



Chapter 1: The Temple Priestesses

Chapter 2: In the Beginning

Mesopotamia and the First Priestess

The Priestesses of the Goddess Ishtar

The Minoan Snake Goddess and her Priestesses

Chapter 3: Egypt

The Cult of the Goddess Isis

Hathor, Goddess of Love and her Sacred Dancers

Chapter 4: The Greco-Roman World

Priestess Eumachia

Priestesses of the Goddesses Artemis and Diana of Ephesus

The Goddess Athena, patron of Athens and her Priestesses

Chapter 5: The Delphic Oracle

Chapter 6: Sacred Wives and Virgins

Aphrodite and her sister Venus

The Vestal Virgins

Chapter 7: The Forgotten Oracles and Sibyl Priestesses

The Ile de Sein and the Gallizenae

Hypatia of Alexandria

Chrysis a High Priestess of the Goddess Hera

Sibyl Prophetess of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the cult of Demeter

The Ank Priestesses of the Isle of Iona

Female Shamans

Priestesses of the ancient Druids

Hildegard of Bingen, Visionary

Asenath wife of Joseph and the Disciple Mary Magdalene

Five Worthy Sibyls

The Prophecies of Ancient Witches

Witches of the Isle of Mull

Mother Shipton

The North Berwick Witches

Joan Wyttle

Chapter 8: The Labyrinth of Hades

Oracles of the Dead

The Necromanteion

Chapter 9: The Modern-Day Oracle Priestesses

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Jean Dixon

Doreen Valiente

Sybil Leek

Lady Olivia Robertson

Laurie Cabot, HPS

Lady Belladonna Laveau, HPS

Gypsy Ravish, HPS

Lady Haight-Ashton, HPS – Oracle, Sibyl and Sacred Dancer

Lily Dale Assembly in Lily Dale, NY (a town of Mediums)

Chapter 10: The Oracle Messages

The Sibylline Oracles

Plutarch on the Cessation of Oracles

Oracles of Lady Haight-Ashton
