

a, lassum ref1

ablativus ref1

abominate, abominor ref1

abscessus ref1

absurd ref1n

academic, Academus ref1

Accius ref1

account ref1

accusativus ref1

Achillea, Achilles ref1

acolyte, acolythus ref1

action, actiones,

actions, activity,

actor, actors and

acting ref1, ref2

acus ref1

adiudicatio ref1

adolescens, adolesco ref1

adoptio, adoption ref1

adrenalin ref1, ref2

adultero, adultery ref1

adverb, adverbium ref1

advertising ref1

aedes, aedifico, aedilis ref1, ref2

aeger, aegrotat ref1

aequitas ref1

Aeschylus ref1

aesthetics ref1

Agamemnon, sacrifice of Iphigeneia ref1

agapê ref1n

agenda ref1, ref2

aggeion ref1

agger ref1

agkhonê ref1

agôn, agony, ref1, ref2

agricola, agricultura, agriculture and farming ref1, ref2

aisle ref1

aisthêtika ref1

aithêr ref1

aitiatikê ref1

Akadêmeia, Akadêmos ref1

akolouthos ref1

ala ref1

alas ref1

Alberti ref1

albumen, albums, albus ref1, ref2

Alcuin of York ref1, ref2

Alexander of Damascus ref1

Alexander the Great ref1

Alexandria ref1, ref2

Alexandros ref1

allegatio, allegations ref1

allêgoria, allegory ref1

ally ref1

alpha beta ref1

alphabet ref1

English ref1, ref2

Greek ref1, ref2, ref3

Latin ref1, ref2, ref3

altaria ref1

amber ref1

ambio, ambition, ambitus ref1

amble, ambulance, ambulo ref1

amicus ref1

amor ref1

Anaxagoras ref1, ref2

ancestral custom ref1, ref2

anemone ref1

angel, angelos ref1

angelus ref1n

anger ref1n

angina ref1

Anglo-Saxon ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

anguish, angustus ref1n

anima, animal ref1

animus ref1, ref2

Anna Perenna, festival of ref1, ref2

annalis, annual, annus ref1

anthem ref1n

anthos ref1, ref2, ref3

Anthriscus sylvestris ref1

antidote, antidotos, antidotum ref1

antiphonos ref1n

Antirrhinum ref1

Antonius Silvanus ref1

antônumia ref1

Apelles ref1

apiary, apis ref1

apostle, apostolos, apostolus ref1

appetite, appetitus ref1

applause ref1, ref2

approve ref1

apricot ref1

apse, apsis ref1

Apuleius, The Golden

Ass ref1

aqua ref1

aquaeductus, aqueducts ref1, ref2

aquifolium ref1

arcade, Arcadia ref1

arches ref1, ref2, ref3

architect, architecture, architectus ref1

arcus ref1, ref2

Aretaeus ref1, ref2, ref3

Aristotle ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

arithmetic, arithmêticus, arithmos ref1

arkhitektôn ref1

arma, army ref1

armour ref1

ars ref1, art, artist ref2

arsenic, arsenikon ref1

arthriticus, arthritis, arthron ref1

artus ref1

Asclepius ref1

asinus ref1

Asklêpios ref1

asparagus ref1

aspidion ref1

Aspidistra ref1

ass ref1

assembly ref1

assiduus ref1

astêr ref1

Asteraceae ref1

astrologia, astrology, astronomia, astronomy ref1, ref2

Asylaeus, asylum ref1

Athenaeus ref1

Athens ref1

Atlas, Mount ref1

atom ref1, ref2;

atomos, atomus ref1

atomic theory ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

-atus ref1

auctor ref1

audience, audio, audition ref1

augeo ref1

augur, augury ref1, ref2

Augustine, St ref1, ref2

Augustus, Emperor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

aura ref1

Aurelianus, Caelius ref1

auspex, auspices, auspicious, auspicium ref1

authentic, authoritative, authors ref1

automatos, automatum, automobile, autopsy ref1

bacilli, bacillum, bacillus ref1

bacteria, bacterium, baktêrion ref1

bald ref1

ball ref1, ref2

balnea ref1

banausic, banausos ref1

bandy-legged ref1n, ref2

banking ref1

Barates ref1

barbers ref1

Basil, St ref1, ref2

Basileus, basilica, Basilica of Maxentius ref1

baths ref1

battlefields ref1

beard ref1

beatitude ref1

beer ref1n

before ref1

belt ref1

bibere ref1n

Bible, biblos ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

big ref1

bill ref1

binding promise ref1

biology, bios ref1, ref2

birds, behaviour of ref1

bishop ref1

black ref1

blackberry ref1

blame, blaspheme, blasphêmeô blasphemo ref1, ref2

blessed ref1

blockhead ref1

blood ref1

body parts ref1

Boethus ref1

bomb, bombos, bombus ref1

bona fide ref1

bonds ref1

bonus, bonus ref1

book ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

book shops ref1, ref2

borrowings ref1

botanê, botany ref1

boulê ref1

bourse ref1

bous ref1

bow ref1

box ref1

brand names ref1

break ref1

breastplate ref1

bribery ref1, ref2

brick ref1

Britain, Britanni,

Britannia ref1

British Empire ref1

brothels ref1

Brutus ref1

bubble ref1

bublos ref1

bucina, bucinus, buculus, bugle ref1

and n bulla, bullet ref1

Buphthalmum salicifolium ref1

burnt offerings ref1

bursa, bursar ref1

Bush, George W. ref1

business partnerships ref1

buying and selling ref1

Byzantium ref1

caballero, caballo, caballus ref1

cabbage, caboce ref1

cadet ref1

caedo ref1

caelum ref1

caementum ref1

caerimonia ref1

Caesar ref1

calculator, calculus ref1, ref2

calendar, the ref1

calidus ref1

Caligula, Emperor ref1

Calvary, calvus ref1

calx ref1

camara, camaraderie ref1, ref2

Cambridge University ref1

camera obscura ref1

Camillus ref1

campaign, campus, ref1

camps ref1

canapé ref1

cancel, cancellarius, cancellus ref1

cancer ref1, ref2, ref3

candid, candidate, candidatus, candidus ref1

canine ref1

cannon ref1

canon, canon law, canons (church) ref1

canopy ref1

capital, capital punishment, capitalism ref1, ref2, ref3

capsa ref1

captain ref1, ref2

caput ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

caputium ref1

Caracalla, Emperor ref1, ref2

cardinal, cardinalis, cardo ref1

care ref1

caricatura, caricature ref1

caritas ref1n

carnage, carnelevare, carnival, carnivore, caro ref1, ref2

carpentarius, carpentum ref1

carrus ref1

Carthage ref1, ref2

case system ref1

cash ref1

castro, castrum ref1

casus ref1

catarrh ref1

Catholic church ref1, ref2

Cato the Elder ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Catullus ref1

