
Abwehr (Army Intelligence Service), 65

Ação Integralista Brasileira. See Integralistas

Airlines, Brazilian control of, 78, 112, 137


      Azores, strategic importance to, 109–110, 187–188, 196, 217–218

      Battle of the Atlantic, 176

      Operation Torch, 177–178

      propaganda program of, 104

      use of Brazilian bases and ports by, 70, 182

Alsina, 158

Americo, José, 248

Aníbal Benévolo, 165

Anti-Semitism, 7, 154–159

Anti-Totalitarian Student Rally, 152

Aranha, Manuel, 25

Aranha, Osvaldo

      aboard USS General Mann, Photo 12

      Brazil-US partnership, vision of, 195–196

      break with Axis powers, blame for, 135

      Caffrey, relationship with, 31, 32, 39, 53, 58, 62, 73, 107–108, 116, 185, 203

      declaration of war, call for, 166

      disparagement of on German radio broadcasts, 152

      Dutra, dispute with over student rally, 152–153

      Dutra, relationship with, 116

      Eduardo Gomes, support for as president, 249–250

      expeditionary force, support for, 211

      as first president of United Nations, xiv

      with Jefferson Caffery, Photo 4

      joint radio address with Orson Welles, 28, 143–144

      leadership during Vargas recuperation, 150–151

      as “left eye of Vargas,” 27, 210

      letter to Sumner Welles about arms, 39–40

      on list of armaments from US, 134–136

      Manuel Aranha conflict and, 25

      as minister of finance, 277

      Navy Day speech, handling of reactions to, 58–60

      Nazi invasion of Brazil, fear of, 40

      objectives, list of, xiv–xv, 29, 289

      Orson Welles, friendship with, 142, Photo 13

      personality of, 27–29

      police chief, power struggle with, 236–237

      reading of Vargas’ last message by, 285

      reconciliation with Vargas, 277

      resignation, interview about, 248

      resignation as foreign minister, 235

      retirement from politics, 290

      Siqueira Campos crisis, management of, 73–76, 78–81

      smear campaign against Vargas, 238

      Society of Friends of America and, 237

      Soviet Union, support for recognition of, 236

      steel mill, negotiations with US for, 62

      United States, relationship with, 26, 98, 116–117, 219

      on US troop deployment request, 107

      Vargas, friendship with, 30

      at Vargas’ final cabinet meeting, 281–282

      Vargas-Roosevelt meeting, memorandum for, 185, 195

      with Walt Disney, Photo 10

      war rally speech, 222

      on wartime fuel shortage, 194

Arará, 165

Araraquara, 165


      alliance with Allies, 254

      Brazil’s fear of invasion by, 3, 117, 170, 176, 197

      as haven for ex-Nazis, 253

      Jewish immigrants in, 159

      Navy Day speech, reaction to, 56–57

      pro-Nazi attitude of, xiv, 98, 119, 125, 126–127, 131

      rivalry with Brazil, 2–3, 173, 197–198, 289

      United States, relationship with, 277

      US postwar policy toward, 253

Arms, Brazil’s need for, xiii, 39–41, 64, 69, 70–71, 75, 87–88, 93, 111, 121–124, 187

Army chief of staff, attack on residence of, 15

Associated Press

      on Navy Day speech, 56

      on Roosevelt-Vargas agreement, 191

Astaire, Fred, xi

Atlantic, Battle of the, 176

Avenida President Vargas, 37

Avenida Rio Branco, 37–38

Axis powers

      breaking relations with, 121, 130–131

      influence of in Latin America, 6

      influence on immigrant colonies in Brazil, 5, 45, 46

      seizure of assets by Brazil, 146

Azores, 109–110, 187–188, 196, 217–218

Baependy, 165

Bagé crisis, 77, 88–89, 168

Belém, Brazil, 95

Belgium, 51

Belo Horizonte, 280

Berle, Adolf, 251–252, 268, 269, 274

Bittencourt, Paulo, 90–91

Botafogo Beach, Brazil, Photo 5

Brandão, Mário de Pimentel, 42

Brasília, ix


      achievements of, 289–290

      anti-German feeling in, 138

      anti-Nazi campaign in, 46, 48

      anti-Semitism in, 7, 154–159

      Argentina, rivalry with, 2–3, 173, 197–198, 289

      arms, purchase of from Germany, xiii, 4, 31, 40–41, 64, 69, 75

      arms, purchase of from US, 39–40, 69, 93, 121–124

      Axis assets, seizure of, 146

      Axis influence on immigrant colonies in, 5, 45, 46

      Axis powers, breaking relations with, 121, 130–131

      communists in, xii–xiii, 8, 86, 247, 262, 276

      as democracy, 276

      democracy in, speculation about, 26, 160, 178, 199, 216–217, 221

      deployment of US troops in, 119, 137

      expeditionary force, establishment of (See Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB))

