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Action and experimentation, 90, 140—68
evolution of corporations and, 142—68. See also Progress, evolutionary
3M, 150—68
Airport services, Marriott Corporation opportunistic step into, 141—42
Alignment. See Organizational alignment
Allen, William, 61, 106, 174n
American Express, 3, 167, 251
action and experimentation and, 146
core ideology of, 67, 68
evolution into financial and travel services by, 142—44
founding roots of, 257
American Express 1850—1950 (Hatch), 143
Ames Stores, 3, 14, 174, 198
charismatic leader myth and, 37
founding roots of, 272
great ideas myth and, 25, 27
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 181, 183
Apple Computer, 236
Bankrupt visionary companies, 249—50
Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (Burrough and Helyar), 181
Berry, Marcellus, 143
Best 100 Companies to Work for in America, The, 120, 125, 132
BHAG. See Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs)
Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs), 9, 10, 89, 90—114, 145, 148—50, 203, 205—6, 242, 244, 248, 285—86
categories of, 232
commitment and risk and, 100—104
cult-like culture, 137
guidelines for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs and, 111, 113, 114
hubris factor and, 104—5
leaders vs., 105—-11
visionary companies and, 235—36
vision-level, 232—33, 234—36
Big picture, 213—13
Blumenthal, W. Michael, 181
Boeing, 3, 14, 17, 167, 174, 188, 215, 227
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 91—93, 100, 104, 105, 111, 112, 113, 149—50, 232, 235
core ideology of, 61—62, 67, 68
cult-like culture of, 137
drive for progress and, 82—84, 86
founding roots of, 258
Boeing, William E., 26, 31, 83—84
Borch, Fred, 170, 172
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 162
“Branching and pruning,” 146—49, 164 at 3M, 152—53, 154, 155—59
Brand of the Tartan—The 3M Story (Tuck), 150
Bristol, William, 31—32
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 3
core ideology of, 60—61
founding roots of, 264
Bucy, Fred, 166
Burke Jim, 60, 72
Burrough, 3, 27, 127, 174, 253—54
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 101—3
founding roots of, 263
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 181, 183
suppression of evolutionary progress at, 166
Burroughs, Bryan, 181
Business and Its Beliefs, A (Watson), 73—74, 81
Carlton, Richard P., 140, 153, 155, 165
Change, myth of, 8—9
Chase Manhattan, 3, 174, 181, 194
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 107—9
charismatic leader myth and, 35
founding roots of, 259
suppression of evolutionary progress at, 165
Cheape, Charles W., 161—62
Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) myth about, 10, See also Home-grown management
survey of, 12—13, 15, 251—52
Churchill, Winston S., 201, 234
Citicorp (Citibank), 3, 4, 14, 83, 165, 194
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 107—9, 112, 232, 235
charismatic leader myth and, 35
core ideology of, 67, 68
founding roots of, 259
Clock building (architectural) approach, 22—42, 87, 88, 89—90, 247
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 105—11
charismatic leader myth and, 31—40
company as the ultimate creation in, 28—31
examples of, 34—40
great ideas myth and, 23—31
perceptual shift and, 40—42
Close to the Customer, 246
Clustering, 214
Coffin, Charles, 28—29, 31
charismatic leader myth and, 31, 34
Cohn, Harry, 32, 131
charismatic leader myth and, 39, 40
Colgate, 3, 17, 27, 104, 134—35, 187
core ideology, 175, 176
discontinuity of leadership at, 174, 175—77, 183
founding roots of, 269
self-improvement and, 195—96
