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Abraham, Isaac, 199
Abrams, Floyd, 333
Abzug, Bella, 6, 33, 71, 135–40
Adams, Abigail, 31
Affordable Care Act, 276, 299–300, 304, 306, 310, 314, 316, 318–19, 346
Alexander, Lee, 133–4
Alexander, Michelle, 335
Alito, Samuel, 330
Allen, George, 252
Alperovitz, Gar, 67
Alter, Jonathan, 51, 176–7 181, 250, 258, 291
Anderson, Jack, 63
Anderson, Kurt, 14
Arab Oil Embargo (1973), 12
Arab States’ boycott of Israel, 67, 147
Areen, Judy, 64
Arendt, Hannah, 302
Armey, Dick, 14
Arzt, George, 154
Auletta, Ken 194
Baby Boomers, ix-x, 5, 12–14, 303, 305–6. See also Sixties
Bagley, Elizabeth Frawley, 244
Bagley, Smith, 244
Bai, Matt, 228–9
Bay of Pigs, 29
Barnes, Melody, 243
Baruch, Bernard, 96
Beckel, Bob, 225
Beinart, Peter, 301
Belafonte, Harry, 145, 159, 203
Bender, Bruce, 192
Bender, David, 141, 260, 280–1, 283
Berger, Sandy, 21, 24, 175, 232–3
Berkowitz, Mark, 119
Berry, John, 98
bin Laden, Osama, 174–5, 240–1, 248, 255, 297–8, 300
Birmingham church bombing, 18
Black, Lewis, 166
#BlackLivesMatter, x, 319, 335–6, 338
Bloomberg, Michael, ix, 6, 105, 130, 164, 210–16, 263
2001 mayoral election, 167, 179, 181, 183–4, 188–94, 196–201
guest on Green’s 7 Days in America, 286
Blow, Charles, 335
Blumenthal, Richard, 21–3
Boehner, John, 279
Bok, Derek, 25
Bok, Sissela, 262
Braden, Tom, 273–4
Bradford, Peter, 53
Brandeis, Louis, 24, 45, 51, 70, 76, 92, 111, 264
Bratton, Bill, 110–11, 115, 120, 172–4
Brenner, Robert, 50
broken windows policing policy, 120
Brooks, Albert C., 316
Brooks, David, 215
Brooks, Jack, 251
Brown, Scott, 287
Brown, Sherrod, 306
Brown v. Board of Education, 27, 302, 334
Brownell, Herbert, 142
Brownstein, Ron, 8
Buchanan, Pat, 2, 96, 99, 272–4, 294, 303, 316, 343
Buckley, James, 135
Buckley, William F., Jr., 6, 96, 141, 250, 254, 310, 340
background and education, 267–8
Buckley-Vidal debates, 271–2
Firing Line, 99, 145, 267, 269–73
founding of National Review, 312
Green’s debates with, 2, 99, 267–71, 316, 343
on institutional racism, 336
on rhetoric, 265
Buckley v. Valeo, 167
Bush, George H. W., 97–9, 226, 228, 230, 233, 260, 296
Bush, George W., 7, 128, 176, 202, 237, 255, 263, 345
2000 presidential campaign, 61, 81–3, 195, 236, 279, 305
2004 presidential campaign, 83–4, 238–41, 252, 293, 306
legacy of, 296–9, 301, 317, 319
on Obama, 275
and Supreme Court appointments, 330
torture policy, 23
Caddell, Pat, 224–5
Califano, Joe, 25
Camping, Harold, 276
Cannan, Edwin, 317
Capen, Dick, 230
Caplovitz, David, 109
Carmichael, Stokely, 20
Caro, Robert, 256
Carson, Rachel, 14, 33–5, 45, 90, 251
Carter, Dominick, 187–8, 208–9, 276
Carter, Jimmy, 60, 77–8, 80, 310
1980 presidential campaign, 141
administration and staff, 30, 52, 70
consumer regulation, 67, 74, 76
Castro, Fidel
and Green, 5–6, 46, 219, 244–6
Chamberlain, Neville, 275
Charleston church massacre, 7, 341
Cheney, Dick, 83, 237, 283, 298
Christie, Chris, 260
Churchill, Winston, 213, 222, 260
Citizens United v. FEC, 86, 130, 261, 287, 330, 333
Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 57, 67
civil rights movement, 27–9, 40, 264, 294, 319
Civil Rights Act (1964), 28
Greensboro sit-ins, x, 14
and Kerner Commission report, 29