cauda ref1

caudex ref1

Caudine Forks, battle of the ref1

caupo ref1

cavalliere, cavalry ref1

cave! ref1n

caveat emptor ref1n

ceilings ref1

celebrati, celebrity ref1

celestial, celo ref1

Celsus, Aulus

Cornelius ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Celts ref1

cement ref1

cemetery ref1

censeo, censors, census ref1, ref2

cerasus ref1

ceremony ref1

chamber ref1

champagne ref1

chancel, chancellor ref1

character ref1, ref2

charity ref1n

Charlemagne ref1

cheap ref1

Cheke, Sir John ref1

cheval ref1

chiasmus, chiasmus ref1

child mortality, childbirth ref1

children ref1

Chimonanthus ref1

China ref1

Chinese language ref1

chirurge, chirurgus ref1

choleric, cholericus ref1

chord ref1

chorus ref1

Chresimus, Gaius Furius ref1

Christian love ref1n

Christianity ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

chromatic ref1

chromosomes ref1

Chrysanthemum ref1

church ref1

church liturgy ref1

Churchill, Winston ref1

Cicero ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

on accounts ref1

and behaviour ref1

and Brutus ref1

De officiis (‘On Duties’) ref1

debating ability ref1

defence of Milo ref1

definition of iniuria ref1

on divination ref1, ref2

on elections ref1

on flows ref1

on helpfulness ref1

on law ref1, ref2, ref3

letters ref1, ref2

and omens ref1

on pactum ref1

on privilege ref1

on property ref1

prosecution of Verres ref1

on religion ref1

on the Republic ref1

right of servitus ref1

on the Roman people ref1

on Servius Sulpicius

Rufus ref1

on signs ref1

on statesmanship ref1

and superstition ref1, ref2

treatises on rhetoric ref1, ref2

on violence ref1

on war and warfare ref1

cinema ref1

cingulum ref1

circumeo ref1

circus, Circus Maximus ref1

cirice ref1

cite ref1

citizen, citizenship ref1, ref2, ref3

city ref1

civic, civilization, civis ref1

class, class system, classis ref1, ref2, ref3

Classical Latin ref1

classicsforall survey ref1

Claudius, Emperor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Clematis ref1