      financial crisis, 276

      foreign ministers conference in, 122–123, 125, 130

      formation of joint force, 176

      Germany, importance of trade with, 43

      Germany, relationship with, 31–32

      Great Britain, relationship with, 29, 93

      gross national product (GDP) of, x

      immigrant communities in, 44–48, 52, 275

      infrastructure, development of, 63

      internal divisions in, 5, 6

      Italy, relationship with, 24–25

      Jewish immigrants, number admitted, 159

      lend-lease agreements with US, 111, 129, 137

      national steel company, establishment of, 63

      neutrality, rationale for, 42–44

      neutrality, reaction to declaration of, 50

      objectives of, xiv–xv, 29, 289

      political crisis in, 262

      postwar economic situation of, 271

      pre-World War II, x–xiii, xv

      press freedom in, 89

      racial diversity in, 104, 133

      Roosevelt’s death, effect of on, 255

      strategic importance of, 98

      support for US, 120–121

      suspension of shipping to US by, 146

      trading markets, loss of due to war, 51

      United States, relationship with, 7, 41, 43, 112, 118–119, 137, 152, 199–200, 220–221, 251, 277–278

      US, wartime support of, 120–121

      Vargas’ accident, political consequences of, 151

Brazil: Land of the Future (Zweig), 156

Brazilian National Security Council, 119

“Brazil’s Pearl Harbor,” 166

Bulge, Battle of the, 246

Burdett (American chargé d’affaires), 75–76

Cabo de Hornos, 158

Caffery, Jefferson

      Aranha, relationship with, 31, 32, 39, 53, 58, 62, 73, 107–108, 116, 185, 203, 219

      on Aranha’s resignation, 236–239

      on Brazil-US arms deal, 110–112

      on Brazil’s desire for arms, 39

      on Brazil’s pre-war strategy, 43

      cost of living, complaints about, 193–194

      departure from Rio, 251

      description of, 30–31

      on immigrant communities, lack of information about, 47

      interpretation of Vargas’ speech, 55–56, 58

      at meeting with Roosevelt in Natal, 184–187, 190

      with Osvaldo Aranha, Photo 4

      praise for cooperation by Vargas and Aranha, 151

      at President’s Day event, 145

      on press freedom, 153

      Rockefeller and, 99

      steel mill project and, 61, 62

      summer residence, requests for, 85

      US request for troop deployment, 107–108

Cairu, 138

Campbell, Sir Ronald, 188, 218

Campos, Francisco, 12, 13, 153, 155, 160, 242, 247

Cape Verde Islands, 109

Carioca, Joe (cartoon), 103

Cariocas (residents of Rio), lifestyle of, 48, 49, 82–84, 180–182, 194

Carnaval, ix, 37, 141, 142, 223, 243, 274

Carnegie Foundation, 201

Casablanca Conference, Morocco (1942), 185, 186

Castillo, Ramón, 119

Catete Palace, 13–14

Catholic Church, 270

Charles, Sir Noel, 31

Chile, 125, 127, 219

Churchill, Winston, 4, 110, 185, 186, 187, 244

Ciano, Galeazzo, 24

Cidade Maravilhosa, ix

Citizen Kane (film), 139–140

Clark, Mark W., 233, 256

Cohen Plan, 8

Cold War, 33, 188, 236, 269

Communism, 101

Communists, xii–xiii, 8, 17, 86, 247, 262, 276

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, 63

Conference of the American Republics, 6

Constituent assembly, 264, 268

Constitutional amendment No. 9, 249

Copacabana Beach, 83, 133

Copacabana Palace Hotel, xi, 83, 95, 103, 139, 288, Photo 2

Correio da Manhã (newspaper)

