Notes: Abbreviations appearing in this section are adj. for adjective, n. for noun, and v. for verb. Words in boldface appear in the Japanese-English section with their forms in written Japanese.
abalone awabi
adlay hatomugi
agar-agar kanten
a la carte ippin ryōri
anchovy katakuchi iwashi
angler fish ankō
appetizer zensai
apple ringo りんご
apricot 1. (European or Middle Eastern) anzu 2. (Japanese) ume
ark shell akagai
arrowhead kuwai
arrowroot arōrūto アロールート. Suitable substitutes are kuzu and katakuriko.
aubergine nasu
baking sheet tenpan 天板
baking soda jūtansan natoriumu 重炭酸ナトリウム, jūsō じゅうそう 重曹
bamboo shoot takenoko
barley ōmugi, mugi
barracuda kamasu
basil bajiriko バジリコ
bass suzuki
batter (for tempura) koromo
bay leaf rōrie ローリエ, gekkeiju no ha げっけいじゅのは 月桂樹の葉
bay scallop itayagai
bean mame
bean curd tōfu
bean sprout moyashi, mame moyashi
beef gyū niku
bell pepper piiman
bicarbonate of soda See baking soda.
bitter orange daidai
black bream kurodai, chinu
black-eyed pea sasage
blackfish (large-type) mejina
black pepper kurokoshō
blanch yugaku 湯掻く, yudōshi suru 湯通しする, akunuki suru 灰汁抜きする
blood clam akagai
blowfish fugu
blue swimmer gazami, watarigani
boar 1. (animal) inoshishi 2. (meat) botan niku ぼたん肉, 牡丹肉
bone hone 骨
bonito katsuo
bowl 1. (small, for matcha or rice) chawan 2. (for composite rice dishes) donburi 3. (straight-sided) hachi 鉢
bracken warabi
bran fusuma 麩
bread pan パン. Long loaves are divided into kin 斤, a traditional weight of about 600 gm. However, in current usage one kin is about 12 cm of bread, weighing 400 gm or so; today length rather than weight is the criterion. See also loaf of bread.
bread crumbs panko
breakfast chōshoku, asagohan 朝御飯
broad bean soramame
broth dashi, dashijiru
brown rice genmai
brown sugar 1. (dark) kurozatō 黒砂糖 2. (light) san on tō 三温糖
Brussels sprouts mekyabetsu 芽キャべツ, supurōtsu スプローツ
buckwheat flour sobako
buffet baikingu ryōri, risshoku 立食
burdock gobō
cabbage kyabetsu キャべツ
candy ame
capsicum piiman
carp koi
carrot ninjin
catfish namazu
cayenne pepper taka no tsume, tōgarashi
chef 1. (head cook) itamae 2. (qualified cook) chōrishi
cherry sakuranbo
chestnut kuri
chicken wakadori, niwatori, chikin チキン
chili pepper tōgarashi
Chinese cabbage hakusai
chopsticks hashi
citron yuzu
citrus kankitsurui 柑橘類
clam (short-necked) asari
clove chōji ちょうじ 丁子, 丁字
cockle torigai
cinnamon nikkei 肉桂
cod tara
confectioner’s sugar konazatō 粉砂糖
conger eel anago
corn (sweet) tōmorokoshi とうもろこし
cornflour kōnfurawā コーンフラワー. Since it is not readily available in Japan, superior substitutes are katakuriko (potato starch) and kuzu.
corn starch See cornflour.
cowpea sasage
crab kani
crawfish (marine) ise ebi
crayfish (freshwater) zarigani
croquette korokke コロッケ
cucumber kyūri
cuisine ryōri
curry powder karē ko
cutlass fish tachiuo
cuttlefish kōika
deep-fry ageru 揚げる
demerara sugar san on tō 三温糖
dinner yūshoku 夕食
dish (plate) sara
duck 1. (farmed) aigamo あいがも 合鴨, 間鴨 2. (wild) kamo
eel unagi
egg tamago
eggplant nasu
egg white shiromi 白身
egg yolk kimi 黄身
escabèche nanbanzuke
fermentation hakkō
fiddlehead kusasotetsu くさそてつ 草蘇鉄, kogomi こごみ 屈み. See also Appendix 9.
fig ichijiku
fillet (of beef or pork) hire ヒレ, fire フィレ
filleting (of fish) sanmaioroshi
fish sakana 2
fish paste surimi
flathead kochi
flavor aji 味
flavoring chōmiryō
flounder karei
flour (wheat) 1. komugiko 小麦粉 2. merikenko メリケン粉. From the beginning of the Meiji era (1868), this term was used for the flour imported, mostly from America, for making baked goods, to distinguish it from the locally produced flour for making noodles. The term is still heard, but the distinction is lost.
flying fish tobiuo
fruit kudamono くだもの 果物. Usually sold by the mound (yama 山) on a plate, except at supermarkets.
