The Cell
All living things show similar characteristics, such as the ability to reproduce and the need for energy. In this section students are introduced to some of the basic characteristics of living things. The use of energy is examined closely, beginning with the production of ATP within mitochondria, the transfer of this energy through the organism, and the use of energy to maintain life. Activities in this section specifically focus on the characteristics of life, conversion of ATP to ADP, the steps of the cell cycle, cell organelles and their roles, roles of enzymes, differences between plant and animal cells, photosynthesis, and respiration.


Is It Alive?
Biology is the study of living things. Scientists have a set of criteria that an organism must possess in order to be considered alive or once living. For example, viruses are not classified as living things because they cannot reproduce without the help of a host. In this activity you will determine some of the characteristics of living things.
202 Materials
Small animal (such as an ant) in a covered container (handle carefully; release after the activity is done)
Small plant (such as a potted fern or clump of grass)
Magnifying glass
1. Think of several different living things. Make a list of all the characteristics you think a living thing must possess to be considered “alive.”
2. Once your list is complete, look at the ant and the fern and see whether they possess all these attributes. You may want to add to or delete characteristics from your list at this time.
3. Now examine the rock and see which attributes it lacks.
203 Follow-Up Questions
1. What characteristics did you decide are common to living things?
2. What characteristics did the rock lack that ruled it out as a living thing? Did it have any characteristics that living things also possess?
204 Extension
Visualize a mushroom and an amoeba. You may need to look these up in a textbook or on the Internet. Do these two organisms meet the criteria for living things that you established? Do you need to add additional characteristics or delete some you established about the animal and plant you observed earlier?


Cells require energy for chemical reactions such as respiration and photosynthesis. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy-supplying molecule in cells. An ATP molecule is made up of three phosphate groups, each with the formula PO4. When ATP loses a phosphate group, it becomes adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and releases large amounts of energy to the cell. Eventually ADP reclaims a phosphate group and becomes high-energy ATP again. In this activity you will create a model of ATP and ADP.
205 Materials
Masking tape; Pen or marker; String (about two inches long); Small plastic container with lid
1. Place the small plastic container with lid on a table.
2. Tear off four one-inch pieces of masking tape. Write “PO4” on three pieces of tape. Write “E” on the fourth piece.
3. Tape one PO4 on the lid of the container. Place the second PO4 near the bottom of the container (on the exterior) and the third near the middle of the container (on the exterior).
4. Remove the lid of the container. Tape the piece of string on the underside of the lid so it dangles downward. At the free end of the string attach the E.
5. Place the lid back on the container (with the E on the inside).The closed container represents a molecule of ATP. The E inside the container represents the energy of this molecule.
6. Remove the lid. You have removed a PO4 and with it energy has been released. Now the molecule is called ADP. To make it ATP again, you must replace the lid.
206 Follow-Up Questions
1. How many phosphates does ATP contain? What does an ATP molecule possess that is important to cell function?
2. How many phosphates does ADP contain? What happens to it when it gains a phosphate?
207 Extension
Look up molecular diagrams of ATP and ADP. What elements are found in each of these energy molecules? What are some other energy molecules found in cells during cellular respiration?


Muscle Fatigue
The cells in your body get energy from the breakdown of carbon-rich compounds such as glucose. In the presence of oxygen, cells can completely convert glucose into large amounts of ATP, an energy molecule. During times of exercise, adequate supplies of oxygen may not be available to every cell. When oxygen levels are low, cells convert glucose to a small amount of energy and a waste product, lactic acid. When lactic acid builds up, it makes your muscles feel tired and sore. In this activity you will carry out an exercise to produce lactic acid in some of your muscles.
208 Materials
Unopened large can of food or hand weight
Watch with a second hand
1. Pick up the can of food or a hand weight with your nonwriting hand.
2. Place your elbow on the desk and do one bicep curl by lifting and lowering the can.
3. Once you have the hang of it, do this exercise as quickly and as many times as possible for one minute. After a minute, note how your arm feels. Are you tired in any part of your arm? If not, repeat the bicep curl for another sixty seconds.
Follow-Up Questions
1. The act of doing the bicep curls was a biological process, and all biological processes require energy. After the exercise, did your arm feel tired? If so, what part of your arm?
2. What do you think happened on a cellular level to account for your tiredness?
3. Do you think some people in the class felt more fatigued than others? Explain your answer.
209 Extension
While standing, rise up and down on your toes repeatedly for one minute. How do you feel? What area of your leg is the sorest? Find out which students in your class run or exercise a lot. How did their responses to this exercise differ from those of students who do not exercise often?