Colgate, Bayard, 176
Colgate, Gilbert, 176
Colgate, Russell, 176
Colgate, Sidney, 175, 176
Colgate, William, 31—32
Columbia Pictures, 3, 17, 27, 101, 131, 174, 181
charismatic leader myth and, 38—40
founding roots of, 273
Commitment, Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 100—104
Comparison companies, 5, 6
definition of. See specific companies
selection of, 15
in study, 3
Competition, myth of, 10. See also Self-improvement
Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR), 102—3, 126
Concept of the Corporation (Drucker), 54, 246
Consumer products, Johnson & Johnson’s accidental move into, 141
Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will (Tichy and Sherman), 148—49, 171—72
Cordiner, Ralph, 170
Core competence, 231
Core ideology, 8, 46—79, 90, 175, 176, 181—82, 216, 221—22, 282—84. See also Preserve the core/stimulate progress
core competence vs., 231
core values and, 73—76, 222—24
definition of, 48, 219—20
drive for progress and, 8—9, 81—90, 88
guidelines for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs and, 73—79
pragmatic idealism, 48—54
preservation of, 80—90
purpose and, 76—78, 224—28
variety in, 67—72
Corporate Culture and Performance (Kotter and Heskett), 246
Correlations versus causes, 252—53
Cullman, Joseph, 66
Cult-like culture, 9, 89, 114—39, 269—72
of IBM, 115, 124—27, 137
ideological control/operational autonomy and, 137—39
message for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs and, 135—37
of Nike, 230
of Nordstrom, 115—24, 135, 138
of Procter & Gamble, 124, 131—35
of Walt Disney Company, 115, 124—27, 135
Dalliba, William, 144, 164
Darwin, Charles, 9, 18, 140, 146, 148, 163
Darwinian revolution, 41, 145—50
Details, 213—14
Deupree, Richard, 103—4, 177—78, 187
Dickson, Earle, 141
“Discover buildings” trap, 13—15
Disney, Roy, 101
Disney, Walt, 22, 30, 31, 77, 91, 183, 226
charismatic leader myth and, 39—40
cult-like culture, 130—31
Disney Version, The (Schickel), 127—28
Douglas, Donald, Jr., 31—32, 181
Douglas, Donald, Sr., 181
Douglas Aircraft, 26, 92—93. See also McDonnell Douglas
founding roots of, 258
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 181
Drew, Dick, 153, 163, 164
Drive for progress, as internal drive, 84—85
Drucker, Peter F., 53—54, 228, 246
Edison, Thomas, 27
Edwards, A. G., 37
Eisner, Michael, 101, 181—82
Eliot, Marc, 130—31
Eliot, T.S., 219
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 53
Envisioned future, 219—21, 229, 232—38
vision-level BHAGs and, 232—33, 234—36
vivid description and, 233—34
Evolution of corporations, 9, 16—18, 41, 142—68, 247
purposeful, 149, 291—93. See also Progress, evolutionary
Eyes on Tomorrow: The Evolution of Procter & Gamble (Schisgall), 103, 132
Fannie Mae, core purpose and, 225—26
Fargo, J. C., 143, 144
Father, Son & Co. (Watson, Jr.), 124—25
Faulkner, William, 185
Financial and travel services, American Express’s unintended evolution into, 142—44
Fisher, George, 180
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 45
Ford (Lacey), 53
Ford, Henry, 27, 52—53, 84
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 97, 233
Ford Motor Company, 3, 4, 14, 83, 113, 114, 214, 243, 254
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 97, 203, 232, 235
core ideology of, 46, 52—54, 67, 68
founding roots of, 260
great ideas myth and, 27
organizational alignment and, 202—3, 213
Foster, David, 177
Founding dates, 13, 14, 15
Fowler, Joe, 130
Friedman, Jon, 143
Fry, Art, 159, 163, 164, 167
Galvin, Christopher, 180
Galvin, Paul, 30, 31, 80, 179, 183
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 109—11
charismatic leader myth and, 37—38
