

Back to the Farm

WHEN THE UNITED STATES FORMED “A MORE PERFECT UNION, to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,”* over 90 percent of our population were farmers. They were the people who produced their own food and fiber, bartered for food, or bought food directly from someone else who produced it. Today, only about 1 percent of our population are considered farmers, making them the largest minority in this country.

At about the time Thomas Jefferson was penning the words of our Constitution, he wrote to President George Washington, “Agriculture … is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.” Furthermore, “the moderate and sure income of husbandry begets permanent improvement, quiet life and orderly conduct, both public and private.”

* From the a Preamble to the Constitution of the United States


In the heart of Virginia, on the estate of Monticello.

Jefferson’s agrarian ideal was not new: it was a philosophy the earliest philosophers passed down. Yet we’ve seen the agrarian ideal give way over the last half-century or so, with an economic and social paradigm shift, resulting in a loss of culture in agriculture and fewer, bigger agribusinesses supplying our food and fiber. Corporately controlled operations, or factory farms, have steadily displaced the midsize, independent, family farm. At the same time, these corporately controlled operations have forced ex-farmers to move to the city. Iowa—the epitome of a farm state in many peoples’ minds—provides a good example: It went through a landmark change sometime in the late 1950s, with more residents living in cities than on farms and in rural communities.

As the remaining farmers grow their operations to try to stay in business, agriculturally induced environmental problems have exploded. Iowa is also noted for having some of the most polluted lakes and streams in the world, and runoff from agricultural production in Iowa and other midwestern states has contributed to a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico that has grown to more than 7,000 square miles (an area about the size of New Jersey). The dead zone has drastically hurt some of America’s most productive fisheries. And, in spite of increased use of pesticides and herbicides for controlling invasive and noxious species of insects and weeds, the U.S. economy annually takes an estimated $137 billion economic hit from these pests.

Middle farms—those smaller, family farming operations that have tried to remain in the commodities game, but that have less than $250,000 a year in revenue—continue to be squeezed out. The squeeze comes because, according to John Ikerd, professor emeritus of agricultural economics at the University of Missouri and a strong supporter of sustainable agriculture, a farmer’s net income on commodity operations (even on well run operations) generally runs about 15 to 20 percent of his or her gross sales. It doesn’t take a wizard with a calculator to figure out that at that rate, a quarter-million dollars yields less than a living wage for a family of four. In fact, over 90 percent of all family farms, including the really big ones, depend on nonfarm income, either from off-farm jobs or from government payments, for family support.


Crops and other plants still thrive on the plots originally designed by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed farming to be one of the highest and best callings, and his farm was a showplace of progressive agrarian ideals and principals.

Industrialization in agriculture over the last century may be undeniable—but it is not unstoppable. People can, and are, reconnecting with the land, with the seasons, with life around them. Sometime in the mid-1990s for the first time since the United States Department of Agriculture began collecting data for the Census of Agriculture, farm size actually dropped. This change reflects more small-farm operations in the 10- to 179-acre size range. But many of the new small farm owners (the USDA defines a small farm as one with sales of less than $250,000 per year) are showing that there may be another approach to maintaining a diverse and vibrant agricultural community, while protecting rural values, responding to consumer wants, and ensuring a healthy environment for generations to come.


A number of the new small farms are simply lifestyle operations that provide the family with a nice place to live, good food on the table, and meaningful work for the kids but that generate very little revenue. Other farms are fully commercial operations, taking advantage of direct marketing, organic production, and other strategies to be self-supporting on a small acreage.

Lifestyle Farmers

Judy and Sam Cavagnetto are prime examples of lifestyle farmers. Sam’s job as a full-time over-the-road trucker for a large moving van line allowed the couple to live anywhere they chose. They chose thirty-five acres in the mountains of Colorado. Judy and Sam wanted a great place to raise their kids, with a small-town atmosphere. They keep horses and the kids raise animals for 4-H.


The USDA categorizes farms based on ownership, income streams, and farm sales.