      attack on President Vargas, 248

      on conquest of Monte Castello, 256

      on death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 254

      on deposition of Vargas, 268

      pro-British views of, 90, 91

Corruption, government officials and, 223, 271

Cost of living increases, 193–194, 243

Costa, Artur de Souza, 134, 136

Costa, Euclides Zenóbia da, 282, 283, 284

Crete, 106

Critica (Buenos Aires newspaper), on Navy Day speech, 57

Cunha, Leitão de, 152–153

Curação, 158

Cuyaba, 168

D-Day landings in France, 227

Dantas, Luis Martins de Souza, 157–159

De Gaulle, Charles, 185

Decree 383, restricting foreign political activity (1938), 31, 46

Decree 3002, establishing a national steel company (1941), 63

Decree 4744, establishing an expeditionary force (1943), 211

Decree-Law 3175, restricting Jewish immigration (1941), 155

Denmark, 51

Department of Press and Propaganda (DIP), 60, 80, 104–105, 122, 141, 203, 211, 248

Diário Carioca (newspaper)

      attempt at more press freedom, 153

      on cost of housing in wartime, 194

      support for Vargas, 90

Diário de Notícias (newspaper)

      on Brazil’s entry into war, 170

      praise for Jews in, 159

      on presidential election, 271

DIP. See Department of Press and Propaganda

Disney, Walt, ix, 102–103, Photo 10

Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 96–97, 174

Draft dodging, 213

Dulles, John, 12

Dutra, Eurico Gaspar

      Allied war effort, reluctance to join, 151, 167, 169

      Aranha, relationship with, 116

      attacks on British in press, 89

      attempted coup, intervention in, 18–20

      blame of Aranha for break with Axis powers, 135

      expeditionary force, leadership of, 214

      expeditionary force, negotiations with US for, 212

      Fournier, negotiations concerning, 25

      Germany, interest in ties with, 27, 41, 215

      Goés Monteiro, relationship with, 177, 215

      Góes Monteiro Draft, signing of, 70

      London, trip to, 244

      Manuel Aranha conflict, 25

      on military unpreparedness, 120

      new constitution, support for, 242

      news articles, anger at, 90, 92

      plan for mobilizing Brazil’s military, 184, 210–211

      president, election as, 270–271

      as presidential candidate, 250, 263

      resignation, threats of, 86, 88

      at Rubens Vaz’s funeral, 279

      as sacrificial lamb, 244–245, 250

      ship attacks, assignment of blame for, 167

      Soviet Union, opposition to recognition of, 236

      student rally, dispute with Aranha over, 152–153

      troops in Italy, visit to, 233

      US and Britain, distrust of, 71, 73

      US press comments, reaction to, 57

Dutra, Santinha, 245

Eden, Anthony, 188, 227

Einstein, Albert, 155

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 277

Elections, uncertainty about, 268

Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense of the Americas, 240

Estado Novo

      anti-Jewish, perception as, 158

      democracy, effect of on, 160, 178, 199, 224

      establishment of, xiii, 7

      five-year plan, 60

      internal divisions in, 151

      legacies of, 63

      legitimacy of, 32–33

      rationale for, 44

      sixth anniversary of, 216

      steel mill, importance of, 60

      xenophobia of, 154

Expeditionary force. See Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB)

Fairbanks, Douglas Jr., xi, 201–202

Farias, Osvaldo Cordeiro de, 265–266, 268

Favelas (samba clubs of), 141, 142

FEB. See Força Expedicionária Brasileira

Fifth column, 89, 167, 175, 222

Financial crisis, 276

Five-year plan, 60, 63–64

Flamengo Beach, 48

Fluminense Soccer Club, tunnel to, 16

Flynn, Errol, 201–202

Fontes, Lourival, 104–105, 153, 160

Food, increase in prices of, 194, 223

Food, shortages of, 223, 262, 271

Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB)