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 28
Voting Rights Act (1965), 28–9
See also King, Martin Luther, Jr.; racial justice
Clark, Ramsey, 6, 96, 132–40, 149, 205, 264
Clinton, Bill, 97–9, 101, 116, 129, 152, 203, 263, 286, 296–8, 303, 306
1992 presidential campaign, 6, 6, 233–5
administration and staff, 24, 147, 175, 225, 243, 264
on Green, 95
and Green’s 2001 NYC mayoral campaign, 192–4, 196
and Kick Butts event, 161
leadership skills and style, 232–6, 247, 251, 253, 256, 260, 261
and Nader, 81
and New Progressive Era, 301, 321–2
and racial justice, 335
and reproductive rights, 108
on the Sixties, 11
Clinton, Hillary, 6, 18, 152–3, 167, 170, 176–7, 186, 236, 238, 287
2000 Senate campaign, 117, 159, 241–3, 257
2008 presidential campaign, 252–3
and economic justice, 327
general election advice, 88
and Kick Butts Day event, 104
leadership skills and style, 252–3, 257, 258–9, 261
listening tour, 159, 241–3, 257
Nader on, 87
on the Sixties, 11
Claybrook, Joan, 52, 72, 73, 80, 90, 98
Cloward, Richard, 129
Cole, David, 320
Colmes, Alan, 287–8
Colton, Bill, 199
Commoner, Barry, 66
Confederate flag controversy, 341–2
Connorton, John, 222, 224, 230
conservatism, 4–9
history of, 6–7
and Connecticut Compromise, 331
Constitutional Convention, 6, 65
Nineteenth Amendment, 31
Seventh Amendment, 93
Tenth Amendment, 313
Twenty-First Amendment, 38
Twenty-Second Amendment, 211
Consumer Inflation in the Necessities (COIN), 67
Consumer Protection Agency (CPA), 74–7
Corporate Accountability Research Group (CARG), 61, 71–2
Covington & Burling, 69–70
Cox, Archibald, 70–1
Cramer, Richard Ben, 228–9, 247
Creative Coalition, 97
Cruz, Ted, 8, 304, 315, 343, 345
Cuba. See Bay of Pigs; Castro, Fidel
culture war, 4
Cunningham, Bill, 214–15
Cunningham, Jennifer, 204
Cuomo, Andrew, ix, 6, 56, 145, 164, 167, 181, 200
2002 gubernatorial campaign, 259
2006 NY attorney general campaign, 202–7, 214, 280
2014 gubernatorial campaign, 208
on Green, 216
leadership skills and style, 248, 259, 261,
Cuomo, Mario, 133, 143–5, 155, 167, 202, 206, 208, 235, 276
1982 gubernatorial campaign, 206
1994 gubernatorial campaign, 6
1998 presidential campaign, 223, 229
and Green’s 2001 mayoral campaign, 171, 181–2, 184, 196
Cutler, Lloyd, 69
D’Amato, Alfonse, 6, 113, 158, 195–6, 258, 275–6
1986 Senate campaign, 143, 145–6, 148–53, 214, 252
1992 Senate campaign, 164
1998 Senate campaign, 162
and Sharpton, 170
Darman, Richard, 98
David, Greg, 196
de Blasio, Bill, ix, 6, 121, 188, 201, 210–14, 217, 248, 263
Delaware corporate law, 64–6
Democracy Project, 95–8, 128, 143–5, 151, 203, 228, 233, 243, 269, 280, 333
Department of Consumer Affairs, 74, 99
Department of Justice (DoJ), 63–4, 132
Diallo, Amadou, 123–4
Dicker, Fred, 199
Dinkins, David, 116, 118–20, 126, 155–7, 173, 186–7, 191–2, 196, 236
1989 mayoral campaign, 9, 99, 113, 153–5, 171, 178
1993 mayoral campaign, 113, 155
on Green, 216
and Green as Consumer Affairs Commissioner, 99–103, 108, 110
Dixon, Paul Rand, 53
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, 300
Dorismond, Patrick, 124
Drapkin, Donald, 230
Drobny, Sheldon and Anita, 282
Dukakis, Olympia, 97
Dukes, Hazel, 182–3
Dyson, John, 144–8, 151, 164, 207, 262, 333
economic justice, 323–8
Ehrenhalt, Alan, 247