Small family farms

  Limited-resource farms Any small farm with gross sales of less than $100,000, total farm assets less than $150,000, and total operator household income of less than $20,000 per year. Limited-resource farmers may report farming, a nonfarm occupation, or retirement as their major occupation.

  Retirement farms Small farms whose operators report that they are retired, but excluding those who fall into the limited-resource category.

  Residential/lifestyle farms Small farms whose operators report a major occupation other than farming, excluding those who fall into the limited-resource category.

  Farming occupation/low sales farms Small farms with less than $100,000 whose operators report farming as their main occupation, excluding those who fall into the limited-resource category. Household income may exceed $20,000 per year and may be based on one or more family members working off the farm.

  Farming occupation/high sales farms Similar to farming occupation/low sales, but with farm-generated sales of between $100,000 and $250,000 per year.

Other family farms

  Large family farms Farms with sales of between $250,000 and $500,000 per year.

  Very large family farms Farms with sales of over $500,000 per year.

Non-family farms

  Farms organized as a corporation (except family corporations) or a cooperative, as well as farms operated by hired managers.


In a Minnesota orchard, two sisters gather a bounty of apples. People moving to the farm today often do so because they want their families to be able to work and play together outdoors.


Tapping away at a laptop on his gathered hay.

Gustavo and Michelle Huerta also chose the country for a lifestyle. They were raised in Miami, but violence became too much a part of life there, so they decided to relocate to Tennessee. Here, Gustavo, a medical doctor, could establish his surgical practice, and the family could operate a small farm. With 200 acres, they raise a garden and horses, cattle, goats, and chickens. Although these lifestyle farms don’t have to make money for their owners, they pay with quality of life values that, if purchased, would cost tens of thousands of dollars.

As John Ikerd says, “What would you have to earn to buy the quality of life that a farm offers, from scenic areas and recreational opportunities, to personal safety and a school for your children where the teachers know them and care about them? What is it worth if you are really living a life that has meaning in terms of a place to live? What would it cost for the view, the private schools, the clubs? In real economic terms, these are costs that shouldn’t be marginalized.”

For both the Cavagnetto and the Huerta families, it is that lifestyle value they seek. They believe that their children have experiences on the farms that they wouldn’t get in the city or the suburbs.

Commercial Farmers

Other individuals want to turn their small farms into successful commercial enterprises. Some of them have done incredibly well, generating net incomes as high as 50 percent of their gross. How are small farmers able to make higher profits? Mainly by being more sophisticated and by wisely using capital earned elsewhere. David Muehleisen, program coordinator for the Small Farm Program at Washington State University, works with many of these new farmers. He sees the gamut, from people with five horses out in the meadow to “agripreneurs” (agricultural entrepreneurs) who are building successful operations on farms and ranches ranging from postage-stamp size to hundreds of acres. He says, “Most of the people we are working with are serious; they want to make a profit. So what we do is teach them alternative production and business planning. We encourage everyone to make sure they have a market, that they are growing things that they will be able sell, so that they can make a profit. We tell everybody—‘Do not put anything on the ground until you know you have a market.’ That’s the biggest mistake traditional farmers make; they grow a big crop (usually monoculture crops) and they don’t have any place to sell it.”


Illustrate that the decision to farm can be a commercial one. Many people also like the life-long learning opportunities, as when children learn to care for animals.


A farmer holding a box of fruit on the porch of her Oregon produce stand.


Specialty crops—such as the berries being picked.

To underscore his point about markets, Muehleisen tells of the conventional raspberry grower Melvin Moon. “He was going broke marketing to wholesalers,” Instead, Moon “cut his production in half, bought a big pot, and began making jams. He is doing better than anyone would have thought and has customers lined up.”

