Aalbers, Rick, 202
Alhazmi, Nawaq, 73
al-Midhar, Khalid, 73
alumni networks, 50–51
Amaral, Luís, 98–99
Amazon book purchases, 165
American Mathematical Society, 38
Anderson, Sherwood, 75
Art of Charm, The (podcast), 120
attitudes, on networking, 5–7
average network size, 111–16, 147–48
Bacon, Kevin, 35–38, 43–44, 115
Barábasi, Albert-László, 115, 130–32
Barfield, Owen, 75
Barra, Mary, 72–73
Beatty, Warren, 108
bell curve, 114
Ben & Jerry’s, 196–97
Berkshire Hathaway, 194
“big sort,” 165
Bishop, Bill, 163
Bisnow, Elliott, 81–84
blinks, 65
Blumberg, Alex, 168–71
body mass index (BMI), 211
Botha, Roelof, 92
bridge, card game, 193–95
brokers, 52–70
exercises, 69–70
McGonigal’s video games anecdote, 52–57
in military, 63–68
structural holes and, 58–63
value and, 68
Brooks, David, 162
Buffett, Warren, 192–95
building bridges. See brokers
Burt, Ronald, 9
garment industry network, 79–81
innovation, 60–61
on success, 60
Calley, John, 108
career paths, 62–63
Casciaro, Tiziana, 6–7
Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), 213
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 65, 73–74
charity: water, 27–32
Chen, Steve, 92
Cherokee language, 59–60
Cherokee Phoenix, The, 60
Christakis, Nicholas, 209–14
Christensen, Clayton, 204–6
Christian, Jessica Siegel, 200–203
Clarium Capital, 95
cleanliness, networking and, 6–7
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 158–63
clusters, 71–90
creating, 81–84
defined, 58
exercises, 88–90
military, 64–65
safety and, 72–74
timing of, 77–81
writers and, 75–76
See also super-connectors; teams
Cohen, Ben, 196–97
collaboration. See teams
collaboration distance calculator, 38
comfort, 181
company structure and, 101–3
network building, 118
silos and, 76
teams and, 100
communities. See clusters
company structures, 62–63, 100–101, 185–86
concussion, 52–53
Confinity, 93
connectedness, 35–51
degrees of separation, 35–38
exercises, 50–51
Facebook, 45
impact of, 45–46
Milgram’s studies on, 38–41
network navigation, 46–49
small-world effect, 41–45
See also super-connectors
Corrado, Raffaele, 198–200
Course Match (software program), 151
CreativeMornings, 85–87
creativity. See innovation
Cross, Rob, 8
Cruise, Tom, 36
“curiosity conversations,” 110
Cushing, Rob, 163
Dalí, Salvador, 137
Davis, Andrew, 143–46
degrees of separation, 35–38
del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini, 135
depression, 213–14
disruptive innovation, 205–6
brokers and, 62–63
exercises, 172–73
issue of, 168–71
Pixar and, 188
social events, 126
super-connectors, 110–11
teams and, 102
weak ties and, 22
See also homophily
Dorsey, Jack, 31
double opt-in introductions, 121–22
downloads, 34, 51, 70, 90, 105, 122, 140, 157, 173, 191, 208
Duchamp, Marcel, 137
Dunbar’s number, 112
Eisenberg, Tina Roth, 84–86
Election Day 2016, 158–63
embedding program, 67–68
creating clusters for, 81–84
social events for, 125–29
Summit Series, 82–84
weak ties and, 20–22
Erdős, Paul, 37–38
“Evoke” (game), 54
Excite.com, 1
executive study, 22–26, 181–83
clusters, creating your own, 88–90
connectedness, 50–51
homophily, 172–73
majority illusion, 156
multiplexity, 207–8
preferential attachment, 139–40
shared activities, 190–91
structural holes, 69–70
super-connectors, 121–22
teams, 104–5
weak ties, 33–34
experimentation. See innovation
degrees of separation, 45–46
majority illusion, 151–55
