
Important Information


Part 1

What is Anxiety?

1. You Are Not Alone

2. “I’m Afraid to Get Help!”

3. Anxiety Alters Relationships

4. A Worried Mind

5. The Primary Types of Anxiety Disorder

6. What Causes Anxiety?

7. The Diagnosis of Anxiety

8. Anxiety Is an Exaggerated Stress Response

Part 2

Herbs for Anxiety, Insomnia, and Stress

9. The Herbal Medicine Revolution

10. Using Herbs Safely and Appropriately

11. Herbal Medicines or Synthetic Drugs for Anxiety?

12. Kava—the Natural Tranquilizer

13. Healing Anxiety with Hypericum (Saint-John’s-Wort)

14. Valerian—Nature’s Valium—and Other Sedative Herbs

15. Adaptogens—the Antistress Herbs

16.Ginkgo biloba—Antidote to the Angst of Aging

17. Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine

18. Herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine

19. Herbal Scents—Aromatherapy

20. Flower Power

Part 3

Natural Self-Healing

21. The Healing Journey—Nurturing Your Natural Self

22. From Pressure and Panic to Personal Power

23. Active Living and Antistress Nutrition

24. Liming—Doing Nothing, Guilt-Free

25. Emotional Freedom

26. Ending Worry, Sleeping Deeply

27. Are You Anxious or Angry?

28. Healing the Anxiety of Loss and Change

29. Spiritual Crisis and Renewing Your Soul

Appendix A: Bibliotherapy

Appendix B: Organizations for Further Information on Herbs

Appendix C: Herbal Medicine Practitioners and Resources

Appendix D: National Associations of Mental Health Professionals

Appendix E: Anxiety Self-Help Groups

Appendix F: Internet Resources for Anxiety and Herbs




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About the Author

Other Books by Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D


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