      in Battle of Monte Castello, 255–256

      British view of, 228

      casualty rate of, 234, 255, 257

      conscription of, 231

      disbanding of, 257

      equipment and training for, 211–212, 214, 224, 228, 230, 232–233

      establishment of, 211

      farewell parade through Rio, 228–229

      at Italian front, 232, 234, 255–257, Photo 14

      leadership of, 214

      recruitment for, 213–214, 231

      slogan of, 230

      victory parade, 257

Ford, John, 202, 203

Foreign ministers conference, 119, 122–123, 125, 130

Fortunato, Gregório, 279

Fournier, Severo, 16, 22–25

France, entry into war, 49

Franco, Francisco, 40

Frank, Waldo, 27–28, 48, 91

Friele, Berent, 99

Fuel shortages, 138, 147, 194, 261, 272

Gable, Clark, xi

Gainer, David, 264

Gaúchos, xii

Gazetta (newspaper), anti-Semitism in, 154

General Mann (ship), 227, 229–230


      attacks on Brazilian shipping by, 138, 144, 146, 151, 160, 165–166

      invasion of Poland by, xiii, 39, 41–42, 51

      propaganda campaigns by, 100–102, 152

      rearmament program of, 4

      relationship with Brazil, 31–32

      reply to Brazil’s declaration of war, 171–172

      rise of Nazi party in, 3–4

      sale of arms to Brazil, xiii, 4, 64, 69

      seizure of northern Italy by, 209

      threat of invasion of the Americas by, 107

Gibralter, 67

Giraud, Henri, 185

Góes Monteiro Draft (1940), 70

Goés Montiero. See Monteiro, Pedro Aurélio de Góes

Gomes, Eduardo

      British opinion of, 249

      defeat of in 1950 election, 273

      demand that Vargas resign, 280

      as presidential election favorite, 269–270

      at Rubens Vaz’s funeral, 279

      support of military coup, 266

      tribute to Roosevelt in newspaper, 254

      US opinion of, 249

Good Neighbor Program, 1–2, 4, 62, 96, 98, 139, 252

Great Britain

      analysis of German community in Rio Grande do Sul, 47–48

      Aranha, opinion of, 29

      Bagé crisis, 88–89

      Brazilian press, subsidy of, 154

      Caffrey, opinion of, 30–31

      entry into war, 49

      future political reform in Brazil, opinion of, 226–227

      Gomes, opinion of, 249

      ministry of economic warfare, 66, 67, 68, 77, 93

      naval blockades by, 64–66, 77, 86

      Queremistas, assessment of, 262–263

      relationship with Brazil, 29, 93, 227

      Vargas, opinion of, 12, 20

Green Shirts, 17, 122

Guanabara Palace

      attack on, 14–20

      as Vargas residence, 13–14

      view of presidential residence, Photo 1

Guggenheim, Solomon R., 201

Hailey, Foster, 226

Halifax, Lord (Edward Frederick Lindley Wood), 77, 78

Hitler, Adolf

      defeat of, 246

      desire for closer ties with Brazil, 31

      expansionist agenda of, 39

      failure to invade Azores, 188

      message from Vargas, 105–106

      rise to power, 3–4

      suicide of, 256

      U-boat attacks on Brazilian shipping, 151

Hoover, Herbert, 1

Hopkins, Harry, 185

Hotel Gloria, 95

Housing, rise in cost of, 194, 271

Hughes, Charles Evans, 1

Hull, Cordell

      foreign ministers conference resolutions, reaction to, 128

      goals in Latin America, 2, 4

      Latin America, analysis of, 6

      on Portuguese islands, defense of, 109–110

      reaction to Vargas’ speech, 55, 58, 59

      reassurance of delivery of arms, 136

      resignation of, 252

      on Siqueira Campos incident, 74, 78

      Welles, rivalry with, 96

Humboldt, 185

Immigrant communities, 5, 44–48, 52, 275

Inflation, 193, 271

Ingram, Jonas H.

      aboard USS General Mann, Photo 12

      as architect of US-Brazilian naval defenses, 178, 182

      at Caffery’s dinner party, 193, 195, 199, 200

      as chief of allied forces in the South Atlantic, 151, 176

      as naval advisor to Vargas, 148

      at Vargas-Roosevelt meeting, 184, 189

Integralistas, 8, 17, 23, 32, 86, 112, 122

Itagiba, 165


      alliance with Axis, 51

      as destination of expeditionary force, 228

      relationship with Brazil, 24–25

      surrender of, 209

Itamaraty Palace, 37

Itapé, 77

It’s All True (film), 142

Japan, 115, 127, 170

Jewish Colonization Organization, 157

Jews, in Brazil

      growing tolerance for, 159–160

      number of, 155–156

      refugees, 156–159

      travel and residency restrictions on, 154–155

      treatment of, 156

Jockey Club, xi, 174

Jornal do Brasil (newspaper)