garfish sayori
garlic ninniku
garlic stem kuki ninniku 茎大蒜
gelatin zerachin ゼラチン
ginger shōga
ginkgo nut ginnan
glutinous rice mochigome
goby haze
gourd uri
grain mugi
grape budō
grate orosu 下ろす
grater oroshigane
greasy aburakkoi 脂っこい
green (unripe) jukusanai 熟さない
green bean sayaingen
grill 1. (cooking apparatus) yakiami 焼き網 2. (cooking method) amiyaki 網焼き
ground meat hiki niku 挽肉
grouper hata
gruel kayu, zōsui
hairtail tachiuo
halfbeak sayori
halibut ohyō
herb kōsō
herring nishin
hog (pork) buta niku
honey hachimitsu
horse mackerel aji
horse meat sakura niku, ba niku 馬肉
horseradish wasabi daikon, seiyōwasabi
ice kōri こおり 氷. See also shaved ice.
icing sugar konazatō 粉砂糖
ingredient shoku zairyō 食材料
jack aji
jellyfish kurage
John Dory matōdai
kelp konbu
kidney bean ingenmame
king crab tarabagani
kitchen daidokoro
knife (cook’s) hōchō
kumquat kinkan
lactic acid nyū san 乳酸
ladle o-tamajakushi, tamajakushi
lamb ramu ラム, kohitsuji 子羊
lamprey yatsumeunagi
laver nori
leatherjacket kawahagi
leek negi
lees sakekasu
lily root yurine
liver rebā レバー, kanzō 肝臓
loach dojō
loaf of bread Ikkin 一斤 (one kin) is a 10-to-12-cm section of a long loaf. The number on a pack of sliced bread indicates the number of slices per kin. Eight slices per kin being a suitable number for toast, a pack of toast bread would be ikkin hachi mai giri 一斤八枚切り. Bread, either as a loaf or sliced, is often called shokupan 食パン.
lobster 1. (spiny lobster, crawfish) ise ebi 2. (Atlantic lobster, farmed in Hokkaido) omāru ebi オマールえび, robusutā ロブス夕ー
loquat biwa
lotus root renkon
low-fat milk tei shibō nyū 低脂肪乳
luderick mejina
lunch chūshoku, hiru gohan 昼御飯
mackerel saba
mandarin mikan
mangetout sayaendō
marinate (v.) tsukeru 漬ける, marine suru マリネする
marlin kajiki
meal shokuji, gohan
meat niku
milk 1. (cow’s) gyū nyū 牛乳 2. (artificial coffee cream) miruku ミルク
millet 1. (barnyard) hie 2. (foxtail) awa 3. (proso) kibi
milt shirako
mince (n.) hiki niku 挽き肉
monosodium glutamate gurutaminsan natoriumu グルタミン酸ナトリウム, (chemical seasoning) kagaku chōmiryō 化学調味料
mortar usu
MSG See monosodium glutamate.
mugwort yomogi
mullet bora
mung bean ryokutō
mushroom kinoko
mussel igai, mūrugai ムール貝
mustard karashi
noodles menrui 麵類
nutmeg natsumegu ナツメグ, nikuzuku にくずく
oats ōtomugi オー卜麦, enbaku えんばく 燕麦, karasumugi からすむぎ 烏麦
octopus tako
offal motsu
oil abura 油
oily aburakkoi 油っtこい
onion tamanegi
oyster kaki 1
parch iru 煎る
peach momo 桃
pear 1. (Japanese) nashi 2. (Western) seiyōnashi 西洋梨
peas endō
pepper koshō
perilla shiso
persimmon kaki 2
pestle kine
pheasant kiji
pickle tsukemono
pike kamasu
pine nut matsu no mi まつのみ 松の実
plate sara
plum sumomo すもも 李, puramu プラム
pollack suketōdara
pomegranate zakuro ざくろ 石榴, 柘榴
pomelo buntan
pomfret managatsuo
poppy seed keshinomi
pork buta niku
pot nabe
potato jagaimo, bareisho
prawn ebi
preservative bōfuzai 防腐剤, hozonryō 保存料
preserve (n.) hozon shokuhin 保存食品. See also tsukudani.