Getting Started
The life cycle of a cell includes a period of growth followed by mitosis, or cell division. During the growth period, called interphase, cells increase in size. Just before cell division, chromosomes, structures that hold the cell’s genetic material, copy or replicate themselves so that each new cell will have a copy. This activity will summarize the first steps of the cell cycle.
210 Materials
Paper plate; Small ball of red modeling clay; Small ball of blue modeling clay; Two thumbtacks
1. Use the red clay to make two rod-shaped chromosomes about the size of your little finger. Make two similar chromosomes from blue clay.
2. The cell cycle begins with interphase. Place one red chromosome and one blue chromosome on the paper plate. These represent the cell’s genetic material during interphase.
3. When it is almost time for a cell to divide, it makes a copy of its chromosomes. To show the replication of the red chromosome, place the second red rod next to the original. The original red rod and its copy are now called sister chromatids.
4. Connect these two sister chromatids with a thumbtack to represent the centromere, the place where sister chromatids come in contact.
5. To show the replication of the blue chromosome, place the second blue rod next to the original. Both blue rods are now sister chromatids.
6. Connect these two sister chromatids with a thumbtack.
211 Follow-Up Questions
1. How many chromosomes did the cell have in interphase?
2. What happened to these chromosomes?
3. What structure holds sister chromatids together?
212 Extension
Explain how this activity would differ if your paper-plate cell had forty-six chromosomes instead of two.


The Process
After copying its chromosomes, a cell is ready to divide into two new or daughter cells. Cell division has several steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During these steps, the original chromosomes and their copies split up. Next, the cytoplasm separates in a process called cytokinesis. The two new cells formed by cell division have the same number of chromosomes. They also have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.
213 Materials
Paper plate with sister chromatids from Activity 6.4; Two paper plates; Scissors
1. In prophase, the first step, the red and blue chromosomes are ready for cell division.
2. Move the red and blue chromosomes to the center of the plate to simulate metaphase.
3. Remove the centromere holding the two red sister chromatids together and separate them slightly. Do the same for the blue sister chromatids. This step demonstrates what happens in anaphase. Each sister chromatid is now called a chromosome.
4. During telophase, chromosomes reach opposite ends of the cell and the cell begins to divide. Further separate the chromosomes. Use scissors to partially cut the top and bottom sections of the plate.
5. Continue to drag the chromosomes off the old plate. Place each on a daughter cell plate to simulate cytokinesis, division of the cytoplasm.
214 Follow-Up Questions
1. The cell in this demonstration began mitosis with two chromosomes. How many chromosomes did it have at the end of mitosis?
2. Why must a cell make a copy of its chromosomes before cell division?
215 Extension
Look up a description of the process of meiosis. Model this process using clay and paper plates.