clergy, the ref1

clergyman ref1

cleric, clericus, clerk ref1, ref2

cliens, clients ref1

climate, clinic, clinici, climax, clinical ref1, ref2, ref3

clitoris ref1

cloaca ref1

Clodius ref1

cloud ref1

coctus ref1

code, codex, codify ref1, ref2

coffin ref1

cohors ref1

coin ref1

cold ref1

collage, collagen ref1

colloquia, colloquial ref1

colonel ref1

colonia, colonies, colonus ref1, ref2

Colosseum, the ref1, ref2

Columella ref1

columna ref1

comets ref1

Comitialis ref1, ref2

commander-in-chief ref1

commercial, commercium ref1

commoda, commodities, commodus ref1

communal, communal obligations, communis ref1

communications ref1

compassion ref1n

compensation, compenso ref1

completely ref1

complexion ref1

computo ref1

comrade ref1

conciliation, concilio, concilium ref1

con/cum ref1

condemnatio ref1

confederation ref1, ref2

confide ref1

coniugo, coniunctio, conjugating verbs, conjunction ref1, ref2

connubium ref1

conopium ref1

consensus ref1, ref2

consentio ref1

consilium ref1

consonants ref1, ref2

consortium ref1

Constantine, Emperor ref1

consul ref1, ref2

consulate ref1

consuls ref1, ref2

contemplate ref1

context, contextus ref1

contract, contractual agreements, contraho ref1, ref2

controversiae ref1

convention ref1

conventions ref1

cooked ref1

cophinus ref1

Cornelia, letters ref1

corner ref1

corporal, corpus ref1

corruption ref1

cosmetic ref1n

costa ref1

Cotoneaster ref1

cotoneum ref1

council, counsel ref1

country estate ref1

court, courtyard ref1

cow ref1

cow parsley ref1

coward ref1

craftsmanship ref1

crane ref1

cranium ref1

crapula, crapulous ref1

Crassus, Marcus ref1, ref2

crater, crater(a) ref1

creatio ref1n

creator ref1

credit and credit systems, creditum,

credo ref1, ref2, ref3

crepo (crepit-) ref1

cretins ref1

crime, crimen, criminal ref1, ref2

critic, criticus ref1

crocus, Crocus ref1, ref2

c(r)oustade ref1

crowd ref1, ref2

crowd control ref1

crowded ref1

crusta, crustacea ref1

cui bono ref1

culpa, culpable ref1

cult ref1

cult statues ref1

cultivator ref1

cultus ref1

cuneus ref1

cura, curator, curatores ref1

currant ref1

current ref1

curriculum, curriculum, curriculum vitae ref1

cursive, cursivus ref1

custard ref1

cybernetics ref1

cyclamen ref1

cynicus ref1

dactylic hexameter ref1

daffodil ref1

dagger ref1

daily ref1

daktulos ref1

damascena ref1

damnum ref1

danger ref1

Daphne ref1

dativus ref1

day ref1


of the months ref1

of the week ref1

de- ref1, ref2

deaf ref1n

death masks ref1, ref2

debate ref1

debeo, debit, debt ref1, ref2, ref3

decapitate ref1

decido, decision ref1n

declension, declinatio, declining ref1

decrepit, decrepitus ref1, ref2

deiectio ref1

delegation ref1

deletto ref1

delirious, delirium, delirus ref1

democracy ref1

Democritus ref1

demonstratio ref1

Demosthenes ref1, ref2

dens, dent- ref1, ref2

Deo Optimo Maximo ref1

departure ref1

deranged ref1

derivations ref1

descended words ref1

deus ref1

devil ref1

dia pasôn ref1

diaballô ref1

diabetes, diabêtês, diabetes mellitus ref1, ref2

diabolos, diabolus ref1

diagnosis ref1, ref2

diaita ref1

Diana, diarium, diary ref1

diapason ref1

diarrhoea ref1

diatribê ref1

dictator, dicto ref1

dies, Diespiter ref1

diet ref1

*dieus ref1

digitus ref1

dignitas ref1, ref2

dilapido ref1

dildo ref1

diligo ref1

diocese ref1

Diocletian, Emperor ref1

Diogenes ref1

Diogenes Laertius ref1

dioikêsis ref1

diploma, diplomacy, diplomats ref1

dirge, Dirige ref1

discernment, discerno ref1

disciple disciplina, discipline, discipulus, disco ref1, ref2

discrimen, discrimination ref1, ref2

discussion ref1

disease ref1

angina ref1

delirium ref1

diverticulitis ref1

epilepsy ref1

flows ref1

herpes ref1

leprosy ref1

sciatica ref1

tetanus ref1

tuberculosis ref1

typhoid fever ref1

distemper ref1

diurnus ref1

Diva Angerona ref1

diversion ref1

diverticula, diverticulitis ref1

divinatio, divination, divinus ref1, ref2

divorce, divortium ref1, ref2

doceo, doctores ref1, doctor iuris ref2

doctors ref1, ref2, ref3

academic ref1, ref2

Muslim ref1

dog ref1

doll ref1, ref2

D.O.M. ref1

domestic, dominus ref1; domestica ref2

Domitian, Emperor ref1

domus ref1, ref2

Dositheus ref1

dotikê ref1

drama, drama ref1, ref2, ref3

actors and acting ref1

farces ref1, ref2

mime ref1, ref2

Nero and ref1

pantomime ref1, ref2

tragedy ref1

drei ref1

drink ref1n

drop ref1

drugs ref1

Druidism ref1

duces, dukes ref1

dusenteria, dysentery ref1

duties ref1

earth ref1

easels ref1

ecclesia, ecclesiastical ref1

Echinops ref1

Echo ref1

eclipses, eclipsis, ekleipsis ref1

economic activity ref1

edico, edicta, edicts ref1

edifice, edify ref1

education ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

grammar ref1

grammar schools ref1

liberal ref1

pupils ref1

schools ref1

educational advantage ref1

effetus ref1

église ref1

Egyptians ref1

eiaculor, ejaculate ref1

eikôn ref1

eirôneia ref1

ekhinos ref1

ekklêsia ref1

elections ref1

electricity, electrum, êlektron ref1

electron ref1

elegeion, elegeum, elegy ref1

elementary school ref1

elementum ref1

elephant’s hide ref1

elephas ref1

elido ref1

eligo ref1

elimino ref1

Eliot, T. S. ref1

elision ref1

elite ref1

elitism ref1

elleipsis, ellipse ref1

Elysium ref1n

emerald ref1

emo ref1n

emotio, émotion, emotions, emoveo ref1

emperors ref1, ref2

empire ref1, ref2

empirical ref1

employment ref1

enchantment ref1

[en]êlusios ref1n

enemy ref1

energy ref1

engklisis ref1

English alphabet ref1, ref2

English language ref1, ref2, ref3

conventions, ref1

derivations ref1

French influence ref1, ref2

Germanic language ref1, ref2

Graeco-Latin vocabulary ref1, ref2

historical survey ref1

hybrid words ref1

modern ref1

prose style ref1

roots ref1

structure ref1

English law ref1, ref2

Ennius ref1, ref2, ref3

enquire ref1

entrails, reading ref1

Epictetus ref1


Epicurus ref1

epilêpsis, epilepsy ref1

epirrhema ref1

episcopus, episkopos ref1

epistellô ref1

epistêmê ref1

epistolê ref1

eques, equites, equus ref1, ref2

Erodium, erôidios ref1

Erôs ref1

erysipelas ref1

essence, essentia ref1

estincelle ref1

ethics, êthikos, êthos ref1

Etruscans ref1, ref2, ref3

euangelista, euangelistês, evangelist ref1; evangelium ref2n

Euripides ref1, ref2

évêque ref1

evocatio, evoco ref1

ex- ref1

exaggerate, exaggero ref1

exclamations ref1

excrement, excrementum ref1

exempla ref1, ref2

exemplum ref1

exemption ref1

exercise, exercitus ref1, ref2

exhume ref1

eximo ref1

experience, experiment, experior, expert ref1

expiate, expiatio, expiation ref1

explode, explodo ref1

eye, the ref1, ref2

pupil ref1

eyebrow ref1

fable, fabulae ref1

fabric ref1

face ref1

facio ref1

faeces, faex (faec-) ref1

fairness ref1, ref2

faith ref1

fama, fame, famous ref1, ref2

familia, family ref1

and law ref1

connections ref1

famulus ref1

fan, fanaticus, fanum ref1, ref2

Faraday, Michael ref1

farces, farcio ref1

farm ref1, ref2

farmer ref1, ref2

farming ref1, ref2

farmyard ref1

farrago ref1

fasces ref1

fascinatio, fascinum ref1, ref2

fascist ref1

fastus ref1

father ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

favours ref1

feasts ref1, ref2

fecund, fecundus ref1

feliciter ref1

felicitous, felix, fello, femina ref1

feminine virtues ref1

feriae ref1

fermento ref1

fero, fertile, fertilis ref1

festivals ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

festive, festus ref1, ref2, ref3

fetus ref1

fico ref1

fiction, fictional narratives ref1

fidelity, fides ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

filikiter ref1

finger ref1, ref2

fingernail ref1

fingo ref1

fires ref1

first ref1, ref2

first citizen ref1

fist ref1

flora ref1

flow ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

flower ref1, ref2, ref3

focus ref1

foedus ref1, ref2

foetidus ref1

foetus ref1

folium ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

fomentum ref1

food ref1

footprint ref1, ref2

foot-traps ref1

foreign ref1

forgery ref1

foris/foras ref1

formula ref1

fornicate, fornicatio, fornix ref1, ref2

Forrest, George ref1

forrestii ref1

Forsyth, William ref1

Forsythia ref1

fortuna ref1

Fortune, temples to ref1

forum, the ref1

forum piscatorium ref1

forum vinarium ref1

foul ref1

foundation stories ref1

four ref1

four-element theory ref1

foveo ref1

fragile, fragilis, frail, fraile, frêle ref1

Francisca ref1

frango ref1

Franks, the ref1

fraud, fraus ref1

free, freed slaves, freedman ref1, ref2, ref3

French ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26, ref27

friend ref1

frigidus ref1

Frontinus ref1, ref2

frugalitas ref1

Fuchs, Leonhart ref1

Fuchsia ref1

funambulus ref1

functions ref1, ref2

fundus ref1, ref2

funerary rights ref1

funus ref1

fusiformis ref1

fusus ref1

Gaius (jurist) ref1, ref2

Gaius, Emperor ref1

Gaius Flaminius ref1

Gala, Galanthus nivalis, galaxias kuklos, galaxy ref1, ref2

galea ref1

Galen ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

games ref1

garden ref1

gargoyles ref1

gastric ulcer ref1

Gaul ref1, ref2, ref3

gender ref1

general (rank), generalis, generic, genes, genikê, genitivus, genus ref1, ref2, ref3

