Such a Long, Long Way

July 17, 11:17 p.m.

Dear Friends and Family,

When Nancy awoke this morning, she announced, “I was dreaming you were making me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Winnie.”

“Now there’s a dream that could come true. Do you want one?”

“Actually, I’m not hungry. Maybe in a little while.”

A little while passed, so I asked, “What would you think about a peanut butter surprise, Nancy? I can add mayonnaise and bananas instead of jelly. I can make it just the way you like your sandwich.”

“I don’t think so. What I really crave is canned peas—over rice.”

Nancy and I share many “favorite” foods.



Strawberry preserves on “normal” PB+J’s.


Peas never ever grace my plate. Just give me a PB+J any time—even with grape jelly. But Nancy has strange cravings while her new immunity is “setting up shop.” She is slowly eating more things, and more of the things that she does eat. Nearly every day, she eats one full meal, along with strange snacks for which she has a craving. She has returned to her pre-illness weight, which is a good thing.


I look to the back of a bottom kitchen shelf where a Green Giant smiles back at me and obediently respond, “Let me see what I can do.”

My schedule is varied, so weekends often find me at the office. But during this particular spring and summer, with Jayna living in Salt Lake City where she is finishing her last semester of college, Saturdays and Sundays usually mean a visit from our daughter. Consequently, for the first time in recent memory, weekends are distinct from other days of the week.

We try to have at least one complete meal at the dining room table.

We always watch a rented movie in our new home theater.

We even enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine if Nancy’s ever-changing taste buds are willing.

“To you, Mom. I love you,” Jayna toasts on this summer Saturday in July.

“Why always to me, Jayna? Is it just because I’m still standing?”

Laughter emanates from all four corners of our table—even Jaret laughs while sipping sparkling cider.

“Yes, Mom. You’ve been through so much this year.”

“You know, I’ve been thinking. It really wasn’t that bad. And there are days now that I feel healthy—almost normal.”

Both Jayna and I simply roll our eyes and shake our heads.

Summary: We really appreciate your many thoughts and prayers. Though you don’t (and won’t) hear from me as often now, unlike Nancy, I do remember—the frightening times, the bad times, and how your support helped each member of our family. What a long, long way we’ve come.

