Eggs will be falling in all different areas of the screen from the sky. Let's prepare our main character to move through all the potential areas on the screen:
with an event
parameter:local moveChar = function(event)
charObject.x = display.contentCenterX - (display.contentCenterX* (event.yGravity*3))
if((charObject.x - charObject.width * 0.5) < 0) then charObject.x = charObject.width * 0.5 elseif((charObject.x + charObject.width * 0.5) > display.contentWidth) then charObject.x = display.contentWidth - charObject.width * 0.5 end end
To make the accelerometer movement work with a device, we have to use yGravity
Notice that the code in step 3 keeps the charObject
display object from going past any wall border boundaries.
The character is currently controlled by the accelerometer. Another option to control the character is through a touch event. Try replacing the event listener with "touch"
and using event parameters so that the touch event works properly.
If you remember how we incorporated the paddle movement with Breakout in Chapter 3, Building Our First Game – Breakout and Chapter 4, Game Controls, for the simulator, it should be very similar.
When the score is updated, it refers to our text display objects and translates the value from the number into a string.
Here is an example:
gameScore = 100 scoreText = display.newText( "Score: " .. gameScore, 0, 0, "Arial", 45 ) scoreText:setTextColor( 1, 1, 1) scoreText.x = 160; scoreText.y = 100
In the previous example, you will notice that we set a value of 100
to gameScore
. In the following lines for scoreText
, gameScore
is used to concatenate the "Score:
" string and the value of gameScore
. Doing so displays the value of gameScore
in a string format by scoreText