Charles H. Noble (PhD, Arizona State University; MBA, Babson College; BS, Boston College) is currently Proffitt's Professor of Marketing and Director of the Marketing PhD Program at The University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He also serves as the Vice Chair for the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), and as a member of the Faculty Research Network of the Center for Services Leadership at Arizona State University. His research interests focus generally on design and development processes, as applied to both products and services. He has published in many leading journals including the Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Sloan Management Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and many others. Charles has consulted for many organizations, primarily in the airline, retailing, consumer packaged goods, and commercial real estate sectors.
Serdar S. Durmuoğlu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the School of Business Administration, University of Dayton. He earned his PhD in Marketing from Michigan State University. He also holds an MBA from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Durmu
oğlu's main research interests are product innovation strategies and decision making, the effect of information technology on new product development, and Open Innovation. His work has been published in the Journal of Product and Innovation Management and Industrial Marketing Management, among others.
Abbie Griffin holds the Royal L. Garff Endowed Chair in Marketing at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, where she teaches MBAs marketing. Professor Griffin obtained her BS ChE from Purdue University, MBA from Harvard Business School, and PhD in Management of Technology from MIT. Her research investigates means for measuring and improving the process of new product development. Her latest research can be found in the book titled Serial Innovators: How Individuals in Large Organizations Create Breakthrough New Products. A video trailer about the book can be found at She was the editor of the Journal of Product Innovation Management, the leading academic journal in the areas of product and technology development from 1998 to 2003. The Product Development and Management Association named her as a Crawford Fellow in 2009, and she currently serves as the Vice President of Publications for the Association. Professor Griffin is an avid quilter, hiker, and swimmer.