Chapter 6

All About the ROI: Getting Superior Leads from Instagram



Imagine this:

You’ve been putting off going to the doctor for a while. Your spouse finally threatens a week at the in-laws if you don’t go soon, and you don’t generally see eye to eye with your mother-in-law since that time you accidently called her “Sir.” (Never mind that the lighting was terrible inside the Elks Lodge.)

This threat of family awkwardness is all the motivation you need to finally get your bottom into the doctor’s office. Literally and figuratively.

When you finally get into the paper-gown-of-embarrassment, your doc is swift but serious. “You know, I’ve known you for a long time,” she says, “and I want you to take this seriously. Your heartbeat concerns me, and I want you to see a specialist. The good news is that I am friends with Dr. Thomas, and he is the best in the country. I’ve already scheduled you an appointment for tomorrow. He’s expensive, but he’s worth it.”

“OK,” you concede. “If he’s the best, I’ll go.”

Oh crap, you think. How am I going to explain this to my spouse? My kids?

As soon as you get into the car you consult the number one source for all medical things—Google. You immediately start Googling everything around heart disease, heart palpitations, heart origami, even, by accident, and all about your doctor-to-be, Dr. Thomas. What you find online is that he is definitely the leading heart specialist in your area. At least if you have to go through this, you are going with the best.

So, the next day, you arrive at your appointment and see a rather strange scene. The gentleman sitting at the reception desk looks an awful lot like the surgeon you saw in the photos online. Maybe a little older and a little grayer, but that’s him.

He looks up and smiles and says, “Hello. May I have your name and insurance card, please?”

“Yes,” you say confused. “Um, would you happen to be Dr. Thomas?”

“Why, yes, I am,” he answers. He goes on to explain that he staffs the waiting room throughout the day to save money on receptionist costs. This world-renowned heart surgeon cuts costs by answering the phone and helping patients fill out paperwork.

Maybe you are asking what this has to do with getting subscribers through Instagram. I’m getting there, I promise.

Answering the phone is the least profitable way for Dr. Thomas to spend his time. He should be spending 100 percent of his time meeting with patients and in surgery. If possible, someone should even cut up his food for him and feed it to him while he continues to meet with patients. Every minute he can spend performing his main skill of medicine is the most profitable way to spend his time—not at a receptionist job.


So how does this relate to your business and Instagram?

If you are spending time prospecting in person, you are no different than Dr. Thomas. If you are developing leads one to one, spending time going after the next sale personally, attending networking events looking for your next sale appointment, you are no different from Dr. Thomas working the reception desk. You are wasting time and your valuable skill set doing work below your pay grade. Instead, use your Instagram account to drive leads into your business.

Or maybe you rely upon your sales team to generate leads. Your sales super stars are tasked with not just closing deals but with bringing deals to the table. You have the top, highly compensated, uber-valuable team members spending time in low-value activities, with the hopes of generating high-value clients—being the doctor at the receptionist desk.

Instead, design your marketing tactics to develop your leads. Use your marketing to bring those high-value sales to the table and allow you and your sales team to spend your days doing as many high-value activities as possible.

By focusing your marketing on lead generation, you can target the best customer, at the best time, for the best results. You can take time to develop dialogue with your target audience instead of trying to instantly make the sale. This allows your prospects to build a relationship with you before they are asked to buy anything, which in turn will put your company in a position of authority and your salesperson in a position as trusted advisor, the strongest possible way to start a sales call.

Of course, this means that your Instagram marketing cannot focus solely on generating awareness. It must focus on generating qualified leads. The most successful entrepreneurs and salespeople focus their energy on their best prospects who have the greatest potential for a high return on their time and energy. The same needs to be true for your marketing.

So, how do you turn your marketing from awareness to lead generation?

Research your prospects and focus your messaging on their pain points. Draw them to you with your initial messaging, get their contact information, and then monetize the audience.


Before I met my husband, Ian, I lived for three years in Palm Beach, Florida, as a single woman in the dating scene. Child, that place is a bit crazy. And I have some stories.

But let’s just focus on one for the purposes of this book.

