The Final Word: Magical Results!
Maybe there’s no magic button, but the results are magical!
Ever see a testimonial like this?
It was so easy! I spent all day just surfing my feed while my follower count grew, as did my web traffic, email list, and sales. Plus, I got super skinny and my love life improved. And I never even had to get out of my pajamas. This is the best course, ever, and everyone should buy it!
Many marketing “gurus” who are out there hawking books, goods, and services have magic potions for sale. “Take this and the results will be incredible.” Their unscrupulous tactics are atrocious, but they are not the only ones to blame, of course.
Those buying the snake oil products and services are buying into a reality that even they know can’t exist. They weren’t forced to make those purchases, yet they make them, knowing the shortcut probably won’t work.
There is no easy button, no magic potion, no manifestation you can do in order to get the results you are looking for. Real results will come from a successful strategy implemented and refined over time. Period.
There is great power in all of this, especially for the entrepreneur or small-business owner. Getting an ROI from Instagram doesn’t require the advertising budget of a McDonald’s or Pepsi. Making all of this work doesn’t have to cost a lot. Sweat equity is the best equity you can invest in order to get an ROI from your Instagram marketing.
Or if you don’t want to spend the time, hire a freelancer or firm that understands you and can get results. Real results. (As in, require them to open up their Ads Manager in front of you and show you the results.) Demand proof of success that is measurable, or do not give them your money. You worked too hard to earn each dollar you have to let someone else (or yourself) squander it away.
The most important thing to remember in all of this is, you have purpose and it needs to be shared with as many people as possible in order to serve them. You are not simply a business. You are a pain healer. When you match what you do with those who need it, you are solving their pain and making their life better.
Instagram marketing puts the tools in your hands to create the brand, message, audience, and business you are dreaming about. Stop dreaming and start doing.
You still reading? We’re done—go out and fulfill your purpose!
Find a supportive friend who can cheer you on. Join a business networking group or mastermind. Come into our group, Marketing Insiders Elite ( We would L.O.V.E. to have you.
Be with others who get it and will help keep you accountable to your fears. You owe it to your tribe. You owe it to the next person you were meant to help. You owe it to yourself.
There is no easy button, no magic potion, no manifestation you can do in order to get the results you are looking for. Real results will come from a successful strategy implemented and refined over time. Period. #InstagramforBusiness
The most important thing to remember in all of this is, you have purpose and it needs to be shared with as many people as possible in order to serve them. #InstagramforBusiness
Nothing in life that is worth anything much is easy. #InstagramforBusiness
Be with others who get it and will help keep you accountable to your fears. #InstagramforBusiness
Resource spotlight: Visit for a “21-Day Instagram Sales Plan.”