shared activities, 190–91
Facemash, 151–52
familiarity, 25–26
Fass, Craig, 35–38
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 65, 73–74
feelings, on networking, 5–7
Feld, Scott, 147
Ferriani, Simone, 198–200
Fertitta, Frank, Jr., 13
firefly syncing, 41
Fivethirtyeight.com, 159
fluidity, in organizational charts, 101–3
Fonti, Fabio, 198–200
Ford, Gerald, 164
former coworkers, 50–51
Four-Hour Workweek, The (Ferriss), 142–43
Fowler, James, 210–14
Framingham Heart Study, 210–14
François I (king), 135
Friedkin, Billy, 108
friendship paradox, 147, 148–51
funding, 96
Gaignard, Jayson, 123–29
Gamble, James, 195
garment industry network, 79–81
Gates, Mary Maxwell, 193–95
Gates, Bill, 193–95
General Motors (GM), 72–73
genius, solo vs. teamwork, 97–98
gerrymandering, 164
Gimlet Media, 168–71
Ginelli, Mike, 35–38
Gino, Francesca, 6–7
Godin, Seth, 125
Granovetter, Mark, 19–20
Grazer, Brian, 106–11
Green Day website, 2
Greenfield, Jerry, 196–97
growth, strategic approach to, 141–46
Guare, John, 46
Guimerà, Robert, 98–99
happiness, 213–14
Harbinger, Jordan, 116–20
Harris, Bill, 94
Hawk, Tony, 31
head trauma, 52–53
Hill, Russell, 112
Hollywood network, 43, 107–9, 115
Holyfield, Evander, 15
homophily, 158–73
diversity, as issue, 168–71
Election Day 2016, 158–63
exercises, 172–73
neighborhood research, 163–64
origin of, 164–65
research on, 165–67
See also innovation
hosting, 139–40
Houston, Sam, 60
Howard, Ron, 110
Humphrey, Hubert, 163
Hurley, Chad, 92
IDEO, 101–3
Ignition-switch issue, 72–73
Imagine Entertainment, 106, 110
Influencers Dinner, 174–78
influences, on you from network, 171, 212–15
structural holes, 58–59
Ingram, Paul, 181–83
“The Inklings,” 75–76
brokers and, 60–61
creating clusters for, 81–84
“curiosity conversations,” 110–11
disruptive innovation, 205–6
funding for, 96
Levy’s Influencers Dinners, 176–78
PayPal Mafia, 93
weak ties and, 20–22
See also homophily
instrumental networking, 6–7
interdependence, 184, 187, 189
Internet, 115
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 37, 43
investment banking study, 78–79
Italian glassmakers, 74
Jackson, Bo, 47
“Jane the Concussion Slayer” (game), 54–55
job transition study, 19–20
job hunters, 19–20
Jobs, Steve, 185
Johnson, Whitney, 203–6
Joint Special Operations Task Force, 63–68
Jon Stewart Show, The, 36–37
Jones, Benjamin, 97
Joyce, James, 75
Karim, Jawed, 91–92
Kelley, David, 101–3
Kossinets, Gueorgi, 166–67
Kouchaki, Maryam, 6–7
Krebs, Valdis, 165
Lazarsfeld, Paul, 164–65
Leonardo da Vinci, 135–38
LePine, Jeffery, 200–203
Lerman, Kristina, 148–51
Levchin, Max, 93
Leve, Brett, 81–84
Levin, Daniel, 22–26
Lewis, C. S., 75–76
liaison officers, 66–67
Lieber, Matt, 168–71
Like-minded people. See clusters; homophily
LinkedIn, 6, 7, 51, 93, 96, 173, 190–91
Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), 76
Lucas, George, 185
majority illusion, 141–57
Davis’s Tippingpoint Labs, 143–46
exercises, 156–57
Facebook and, 151–55
Ferriss’s success in, 141–43
research on, 147–51
super-connectors and, 146–47
“Mastermind Dinners,” 126–27
“Mastermind Talks,” 128–29
mathematician collaboration, 37–38
Matthew effect, 130–32
May, Thornton, 125
Mayer de Rothschild, David, 82
McChrystal, Stanley, 63–68
McGonigal, Jane, 52–57
McKenna-Doyle, Michelle, 46–49
election coverage, 158–61
majority illusion, 142–43
mixed martial arts TV show, 16–17