One night I was at a party, and I met this interesting man with an enticing accent. We shared a lot of the same interests and had a lively and playful conversation with one another. When the night came to a “I’ve-got-to-get-to-bed-any-minute-now-moment-or-I-will-fall-asleep-in-the-crab-dip” time, he asked if he could take me to dinner the following week. He seemed nice enough and the offer of a good meal and good conversation were enough to get me to say yes. He was only going to be in town for a few days, so I didn’t see this as something serious. Just a nice night out with a good conversationalist, who also happened to be cute and have an enticing accent. (A girl’s got to do, what a girl’s got to do.)

As I had assumed, he and I had a great meal and enjoyable conversation and the dinner went by quickly. When we were done, he asked if I’d like to go out for a drink at another location to end our night. Since it was early and I was having a nice time, I said yes.

Here’s where it got weird.

We were at one of my favorite places in the area, “The Cottage,” sitting outside having a drink. It was then that he started down a path that flipped the night. He first asked me if I’d like to visit him at his home in Boston someday. I thought this was just innocent dating banter of a future that would never happen, as Palm Beach men are somewhat infamous for. I replied with a light hearted, “Sounds like fun!”

He then asked me when I would like to go and pulled out his calendar. “Um, I am not sure of my schedule,” I said starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. OK, a lot uncomfortable.

He then moved on to say, “And then I’d love to bring you to my home in Crete. We could live there and have children. You would be very happy there.” He took out his phone and started to make a reservation for two first-class tickets to Crete.

Um, say what?

Starting to hyperventilate I said, “Um, we just met and although I think you are very nice and I’ve enjoyed tonight, I am not ready to go away with you on a trip—and especially not to decide to live in Crete (I don’t even know where that is?!) and have children with you.” All while speed dialing my BFF under the table with our 9–1–1 code for “COME GET ME.”

I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say the night ended with him yelling things about our future home as I sped away in my couldn’t-move-quickly-enough M-2 Spyder convertible.

Now, I think it was highly unlikely that I was ever going to end up in Crete having this man’s children, but there was no way it was going to happen from this type of courting. He wanted to skip all of the steps and go right to a commitment. What he got instead was me speeding away.

While it makes for a great story, the opposite—normal dating, between normal, rational people—does not include asking someone to have your babies and move to a foreign country on date one.

This is similar to your marketing courtship (see Figure 6–1, page 109).

Think of your Instagram posts as the hot outfit you put on before going out for the night. The correct use of hashtags is the mating call you send out, looking for the right partner. The link in your bio is the equivalent of asking your prospect to go on a first date. You bring the relationship out of Instagram to nurture it and build trust with engagement and eventually you get serious and the follower becomes a buyer.

Unlike many, I like to reverse-engineer the prospect courtship, first determining the sales funnel, then discovering the right hashtags to use, and only then creating a posting strategy for the page. This allows a brand to put out posts that help support the goal of making the sale.

In the next section, we will go through what constitutes a sales funnel and how you can create one for your industry.

Ready to put that hot outfit on?

FIGURE 6–1. The Marketing...

FIGURE 6–1. The Marketing Courtship.


One of my favorite quotes is from Og Mandino: “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” This thought is certainly true for your Instagram account.

One of the most challenging parts of getting an ROI from Instagram is that you have only one link to use. The link inside your bio is the only spot you can use to actively drive a prospect into your sales funnel. This link should be used wisely and never simply as a link to your home page.

Since Instagram isn’t a place people go looking for goods and services, to use this networking platform as a lead generation tool, you need to offer your prospects something of value in order to get them to click on your bio link.

Enter Your Magnetic Offer

The goal with your Instagram link is to provide something so valuable that the prospect would pay for it if it wasn’t free. But of course, they don’t need to pay you. All they need to do is give you their contact information. This could be a free guide, ebook, report, coupon/certificate, video series, webinar, mind map, check list, or ticket to an event.

Following your magnetic offer (or lead magnet), there should be an opportunity for your prospect to become a customer. If you are an ecommerce business, this offer could come immediately following the initial magnetic offer, while high-end luxury products might use a few messages in between to nurture the relationship before asking for the sale. For consulting services and health care practitioners, your goal is to drive your prospect to an offline conversation.

In this chapter, I break down the different lead magnet options for each type of industry and niche as well as a quick-start method at the end of this chapter for my soul brothers and sisters—the impatient.