      on Allied successes, 178

      on Roosevelt’s visit to Natal, 191

      on Vargas’ resignation, 268

Jouett, 184

Kennan, George, 33, 217

Krupp steel company, 60, 61, 62, 69

Labor Party, 262

Lacerda, Carlos, 278

Lacerda shooting scandal, 278–279

Latin America, distrust of US, 2, 6, 71, 178

League of Nations, 185

Leitchic, Marc, 157

Leme Fort, 18

Life magazine, 103, 138, 142

Liga de Defesa Nacional, 222

Linhares, José, 266, 267

Lojacono, Vincenzo, 24–25

Lothian, Lord (Philip Henry Kerr), 74

Luxembourg, 51

Machado, Cristiano, 273

Machedo, José Eduardo de, 153

Madeira (island), 187

Marshall, George, 107, 129

Marshall Plan, 277

Martins, Carlos, 59, 60

Mexico, 107, 171–172

Military forces

      acceptance of arms situation, 92–93

      Allied war effort, reluctance to join, 151, 169

      anger of over Siqueira Campos deal, 81, 84

      Argentina, comparison to, 197–198

      blame of Aranha for break with Axis powers, 135

      Brazilian air force, training of, 230

      conflict with press, 90

      criticism of by Góes Monteiro, 177

      demand for Vargas’ resignation, 279–280, 281

      desire to buy German arms, 70–71, 111

      influence of, 276, 290

      perceived threat of Argentine invasion, 176

      political attacks on Aranha, 150

      pro-Nazi orientation of, 4, 7, 41, 71, 105

      support for democratic government by, 241–242

      unpreparedness of, 40, 117–118, 120, 146

Miller, Lehman W., 70, 111–112

Minas Gerais, xii

Minas Gerais (ship), 52, 53, 55, 56, 59

Ministry of economic warfare, 66, 67, 68, 77, 93

Miranda, Carmen, 201

Monte Castello, Battle of, 232

Monteiro, Pedro Aurélio de Góes

      as ambassador to Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense of the Americas, 240