genius ref1

geometric shapes ref1

geôrgos ref1

Geranium ref1

geranos ref1

Germanic language ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

germen, germs ref1

Gilbert, William ref1

girl ref1

giving ref1

gladiator, gladius ref1

glamer, glamour ref1

globe, globus ref1, ref2

glue, gluten, glutino ref1

Gnaeus Sentius Felix ref1

gods ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Golgothas ref1

gônia ref1

gonorrhea, gonos ref1

good ref1

good faith ref1

good luck ref1

good thing ref1

good-day ref1

good-humoured ref1

Gorgias ref1

gout ref1, ref2

government ref1

justification for ref1

governor ref1

Gracchus, Gaius ref1

Gracchus, Tiberius ref1

grace ref1

gradient, gradior ref1

graffito ref1, ref2

gramaire, gramarye, gramma ref1

grammar ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

case system ref1

terminology ref1

grammar schools ref1

grammarians, on pronunciation ref1

grammatica, grammaticus, grammatikos ref1, ref2

gratia ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4

grave ref1

Gray, Thomas ref1

greasy spoons ref1

greater ref1

greater imperium ref1

greater person ref1


extent ref1

numbers ref1

pronunciation ref1, ref2

Greek alphabet ref1, ref2, ref3

Greek art ref1

Greek literature ref1, ref2, ref3

Greek poetry ref1

Greeks ref1, ref2

Greek transliteration ref1

Gregorian calendar ref1

Gregory V, Pope ref1

grille ref1

Grotius, Hugo ref1

ground ref1

growing up ref1

guardian ref1

gubernator ref1

Gulgalta ref1

gumnasion, gumnos, gymnasia, gymnasium ref1

Gutenberg, Johannes ref1, ref2, ref3

gutta ref1

Hadrian, Emperor ref1

Hadrian’s Wall ref1

haemorrhage, haemorrhoids, haima, haimorrois ref1, ref2

hand ref1

Hannibal ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

harbour ref1

harmonia, harmony ref1

haruspex ref1

Hawking, Stephen ref1

head ref1, ref2, ref3

hearth ref1, ref2, ref3

hecatomb ref1

Hedera helix ref1

hedgehog ref1

hekaton ref1

Helianthus ref1

helicopter ref1

hêlios ref1

helix ref1

helmet ref1

Hemerocallis ref1

Henry III, King ref1

hepta ref1

herb ref1

Herodotus ref1, ref2, ref3

heron ref1

herpes, herpês, herpês zôstêr ref1

hiatus, hiatus ref1

hierachy ref1

hinge ref1

Hippias ref1

Hippocrates ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Hippocratic Oath ref1

historia, history ref1, ref2

historical survey ref1

histrio ref1

histrionics ref1

hodometer ref1

hoi polloi ref1

holidays ref1

holly ref1

holos ref1

home ref1, ref2

Homer ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

homo, homos, homosexual ref1

honestiores ref1

honey ref1

honor ref1

hope ref1

hopitâl ambulant ref1

hoplites, hoplon ref1

Horace ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

horizô, horizontal ref1n

hormê, hormones ref1, ref2

horreo, horrific, horrificus, horrifying ref1, ref2

horse ref1

horseman ref1

hortus ref1

hospes, hospital ref1

host, hostile, hostis ref1

hot ref1

house ref1, ref2, ref3

household ref1

household deity ref1

hubris ref1

hudraulis ref1

hugieia ref1

human being ref1

humanitas ref1

humanus ref1

humid ref1

humiliores ref1

(h)umor ref1

humorous ref1

humours ref1, ref2, ref3

character-forming ref1

humus ref1, ref2

hunchbacks ref1

huperbolê ref1

huphen ref1

hupodermis ref1

hupokritês ref1

Hyacinthus ref1

hybrid words ref1

hybris ref1

Hydrangea ref1

hydraulis ref1, ref2

Hygi(e)a, hygiene ref1

hyperbole ref1

hyphen ref1

hypocrite ref1

hypodermic ref1

hysteron proteron ref1

iaculum ref1

iambos, iambus ref1

iconic, iconicus ref1

Ides, Ides of March,

Idus ref1

idiom, idiôma, idios, idiot, idiota, idiôtês ref1

ignês ref1

Ilex ref1

Ilex aquifolium ref1

illiteracy ref1

illiterate Latin ref1

imagines ref1

imago ref1

imbecile, imbecillus ref1

imbrex ref1

imitate, imitatio, imitor ref1, ref2

immigrants, immigro ref1

immolate, immolo ref1

immunis, immunitas, immunity ref1

impecunious ref1

imperator ref1, ref2, ref3

imperial ref1

imperium ref1, ref2, ref3

imperium Romanum ref1

implausible ref1

impulse ref1

in itself ref1

in pâce ref1

inborn ref1

incarnatio, incarnation ref1

incertum ref1

inculcate, inculco ref1

indemnis, indemnitas, indemnity ref1

India ref1

ineffabilia, ineffable ref1

infans ref1, infantry; infantry drill ref2

inflection, inflecto ref1

influenza, influenza, influo ref1

ingenious, ingenium, ingenuity ref1

inhume ref1

inimicus ref1

iniuria, injury ref1

innkeeper ref1

innocentia ref1

innovate ref1

inoculation ref1

inquisition ref1

insanity, insanus ref1

inseminate ref1

instruction, instrumentum ref1

insula, insulation, insulin, isolate ref1, ref2

integrity ref1

intentio, intention ref1, ref2

intercalo ref1

interest rates, interest, interest ref1, ref2, ref3

intermediary ref1n

International Botanical

Congress ref1

international law ref1

interrogatio ref1

introductions ref1

intueor, intuition ref1

invest, investio ref1

investigate ref1

Iphigeneia ref1

Iris ref1

irony ref1

Isidore ref1

iskhiadikos ref1

Islam ref1

-ist suffix ref1n

-ista suffix ref1n

-istês suffix ref1n

Italia ref1

Italian ref1, ref2, ref3

Italy ref1, ref2

Iudex, iudicium, ius, iustitia, iustus ref1, ref2, ref3

Iuppiter ref1

ius ad bellum ref1

ius belli ref1

ius gentium ref1, ref2

ius in bello ref1

ius legationis ref1

iuvenis ref1

ivy ref1

Janus ref1

japonica ref1

javelin ref1

Jenner, Edward ref1

Jerome, St ref1, ref2n, ref3n

Jesus Christ ref1

Jews ref1

joint ref1

joint pain ref1

Josephus ref1

journal, Jove, jovial ref1

judge, judgement ref1, ref2

Jugurtha, king of Numidia ref1

Julian calendar ref1

Julius Caesar ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

Jupiter ref1

jurists, jury, just, justice ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

just war and warfare ref1

justificatio ref1n

Justinian, Emperor ref1, ref2, ref3

Juvenal ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

juvenile ref1

kal’ hemera ref1

kalendae ref1, ref2;