Creating Your Lead Magnet

My husband and I have been house hunting for three years now. Through several mishaps (or more likely Godly interventions), houses we have gone after have fallen through. In these three years we have seen close to 100 houses. (By the way, there is nothing fun about this—nothing. But, I digress.)

In many of the homes we have looked at, there is wallpaper that we know will have to be removed. I have done this job before, and if you have, too, you know that it sucks. If we did embark on such a project and I just happened to see two ads in my Instagram newsfeed that day, one for an “Ultimate Guide to Taking off Wallpaper” and one for “A Magic Wand That Will Take off Wallpaper as You Blink”—which do you think I am going to choose? (If you happen to have the second, I will gladly take it as a gift.)

The reality is, no one wants more information. Information itself is useless. What we all want is the outcome the information will provide, and if there is something else that can provide us with that outcome, such as an “Easy Button,” we will take that over any guide, report, or ebook. We want to know that there will be transformative value for our lives in anything we spend time saying or doing.

The same is true for your platform tribe.

If you can help them solve their problem quicker with a tool, you not only have a new email subscriber, you have a new customer. I have split-tested the biscuits out of this, and tools beat information every time.

Tool Ideas for Lead Magnets

       1. Checklists

       2. Templates

       3. Copy-and-paste scripts

       4. Plans or programs

And then, there’s another strategy that we’ve been testing for our own funnel and for some of our ecommerce clients that has been working better than anything else we’ve tried—ever. And that is attracting prospects with information laid out like above, and then offering an opportunity to purchase something for $1 afterwards that can help make their lives easier quickly.

My best-performing funnel of all time is one where I offered a free chapter of The No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing (information), followed by an offer for 113 social media posts plus bonus images for a dollar. The first step is something with value (chapter of a book you normally have to pay for), and the second is a tool that helps you get something accomplished quicker. The tool also includes an option to take a 60-day trial of our Marketing Insiders Elite Club. This funnel rocks because it is focused around the interests and needs of my chosen tribe of fabulous get-er-done marketers and helps them get their job done faster. This funnel brings us members for less than five dollars each. And since our mission is to empower as many people as possible to get an ROI for their business, this helps us to go a heck of a lot farther with our budget. We have a similar funnel working for several of our clients with comparable results.

Here are some ideas for you to do the same:

       1. Step one ideas:

           a.    Chapter download

           b.    Guide

           c.    Blueprint

           d.    Template

       2. Step two ideas:

           a.    Software program

           b.    Copy-and-paste templates

           c.    Done-for-you service

           d.    Completed item you give them like a PowerPoint template or pop-up for their website, or something like our 113 posts plus bonus images

I haven’t done a ton of testing of different price points for step two but have splittested free-plus-shipping versus a straight one-dollar offer, and the dollar offer wins every time.

I know, this may all seem like a lot and be a little overwhelming if you are just starting out, but I know you can handle it. I would rather you take a little more time in this step and really develop your offer and get the most ROI out of it. However, if you are short on time, you may want to start with the next section.


Here’s how to do it:

       1. Visit

       2. Look up the top questions asked about your industry.

       3. Record yourself answering the questions through the voice memo app on your phone.

       4. Upload the recording to for a transcript (about $20).

       5. Send the transcription to to flesh out the report (about $10).

       6. Request a report cover design from (about $5).

You have your lead magnet for $35 in.

Sweet, no?

Tools to Get Your Lead Magnet Funnel Created Faster

         Quora ( Ask and answer questions, and collaborate with an entire community of online users.

         BuzzSumo ( BuzzSumo uses data from your own content to see what is performing well. Use it to help find content that influences and promotes your business.

         Google Keyword Planner Tool ( A free tool that helps your business find popular keywords that would be beneficial for you to lead a successful campaign.

         Facebook Audience Insights ( Use this tool to find the exact types of people who influence your business, like targeting specific demographics, purchase activity, geography, and more.

         Fancy Hands ( It’s your very own virtual assistant! Send a request to have them do research, make calls, and more to help you be more productive with your day!

Others to Write or Create Your Tool for You

         Upwork ( Easily find freelance writers, artists, assistants, accountants, and more to improve productivity and your all-around business.

         Fiverr ( Find services from writers, artists, computer experts, and other professionals to get more done at an unbeatable price.
 ( Hire talented, virtual freelancers who are also stay-at-home mothers!