Muehleisen also relates the success story of Susan and Stephen Robins, who grow lavender on San Juan Island, north of Seattle, and market over eighty handcrafted lavender products. Unlike Moon, the Robinses had no agricultural experience; he was a physician and she a journalist. They had run their own international communications business for fifteen years before retiring to the island. Once on the island, they quickly began seeking something more. As Susan says, “We had twenty-five acres on the island that we loved, and we had to think of something to do with it. We wanted to preserve it for open space so our first concept was that we would start an organic farm where we would have a crop that didn’t use water, didn’t use fertilizer and where we could make added-value products on a year-round basis so we could spread the enterprise over the entire year instead of being seasonal.”

Today the Robinses have six of the twenty-five acres planted with 10,000 lavender plants, and they plan to continue increasing the size of their crop. They employ ten people year-round, and several dozen more during the summer season. Together with their crew, they grow and harvest the lavender—all by hand. Next they distill the oil and create the products (including lavender sugar, pepper, and vinegar; lavender soaps, shampoos, and body lotions; and lavender lip balm and massage oil). Finally, the Robinses market the products at an on-farm store and at the area farmer’s market. Although they have a few retailers that sell their products, Susan says, “We have discovered that our products sell best when they’re in a closed environment—that is a dedicated store—rather than sold among a lot of machine-made products. Our products are handcrafted and they are beautiful, but they get lost among the other ones that are slick.” The direct marketing also enables them to capture a bigger portion of the consumer’s dollar.


Resting in small containers.


The lavender stirring in the breeze at opposite—can provide good revenues from a relatively small piece of land. To maximize profits, though, you need to market directly to the public.


A magnificent turkey standing in a yard.

Not everyone in the small farm realm is ready for the kind of business that Moon and the Robinses are developing. Ken and Jill Giese raise a large garden on sixteen acres in New York, mainly to feed the family of six. They also raise turkeys and chickens, which the Gieses market directly or in cooperation with other small poultry producers. They didn’t have much capital to get started, so while they grow their business to a sustaining size, Ken works part time on dairy farms and for construction companies in the area. The Gieses do much of their work with a draft horse, but when they need to use a tractor, they barter work for equipment use with some of the farmers Ken works for occasionally.


The draw of the farm is easy to understand. In our fast-paced, coffee-and-Tums driven society, the farm harkens to something simpler, quieter, and more meaningful. It provides the chance to experience nature, in both her glory and her fury. It is a place where family is more than a group of cohabitants who pass on the way to the next meeting, class, or soccer game. It allows the artist and the innovator in each person to emerge.

Farming allows parents and children to work together. As Jill Giese says, “The benefit to us is, as a family, we can work together and play together. Our kids have learned the rhythms of helping; they know that animals need to be fed and watered, just like they need to eat and drink. They’re seeing how you spend the money to feed the animals, and you get the money back when you sell them. They each have some work in the afternoon: Somebody feeds the turkeys, somebody does the watering. So they see responsibility and that we are depending on them and trusting them. They make their own games and run all over things, using a pile of hay bales to play king-of-the-hill. And they know about life, about how the male goat breeds the female goat, and that that’s a natural part of life. They have seen baby goats being born, and this year we did a hatchery and had chicks coming out of their shells; they learned about the formation of the chicks and how different reproduction is from mammals to birds. It was exciting after three weeks, when the chicks came out, so Ken had them draw pictures and write things about the experience.”


A man farming his land with draft horses instead of a tractor.


Two boys gathering crops in a basket show that every farm is unique. Location, personal interests, and goals help determine the type of farm you will have.


A little girl offers up a rainbow of gathered flowers. For some people, their farms generate no income, but they do offer beauty, good food, and the company of animals for their families.

Many baby boomers are retiring early—often in their early to mid-fifties—and the farm offers them the chance to stay vibrant, learning new skills while they capitalize on their old skills. Susan Robins sums it up, “We weren’t insecure about the business side of it, but we just were not experienced in the horticulture and product sides of it. It took over a year of intense research to get ready.” However now, with the business up and running, the couple takes great satisfaction in the outcome: “We’ve been gratified to have created an industry on the island, in a place where that is very hard to do, and we have created wonderful jobs for artisans and others who want to be involved in it. We think we have created a landmark on the island that is open, free of charge, to anybody who wants to come and we get a huge amount of pleasure out of those people that come and picnic on the farm, bringing their kids and sitting in the fields when they’re in bloom. Our harvest festival alone saw over 3,000 people visiting last year.”