multiplexity study, 198–200
six degrees of separation, 36–37
median network size, 113–14, 147–48
medicine and video games, 52–57
Mercy Ships, 28
Merluzzi, Jennifer, 78–79
Metcalfe’s Law, 4
Methot, Jessica, 200–203
Michigan, 2016 election, 160–61
Milgram, Stanley, 38–41
military, structure of, 64–65, 112
mixed martial arts (MMA), 13–15
mixers, vs. shared activities, 180–85
Momeni, Naghmeh, 148
Mona Lisa (painting), 135–38
Monroe, Marilyn, 36
moods and mental health, 213–14
Moore, Michael, 161–63
Morris, Michael, 181–83
Moskovitz, Dustin, 82
Muhamad, Roby, 44–45
multiplexity, 192–208
Ben & Jerry’s, 196–97
Buffet and Gates’s relationship, 192–95
economic vs. social network, 197–200
exercises, 207–8
Johnson career path, 203–6
performance, 200–203
Procter & Gamble, 195
trust and, 197–98
Murnighan, Keith, 22–26
Mycoskie, Blake, 82
N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős (documentary), 38
Namath, Joe, 47
National Football League (NFL), 46–49
National Public Radio (NPR) podcast, 168–71
National Security Agency (NSA), 65, 74
neocortex, 112
network density, 100
network navigation, 46–49
about this book, 10–11
vs. activities, 174–80
feelings towards, 5–7
as learned skill, 4
success and, 7–8
as a web, 4
Newman, Mark, 132–33
Nixon, Richard, 163
normal distribution, 114
Norris, Alexander, 195
Norris, Elizabeth Ann, 195
Norris, Olivia, 195
Nosek, Luke, 93
nTag, 182–83
Obama, Barack, 165
obedience study, 38–39
obesity, 211–12
old friends. See weak ties
106 Miles, 4
online practices
brokers, 70
clusters, 89–90
connectedness, 51
homophily, 173
majority illusion, 156
multiplexity, 208
preferential attachment, 140
shared activities, 190–91
super-connectors, 122
teams, 105
weak ties, 34
online social networks, 148
Opel, John, 193–94
from Levy’s Influencers Dinners, 176–78
network navigation, 46–49
See also weak ties
Oracle of Bacon, The (website), 37, 43
organizational charts, 100–103, 185–86
organizational misfits, 62–63, 66, 96, 200
Parker, Sean, 83
passport experiment, 39–40
patents, 97
PayPal, 93–95
Pelosi, Nancy, 159–60
of election, 158–62
of fighting, 15–16
of liaison officers, 66–67
of networking, 5–7
who you know, 171
See also majority illusion
multiplexity, 200–203
networking and, 9
of UFC/MMA endeavor, 17–18
personal networking, 6–7
Peruggia, Vincenzo, 136–38
physical capital, 9
Pixar Animation Studios, education, 185–89
podcast, Planet Money, 168–71
podcast, The Art of Charm, 120
podcast, This American Life, 168–71
Podsakoff, Nathan, 200–203
Mona Lisa and, 135–38
song download study, 133–34
Pound, Ezra, 75
Powder Mountain, 83–84
power law, 114, 115, 120, 130–32, 148
practice. See exercises
preferential attachment, 123–40
defined, 131
exercises, 139–40
Gaignard’s Mastermind Dinners, 123–29
influence of, 138
Matthew effect, 130–32
Mona Lisa popularity, 135–38
phenomenon of, 129
popularity, 133–34
Presley, Elvis, 36
Procter, William, 195
Procter & Gamble, 195
productivity, silos and, 76
professional groups, 50–51
Rabbit, Michael, 148
Rahn, Will, 162
reactivation, of relationships, 22–26, 29–30
RealClearPolitics, 161
redistricting, 164
resources. See downloads; exercises
Reynolds, Patrick, 37
“rich ties,” 203
“rich-get-richer phenomenon,” 132
Rifkin, Adam, 1–4
Roepke, Ann Marie, 56
Rose Park Advisors, 206
Rosenthal, Jeff, 81–84
Ruef, Martin, 20–22
safety, silos and, 72–74