Kalends ref1

kamara ref1

kanôn ref1

karkinos ref1

kephalê ref1

kerasos ref1

kharaktêr ref1

kharis ref1

kheimôn ref1

kheirourgos ref1

khiasma ref1

kholos ref1

khordê ref1

khoros ref1

khortos ref1

khrôma ref1

khumos ref1

kidneys ref1

kinêma ref1

king ref1

kleitoris ref1

klêma ref1

klêmatis ref1

klêros ref1

klima ref1

klimax ref1

klinê ref1

knight ref1, ref2

Knossos ref1

knowledge ref1

koimêtêrion ref1

kollô ref1

komêtês ref1

kônôpion, kônôps ref1

kophinos ref1

kosmopolitês ref1

kosmos ref1, ref2n

kranion ref1

kratêr ref1

kritês ref1

kubernêtês ref1

kudônion ref1

kunagkhê ref1

kunikos, kuôn ref1

kuriakon, kurios ref1

‘KV!’ ref1n

Labienus, Titus ref1

lactation, lactea via ref1

lacuna, lacunar ref1, lacus, lake ref2n

laid flat ref1n

Lake Trasimene, battle of ref1

lakkos ref1n

lapidarius, lapidary, lapido, lapis ref1

lar familiaris ref1

larva ref1

lassitude ref1

last born ref1

late ref1

latifundium ref1

Latin alphabet ref1, ref2

Latin literature ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

fictional narratives ref1

satire ref1

Latin tongue ref1

Latini ref1; Latins, Latium ref2

latrina, latrines ref1

latus ref1

laundry, lavandaria, lavatory, lavatrina, lavo ref1

law ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

law of diplomacy ref1

law of nations ref1, ref2

law of war ref1

leaf ref1, ref2

leaning ref1

leg- ref1

legal, legal liability, legal formulas, legal rights, legate, legation, legacy, legatus, leges, legitimate, lex (leg-) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

legio ref1

leisure ref1, ref2, ref3

lending ref1

lens, lens, lentil ref1

lepra, lepros, leprosy ref1

let the buyer beware ref1n


(correspondence) ref1

letters (of the alphabet) ref1

letters man ref1

levare ref1

Lever, Ralph ref1

lex Aquilia ref1

liber (lîber), liberty ref1, ref2

liberal, liberalis ref1

liberta, libertas, libertus ref1, ref2

libraria, libraries ref1, ref2, ref3

lictores ref1

life, stages of ref1

Liliaceae ref1

lily ref1, ref2

limb ref1

limen, limes

Germanicus, limitaris ref1

Lincoln, Lindum colonia ref1

Linear B ref1

lingua Latina ref1

linguistic analysis ref1

linguistic awareness, value of ref1

linguistic reasoning ref1

Linnaeus, Carl ref1

lintel stones ref1

Lipari ref1

list ref1

literacy ref1, ref2, ref3;

litterarius ref1;

littera, literature ref1;