core ideology and, 62, 221
Galvin, Robert W., 38, 62, 80, 83, 110, 169, 179, 188
Gamble, James, 30, 31, 33, 74, 186, 222
Gelb, Richard, 61
General Electric (GE), 3, 14, 16, 86, 254
action and experimentation, 148—49
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 95, 112, 233
charismatic leader myth and, 34
core ideology of, 69, 71—72, 77
founding roots of, 261
great ideas myth and, 27—29
home-grown management and, 169—85
performance rankings of Chief Executive eras at, 298—99
self-improvement and, 188, 194
General Motors (GM), 3, 97, 174
core ideology of, 52—54
founding roots of, 260
“Genius of the AND,” 10, 44—45, 85, 137, 242, 247
core ideology and, 48, 55—57
Gerstner, Louis V., 174n, 182
Gilman, Herbert, 37
Gilman, Irving, 25, 31—32, 37
Gilman, Milton, 25, 31—32, 37
Giro Sport Design, 233
Glass, David, 37
Granite Rock, 227, 252
Great ideas, 23—28
myth of, 7, 23—31
Greenwalt, Crawford, 61—62
Haggarty, Pat, 17, 32, 57, 166, 192
Harness, Ed, 80
Harvard Business Review, 219
Harvard Business School, 60
Hatch, Alden, 143
Helyar, John, 181
Heskett, James, 246
Hewlett, William R., 1, 17, 24, 29, 33, 150, 183—84
core ideology and, 75, 76, 221, 222
organizational alignment and, 207—12
self-improvement and, 190—91
Hewlett-Packard, 1, 3, 3—4, 14, 17, 24, 81, 85, 86, 94, 183—84, 227, 246, 254
action and experimentation and, 142—43, 167—68
core ideology of, 46, 55—58, 67, 69, 75—77, 79, 221, 222, 226, 229, 230
cult-like culture of, 121
founding roots of, 262
great ideas myth and, 23—24, 26, 29—30
organizational alignment and, 207—15
self-improvement and, 186, 189—93
History and evolution of companies, 16—18
Home-grown management, 10, 90, 169—84, 294—96
continuity of quality leadership and, 173—75, 174, 175
message for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs about, 183—84
Honda, 233
House of Cards (Friedman and Meehan), 143
Howard Johnson, 3, 32, 174, 181
core ideology of, 65
decline of, 196—98
founding roots of, 265
Hubris factor, 104—5
IBM, 3, 4, 14, 81, 167, 174n, 243—45, 253, 254
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 101—4, 111, 112, 113, 149—50, 244
core ideology of, 67, 69, 73—76
cult-like culture of, 115, 124—27, 137
founding roots of, 263
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 182
IBM: A Special Company, 126
IBM Way, The (Rodgers), 125—26
Ibuka, Masaru, 24, 30, 33, 79, 91, 164
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 98—99
core ideology and, 49—51, 221, 230
In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 245—46
Internal compass, 214—15
Johnson, F. Ross, 195
Johnson, Howard, Jr., 65, 196, 197
Johnson, Howard, Sr., 65, 196
Johnson, Robert W, Jr., 72, 140, 147
core ideology and, 58—59, 75, 76
Johnson, Roben W., Sr., 31, 58, 79
Johnson, Ross, 181
Johnson & Johnson, 3, 14, 16, 185
action and experimentation and, 147, 164, 167, 168
core ideology of, 58—61, 67, 69, 72, 75, 79, 222
founding roots of, 264
great ideas myth and, 27
move into consumer products by, 141
organizational alignment, 213—15
Jones, Reginald, 170, 172
Kahn, Robert, 100, 105—6
Kaplan, Sam, 178
Kennedy, John F., 94, 105
Kenwood, 3, 174, 254
core ideology of, 51
founding roots of, 271
great ideas myth and, 25, 27
Kikuchi, Makato, 106—7
Kilmer, Fred, 58, 141
Kluckman, Revone, 178
Kotter, John, 246
Lacey, Robert, 53
Larsen, Ralph, 147, 222
Leaders, visionary, 23, 247
Big Hairy Audacious Goals vs., 105—11
at 3M, 11—12
myth of, 7—8, 11—12, 31—40. See also Clock building (architectural) approach
Leadership, 280—81
Legend and Legacy (Serling), 62
Lehr, Lewis, 164
Little, Edward, 176—79
L.L. Bean, 252
Long-term investment, 192—96
Long-term performance, 4, 5, 6, 7