         Text Broker ( Choose from thousands of qualified writers to create content for your business. Use new content to capture attention and to boost search rankings.

Platforms to Publish Your Resources

         Leadpages ( Use Leadpages to create a landing page in less than five minutes that is computer and mobile-friendly, and you don’t have to mess around with coding!

         WordPress ( Choose from hundreds of designs to create a free webpage that can be used for websites, blogs, and more.

         Squarespace ( Create an eye-catching, professional website to sell your product, make an online portfolio, or even create a personalized website for your special event.

         Unbounce ( Use an existing template (or create your own) to build your own custom landing page.

         CreateSpace (, Amazon’s publishing platform). Publish your book through CreateSpace and make it available to millions of potential readers, without the hassle of navigating traditional publishing channels.

Miscellaneous Resources

         For keeping ideas: Evernote ( Collect ideas from the internet, take notes, and convert your discoveries into easy-to-read presentations with just a few clicks.

         For project management: Basecamp ( A “virtual office” that allows you to collaborate with team members and keep information all in one place online. Store files, create a schedule and deadlines, and converse with teammates with each “to-do” throughout a project.

         For ideas, inspiration, and ROI: Marketing Insiders Elite ( This exclusive club gives information on how to manage campaigns, invitations to workshops, weekly newsletters, and much more!

In the next section, leading marketing funnel expert Oliver Billson shares the science and strategy behind effective funnels.


Billson’s superpower lies in strategizing and implementing cutting-edge, conversion-led, money-making sales and marketing funnels. It’s safe to say that, unlike a lot of marketers, he makes more money actually practicing what he preaches than teaching it!

After starting his own business at the age of 15, his portfolio now spans four incredibly successful businesses, including information marketing, training and coaching, brick-and-mortar businesses, and his widely sought-after “done-for-you” marketing business. Billson is also an internationally recognized franchisor.

When he fancies it, Billson also spends time as a consultant to many other well-known entrepreneurs and business growth experts. In recent years he’s been the mastermind behind lots of big launches and event promotions for other marketers, helping them grow and automate their businesses.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what a funnel expert is.

Billson: First, let’s talk about what a funnel is. It’s become a buzzword in the marketing community, but it’s really just a process of driving people through a number of stages to become a customer who will buy a product or service from you. You’re taking them through a predetermined series of stages to get to that point, and you are choreographing the journey of this potential customer before they make a decision to purchase from you.

So when it comes to Instagram, the reality is that you only have one link if you’re looking to build organic traffic.

Billson: Some people might feel that one link could be quite limited, but the fact is, there’s nothing wrong with having only one entry point. The first thing you want to do is to solidify your authority or celebrity expert status. You should do this immediately to differentiate yourself from your competitors and other brands your prospects may be looking toward to solve a problem. People prefer to buy from those they know, like, and trust.

So, the question is, how do we do that? How can you take someone from Instagram and begin to grow the relationship?

My advice to varying types of business owners and entrepreneurs is to move the prospect to some kind of ungated content (meaning no opt-in or other requirement for them to access it). [See Figure 6–2, page 115]. Usually it will be an article from the thought leader of the Instagram account. Give your audience the benefit of telling them who you are and why they should bother to listen to you. Tell them how you started your business and how that relates back to them. And then give them some really good tips that share value right away.

FIGURE 6–2. This Is...

FIGURE 6–2. This Is “The ABC Instagram Funnel” by Oliver Billson.

How much space would you suggest for that background, personal stuff?

Billson: There are two different ways to do that. The first is to put together a bio at the bottom of your blog. This bio elaborates more on you and your interests and what qualifies you. The other way is to begin the blog post with an intention of solidifying who you are and what you do.

I think it’s important to remember though, at this point, people are probably going to be more interested to learn what’s in it for them than in learning about you. You have to be conscious of that because we want to be respectful of the person’s time. We are going to take them through a series of steps I call micro-commitments to move them toward you. Be respectful of each step in the process. At this stage, consider using the article or blog to congratulate them for reading and welcome them to the next content they are just about to read. I think that’s really key to kick things off on the right footing.

Should you link your bio to your general blog or create a blog post specifically for your Instagram followers?