literary terms ref1

lithostrôtos ref1

Livia ref1

Livius Andronicus ref1

Livy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

locatio, location ref1

Loeb Classics ref1

logic, logos ref1

look out ref1n

loss ref1

love ref1

Lucan ref1

Lucian ref1, ref2, ref3

Lucilius ref1, ref2

Lucius Anicius ref1

Lucretius ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

lucrum ref1

ludicrous, ludus ref1

lunar calendar ref1

lupa, lupanaria, lupine ref1

lura, lyre ref1

Machiavelli, N. ref1

machina, machinery ref1, ref2

Magi, magic, magicus, magikos, Magoi ref1

magic, magical beauty ref1

magis, magister, magistrates ref1, ref2

magistratus ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

magnêtis lithos, magnets ref1

magnus ref1

maior, major ref1, ref2

maius imperium, maiestas, majesty ref1

makros ref1

Malory, Sir Thomas,

Le Morte d’Arthur ref1

manliness ref1

Manlius ref1

manu (manumission) ref1

manu factus, manufacturing ref1, ref2

manus ref1

Marcus Aurelius ref1

mare, marine ref1

markets ref1

marriage ref1

Martial ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

mask ref1

masonry styles ref1

masturbation ref1

mâtar, mâter ref1

material gain ref1

mathêma, mathematical calculations, mathematical science, mathêmaticus ref1

Matthew, St ref1

meat-eating ref1

media ref1n

medical practitioners ref1, ref2, ref3

medicine ref1

bacteria ref1

clinics ref1

diagnosis ref1, ref2

disease analysis ref1

flows ref1

germs ref1

humour theory ref1, ref2, ref3

hygiene ref1

inoculation ref1

Mithradates’ treacle ref1

Muslim ref1

patients ref1

practitioners ref1, ref2, ref3

and science ref1

virus ref1

medius ref1n

mêkhanê ref1

melancholy ref1

melas ref1

melody, melôidia ref1

memini ref1

Menippus ref1

merc-, Mercedes, mercenary, mercennarius ref1

mercurial, Mercurius,

Mercury ref1

merry ref1

metallum ref1

metamorphosis ref1

metaphor, metaphora ref1

metaphysical world ref1

Metellus Celer ref1

Metellus Nepos ref1

meteôros, meteors ref1

mêtêr ref1

metokhê ref1

metre, metron, metrum ref1, ref2

mêtropolis ref1

microbe ref1

microscope ref1

Middle Ages ref1, ref2

midwives ref1

migro ref1

mikros ref1

miles ref1, militaris, military ref2

military commander ref1

military ranks ref1, ref2, ref3

milk ref1

Milky Way, the ref1

mime ref1, mimus ref2

mine, mineral ref1

ministers, minus ref1

minusculus ref1

mirandus, miror, mirror ref1

Mithradates, King, treacle ref1

mitto ref1

moderatio, moderation, modestia ref1

mole (breakwater), molecula, molecules, moles ref1

momentum ref1

moneo ref1

moneta ref1

money ref1, ref2

moneylending ref1, ref2

monopôlion, monopôlion, monopolium, monopoly ref1

months ref1, ref2

days of ref1

lunar calendar ref1

monuments, monumentum ref1

moral oversight ref1

moralis, morals, morality ref1; ref2

morior ref1

mos ref1

mos maiorum ref1, ref2

mosaics ref1

mother ref1

Mousai, mouseion, museum, museum, Musai ref1

munia ref1, ref2; municipal, municipium ref3

Musa, Muses, the ref1

music ref1, ref2

music of the spheres ref1

musical instruments ref1

musical terms ref1

Muslim doctors ref1

Mutter ref1

mutual, mutuus ref1

naked ref1

names, omens ref1

Napoleon ref1, ref2

Narcissus ref1, ref2, ref3

nascor ref1

native, nativity ref1

natural world ref1

nature ref1

Nature ref1

navigation, navigo, navis, navy, nave ref1; ref2

nebula ref1

needle ref1

nefastus ref1

negotiate, negotium ref1; negotiator ref2

nemesis, nemesis ref1

Nero, Emperor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

nerves, nervous, nervus, neuron, neurotic ref1

neutron, neutrum ref1

new man ref1

Nigella, niger ref1

nil desperandum ref1

Nivalis, niveus, nivosus ref1

no one objecting ref1

nobilis, nobility, the ref1, ref2

nomen ref1

nomen omen ref1

nominativus ref1

Nonae, Nones ref1, ref2

norm, the, norma ref1

nosos ref1

nota ref1

not-leisure ref1

nouns ref1, ref2

novel, novella, novellus ref1, ref2

novice ref1

novus ref1

novus homo ref1

noxa, noxious ref1

nubo ref1

nucleus, nucula ref1

nudity ref1

nudus ref1

nullo adversante ref1

Numantia, siege of ref1

numbers ref1

numen, numinous ref1

nuntio ref1

nupt-, nuptial ref1

nurses, nutrio, nutrix ref1

obligatio, obligo ref1, ref2

obligation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

obscene, obscenus ref1

obsidio ref1

obstetricians, obstetrix ref1

oculus ref1

Odeon, Odeum,

Ôideion ref1

Odysseus ref1

oeconomicus ref1

Oedipus ref1

office, officium ref1

officina, officinalis ref1, ref2

oikonomikos ref1

old man ref1

omen, omens, ominous ref1

one who takes ref1

onoma ref1

onomatopoeia, onomatopoeia ref1

opera ref1

ophthalmos ref1

opificina ref1

opportune ref1

ôps ref1

optio ref1

opus ref1

oracles, oraculum ref1

orator ref1, ref2

oratory ref1

orchestra, orchestra, orhkêstra ref1

order, ordior, ordo

(ordin-) ref1; ref2, ref3; ref4

Origen ref1

Osthanes ref1

Ostia ref1, ref2

otium ref1, ref2

ought ref1

ousia ref1

Ovid ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

owe ref1

Owen, Wilfred ref1

Oxford Latin Dictionary ref1

Oxford University ref1

oxumôros, oxymoron ref1

paciscor ref1

pactum ref1

Pacuvius ref1

Paean, paian ref1

paene ref1

Paeon, Paeonia ref1

pagan ref1

paganism ref1

paganus ref1

page, pagina ref1, ref2

paintbrushes ref1

painting ref1, ref2

palimpsêstos ref1

Pan ref1

panacea ref1

Panaenus ref1

panakês ref1

Pandora’s box ref1

panel ref1

panoplia, panoply ref1

pantomime ref1;

pantomimos, pantomimus ref1

papal bulls ref1

paper, papuros, papyrus ref1

papyrus ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

paradeigma, paradigm ref1

paradox, paradoxos ref1

parasites, para-, parasitos, parasitus ref1

parchment ref1

parody ref1

parse ref1

participium, participle ref1

particle ref1

pastor, pastoral ref1, ref2

pater ref1, ref2;

pater familias ref1

pathogen ref1

patiens, patients, patior ref1

patres ref1

patria potestas ref1

patronage, patronus, patrons ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

pauper ref1

pax ref1

pay ref1

peace, peace treaties ref1

peasant life ref1

pebble ref1

pecunia, pecuniary ref1

peira ref1

pen ref1n

penal code ref1

penicillin, penicillus ref1

peninsula ref1

penis ref1, ref2

penna ref1n

pente ref1

peony ref1

people as the state ref1

per se ref1

perambulator, perambulo ref1

perfume shops ref1

Pergamum ref1

Pericles ref1, ref2

perks ref1

Persian language ref1

persica ref1

persona, person, personification ref1, ref2, ref3

perspective, perspicio ref1

persuasion, art of ref1

pes ref1

Petronius ref1, ref2, ref3

phalanx ref1

philanthrôpia ref1

philosophia ref1

philosophical education ref1

philosophy ref1, ref2, ref3

epicureanism ref1

and ethics ref1

Scepticism ref1

stoicism ref1

phlegma, phlegmatic ref1

Phoenicians, the ref1

phthisis, p(h)thisis ref1

phusis, physicus ref1

Picti, Picts ref1;

picture, pigment, pigmentum ref1

pietas ref1;

piety, pio, pious, pitance, piteous, pitié, pittance, pity, pius ref1

pila, piles, pill ref1

pilum ref1

pingo ref1

pipe ref1

pitar ref1

Pius II, Pope ref1

Pius X, Pope ref1

planets ref1

plasma, plasticus ref1, ref2

Plato ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

plaudit, plaudite, plausible ref1

Plautus ref1, ref2, ref3

plebeian, plebeius, plebiscites, plebiscitum, plebs, plebeian assemblies ref1, ref2

plectrum, plêktron ref1

plenus, plethora, plêthos ref1

Pliny the Elder ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26, ref27, ref28, ref29, ref30, ref31, ref32

Pliny the Younger ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

Plutarch ref1, ref2, ref3

podagra ref1

podiatrist ref1

poem, poiêma, poieô, poiêtês ref1

poet ref1

poetry ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

dactylic hexameter ref1

feet ref1

metre ref1, ref2

spondees ref1

poiotês ref1

poisons ref1

Polyanthus ref1

Polykleitos ref1

polytechnic ref1

Pompeii ref1, ref2, ref3

Pompey ref1, ref2

pond-, ponderous ref1

Pont du Gard, France ref1, ref2

poor, ref1; poor, the ref2

Pope, Alexander ref1

poppet ref1

populus ref1

pornê, pornographos, pornography, pornos ref1

portents, portentum ref1, ref2

portrait painting ref1

Portus ref1

postumus ref1

pound ref1

pous ref1

povre ref1

power, delegating ref1

practicality ref1

praecoquum ref1

praeeo ref1, ref2

praeiudicium ref1

praepositio ref1

praepositus ref1

praeposterus ref1

praescribo ref1

praestigia ref1

praetor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

praetorian guard ref1

praevaricor ref1

precocious ref1

prefixes ref1, ref2

preinte ref1

prejudice ref1

premo ref1

preposition ref1, ref2

prerogative ref1

presbuteros, presbyter ref1

prescribe ref1

press ref1

prestidigitator, prestige ref1

Pretannia, Pretannikê ref1

prevarication ref1

price ref1

prick ref1

priest ref1

primordia rerum, primordial ref1

primrose, Primula ref1

primus ref1, ref2, ref3

princeps, principate, principatus, principle ref1

printing ref1, ref2

private, privatus ref1

private life, return to ref1

privilege, privilegium, privus ref1

procrastinate, procrastino ref1

prodigies, prodigium ref1

profanus ref1

proficient, proficio, profit ref1

prognosis ref1

proles, proletarii ref1

promises ref1

pronomen, pronoun ref1

pronunciation ref1

Greek ref1, ref2

propaganda ref1

Propertius ref1

property, property rights, proprius ref1, ref2

property (philosophical sense), proprietas ref1

pro(r)sus, prose ref1

prose style ref1

prospect, prospettiva, prospicio ref1

prostitutes ref1

prothesis ref1

protocol, prôtokollon ref1

Protogenes ref1


(PIE) ref1

prôtos ref1

provincia ref1n

prune ref1

prunes, Prunus ref1

psephology, psêphos ref1

ptarmos ref1

pteron ref1, ref2

Ptolemy, Claudius ref1

ptôsis ref1

pubescence, pubesco ref1n

public good, the ref1

publicani ref1, publicans, publicanus ref2

puella, puer, puerile ref1

pugio, pugna, pugnacious, pugnus ref1

punctuation ref1

pungo ref1

Punic Wars, the ref1, ref2

punishments ref1, ref2

puôn ref1

pupa, pupilla, pupillus, pupil, of the eye, pupils, puppa, puppet (see ‘poppet’) ref1