Salganik, Matthew, 133–34
Schwartz, Jeremy, 81–84
scripts, 183
segregation, 165
self-similarity principle, 181, 183, 188
Seligman, Martin, 56
Sequoyah, 59–60
747 Club, 178–80
shared activities principle, 174–91
education at Pixar, 185–89
exercises, 190–91
Levy’s Influencers Dinners, 174–78
vs. networking, 180–85
Schembra’s 747 Club dinners, 178–80
self-similarity principle, 181
silos, 64–65
advantages of, 76
safety and, 72–74
timing of, 77–81
writers and, 75–76
See also clusters; multiplexity
Silver, Nate, 159
Simmons, Russel, 93
“Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” (game), 36–37
“Six Degrees of Marlon Brando” (game), 37
“Six Degrees of Monica” (game), 37
six degrees of separation, 35–38, 39–40, 44–45, 46, 115
skills mastery, silos and, 76, 87
small-world effect, 41–45, 115
smoking, 212–13
social media, 70
song-download study, 133–34
SpaceX, 96
spanning gaps. See brokers
Spencer, Graham, 1–2
Spiro, Jarrett, 98–99
Spotify, 83
Steiger, Rod, 43–44
“Strength of Weak Ties, The” (Granovetter), 20
Strogatz, Steven, 41–45
strong ties
CreativeMornings, 86
in garment industry, 80–81
innovation and, 21–22
vs. weak ties, 18–19
structural holes, 52–70
exercises, 69–70
filling, in military, 63–68
McGonigal’s video games anecdote, 52–57
research on, 58–63
See also brokers
brokers and, 60
networking and, 7–8
Sullivan, Jake, 160–61
Sullivan, Margaret, 162
“Summit at Sea” (conference), 83
Summit Series, 82–84
“SuperBetter” (game), 55, 56, 57
super-connectors, 106–22
average network size, 111–16
defined, 146–47
exercises, 121–22
Gaignard, Jayson, 123–29
Grazer’s Imagine Entertainment anecdote, 106–11
Harbinger’s network building, 116–20
Rifkin, Adam, 3
Swissmiss (blog), 85
Task Force, 63–68
Tattly, 85
teams, 91–105
company structures, 100–103
exercises, 104–5
PayPal Mafia, 92–97
short-term vs. long-term, 99
temporary nature of, 97–101
working together, 180–85
templates, 34, 51, 70, 90, 105, 122, 140, 157, 173, 191, 208
Tesla Motors, 96
Thefacebook.com, 152–54
Thiel, Peter, 83, 93, 94, 95–96
Thomas, Robert, 8
Tickets Canada, 123–29
Tippingpoint Labs, 143–46
Tolkien, J.R.R., 75–76
trade associations, 50–51
traumatic brain injury, 52–53
Travers, Jeffrey, 39–41
Trump, Donald, 158–63
self-similarity principle, 181
Turtle, Brian, 35–38
Tyson, Mike, 15
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 14, 15
Uzzi, Brian, 79–81, 97–101, 181, 183, 185
making introductions, 121–22
of new connections, 119
Venice’s glassmakers, 71–72, 74
video conferencing, 90
video games, healing and, 52–57
virtual meetings, 90
Walter, Jorge, 22–26
Warhol, Andy, 137
Warner Bros., 106–9
Wasserman, Lew, 109
water, charity for, 27–32
Watson, Glen, 36–37
Watts, Duncan, 41–45, 133–34, 166–67
weak ties, 13–34
CreativeMornings, 86
defined, 18
vs. dormant ties, 22–26
exercises, 33–34
Fertitta and White anecdote, 13–18
in garment industry, 80–81
Harrison charity: water anecdote, 27–32
innovation and, 20–22
job transition study, 19–20
online practices, 34
vs. strong ties, 18–19
White, Dana, 14–15, 16–17, 18, 19
“Why Your Friends Have More Friends Than You Do” (Feld), 147
widowhood effect, 209
Williams, Charles, 75
Williams, Ev, 3
Winklevoss, Cameron, 152
Winklevoss, Tyler, 152
working together, 180–85
World Bank, 54
“World Without Oil” (game), 54
Wuchty, Stefan, 97
X.com, 94
YouTube, 91–92
Zuckerberg, Mark, 151–55