Ehrlichman, John, 38
Einstein, Albert, 3
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 142, 231, 262, 310
and civil rights movement, 12
“hidden-hand” presidency, 12
leadership skills and style, 255, 260
and New Deal Era, 294
“domino theory,” 29–30
Eizenstat, Stuart, 77
Ellis, John, 279
environmental movement, 95, 204, 294
Air Quality Act (1967), 34
Clean Air Act (1970), 34
and New Progressive Era, 338–40
Environmental Protection Agency, 54
environmental racism, 334
eras. See political eras
Erickson, Erick W., 291, 317–18, 343, 346
Ertegun, Ahmet, 5
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), 274
Fallows, James, 30, 51, 70, 72
Falwell, Jerry, 312
Farhi, Paul, 288
Farrell, Denny, 185–6, 192, 194, 196, 216
Fawcett, Edmund, 6
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 53, 61–2, 64, 103
Ferraro, Geraldine, 143, 158–9, 161–2, 173, 227, 274, 287
Ferrer, Fernando, 167–9, 171–4, 178–93, 196–201, 213, 259–60
Fischer, Louis, 264
Fisher, Carrie, 165
Fosbury, Dick, 92
Fox Cable News, 225, 276–81, 312, 335–6, 345
Foxx, Anthony, 88
Franken, Al, 68, 86, 165, 166, 196, 233, 239, 273, 282–4, 286–8, 290, 301, 319
Freedom of Information law, 54, 67
Fried, Charles, 23
Friedan, Betty, 31–3, 46, 92, 105
Friedlander, Ezra, 156
Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, 308
Frum, David, 280, 291, 298, 306, 311, 315, 318
Fulani, Lenora, 200
fund-raising, 148–53, 160–7, 329–30
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 13, 61, 66, 70, 96, 270, 294
Gans, Louise Gruner, 124–5
Gelb, Les, 23
Gelber, Marilyn, 118
General Motors (GM), 40, 47–9, 51, 54–5, 65, 88, 93–94, 321
Geneva Accords, 29
George, David Lloyd, 256
Getz, Monica, 105–6
Gillibrand, Kirsten, 248
Gingrich, Newt, 87, 99, 272–3, 289, 312, 335, 344, 346
Giuliani, Rudy, 6 105, 107, 110, 149, 158, 184–5, 258
1989 mayoral campaign, 113, 153–5, 171, 178
1993 mayoral campaign, 113, 155
2000 Senate campaign, 170, 242
background and education, 112–13
endorsement of Bloomberg, 189–91
endorsement of Mario Cuomo, 6
“Giuliani-Green” bill, 127
and Green as NYC Public Advocate, 102, 113–24, 127–30, 168–71
Green v. Giuliani, 124–5
Green’s debate with 113–14
and mob tax, 127–30
and September 11, 175–7, 179–81, 201
swearing in (1993), 114–15
Goldberg, Bernard, 336
Goldberg, Danny, 260, 285, 288, 347
Goldwater, Barry, 15, 18, 35–6, 53, 135, 295, 312
Gore, Al, 61, 81–3, 96–7, 99, 195, 202, 214, 235–7, 266, 277, 289, 297
Gorsuch, Anne, 78
Gotbaum, Betsy, 210–11
Gothelf, Allen, 19
Goulden, Joseph C., 69
Graham, Lindsey, 341
Grant, Ulysses S., 300
Greatest Generation, 12
Green, Mark
1980 congressional campaign, 778, 95, 140–3
1986 Senate campaign, 143–51, 165–95
1993 Public Advocate campaign, 101, 114, 155–8
1997 Public Advocate campaign, 101, 158
2001 mayoral campaign, 163–4, 167
and Castro, 5–6, 46, 219, 244–6
and Clark, 132–40
at Cornell, 18–20
Democracy Project, 95–9
and Dinkins’ 1989 mayoral campaign, 153–5
first meeting with Nader, 54–5
first published writings, 24–5
and Giuliani, 102, 113–24, 127–30, 168–71
at Harvard Law School, 23–6
internship for Javits, 20–3
invited to join Nader’s team, 25–6
and Kerry, 236–41
on Nader’s skills and personality, 55–6
as NYC Consumer Affairs Commissioner, 99–112