Lyons, Nick, 51, 106—7
McDonald, Eugene F., Jr., 32, 111, 178
charismatic leader myth and, 38
core ideology and, 63
Macdonald, Ray W., 102, 166, 181
McDonnell, James, 106
McDonnell Aircraft, 181
McDonnell Douglas, 3, 17, 27, 92, 93, 106, 181
core ideology of, 61
self-improvement and, 195
McElroy, Neil, 178, 187
McKeen, John, 49
McKinsey, 226
McKnight, William, 186
action and experimentation and, 151—53, 163—65, 168
charismatic leader myth and, 32—33
core ideology and, 221
Made in America (Walton), 25, 36
Management, home-grown. See Homegrown management
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Drucker), 54
Managing for Results (Drucker), 246
Marriott (O’Brian), 142
Marriott, J. Willard, Jr., 64—65, 185, 196, 197
Marriott, J. Willard, Sr., 26, 31, 63—64, 83, 141—42, 186
Marriott Corporation, 3, 14, 86, 167, 168, 183, 193
core ideology of, 63—65, 67, 69, 77
founding roots of, 265
great ideas myth and, 26
opportunistic step into airport services by, 141—42
self-improvement and, 185, 186, 196—98
Mars Group, 222, 228
Meehan, John, 143
Melville, Frank, 32
Melville, Ward, 180—81
Melville Corporation, 3, 122—23
founding roots of, 268
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 180—81, 183
Merck, George, II, 47—49, 75, 76
Merck, George W., 16, 31, 33, 203—4, 212, 221
Merck & Company, 3, 14, 16, 26, 82, 183, 246, 254
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 112, 113, 205—6, 236
core ideology of, 46—49, 54, 66—67, 69, 75, 77, 221, 229, 236
cult-like culture of, 137
envisioned future of, 236
founding roots of, 266
organizational alignment and, 203—7, 213, 214
self-improvement and, 150, 188, 193, 194
Miles, Michael, 66
Millhiser, Ross, 65
Misalignments, obliterating, 215—16, 238
Mitchell, Charles, 108
Moore, George, 108, 109
Morita, Akio, 24, 51, 98
Motorola Company, 3, 14, 15, 17, 26, 30, 86, 167, 168, 213, 227, 246
action and experimentation and, 145
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 109—11, 113
charismatic leader myth and, 37—38
core ideology of, 62—63, 67, 70, 77, 79, 221
cult-like culture of, 121
drive for progress and, 80, 83
founding roots of, 267
home-grown management at, 169, 178—80
self-improvement and, 188, 194, 198
Mutation, 41
3M and, 150—52, 155
Myers, John, 31—32
Nabisco Brands, 181
NASA, 236
Natural selection, 41, 146, 149
Nevin, John, 111, 178
Newtonian revolution, 40—41
Nicholson, Geoffrey, 159, 164
Nike, 230, 232
Nonprofit organizations, 245
Nonvisionary corporations, hope for, 243
Nordstrom, 3, 14, 26, 168, 183, 213, 227, 254
core ideology of, 67, 70, 222, 229
cult-like culture of, 115—24, 138
drive for progress and, 82, 84, 86
founding roots of, 268
self-improvement and, 150, 188—89
Nordstrom, Bruce, 84, 116, 188—89
Nordstrom, Jim, 116, 138
Nordstrom, John, 26, 31, 116
Norton, Charles, 161
Norton Corporation, 3, 27, 174, 198
action and experimentation and, 160—63, 167
founding roots of, 256
great ideas myth and, 26
O’Brian, Robert, 142
Okie, Francis G., 151—52, 163, 164
Oliver, Barney, 212
Operational autonomy, 137—39
Organization, McKnight’s creation of, 152
Organizational alignment, 90, 201—18, 238—39, 247
lessons of, 212—16
power of, 202—12
Ford, 202—3
Hewlett-Packard, 207—12
Merck & Company, 203—7
Organizational Culture and Leadership (Schein), 246
Organization Stream Analysis, 18—19
Packard, David, 17, 29—31, 183—84, 186, 190—91
core ideology and, 55—57, 75—76, 221, 222, 224, 230
organizational alignment and, 207, 210—12
Palmolive-Peet, 175—76
Pearce, Charles, 176
Perspective, shift in, 40—42
Peters, Thomas J., 166, 245—46
Petersen, Don, 46, 52
Pfizer, 3, 27, 193
core ideology of, 48—49