      Argentine threat, comments on, 198

      on arms deal with US, 111

      arms issue, anger over, 87

      attacks on British in press, 89

      criticism of military by, 177

      decision to depose Vargas, 265

      democratic reform, support for, 241–242

      Dutra, relationship with, 177, 215

      entering war, view of, 167, 183

      expeditionary force, criticism of, 215

      on military unpreparedness, 120

      with Nelson Rockefeller and Sumner Welles, Photo 6

      news articles, anger at, 57, 90, 92

      pro-Axis leanings of, 41

      refusal to run for president, 263

      resignation of, 215

      ship attacks, assignment of blame for, 167

      on Siqueira Campos, release of, 76, 78–80

      US and Britain, distrust of, 71, 73

      on US request to deploy troops, 108

      Vargas’ speech, reaction to, 58

      Washington, visit to, 70–73

Morais, João Baptista Mascarenhas de, 214, 230, 256, Photo 15

Müller, Filinto, 105, 152–153, 160

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), 201

Mussolini, Benito, 51, 56, 209

Naples, Italy, 230

Natal, Brazil, 109, 176, 178, 184

Nattier, Frank, 99

Naval blockades, 64–66

Naval ministry, capture of, 15

Navy Day speech

      content of, 53–55

      international reaction to, 55–57

      Vargas’ apology to President Roosevelt, 59–60

Nazi party

      election of in Germany, 3–4

      influence of in Brazil, 45

      parade in Rio Grande do Sul, Photo 8

      prohibition of in Brazil, 46

Netherlands, 51

New York Herald Tribune, on Navy Day speech, 57

New York Times

      on Navy Day speech, 57

      on political reform in Brazil, 225–226

      on Roosevelt’s visit to Natal, 191

New Yorker, on Nelson Rockefeller, 138

Newspapers, 89–91, 100, 166

Newsprint, shortage of, 147

Noel, Charles, 150

North African campaign, 185, 190, 209

Norway, 51

O Cruzeiro do Sul (newspaper), on conquest of Monte Castello, 256

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 96

Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, 100, 139, 200–201

Operation Pot of Gold, 106

Operation Torch, 176, 177–178

Pan American Airways, 95

Paraguay, 110

Paris, France, liberation of, 235

Paulistas, xii

Pearl Harbor, attack on by Japan, 115

Peixoto, Alzira Vargas do Amaral

      description of, 11

      as father’s advisor, 26, 247, 264, 284

      as father’s aide, 58, 62, 108, 116, 126, 132, 135, 210, 277

      as guardian of father’s legacy, 291

      with her father, Photo 3

      on Jewish refugees, 158

      Nelson Rockefeller, regard for, 174

      as “right eye of Vargas,” 21, 210

      role of during attack on palace, 12, 14–20

      samba with Douglas Fairbanks Jr., 202

      as translator, 103, 121, 137

      at Vargas’ final cabinet meeting, 281–282

      on Vargas’ message to Hitler, 106

Peixoto, Ernâni do Amaral, 90, 152, 247, 281

Perón, Juan, 253

Petrópolis, 84–85

Poland, invasion of, xiii, 39, 41–42, 51

Police chief, attack on residence of, 15

Portaria 4941 (1941), granting permanent visas during wartime, 156


      grant of Allied access to bases in Azores, 217–218

      persistence in selling wolfram to Germany, 218

Praça Onze, 142

Presidential election of 1930, xii

Presidential election of 1945, 269–270

Presidential election of 1950, 273

Presidential elections, controversy over, 262, 268

Presidential guard

      creation of, 20–21, 261, 279

      disbanding of, 280

Press freedom, 89, 153, 206, 248

Prestes, Júlio, xii

Preston, Hart, 103

Proclaimed list, 219–220

Profiteering, 223–224, 243, 271

Propaganda, 99–101, 104, 152

Queremistas, 262–263, 264

Radio, importance of, 44–45

Radio stations, seizure of, 15

Refugees, 156–159, 194

Reis, Ernâni, 155

“Revolution of the cowards,” 14–20, 24

Rio de Janeiro

      blackouts in, 180–182

      as center of Brazilian power, ix

      as Cidade Maravilhosa, ix

      cost of living increases in, 193–194, 223, 243

      description of, ix, 37–38

      in 1930s, x–xi

      summer in, 82–84

Rio Grande do Sul, xii, 46–48, 261, Photo 8

Rio Negro Palace, 84, 248, 253

Ritter, Karl, 45–46

RKO Pictures, 139

Rockefeller, Nelson

      ad campaign, 99–100

      as assistant secretary of state for American regional affairs, 252–253

      Caffery, relationship with, 103, 104

      as coordinator of inter-American affairs, 95–100, 102, 104, 174–175, 200–201

      cultural program of, 201

      Donovan, relationship with, 97

      goals of, 97, 138

      popularity of, 137, 138–139, 174

      report on Brazil’s impact on war, 175

      rubber workers, improvement of condition for, 202–203

      with Sumner Welles and Góes Monteiro, Photo 6

      at Vargas’ 1950 inauguration, 273

      Welles, relationship with, 96, 97, 100

Rockefeller Foundation, 203