Billson: Since you have the ability to craft a specific page from Instagram, you should do that. You can make it relevant with the posts on the page and the exact copy on the bio link. You can even welcome them from Instagram, letting them know they came from the right place. This is really powerful.

So after Instagram traffic comes to your blog post, where should they go next?

Billson: Provide them further value by offering something free in exchange for contact information. Take those people to a squeeze page or another landing page that’s external from the blog post. This page should be dedicated to capturing their contact information in exchange for the item you are giving them. The value you offer will differ depending on the business you’re in. It might be a free [estimate], a free report, or a giveaway, or free guide. It might even be a checklist. It needs to be something they can consume quickly, and ideally it’s congruent to what they came to you for in the first place.

What have you found to be the most effective giveaway that your clients have used?

Billson: We really like checklists. They provide immediate value, are easy to create, quick to consume, and allow you to see good conversion rates. If your followers see they can get a quick win, they will be likely to opt-in for other content. It helps establish that you are going to give them value from the very beginning.

To get them to opt in, add graphics to your blog post that encourage them to click through to the squeeze page and take that next step on that journey. You may want to place an exit pop-up so that if they try to leave, they are encouraged to first opt in for the lead magnet. At the very least, make sure you can retarget the lead down the road with future marketing. This way, all is not lost if they don’t take the step you want them to take at first.

Once they do give you their contact information, what should you have them do next?

Billson: Once they enter their information, don’t get in the way of that motion. When they are at the highest point of taking immediate action, provide them an immediate offer that allows them to take a further step to change the relationship from lead to buyer. Usually this should be a very low-ticket item. A reasonable sum would be between $7 and $20, and something that offers a passive solution to one of the problems congruent with the free opt in they downloaded. Congruence between what they requested and the offer you’re making is key to maximizing the conversion on your blog.

How can you test to see if your offer is congruent with the message or the funnel they’ve been coming through so far?

Billson: One of the ways we can do that is to profile an audience. We should understand their wants, and different needs and desires. Not everyone needs the same products, programs, or services. All that you offer might not be a fit for everyone.

So how do we do it? We take them through a survey. A survey is a very effective alternative to providing a checklist as a giveaway. If you don’t know the intent of the traffic moving toward you, then a survey is a good way to capture the contact information of your target market. We can ask a series of questions in exchange for that contact information to be able to profile that person’s demographic and psychographic information, in order to channel our offers more appropriately. It is also good to test different types of people so we can refine our offers in the background, and learn who to go after and what each prospect is worth.

I’ve seen you have a lot of success using surveys in the past.

Billson: Yes, it’s been very effective. In broader markets, we have found that offering a quiz works great. A quiz is a type of survey where you offer some kind of results based on the information they provided. We’ve tested these in lots of different markets. Really, it’s just a case of thinking out of the box to create something that will allow someone to give you the profile information you need. We can then provide a very tight solution that’s completely aligned to the problem you are hoping to solve.

Once they have given you their contact information, where do you take them next?

Billson: Begin to present your key offering to them. This is the thing you would usually sell to the majority of people who come to you. Now you are changing the relationship from prospect to customer. It is also important to evolve that relationship into one that becomes a repeat customer. Because we know they bought from us once, they have a need. It makes sense now to present your core offering to them so they can take advantage of it. It may not just be on the landing page, either. You may want to take them into a webinar or a video series.

Obviously not 100 percent of prospects are going to link all the way to your core offer. How do you handle folks who slip out of the sequence?

Billson: There are two ways to do it. One is to think ahead of time about what those contingencies might be. You need to build in steps to be able to bring people back to continue to that critical path. Follow-up is the real key. It is so important, not just online with email but also in some cases creating an experience where you communicate with them offline so there are different modes and medias to get back in front of them and get them back on track. You can even contact them through mobile marketing. In fact, SMS is equally important in the mix of mediums you can use. To get people back on track, you have to prepare. They might need to buy but just aren’t in the right place yet or at the right time to make the purchase. By adding different mediums into the follow-up, you give them a chance to purchase in whichever channel works best for them.

Maybe they’re just not ready to buy yet. Not everyone who wants to buy is ready when you want them to be. They will only buy from you when they are ready. So what we need to do is to be able to stay in front of them on a regular basis by sending further valuable information that nurtures the relationship to the point when they will be ready.