Green, Mark: publications
Book on Bush, The (with Alterman), 201
Challenge of Hidden Profits, The (with Berry), 98
Change for America (ed. with Jolin), 243
Changing America: Blueprints for the New Administration (ed.), 99, 235
Closed Enterprise System, The (with Moore and Wasserstein), 63, 69, 109
Consumer Bible, The (with Youman), 254
Losing our Democracy, 87
Monopoly Makers, The (ed.), 67
Other Government, The, 69–70
Reagan’s Reign of Error (with MacColl), 98
Selling Out, 201
Taming the Giant Corporation (with Nader and Seligman), 65
Verdicts on Lawyers (ed. with Nader), 70
Who Runs Congress? (with Waldman), 1, 30, 72–3, 131, 142, 215, 221, 265–6
With Justice for Some (ed. with Wasserstein), 25
Green, Stephen, 16, 116, 166, 212–13, 280, 285–7
Green v. Giuliani, 124–5
Green v. Klutznick, 67
Greenberg, Ace, 164
Greenspan, Alan, 325
Gregorian, Vartan, 196
Greider, William, 50
Griffith, Michael, 208
Griswold, Erwin, 23
Guggenheimer, Elinor, 125, 167
Haberman, Clyde, 196
Hacker, Andrew, 57
Hagan, Kay, 304
Haidt, Jonathan, ix, 313–14, 335
Haig, Alexander, 99
Halberstam, Ari, 115–16
Halberstam, David, 44, 62, 258
Haldeman, H. R., 38
Haley, Nikki, 341
Hamilton, Alexander, 84, 100, 231, 299
Hannity, Sean, 277–8, 287, 315, 343
Harriman, Averell, 47
Hart, Gary, 96, 99, 143, 150, 182, 219–22, 224–32, 234, 237, 245
Hartmann, Thom, 288
Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review, 25, 54
Hauer, Jerry, 174
Hawkins, Yusef, 154
Hay, Harry, 39
Hayek, Frederick, 58
Hayes, Stephen, 311
Hertzberg, Hendrik, 231–2, 340–1
Hevesi, Alan, 155, 165, 168–9, 172, 174, 179, 187, 192, 249
Hicks, Jonathan, 211
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Tat Thanh), 29, 31
Hofstadter, Richard, 62
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 68, 138, 249
Holzman, Red, 262
Hoover, Herbert, 214, 294, 325
Huffington, Arianna, 6, 136, 250, 279, 289–91
Humbert, Mark, 202
Humphrey, Hubert, 30–1, 59, 74
Ibsen, Henrik: “An Enemy of the People,” 79
Ignatius, David, 51
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 57
Iraq War, 31, 83, 88, 232, 237, 277, 298–9, 314
Jackson, Jesse, 55, 96, 128, 151, 154–5, 227, 234
Jacobs, Andy, 141
James, Kevin, 275
Javits, Jacob, 20–3, 133–4, 139–40, 143, 149
Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 65, 247, 266, 293, 295, 341, 343
Jim Crow era, 7, 12, 294, 295, 313, 316, 322, 336
Jindal, Bobby, 309
administration and staff, 25, 63
and anti-war movement, 21
and civil rights movement, 3, 28–9, 132, 294, 322
and health care movement, 35–6
leadership skills and style, 237, 248–9, 254, 246–7, 256, 261
and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 50
Johnson, Nicholas, 257
Jolin, Michele, 243
Jones, Cleon, 120
Jones, Tom, 21
Judge, Mychal, 177
Kafoury, Gregory, 84
Kaminsky, Art, 21
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 63
Kaye, Judith, 105–6
Kennedy, Anthony, 333
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 59, 67, 141, 203, 237, 287
Kennedy, John F., 7, 13–15, 47, 75, 132, 231, 312
1960 presidential campaign, x, 48, 220, 346
assassination of, 19–20
and Bay of Pigs, 29
and civil rights movement, 3, 27–8, 294–5, 341
and environmental movement, 34
and health care movement, 35–6
and King, 27–8