founding roots of, 266
Pfizer, Charles, 31—32
Philip Morris, 3, 14, 26, 174, 214, 243
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 96—97, 104, 113, 114, 232, 235
core ideology of, 65—67, 70
cult-like culture of, 121
founding roots of, 270
self-improvement and, 150, 194, 195
Postheroic leader stall, 107—11
Practice of Management (Drucker), 246
Pragmatic idealism, 48—54
Preserve the core/stimulate progress, 17—18, 44—45, 80—90, 216, 247. See also Progress, drive for
key concepts for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs and, 87—88
methods of, 89. See also Action and experimentation; Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs); Cult-like culture; Home-grown management; Self-improvement
Prince of the Magic Kingdom (Fowler), 130
Procter, Cooper, 177
Procter, William, 30, 33, 132, 186, 222
Procter, William Cooper, 132, 133
Procter & Gamble, 1, 3, 14, 17, 26, 183
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 103—4
core ideology of, 67, 70, 72, 74, 222
cult-like culture of, 121, 131—35
drive for progress and, 80, 83, 86
founding roots of, 269
home-grown management and, 175—78
self-improvement and, 186, 187
Profit maximization, myth of, 8, 46—79. See also Core ideology
Progress. See also Preserve the core/stimulate progress
drive for, 8—9, 80—90, 88, 241—42
evolutionary, 145—68
lessons for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs and, 163—66
purposeful, 291—93
suppression of, 165—66
at 3M, 150—68
Purposeful evolution, 149, 291—93
Purpose of company, 73, 76—78, 224—28
Research project, 11—21, 21
conceptual framework in, 19—20
data, coding, and tortoise hunting in, 18—19
“discover buildings” trap and, 13—15
field testing and real-world application in, 20, 21
history and evolution of companies and, 16—18
issues about, 231—37
origins of, 11—12
selection of companies for, 12—13
Resiliency, 4
Risk, Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 100—104
R.J. Reynolds, 27, 174, 235
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 96, 104
core ideology of, 65, 67
founding roots of, 270
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 181, 183
self-improvement and, 194, 195
RJR Nabisco, 3, 181
Robertson, Hugh, 178
Rockefeller, David, 109, 165
Rockwell, 233
Rodgers, Buck, 125—26
Roosevelt, Theodore, 91
Safety myth, 9
Schein, Edgar, 246
Schickel, Richard, 22, 27, 127—28
Schisgall, Oscar, 103
Schook, Robert, 52
In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 166
Self-improvement, 10, 90, 150, 185—200, 300—304
long-term investment and, 192—96
mechanisms of discontent and, 186—90
message for CEOs, managers, and entrepreneurs about, 198—99
parable of the black belt and, 199—200
Serling, Robert, 62
Shepard, Mark, 166
Sherman, Stratford, 148—49, 171—72
Silver, Spencer, 159, 162—64, 167
Sloan, Alfred P., core ideology and, 53—54
Smale, John G., 1, 177—78
Sony, 3, 4, 14, 168, 246
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 98—99, 106—7, 111, 113, 114, 232, 237
core competence of, 231
core ideology of, 49—52, 54, 67, 70, 78, 79, 221, 222, 230—31, 237
cult-like culture of, 137
drive for progress and, 83
envisioned future of, 237
founding roots of, 271
great ideas myth and, 24—26, 30
Sony Vision, The (Lyons), 51, 106—7
Sorenson, Charles, 97
Stanford University, 233
Starting a company, 22—23
great ideas myth and, 7, 23—31
Sticht, J. Paul, 181
“Stick to the Knitting,” 166—67, 246
Stillman, James, 107—9
charismatic leader myth and, 35
Stock returns, cumulative (1926 to 1990), 4, 5, 6
Storming the Magic Kingdom (Taylor), 40
Strategic planning myth, 9. Sec also Progress, evolutionary
Sturchio Jeffrey L., 207