Farming also offers the chance to “experience the unusual or unexpected little adventure that lightens and even makes gladsome the work,” as Gene Logsdon, a small-farmer from Upper Sandusky, Ohio, points out. He shares some of his own adventures—such as “a pale green luna moth fluttering in the porch light; a fungus that looks like a little pile of sand; an ant milking its own herd of aphids; a killdeer nest right in the middle of our gravel driveway. And three years after we planted paw paw trees, the gorgeous zebra swallowtail butterfly, which feeds only on paw paw, landed daintily on the tractor.”


A woman and her granddaughter sit shucking corn on the porch.


A chicken peers about in the late afternoon light.


Writer Gene Logsdon speaks of the “little adventures” farmers enjoy, such as seeing the fluttering of a pale green luna moth.

These “little adventures” may seem inconsequential to some, but for those of us drawn to the farm, they are grand payment for our labors. I have always been grounded by nature, and I love my own little adventures. As I broke the ice off the stock tank this morning, I smiled at a donkey nuzzling my work-coat pocket to find a treat, watched the mountain chickadees skipping in and out of the dried back leaves of the currant bushes, smelled the fine scent of pine smoke in the air from our woodstove, and listened to the wind singing through the trees. In the summer I can sit in an aspen grove and watch adult great horned owls teach their young to hunt, or enjoy the raucous fighting of a small flock of pygmy nuthatches as they bathe in the puddle where we empty the stock tank.


As gratifying as farm life can be, it is not always easy. It involves a level of physical work that many escapees from urban and suburban America have never engaged in, and it often involves new working patterns—like no weekends or holidays off—that can cramp previous lifestyles. If you have livestock, think again about all those vacations and extended weekend trips. If you are growing crops, get used to dawn-to-dark days during planting and harvesting. Dreaming of running a farmstead B&B? Get used to no privacy. Do you like to walk into a clean house, with shiny, polished floors and light colored furniture? Be prepared for mud and mess. Love to take in cultural events, like the opera or great museums? Instead, get ready for high school plays and cow-plop bingo at the town street-dance.


The chance to drive a tractor as the sun sets.


Your adventures may include the melt-in-your-mouth taste of food freshly harvested from the garden


Gathering vegetables on a nice day may seem a pleasant task.

Be prepared, also, for the social challenges of moving into rural or rurban areas. These communities often seem backward and closed to newcomers. Although rarely hostile, people who were born and raised in the tight-knit, small-town atmosphere of rural and rurban America may be hard to approach. They are friendly and warm once you penetrate the surface, but penetration can take awhile. In the meantime you may feel isolated in your new community.

Expect that you may never become a local in your neighbors’ minds, even if you stay the course and live there for twenty years. When we first moved to our farm in Minnesota, we were having coffee one day with our neighbors Bev and Willy. We had been able to break the ice quicker with them than any of the other neighbors, because Willy had been renting the fields when we bought the place, so we had an immediate business relationship. In their sixties at the time, the couple lived on the farm that Willy’s grandfather had home-steaded almost a hundred years earlier. We asked if the neighbors on the other side of them, Kathy and Jim, were originally from around the area. “Oh no,” Willie said, with a shake of his head, in a way that clearly indicated that Kathy and Jim were like us—real foreigners, “They are from over near Deer Creek.” Deer Creek was only about twenty miles away, but despite the fact that they had lived on their farm for well over a decade, Kathy and Jim were still not locals.

At the same time, I can say most of the rural people we’ve befriended over the years retain a kind of neighborly charm and support often missing in urban and suburban America as well as a generosity that often exceeds their means. I never understood the term “salt of the earth” until I had rural neighbors. Your rural neighbor might own only three shirts, well worn and patched, but if he thought you needed a shirt he would give the one off his back without a second thought.