leadership skills and style, 249, 253–5, 262
and Vietnam, 29–30
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 159, 203
Kennedy, Robert F., 20, 22, 158, 173, 203–4, 220, 295
assassination of, 24
and Nader, 49
on New York politics, 131
Kennedy, Robert, Jr., 203–4
Kerner, Otto, 39
Kerry, John, 2, 83, 96, 252, 286
2004 presidential campaign, 2, 83, 236–41, 281, 297, 306
Kest, Jon, 191–2
Keynes, John Maynard, 256
King, Larry, 265–6
King, Martin Luther, Jr., x, 3, 14, 90–2, 253, 312
“Give Us the Ballot” speech, 128
and Kennedy, 27–8
“Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 18, 27
March on Washington, 28
Kinsley, Michael, 51, 91, 270–1, 273–4
Kissinger, Henry, 52
Klein, Jonathan, 275
Klutznick, Philip, 67
Koch, Ed, 6, 116, 140–2, 145, 151, 155, 214, 216, 258–9, 269, 275
1982 gubernatorial campaign, 206
1989 mayoral campaign, 9, 99, 153–4, 171
endorsement of D’Amato, 148
and Green’s 2001 mayoral campaign, 195, 200
Koppel, Ted, 271
Korshak, Sidney, 138
Kovner, Victor, 102–3
Krim, Arthur, 226
Kristol, Bill, 270
Kristol, Irving, 67
Lake, Celinda, 238
Lakoff, George, 253–4
Leff, Arthur, 63
Leichter, Franz, 111
Lerer, Ken, 136–7, 166, 243, 290
Levi, Edward, 64
Levitt, Arthur, Jr., 194
“liberal,” use of the term, 4
Limbaugh, Rush, 278, 281, 283–6, 310, 312, 340, 343
Lincoln, Abraham, 4–5, 28, 179, 134, 247, 251, 254, 256, 257, 295, 298, 300, 311, 313, 322, 344
Lindsay, John, 26, 78, 116, 184
Livingstone, Ken, 214
Louima, Abner, 121
Lowenstein, Allard, 20, 133, 137, 140–1, 203, 270
Lowry, Rich, 215, 270, 272, 291, 336
Lynch, Loretta, 121
MacArthur, Douglas, 258
Maddow, Rachel, 279, 282, 284, 288
Maher, Bill, 309
Malkin, Craig, 257
Mann, Thomas, 309
Martin, Trayvon, 259
mass psychogenic illness (mass hysteria), 308
McAuliffe, Terry, 143, 186, 305
McCall, Carl, 173, 181, 186, 190, 200, 203, 258
McCarthy, Joseph, 12, 307–8, 312
McChesney, Robert, 288
McClure, Samuel, 51
McCormick, John, 35
McCormick, Katherine, 31
McGovern, George, 24, 38, 59, 199, 220, 223, 261, 271, 295
McNamara, Robert, 23
McWilliams, Carey, 24–5
Firing Line, 99, 145, 267, 269–73
Fox Cable News, 225, 276–81, 312, 335–6, 345
MSNBC, 85, 201, 274–5, 279–81, 284
Saturday Night Live, 58–9, 114, 141, 165, 177, 249, 272–3, 283
talk radio, 280–9
See also individual host and reporters
Meeks, Greg, 186
Metzenbaum, Howard, 63, 65, 151, 237
Michel, Bob, 22
mid-term elections, 4, 8, 305, 315
Miller, George, 264
Miller, Stephanie, 288
Millennials, 5, 7, 303–5, 315, 323
Mills, Wilbur, 36
Milonas, Leo, 106
Mintz, Morton, 48
mob tax, 125–7
Mondale, Walter, 91, 96, 199, 219–28, 234, 298
Monte, Vince, 206
Moore, Beverly C., Jr., 62–3
Morgenthau, Robert, 126–7
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 6, 141, 151, 158–60, 169–70, 173
1976 Senate campaign, 135–9
and highway safety, 47
and Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign, 117, 170, 241–2
leadership skills and style, 255
Moynihan, Liz, 159
Muir, John, 338
Murdoch, Rupert, 125, 278, 281, 285, 312
Myrdal, Gunnar, 27
9/11. See September 11, 2001
Nader, Ralph
2000 presidential campaign, 61, 81–3, 91
2004 presidential campaign, 83–4
on ambition and drive, 87–8
and American Museum of Tort Law, 79, 92–4
and business regulation, 61–7