Successful companies, visionary companies vs., 250—51
Swope, Gerald, 170
Taylor, John, 40
Texas Instruments (TI), 3, 17, 24, 27, 192
core ideology of, 57—58
founding roots of, 262
suppression of evolutionary progress at, 166
3M (Minnesota, Mining, and Manufacturing Company), 3, 14, 16, 94, 215, 246
action and experimentation and, 150—68
“branching and pruning,” 152—53, 154, 155—59
mechanisms to stimulate progress, 156—58
charismatic leader myth and, 11—12
core ideology of, 67, 68, 155, 168, 221, 226, 229
drive for progress and, 82, 86—87
founding roots of, 256
great ideas myth and, 26
self-improvement and, 186
Tichy, Noel M., 148—49
Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, 98
Tooker, Gary, 180
Trimble, Vance, 25
Tuck, Virginia, 150
Twenty-first century, applicability of findings for, 246—48
“Tyrany of the OR,” 43—44, 137, 242
myth of, 10
Uneven information, 254
United States, founding of, 42
United States bias, 255
Vagelos, P. Roy, 47, 77, 193, 205
Values, core, 20, 73—76, 222—24
myth of, 8
Vanderlip, Frank, 108, 109
Variation, 41, 146, 149, 152—53, 154, 155
Visionary companies, 237—39
bankrupt, 249—50
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 235—36
definition of, 1—3, 229
large vs. small, 254
long-term performance of, 4, 5, 6, 7
myths about, 7—11. See also specific myths
problems and setbacks of, 3—4
resiliency of, 4
selection of, 12—13
in study, 3
successful companies vs., 250—51
troubled times at, 253—54
Vision framework, 219—39
definition of, 219—21
Vision statements, 95, 237
myth of, 10—11, 201
Wal-Mart Corporation, 3, 14, 22, 57, 82, 167—68, 213
action and experimentation and, 147—48
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 99—100, 105—6, 112, 148, 232, 235
charismatic leader myth and, 36—37
core ideology of, 67, 70, 74, 222
cult-like culture of, 115, 121, 137
founding roots of, 272
great ideas myth and, 25, 26, 30
self-improvement and, 188, 193, 198
Walt Disney (Eliot), 130—31
Walt Disney Company, 3, 14, 17, 22, 24, 27, 30, 167, 168, 174, 194, 254
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 101, 102, 112, 113, 149—50
charismatic leader myth and, 38—40
core ideology of, 67, 71, 77—78, 181—82, 222, 226
cult-like culture of, 121, 124, 127—31, 135
drive for progress and, 83, 86
founding roots of, 273
management turmoil and corporate decline at, 181—83
Walton, Jim, 147
Walton, Sam, 22, 25, 30, 31, 74, 81, 83, 183, 188, 235
action and experimentation and, 147—48
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 99, 106, 111
charismatic leader myth and, 36—37
cult-like culture, 115
Waterman, Robert H., 166, 245—46
Watkins-Johnson, 233
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 31, 81, 102—3, 124, 126
on core values, 73—76
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 102—3, 111, 124, 126
Welch, Jack, 16, 182, 246
action and experimentation and, 148—49
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 95, 112
charismatic leader myth and, 34
core ideology and, 71—72
home-grown management and, 169—72
Wells, Frank, 181
Wells Fargo, 3, 174
founding roots of, 257
Westinghouse, 3, 95, 172—73, 174
founding roots of, 261
great ideas myth and, 27—29
Westinghouse, George, 28—29, 31, 172
charismatic leader myth and, 32, 34
Wiggin, Albert, charismatic leader myth and, 35
Wilson, T. A., 106
Wright, Joseph, 178
Yeager, Chuck, 61, 77
Young, John, 57
action and experimentation and, 142—43
core ideology and, 46, 74
Zenith Corporation, 3, 15, 17, 27, 167, 174, 183, 194, 198
Big Hairy Audacious Goals and, 110—11
charismatic leader myth and, 38
core ideology of, 63
founding roots of, 267
leadership gaps at, 178, 180