But farmers must be prepared to work outdoors in all conditions, including the heat of summer and the chill of winter, and cope with many other challenges, such as pests.


Most new small farms are in the rurban zone. These areas boast good roads and proximity to large groups of consumers for direct marketing. They benefited from the burst of technological innovations in communications and computing during the 1980s and early 1990s that enabled more people to work from home. These features make these communities most attractive for those seeking small farm life. Areas along both coasts—and in a belt ranging from Dallas to Washington, D.C., with a 200-mile-wide strip on either side—are the current hot spots for the rurban, small farm explosion. And because of the increase of small farms in these areas, there are support services, ranging from Cooperative Extension programs for small farmers, to tractor and implement dealers catering to small farmers with tools like compact tractors, springing up to meet their needs.

Although the majority of viable small farms are in these areas, other rural areas too are beginning to see the transition. This is in part the result of ex-urbanites taking advantage of lower-priced farmland that’s found in truly rural communities, but it’s also being helped by increasing numbers of farmer’s markets outside of urban centers together with programs sponsored by the USDA that allow low-income people to use food stamps and federal coupons at farmers markets. According to USDA research, the number of farmers markets in the United States has grown dramatically, increasing 79 percent from 1994 to 2002. The 2002 National Farmers Market Directory listed more than 3,100 farmers markets operating in the United States. These markets are providing a crucial source of revenue for small farmers, with more than 19,000 farmers reportedly selling their produce only at farmers’ markets.

Last, many farms are located right in urban core areas and near suburban homes. Today, up to 30 percent of agricultural production in the United States originates from within metropolitan areas. Most city farms are currently community collaboratives, sprouting up in some of the poorest and most violent neighborhoods in America through the efforts of nonprofit organizations trying to improve the quality of food and provide positive opportunities for inner-city dwellers, but small-scale agripreneurs run other city farms. These agripreneurs seek a viable business in the place they live. Typically operated on less than five acres and using the CSA (community supported agriculture) model, these farmers are taking advantage of their ability to build close relationships with families who purchase from them.


But such urban gardening may not satisfy those who really want to get “back to the land.” Scenic areas found within a couple of hours’ drive of a city or resort community are among the hot spots for members of the modern back-to-the-land movement.


Residents work together on a community vegetable garden located in the heart of Chicago.


Rurban communities are those that offer a rural lifestyle and still have traditional rural populations, but that are strongly influenced by urban areas. They are usually located within a couple of hours’ drive from a major metropolitan area or a major resort community. They may have a fair population of telecommuters that occasionally go to the city for work, but rurban areas are just a little too far out for many day-to-day commuters.

Since 1991, Larry Butler and Carol Anne Sayle have built Boggy Creek Farm in East Austin, Texas, into a very successful urban farm. With five acres, and a 160-year-old farmhouse, located just blocks from the Texas state capitol, they market a wide variety of produce and flowers, grown on site, value-added products created from their surplus, like smoke-dried tomatoes and salsa, and products like goat cheese and free-range eggs, which other farmers in the region raise.

“I was getting burned out remodeling houses and selling real estate,” Larry recalls. “We started growing vegetables on some land we owned that’s about an hour and a half outside of town. Once we grew all this stuff, it was like, ‘Well now, what are we going to do with it?’ A friend of mine had a liquor store here in Austin and let me sell from a card table in front of the store on Saturday mornings. The first Saturday, I made about forty dollars on carrots and onions and greens. The rest of the story is, it got nuttier every week, and now we are running four cash registers.”

In 1992, they saw the Austin property with nut trees, irrigation water, and the historic house listed in a real estate book. As Larry says, “Ninety days later, we were signing the papers on an old junk car out under the trees, and we were farming full time.” They haven’t looked back and have no regrets.


Picked, packed, and ready to be sold at market, the apples, peppers, squash, carrots, and other fresh produce shown on this page and the next represent only a portion of the bounty realized by those who have chosen farming as a way of life.