and Castro, 46, 79, 84–5, 92, 245
Center for Study of Responsive Law, 1, 51
on Citizens United v. FEC, 86
as classic advocate, 264
and Congress project, 71–4
and Consumer Protection Agency, 74–7
contracts Bell’s palsy, 78
death of brother, 78
on Democratic Party, 86
early career, 46–7
education, 44–5
family and childhood, 43–5
at Harvard Law School, 45–6
on Hillary Clinton, 87
and lawyer reform, 67–71
legacy of, 89–92
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us, 85
on progressive literature, 86–7
and Prop 103 (California), 79–81
on Republican Party, 87
“Safe Car You Can’t Buy, The,” 47
Saturday Night Live host, 58–9, 141, 165, 249
Seventeen Traditions, The, 85
super-rallies, 82
Unsafe at Any Speed, 5, 14, 37, 47–8, 88, 93, 321
Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State, 85
Verdicts on Lawyers, 70
See also Nader’s Raiders
Nader Report on the Federal Trade Commission, 53
Nader v. Bork, 71
Nader’s Raiders, 59, 61, 71, 81, 83, 89, 100
Congress project, 71–2
creation of, 50–1
and Nixon, 55
publications, 53, 63, 65, 67, 69–70, 109
Namath, Joe, 216
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 50, 52, 80
Navasky, Victor, 132–3, 146, 165
Nelson, Gaylord, 34–5
Newman, Paul, 165
Nichols, John, 288
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 309
Nixon, Richard, 13, 15, 18, 52, 54, 230, 231, 270, 314
administration and staff, 25, 63, 126, 295
and Attorney General Clark, 132–3
Checkers Speech, 251
and creation of Environmental Protection Agency, 35
and fear mongering, 322
and Federal Trade Commission, 53
Kennedy-Nixon debates, 14
and labor, 307
legacy, 295–6
“Pumpkin Papers,” 22
resignation, x, 134
and Southern Strategy, 7
and “Treaty of Fifth Avenue,” 227
and Vietnam protests, 30–1
and “War on Drugs,” 38
Watergate, 38, 70–1, 126, 133, 134, 220, 273
Norman, Clarence, Jr., 185–6, 192
Obama, Barack, 7, 97, 232, 263, 286, 296, 303
2008 presidential campaign, 252–3, 255, 298
2012 presidential campaign, 303, 304, 331
administration and staff, 211, 243, 244
and demographic trends, 303–4
and economic equality, 327
and environmental policy, 339
Giuliani on, 201
and GOP, 309–12, 315–17, 343–6
Hart compared to, 220
and Hillary Clinton, 252–3
inauguration (2009), 243
leadership skills and style, 217, 247, 250, 251, 255, 257–60, 298–9
and media politics, 275–7, 279
and New Progressive Era, 301, 303–4, 321–3, 327, 335, 342
and racial justice, 335
remarks at the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches, 3
and Sharpton, 201
and the Sixties, 26
and unemployment rate, 317
Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 54
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 330
O’Neill, John, 174–5
O’Neill, Tip, 74–5
O’Reilly, Bill, 276–8, 280, 283, 335–6, 343, 346
Ornstein, Norman, 309
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 19
outside/in, 3, 5, 14, 28, 31, 41, 88, 95, 133, 145, 199, 217, 264
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 165
Pataki, George, 6, 160, 175, 177, 198
Paterson, David, 38, 107, 147, 157, 186
patriotism, 2–4, 43, 340–2. See also Progressive Patriotism
pay gap, 323–8
Pearson, Drew, 22
Perfetto, Ralph, 191–2
Perlman, Itzhak, 165
Peter, Paul and Mary, 96, 141, 145, 149–50, 236