Many studies have shown that it can take seven or more touches before a prospect is ready to buy. We need to create a long-term lecture campaign. This can be a series of 52 emails for a whole year that can go out to those leads to keep ourselves repeatedly in front of them. We mail to both unconverted leads and customers who haven’t engaged with our splinter offer to get them back to us. This helps re-engage leads and customers and to get them back on track.

If someone is just starting out, 52 weeks of nurture emails can seem incredibly overwhelming. Could you share advice for someone who’s just starting in this journey? Where would be that 80/20 rule—the 80 percent of results from 20 percent of the labor that they should start with?

Billson: Great question. First, have ready a short series of emails, probably three for each step of the process to be able to drive people to where you want them. This is what we call the short-term nurture process. It’s really just educating people over the first 28 days. Compose emails you know are going to educate them.

The simplest way is to put together some recent case studies or testimonials into one email. I suggest creating one email for testimonials and case studies and one email for frequently asked questions. Perhaps use another email to give them an overview of the offer you are trying to provide to them. You can give an additional bonus for those people who act within a certain period of time and then a countdown series of emails—maybe three—saying, “Hey, in five days this offer is going to expire,” “In three days . . .” and, “The offer expires today.”

Just by having those emails scheduled in this way, you will overcome objections, challenges, and any concerns the prospect might have had when first coming to you. It’s really just a case of mapping out those concerns and slotting them into a series of email communications without needing to create a whole year’s worth of content at once.

Unless you’re willing to build out some of this, there’s not much point in doing the funnel. In essence, you’re wasting all that traffic if you don’t do something to nurture prospects into a later sale.

Billson: Exactly. Actually one of the most fundamental parts of the funnel you’ll create is a longer-term plan for communicating with the lead. That’s what builds real value for them, and your continual engagement brings them back when they are ready to take action. The real key is to make sure there’s a choreographed set of contingencies to get people back on track.

What are some of your favorite tools that you suggest to others when they are building their funnel?

Billson: There is a whole heap of tools out there. They don’t necessarily cater to different types of business but rather for different budgets.

I think what’s important is not to get bogged down on tools or platform delivery. Building out the right offer, establishing your message, and knowing your target market—along with creating a long-tail nurture campaign—is most important. Start with strategy first. The tools can come second.

First you need an email system. You can start basic with MailChimp or AWeber, or go for a more sophisticated system like Infusionsoft or Active Campaign. For all of these, you can set up a predetermined set of messages so your target market goes through your entire campaign.

You also need to be able to take payments. This is where a lot of people get bogged down. But you don’t need to be. If you have Infusionsoft, you can quickly turn on their payment feature and open up a Merchant Services account. If you don’t, you can use Stripe and still take credit cards right away.

The third thing you need is a way to capture leads. On the basic side, I suggest Leadpages. It is simple and optimized to get leads. On the more sophisticated side, ClickFunnels works great because you can customize all of your pages and campaigns. Again, this is a very effective tool for bringing people through your marketing funnel.

For your website, WordPress is the way to go. Use a prebuilt theme and customize your content.

Would you mind sharing one more tool? What do you suggest for lead collection?

Billson: There are a lot of different lead, survey, and quiz programs out there and many are hosted solutions. I prefer to build my own. What works easily is something called Gravity Forms. It’s a plug-in for WordPress, which allows you to integrate and link with most email autoresponders.

How can readers connect with you and find out more about the services you offer?

Billson: Visit for ungated, free, valuable content on the blog, where you’ll find lots more about marketing and sales funnels and how you can implement them in your business to achieve success.

And they’ll see firsthand how sales funnels work by following along on your site!

Billson: Precisely!

To connect with Billson or read more about your marketing campaign path to purchase, visit



                Allow your marketing tactics to develop your leads. #InstagramforBusiness

                By focusing your marketing on lead generation, you can target the best customer, at the best time, for the best results. #InstagramforBusiness

                The most successful entrepreneurs and salespeople focus their energy on their best prospects who have the greatest potential for a high return on their time and energy. #InstagramforBusiness

                “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”—Og Mandino #InstagramforBusiness

                People prefer to buy from those they know, like, and trust. #InstagramforBusiness

Resource spotlight: Visit to download your Instagram sales funnel template.