purse, purser ref1

pus, pus ref1

puteolanus ref1

Pydna, battle of ref1

Pyrrho, Pyrrhonei ref1

Pyrrhus ref1

Pythagoras ref1, ref2

Pytheas ref1

QED (quod erat demonstrandum) ref1

and n quadrivium, the ref1

quae pars orationis? ref1

quaero; quaest-, question ref1;

quaestor ref1, ref2

qualitas, quality ref1

quid pro quo ref1

quince ref1

quinsy ref1

Quintilian ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

quota, quotation, quote, quotus ref1

rabies ref1n

rado ref1

rage ref1n

raison ref1

Ranunculaceae ref1

Raphael ref1

ratio, ratio, ration ref1

razor ref1

reason ref1, ref2

recitatio, recitation ref1

reconcilio ref1

redemptio, redemption ref1

redemption ref1n

red-letter days ref1

reg-, regal ref1

regimen, regiment ref1

Reich ref1

reinforcement ref1

religio, religion ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

religious fanatics ref1

religious terminology, modern ref1

remarkable ref1

Remus ref1

Renaissance, the ref1, ref2, ref3

renal ref1

renunciation, renuntio ref1

republic ref1

republicanism ref1

reputation, reputo ref1

res ref1

Res publica ref1

resolution ref1

respect ref1

respondeo, responsio ref1

reticulatum ref1

retirement ref1

revenge ref1, ref2

revolutio, revolution ref1

rex ref1

rhêma ref1

rhêtôr, rhetoric, rhêtorikê ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

rheuma, rheumaticus, rheumatikos, rheumatism, rheumatismos ref1

Rhododendron ref1

rhoê ref1, ref2, ref3

rhômê ref1

rhotacism ref1

rhuthmos, rhythm ref1

rib ref1

Ribes ref1

Right, rites, rituals, ritus ref1, ref2, ref3

rights ref1

rock ref1

Roma ref1

Roman Army ref1

campaign ref1

camps ref1

cavalry ref1

discipline ref1

infantry drill ref1

organisation ref1, ref2

pay ref1

weapons ref1

Roman Empire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Roman law ref1, ref2

Roman Republic ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

romance languages ref1, ref2, ref3


conquest of Italy ref1

protective deity ref1

secret name ref1

use of Greek words ref1

Romulus ref1

room ref1

root ref1, ref2

rose ref1

Rubus ref1

rudder ref1

ruler ref1

rumor, rumour ref1

running ref1

Rutherford, Ernest ref1

saccus ref1n

sacer ref1

sacerdos, sacerdotal ref1

sack ref1n

sacrament, sacramentum ref1, ref2

sacrarium, sacrosanct, sacrosanctus ref1

sacrifice ref1, ref2, ref3

safe ref1

saffron ref1

sailing ref1

sal, salaries, salarium, salt ref1

sale ref1

salex ref1

Salicifolium ref1

Samos ref1

sanctificatio ref1n

sanctuaries, sanctuarium, sanctus ref1

sanguine, sanguis ref1

Sannazaro, Jacopo ref1

Sanskrit ref1, ref2

sanus ref1

sapta ref1

sarcasm, sarkazô ref1

satire, satura ref1

Saxifragaceae ref1

saxum ref1

scab, scabies, Scabiosa,

Scabious ref1

scaena, scene ref1

scalpo ref1

sceletus ref1

Scepticism ref1

schedula, schedule, schida ref1

school ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

sciatica ref1

science, scientia, scientist ref1, ref2, ref3

scientific revolution, the ref1

scintilla, scintillate ref1

Scipio Aemilianus ref1

Scipio Africanus ref1, ref2

scitum ref1

scolae grammaticales ref1

scribe, scribo ref1

Scribonius Largus ref1

scriptor ref1;