Pierce, Jan, 148
Piketty, Thomas, 325
Piven, Francis Fox, 129
Podell, Bertram, 113
policing, 110, 119–26, 134, 171, 173, 201, 299, 335–8
political cycles, 4
political eras, 293–301
Backlash Era (1969–1992), 4, 294–7
New Progressive Era, 4, 297–301, 323
New Deal Era (1933–1968), 4, 294
Populist Era (1900–1920), 4, 65, 294
political trends
Democratic Party, 318–23
demographics, 302–3
labor, 307–8
Millennials, 303–4
religion, 305
Republican Party, 308–318
seniors, 305–7
unmarried women, 304–5
Ponnuru, Ramesh, 315
Port Huron Statement, 14–15
Postman, Neil, 280
Powell, Enoch, 311
“progressive,” use of the term, 4
Progressive Patriotism, 4
Climate for All, 338–40
Democracy for All, 328–34
Economy for All, 323–8
Racial Justice, 334–8
Public Citizen Litigation Group, 70–1
Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, 73–6, 78, 90
Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), 51–2, 79
racial justice, 334–8. See also civil rights movement
Ramirez, Roberto, 157, 183, 185–6, 190, 198, 200
Rand, Ayn, 311
Rangel, Charles, 124, 186, 200
Reagan, Ronald, 1, 6–7, 15, 36, 76–8, 102, 113, 217, 222, 267, 270, 272, 322, 345
1980 presidential campaign, 15, 38, 77, 221, 293, 312
1984 presidential campaign, 221–3, 226–8, 298
administration, 23
and Backlash Era, 294–7
and Democracy Project, 96–9
on government, 320
and highway safety, 80
and Iran-Contra, 151
leadership skills and style, 250, 253, 255
and political trends, 302, 304, 305, 307
and Reaganolatry, 295–6
Reeve, Christopher, 165
Reich, Robert, 22, 196, 233, 264, 286
reproductive rights, 8, 20, 31–3, 108
Rice, Condoleezza, 176, 232, 298
Rice, Tamir, 335
Ridgeway, James, 47–8
Ripon Society, 15
Rivera, Paul, 240
Roberts, John, 91, 333, 336, 344–5
Roberts, Sam, 156
Rockefeller, Nelson, 38, 134, 227
Romney, Mitt, 147, 252, 259, 278, 279, 303, 315, 331
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 32, 133, 261
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 2, 7, 247
1936 Democratic Convention acceptance speech, 6
on government, 321
and health care movement, 35
and labor, 319
leadership skills and style, 250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 260–1, 298
Lend Lease, 253
and New Deal Era, 294
and Reagan Democrats, 295, 304
Roosevelt, Theodore, 50, 61, 65, 86, 294, 310
and health care movement, 35
leadership skills and style, 250, 255, 260, 295
Rosenbaum, Alvin, 163
Rosenfield, Harvey, 79
Rosenthal, Benjamin, 74
Ross, Don, 79
Royko, Mike, 59
Ruckelshaus, William, 126
Rudman, Warren, 152
Rusher, Bill, 293
Russert, Tim, 230
Salam, Reihan, 315
Samuels, Howard and Lulette, 222–3
Scalia, Antonin, 67
Scarborough, Joe, 281
Scardino, Albert, 100–101
Schack, Dilia, 205
Schanzer, Ken, 21
Schillaci, James, 119
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 4, 27–8, 30, 256–7
Schlesinger, Arthur, Sr., 4
Schneider, Bill, 80
Schneiderman, Eric, 181
Schrader, Rich, 125, 185, 193, 195
Schroder, Patricia, 76
Schumer, Chuck, 6, 104, 146, 153, 158–62, 164, 171, 186, 211, 214, 248, 250, 259, 261
Schurz, Carl, 342
Schwartz, Tony, 142–3
Schwarz, Fritz, 156
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 290, 302
Scott, Tim, 341
Seddio, Frank, 199
Segarra, Arnie, 187–8
Senko, Jen, 278
