
Ward, James 185
Warwick, Earl of 60
Warwick Castle 68
Waste, Joan 215
Waterloo 54
Wedderburn, Robert 42
Complaynt of Scotland 42
welfare state 114
Wellington, Duke of 54
Welsh mythology 201
Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia 248
Wenceslas Square 248
Wessex 176
West Indies 242
Westminster Abbey 46
‘What All the World Is Made Of 231
What Are Little Boys Made Of? 230-33
Wheatley, Dennis 43
whisky 196
Whitehall, palace of 4
Whitworth 21
Whitworth Church 22
Who Killed Cock Robin? 28, 122, 233-7, 253
‘Whore of Babylon’ 179
Wilberforce, William 244
William of Orange 55, 56, 57, 184, 228-9
William Rufus 236-7
William the Conqueror 236
Wilson, President Woodrow 264
Wise Men 253
witches 23
Woden 137
Wolsey, Cardinal 104, 144-5, 146
export 10
woolsack 11
Worcester 105
workhouses 189
Yankee Doodle Dandy 123, 270-71
yellow fever 90
York 9
York, Duke of see Frederick, Duke of
York Young Pretender see Bonnie Prince Charlie
Zeus 127