puffer fugu
pumpkin kabocha
quail uzura
quail’s egg uzura no tamago 鶉の卵
quince 1. (European or Middle Eastern) marumero 2. (Chinese) karin
radish 1. (giant white) daikon 2. (small red) radisshu ラディッ シュ, hatsuka daikon 二十日大根
rainbow trout nijimasu
rape aburana
rapeseed oil natane abura 菜種油
rape shoot nanohana
raspberry ki ichigo きいちご 木苺
ray ei
rice 1. (growing) ine 稲 2. (harvested but uncooked) kome 3. (cooked) meshi, gohan
rice ball musubi, o-nigiri
rice bran nuka 糠
rice flour komeko. The three kinds usually available are 1. non-glutinous rice flour jōshinko 上新粉 2. glutinous rice flour mochigomeko 糯米粉 3. a mixture of 1 and 2 for making dango
rice gruel 1. (plain or with umeboshi) kayu 2. (with fish or fowl and vegetables) zōsui, o-jiya
rice vinegar komesu 米酢
rice wine sake 1, seishu 清酒, nihonshu
rich koku ga aru こくがある
ripe jukushita じゅくした 熟した
rockfish mebaru
roe ko 子
rye raimugi ライ麦
rye flour raimugiko ライ麦粉
salmon sake 2 (also pronounced shake)
salmon roe 1. (separated eggs) ikura 2. (in the sac) sujiko
salt shio
sardine iwashi
sauce 1. (especially for yakimono) tare 2. (Worcester and the like) sōsu, usutā sōsu
saury sanma
scale (fish) uroko うろこ
scallion rakkyō
scallop hotategai. (The adductor muscle kaibashira of other shellfish closely resembles a scallop without its beard.)
scraper sukurēpā スクレーパー, gomubera ゴムベラ
sea bass suzuki
sea bream tai
sea cucumber namako
sea pike kamasu
sea slug namako
sea squirt hoya
sea urchin uni
seaweed kaisō
seed tane 種
sesame goma
Seville orange daidai
shad konoshiro
shaddock buntan
shallow-fry itameru 炒める
shark 1. (in general) same 2. (some of the larger sharks) fuka
shaved ice kakigōri かき氷. Fruit syrup is poured on top of a bowl of shaved ice as a refreshing summer snack.
shell kara 殻
shellfish kai 貝
shoot moyashi
shrimp ebi
sieve koshiki, uragoshi
simmer niru
skate ei
skewer kushi
skipjack katsuo
smelt wakasagi
smoke (v.) kunsei ni suru 薫製にする, 燻製にする
snack 1. (afternoon tea, light refreshment) o-yatsu 2. (light meal) keishoku 軽食
snap bean sayaingen
snow crab zuwaigani
snow pea sayaendō
soda water tansansui 炭酸水, sōda uōtā ソーダウォー夕ー
sodium bicarbonate jūtansan natoriumu 重炭酸ナトリウム
sole shitabirame
soybean daizu
soy milk tōnyū 豆乳
soy sauce shōyu
Spanish mackerel sawara
sparrow suzume
spice kōshinryō, supaisu スパイス
spinach hōrensō
spiny lobster ise ebi
spoon (china) renge, chirirenge
spring onion wakegi
spring roll harumaki 春巻き
squash kabocha
squid ika
starch denpun
steam (v.) musu 蒸す
steamer 1. (metal) mushiki 2. (wood or bamboo) seirō
sticky rice mochigome
stingray ei
stir-fry (v.) itameru 炒める
stock dashi, dashijiru
strawberry ichigo
sugar satō
sugar pea sayaendō
supper yūshoku 夕食
sweet (adj.) amai 甘い
sweetmeat kashi
sweet pepper piiman
sweet potato satsumaimo
swordfish kajiki
tangerine mikan
taro satoimo
tea 1. (green) o-cha (or cha) 2. (powdered) matcha 3. (Western) kōcha 紅茶
teapot 1. (with bamboo handle) dobin 2. (with pottery lug for handle) kyūsu
tempura flour tenpura ko 天ぷら粉
thickener koku suru mono 濃くするもの, toromi o tuskeru mono とろみをつけるもの, e.g., kuzu and katakuriko
threadsail fish kawahagi
tilefish amadai
tongue tan タン
topping furikake, toppingu トッピング
top-shell sazae
trefoil mitsuba
trout 1. (brook) kawamasu 2. (rainbow) nijimasu
tuna, tunny maguro
turbo sazae
turnip kabu
turtle (soft-shelled) suppon
unpolished rice genmai
unsalted butter muen batā 無塩バ夕ー
variety meat motsu
veal ko ushi no niku 仔牛の肉, 犢
vegetable yasai
vegetable oil shokubutsu yushi 植物油脂
vegetarianism saishokushugi 菜食主義
venison shika niku 鹿肉
Venus clam hamaguri
vinegar su
walnut kurumi
water 1. (cold) mizu 水 2. (hot) yu ゆ 湯 3. (boiling) futtō shiteiru o-yu 沸騰しているお湯, nettō 熱湯
water caltrop hishinomi
water chestnut hishinomi
watercress kureson クレソン
watermelon suika
welsh onion negi
whale kujira
wheat flour komugiko 小麦粉
whelk 1. (Babylonia japonica) bai 2. (Neptunea arthritica) tsubu
whitebait shirauo
whiting kisu
whole-wheat flour zenryū komugiko 全粒小麦粉
wild boar See boar.
Worcester sauce usutā sōsu, sōsu
wrasse bera
yam yamanoimo, yamaimo
yellowfin tuna kihada
yellowtail 1. (adult) buri 2. (young) hamachi, inada
yolk kimi 黄身
zest (of citrus fruits) kawa 皮