and 2004 presidential campaign, 238, 240, 297
political responses to, 178, 180–2, 190, 198, 201
Serpico, Frank, 134
Serrano, José, 110
Sexton, John, 201
Shapiro, Irving, 65–6
Sharpton, Al, 6, 156, 169–72, 183, 185–6, 188–91, 193, 195–9, 201, 214, 259
Shaw, George Bernard, 3, 67, 264
Shearer, Derek, 143
Sheen, Martin, 165
Sheinbaum, Stanley, 96, 228, 237
Sherman Antitrust Act, 61–2
Silver, Ron, 97
Silver, Sheldon, 180, 186, 207
Simon, Paul, 165
Simpson, Alan, 242
civil rights movement, 27–9
consumer movement, 40–1
drug reform movement, 37–8
environmental movement, 33–5
foundations of, 12–15
gay rights movement, 39–40
health care movement, 35–7
political divisions, 14–15
and political eras, 293–5
principles and values, 102–12, 323–40
summer of 1967, 20–3
women’s movement, 31–3
skills necessary for political success, 247–8, 262–4
calmness, 254–5
discipline, 251–3
ego balanced with empathy, 257–9
emotional intelligence, 255–6
friendliness and humor, 260
fundraising, 261–2
knowing when to insist on principle, 259–60
listening and learning, 256–7
memorable language, 253–4
mentorship, 261
optimism, 250–1
relentlessness, 248–9
Smith, Adam, 6
Smith, Chris, 198
Social Security, 5, 35–6, 294, 306, 326, 331
Sorensen, Ted, 48, 227–8, 230, 286
Spitzer, Eliot, 6, 157, 186, 187, 192, 203, 205, 258–9
Steffens, Lincoln, 51
Steinem, Gloria, 6, 14, 31–3, 90, 105–6, 110, 145, 173, 319
Stephanopoulos, George, 234
Stern, Henry, 140
Stevenson, Bryan, 335
Stewart, Jon, 192, 261, 274, 319
Stonewall Rebellion, 39–40
Stringer, Scott, 211, 248, 253
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 15
Sulzberger, Arthur, Jr., 210
Sulzberger, Arthur “Punch” Sr., 138
Sutton, Percy, 155
Sykes, John, 243
Taft, William Howard, IV, 53
Taft-Hartley Act, 307
Tanden, Neera, 242
Tarbell, Ida, 51
Taylor, Paul, 231
Teachout, Zephyr, 208
Tenet, George, 298
Terry, Luther, 36–7
Thomas, Cal, 231
Thomas, Norman, 45, 46, 84, 264
Thompson, Dorothy, 257
Thurmond, Strom, 301
Tiller, George, 336
Tirole, Jean, 320
tobacco industry, 36–7, 93, 100–5, 161, 196
Tort law, 93. See also Nader, Ralph: and American Museum of Tort Law
Traub, James, 181
Troupe, Quincy, 39
Truman, Harry, 35–6, 216, 221, 251, 294, 307
Trump, Donald, 181, 216, 230, 254, 289, 303, 310–11, 314, 323, 344
Tunney, John, 64
Tyler, Harold, 113–14
Vallone, Peter, 116, 118, 128, 156, 165, 168, 169, 172, 174, 179, 192
vanden Heuvel, Katrina, 165
Vecchione, Michael, 208–9
Vietnam War, 21, 29–31, 38, 238, 294, 299, 320
Villaraigosa, Antonio, 182
Wagner, Robert, 307
Warren, Elizabeth, 18, 264, 306, 318–19
Washington, George, 31, 259, 278, 313
Wasserstein, Bruce, 25, 62–3, 159, 166, 230
Wasserstein, Wendy, 97
Watt, James, 78
Watts riots (1965), 14, 29, 120, 312
Weidenbaum, Murray, 66–7
Weinberger, Caspar, 53
Weiner, Anthony, 160, 200–201, 211, 213
Weinstein, Harvey, 192–3
Weinstein, Mark, 141
Westen, Drew, 253–4
Wilentz, Sean, 4
Wilkerson, Isabel, 335
Wilpon, Fred, 120
Wilson, Woodrow
and antitrust, 65
and Federal Trade Commission, 53
leadership skills and style, 250, 255, 298
and Populist Era, 294
Winpisinger, Bill, 66
Winship, Michael, 5
Wolfe, Michael, 193
Workman, Peter, 254
Wright, Lloyd, 92
Wyden, Ron, 264
Zimmerman, Robert, 264
Zucker, Jeff, 275
Zuckerman, Mort, 210