scriptum, scripture ref1

sculpo, sculpture ref1, ref2

scum of the city ref1

scutum ref1

seat ref1

Second Punic War ref1

secundus ref1

sed(e), sedentary, sedeo ref1, ref2

seed ref1

select ref1

self-acting ref1

self-control ref1

semen, semina rerum, seminal, seminar ref1

Senatus, Senatus

Populusque Romanus ref1, ref2

Seneca ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

senex, senior ref1, ref2

sepelio, sepulchrum ref1

septem ref1

Septimius Severus,

Emperor ref1

sequence, sequor ref1

sergeant ref1

sermo, sermo Italus, sermon ref1

sero ref1

servi, service, servio, servitude, servitus, servus ref1, ref2, ref3

sess- ref1

session ref1

Seven Wonders of the

World ref1, ref2

sewers ref1

sexus ref1

Shakespeare, William ref1

sheath ref1

shepherd ref1

she-wolf ref1

shield ref1, ref2

shinbone ref1

shingles ref1

ship ref1

ship of state, the ref1

shopkeepers, shops and shopping ref1

shrines ref1, ref2

sibilant, sibilus ref1

Sibyls ref1

side ref1

sieben ref1

sieges ref1

signa, signs ref1

sillubos ref1

simile, similis ref1

simulacrum, simulo ref1

Simylus ref1

sincere, sine cera, sine cura, sinecure ref1

singing ref1, ref2

sinners ref1

siphon ref1

sistrum, the ref1

sitos ref1

skeleton, skeletos ref1

skênê ref1

skeptikos, skeptomai ref1

skheda ref1

skholê ref1

skull ref1

slavery, justification of ref1

slaves ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

and law ref1

manumission ref1

numbers ref1

treatment ref1

small ref1

smallpox ref1

smaragdus ref1

snapdragon ref1

sneezing ref1

snowdrop ref1

soccus ref1n

social ref1

social welfare ref1

societas, society, socius ref1, ref2, ref3

sock ref1n

Socrates ref1, ref2

soil ref1

soldier ref1, ref2, ref3

solemnly promise ref1

solidus ref1, ref2

solution, solutus, solvency, solvo ref1

sophist ref1

Sophocles ref1

sôphrosunê ref1

Soranus ref1

sordes, sordida ref1, ref2

souls ref1, ref2

South Shields ref1

Spanish ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4

speaker ref1

special, specialis, species, speciosus, specious ref1n, ref2

spectacle, spectacular, spectaculum, spectator, specto ref1, ref2

speech ref1

spell-casting ref1

spelling ref1

sphaira ref1

sphondulos ref1

spica, spicata, spike ref1

spindle ref1

spondeios ref1

spondeo ref1

spondulicks ref1

SPQR ref1

spring ref1

Stachys ref1

stans, stanza ref1

star ref1

state, the ref1, ref2

state-authorized ref1

statesmanship ref1

statua, statues, statura, stature, status ref1, ref2, ref3

steersman ref1

stems ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

stencil ref1

stereo ref1, stereos ref2

stigma ref1

stilus ref1

stipend, stipendium ref1

stipula, stipulatio ref1

stoa ref1

stock exchange ref1

stoicism ref1

stomach, stomachus, stomakhos ref1, ref2

stone ref1

Strabo ref1

strata ref1n

stratêgêma, stratêgos, strategy ref1

straw ref1

street ref1n

strength ref1

structure ref1

suasoriae ref1

subiugo, subjugation ref1

Suetonius ref1, ref2

suffixes ref1, ref2

suffrage(tte), suffragium ref1

sugar cane ref1

Sulla, Emperor ref1

sullabê ref1

Sulpicius Gallus ref1

sumptôma ref1

sun ref1

sundesmos ref1

sunflower ref1

supercilium ref1

superstes ref1

superstitio, superstition ref1, ref2

supplementum, suppleo ref1

surdus ref1n

surgeon ref1, ref2

surrender ref1

syllaba, syllables ref1, ref2

syllabary ref1

syllabus ref1

symptoms ref1

syringe, syrinx, Syrinx ref1

ta metaphusika ref1

ta phusika ref1

tabellae, table, tablet, tablette, tabloid ref1

taberna ref1

tabula ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

tabula rasa ref1

Tacitus ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

tail ref1

Tarquin, King ref1

tavern ref1

tax and taxation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

tax-collectors ref1

technical words, invented ref1

tegula ref1

tekhnê, tektôn ref1

television ref1

temenos, temnô ref1

temper ref1

temperament, temperamentum ref1

temperantia ref1

template, temple, templum ref1, ref2, ref3

tenement blocks ref1

tenses ref1

tepidus ref1

Terence ref1, ref2, ref3

Terminus ref1

terra, terreo, territory ref1

Tertullian, Emperor ref1

tessares, tessellated, tesserae ref1

testa ref1

testamentum ref1n, testatio ref2

tetanos, tetanus ref1

tête ref1

Teutoberg Forest, battle of ref1

text, textum, textus ref1

Thales ref1

Thales of Miletus ref1

theatre, theatron, theatrum ref1

Theophrastus ref1, ref2

theôria, theory ref1n

theriacula, thêriakê ref1

thermae, thermos ref1

things ref1

thôrax ref1

three ref1, ref2, ref3

threnody, thrênôidia ref1

threshold ref1

Thucydides ref1

Tiberius, Emperor ref1, ref2

tibia ref1

Tibullus ref1

Tigellius ref1

tightrope walker ref1

tiles ref1, ref2

Timochares ref1

tinsel ref1

tiro ref1

Tissot, André ref1

Titus, Emperor ref1, ref2

tonic, tone, tonos ref1

tooth ref1

torrid, torridus ref1

trade ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

tradesmen ref1

tragedy ref1

tragos, tragus ref1

Trajan, Emperor ref1, ref2, ref3

trayas ref1

treacle ref1

treatise ref1

treaty ref1, ref2

tree-trunk ref1

treis ref1

Trent, Council of ref1

tres ref1, ref2

três ref1

tri- ref1

tria ref1

triacle, triacula ref1

trial proceeding ref1

tribe, tribune, tribunus, tribus, tribute, tributum ref1, ref2, ref3

trivium, the ref1

trumpeter ref1n


tuba, tube ref1

tuber ref1

tuberculosis, tuberculum ref1

tueor ref1

tumpanon ref1

tuphos ref1

turannos ref1

tutor, tutus ref1

Twelve Tables, the ref1

twig ref1

tympany ref1

Tyndale, William ref1

typhoid fever ref1

tyrannus, tyrants ref1

ulcus ventriculi ref1

Ulpian ref1

uncta popina ref1

unguentaria ref1

unguis ref1

United States of

America ref1

unlawful conduct ref1

urban, urbane, urbanus, urbs ref1

usefulness, utilitas, utility ref1, ref2

usura, usury ref1

vacca, vaccination ref1

vagina, vainilla ref1

Valerius ref1

Valerius Maximus ref1

Valerius Soranus ref1

vallum ref1n

values ref1

variatio, varius, varus, vârus ref1n, ref2, ref3

Varro ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Varus, Lucius

Betilienus ref1, ref2

Vater ref1

veal ref1

vegeo, vegetables, vegetate, vegeto, vegetus ref1

Velius Longus ref1

vellum ref1

vendo, vendor ref1n

venerate ref1

venereal disease ref1

verbs, verbum ref1, ref2

vermiculatum, vermiculus, vermin ref1

verna, vernacular, vernaculus ref1

vernal, vernus ref1

Verres ref1, ref2

verse, versus, versus ref1, ref2n

vertebra ref1

Vesta (goddess of the domestic hearth) ref1

Vestal Virgins ref1

vestigium ref1

Vesuvius, eruption,

AD 79 ref1, ref2

veterani, veteranus ref1

veto ref1

viaduct ref1

viagra ref1

vicar, vicarius ref1

victima ref1, ref2

vigorous ref1

villa, villain, villanus ref1

vindicatio ref1

vindicta ref1

vinum ref1n

violate ref1

violence ref1, ref2

violet ref1

Virgil ref1, ref2

Aeneid ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Georgics ref1, ref2

virility ref1, ref2, ref3

virtue, virtus ref1, ref2, ref3

virulent, virus ref1

vis ref1

vita beata ref1

Vitellius, Emperor ref1

vitellus ref1

Vitruvius, On

Architecture ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

vitulus ref1

vocativus ref1

voice ref1

volcano ref1

volition ref1

volume, volumen ref1

voluntary, voluntas ref1

volvo ref1

vôs ref1

vote, voting, votum ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

vowel sounds ref1

Vulcanus ref1

vulgar ref1

Vulgar Latin ref1, ref2

vulgus ref1, ref2

walking hospital ref1

wall ref1n

war and warfare ref1

glory of ref1

peace ref1

sieges ref1

strategy ref1

warm ref1

water ref1

water supplies ref1

wealth ref1

weapons ref1

wedge ref1

which was to-be-proved ref1n

white ref1, ref2

who stands to gain ref1

whole ref1

wide ref1

William Duke of

Normandy ref1

willow ref1

wills ref1

wine ref1n

wing ref1, ref2

winter ref1

winter sweet ref1

witalos ref1

witchcraft ref1

with ref1, ref2

woman, women, fertility ref1

writers ref1

writing ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

writing tablets ref1, ref2

Wycliffe, John ref1

Xenophon ref1, ref2

xiphos ref1

yard ref1

year ref1

you ref1

YouGov survey, classicsforall ref1

young boy, young girl ref1

Zeno ref1, ref2

Zeus ref1, ref2

Zeuxis ref1