Rogers, Ginger, xi

Rome, liberation of by Allies, 227

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

      on arms shipments, increase in, 124–126, 189

      on Azores, defense of, 109–110, 188–189

      Brazil, policy toward, 33

      Brazilian steel mill project and, 62

      Charlottesville speech, 59

      “Day of Infamy” speech, 118

      death of, 254

      Getúlinho, offer of medical assistance for, 190

      Good Neighbor Program, 1–2, 4

      inaugural speech, 1

      interpersonal conflicts, handling of, 96–97, 128

      meeting with Vargas in Natal, 185–190

      Orson Welles, request of to make Brazil film, 140

      Rubber Month, letter to Vargas about, 204

      on US troop deployment in Brazil, 108–109

      on USS Humboldt, Photo 11

      Vargas, relationship with, 98–99

      visit to Brazil in 1933, 5–6

Rubber industry

      film about, 202

      Rubber Month, 203–205

      synthetic rubber and, 205–206

      wartime importance of, 203–205

      working conditions in, 203, 206

Salazar, António de Oliveira, 187–188, 217, 219

Salgado, Plínio, 32

Salgado Filho, Joaquim Pedro, 93

Samba music, 141

São Paulo, Brazil, xii, 105, 154, 184, 250, 262

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6), 65

Semana da Pátria, 48


      German attacks on, 144, 146, 151, 160, 165–166

      public reaction to attacks on, 166, 168

      retaliation for attacks on, 168

      suspension of by Brazil, 146

Siqueira Campos crisis

      Aranha’s strategy for, 74

      British assets, threatened seizure of, 76, 80

      British blockade of Lisbon, 65–66

      British compromise offer, 78–79

      British view of, 76

      impoundment of Siqueira Campos, 67

      release of Siqueira Campos, 80–81

      United States participation in, 66–67, 74–75, 77, 79, 80

Society of Friends of America, 237

Soviet Union

      comparison to Brazil, 226

      entry into war, 106

      Kiev, liberation of by, 209

      liberation of Poland by, 246

Stalin, Joseph, 222

Steel mill, at Volta Redonda, 63, 86, 275, 290

Stettinius, Edward Jr., 253–254

Time magazine, on rubber industry, 205–206

Tiradentes Palace, 122, 273

Transport situation, 271

Tribuna da Imprensa (newspaper), criticism of Vargas in, 278

Truman, Harry, 269

U-507, 165

U-Boats, 146, 148, 151, 159, 165, 176, 184, 187, 229

Unconditional surrender, doctrine of, 185

United Nations, xiv, 185, 186–187, 196, 222

United States

      arms, sale of to Brazil, 93, 129

      Brazil, relationship with, 112, 118–119, 137, 199–200, 220–221, 251, 277–278

      Brazil, strategic importance of, 98, 217–218

      Brazil-Argentina rivalry, assessment of, 197–199

      Brazilian elections, expectations for, 268

      Brazilian expeditionary force and, 212, 214

      concern about Dutra and Góes Monteiro, 175–176

      coup, reaction to, 269

      disappointment in Brazilian troops, 231

      distrust of Goés Monteiro, 71–72

      Dutra, unfavorable perception of by, 215

      focus on spread of communism, 277

      Germany, invasion of by, 246

      Gomes, opinion of, 249

      Good Neighbor Program, 1–2, 4, 62

      Latin American distrust of, 2, 6, 71, 91, 178

      Navy Day speech, reaction to, 55–59

      predictions of future Brazilian demands, 172–173

      proclaimed list, 219–220

      Siqueira Campos crisis, participation in, 66–67, 74–75, 77, 79, 80

      steel mill, loan for construction of, 61

      troop deployment in Brazil, 119, 137

United States Steel Corporation, 60, 61

Uprising of May 11, 1938, 14–20, 22

US bases in Brazil, fate of, 251

Vargas, Alzira. See Peixoto, Alzira Vargas do Amaral

Vargas, Benjamin

      appointment as chief of police, 264

      assessment of by US and Britain, 237

      Góes Monteiro, inflammatory comments to, 264

      at Guanabara Palace attack, 15

      influence of, 277

      informing Vargas of deposition, 284–285

      presidential guard, establishment of, 18, 20–21

      presidential guard, head of, 279

      Queremistas, recruitment of, 263

      resignation of Aranha and, 240

      rumors of profiteering by, 243

      summons by air force investigators, 284

      unreliability of, 247

Vargas, Darci Lima Sarmanho, 26, 84, 87, 192, 238

Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, pre-war period

      on acquiring German arms, 87–88

      Allies, alliance with, xiv

      with Alzira, Photo 3

      Aranha, friendship with, 30

      attempted coup against, 14–20, 32

      automobile accident, 149–150

      Azores, on defense of, 110

      daily routine of, 13, 116

      deployment of US troops, agreement to, 137

      description of, xi–xii

      dictator, establishment as, xiii, 7

      Dutra-Aranha cabinet crisis, 25–26

      Dutra’s resignation, refusal of, 92

      economic strategy of, xiv, 12, 41, 43, 49, 106

      five-year plan, 60, 63–64

      at foreign ministers conference, 123

      goals of, xiii–xiv, 12, 13

      golf, enjoyment of, 27, 115

      as governor of Rio Grande do Sul, xii

      Hitler, distrust of, 46

      Jewish refugees, lack of interest in, 157, 160

      minister of aviation, appointment of, 93–94

      movies, enjoyment of, 103

      Navy Day speech, 52–55, 59–60

      neutrality, cabinet meeting on, 44

      personality, 12, 27, 29–30

      political enemies of, 17

      rise to power, xii–xiii

      Roosevelt, apology to for Navy Day speech, 59–60

      Roosevelt, radio message to, 106

      Roosevelt, relationship with, 6, 98–99

      ship attacks, balcony speech on, 168

      steel mill negotiations, 60–63

      student rally dispute, intervention in, 153

      trip to Paraguay, 110

      United States, suspicions of influence of, 86

      US, wartime support for, 120–121

      US navy, opening of ports and airfields to, 147

      war, reluctance to enter, 121

Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, World War II period

      aboard USS General Mann, Photo 12

      arms, request for from US, 187

      on cost of living, 216

      criticism of, 223

      Dutra and Góes Monteiro, relationship with, 177

      expeditionary force, conditional approval of, 184

      on foreign policy, 239–240

      Getúlinho, death of, 191

      indecisiveness of, 246–247

      military, speech to (1942), 182

      on military cooperation with US, 190

      on national unity and internal stability, 216

      on participation in war, 212–213

      political reform, promises of, 217, 224–225

      public elections, cabinet meeting on, 248–249

      Roosevelt, meeting with in Natal, 185–190

      Roosevelt, relationship with, 190

      Roosevelt, newspaper tribute to, 254

      untrustworthy associates of, 243–244, 247

      war, commitment of Brazilian soldiers to, 183

      war, declaration of by, 169–170

      war, estimate of length of, 191

      war, positive aspects of, 221

Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, postwar period

      1950 inauguration speech, 273

      accomplishments of, xv, 274–275, 290

      Benjamin, as chief of police, 264

      cabinet meeting about future of his presidency, 281–282

      constituent assembly, endorsement of, 264

      departure from Rio, 267

      Dutra, endorsement of for president, 270

      Dutra, withdrawal of support from, 263

      elections, promises regarding, 262, 265

      failing health of, 276–277, 279

      funeral procession of, Photo 16

      last message of, 285–287

      leadership style, change in, 276

      legacy of, 288

      mismanagement of war by, 275, 290

      paradox of, 287

      presidency, return to, 273

      public reaction to death of, 287

      refusal to resign, 280–281

      resignationdeposition of, 261, 266

      senate, election to, 270

      suicide of, 285

Vargas, Lutero, 230, 278, 285

Vargas, Manuel, 279

Vargas Filho, Getúlio (Getúlinho), 87, 183, 184, 190, 191, 210

Vaz, Rubens, 278–279

Volta Redonda (city), 63

Volta Redonda steel mill, 63, 275, 290

Walsh, Robert L., 176, 193, 199, 200

Washington Accords (1942), 137

Washington Post, on political reform in Brazil, 226

Welles, Orson

      Aranha, friendship with, 28–29, 142, Photo 13

      on Copacabana Beach, Photo 7

      as diplomat/politician/statesman, 144

      film, shooting of in Rio, 139–142

      joint radio address with Aranha, 28, 143–144

      personality of, 140

      popularity of, 145–146

      President’s Day broadcast by, 145

Welles, Sumner

      on arms shipments, importance of to Brazil, 123–124

      final days in Rio, 133–134

      Good Neighbor Program and, 4, 227

      Hull, rivalry with, 96

      Navy Day speech, interpretation of, 57, 59

      with Nelson Rockefeller and Gen. Góes Monteiro, Photo 6

      on political reform in Brazil, 226

      popularity of in Rio, 227

      Rockefeller, relationship with, 96, 97, 100

      Siqueira Campos crisis and, 74

      steel mill negotiations and, 61–62

Whitney, John Hay (Jock), 102–103, 140

Wilhelm II, Emperor, 107

Willingdon, Marquess of, 75

Wolfram, 202, 218

World War II

      countries that benefited from, xiv

      See also Axis powers; Força Expedicionária Brasileira; Germany; U-Boats; Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, World War II period

Writers’ conference, 247

Xenophobia, 154, 194

Zweig, Stefan, xi, 38, 85, 155, 156, Photo 9

Aranha, Osvaldo (continued)

Military forces (continued)

Rockefeller, Nelson (continued)

Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles, pre-war period (continued)