When It Comes to Cells, Small Is Good
Why are single-celled organisms so small? Why can’t an amoeba grow to the size of an elephant? Cells rely on diffusion to get nutrients. Diffusion is the movement of particles from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Nutrients must be delivered to all parts of the cell. This activity will show why large size can be a problem.
216 Materials
Potato cube with a 1 cm3 volume (prepared by the teacher)
Potato cube with a 3 cm3 volume (prepared by the teacher)
Small beaker of Lugol’s solution (purchased) or iodine
Plastic knife
Paper towel
1. Place both cubes of potato in the beaker of Lugol’s solution. Potatoes contain starch, which takes on a blue-black color in Lugol’s solution.
2. Leave the potato cubes in the solution for four minutes.
3. Use forceps to remove each of the cubes and place them on a paper towel on a table.
4. Both cubes should have a blue-black coloration. To see how far the solution has traveled into the potato cubes, use the knife to cut the cubes open and look inside.
217 Follow-Up Questions
1. In which cube did the Lugol’s solution (or iodine) get closer to the center?
2. The cubes represent cells. Would nutrients be more likely to diffuse to all parts of a small cell or a large cell?
3. Oxygen diffuses into cells in a similar way to how Lugol’s solution diffuses into potato cubes. Would you expect a large cell to be able to supply oxygen to all of its parts?
218 Extension
Try this activity with potato cubes of different sizes. Allow more time for soaking in Lugol’s solution. Do you get similar results?


Saltine Crackers and Amylase
A protein is a large molecule found in cells. The unique structure of a protein determines its function. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions, helping transform one substance into another. The enzyme amylase, found in saliva, changes starch into sugar. In this activity you will experience how this transformation occurs.
219 Materials
One-half of an unsalted saltine cracker
Small paper cup of water
1. Remove any gum or candy you may have in your mouth and drink the cup of water.
2. Place the saltine in your mouth, but do not chew it. Just hold it in your mouth.
3. Note any changes in taste you experience over the next few minutes.
220 Follow-Up Questions
1. What did the saltine taste like when you first put it in your mouth?
2. Did you experience any change in taste over the time you held the saltine in your mouth? Explain.
3. Discuss what you think was happening in your mouth while you held the saltine.
221 Extension
Verify what actually occurred in this activity by placing a few drops of iodine in a test tube containing a sample of cornstarch mixed with a little water. Iodine turns purple when exposed to a starch. Collect some of your saliva and mix it with cornstarch in another test tube. Allow a few minutes for the reaction. Test this with iodine. What do think will happen?


Shoestring Venn Diagram
Although plant and animal cells share some basic similarities, they also have some distinctions. For instance, both plant and animal cells have a nucleus, but only plant cells have a cell plate, a divider that forms during cell division. In this activity you will group terms in a Venn diagram depending on whether they represent characteristics of plant cells, animal cells, or both.
222 Materials
Two colored shoestrings; Notebook paper; Scissors
1. Write the following terms double-spaced on your notebook paper:
Animal cell
Plant cell
cell membrane
cell wall
large vacuoles
2. Cut out the terms so that each term is on a small rectangle of paper.
3. On a table, make a circle with each shoestring, overlapping the circles so you have three separate areas as in a Venn diagram.
4. Look over the terms you have cut out. Place “Plant cell” over the left circle, “Both” over the middle where the circles overlap, and “Animal cell” over the right circle. See Figure 6.1.
5. Place the remainder of the terms in their proper locations within the circles. Refer to Figure 6.2 if you need reminders about animal and plant cells.
223 Follow-Up Questions
1. Which terms did you place in the animal cell region?
2. Which terms did you place in the plant cell region?
3. Which terms were characteristic of both plant and animal cells?
FIGURE 6.1. Shoestring Venn Diagram
FIGURE 6.2. Animal and Plant Cells
226 Extension
Plants and animals are made up of eukaryotic cells, cells with nuclei and membrane bound organelles. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, cells without nuclei or membrane-bound organelles. Use your shoestring Venn diagram to classify the following terms as prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or both:
cell membrane
undergoes mitosis
earliest cells on Earth


Temperature and Paperase
Enzymes are proteins that speed up the rate of a chemical reaction. Without enzymes, chemical reactions in our bodies would proceed too slowly for us to survive. Factors such as pH and temperature can affect optimal enzyme function. Enzymes in the human body function best at 37 degrees Celsius, body temperature. If the temperature of the body varies too far from that point, enzymes are adversely affected. In this activity you will model how low temperatures may alter enzyme function.
227 Materials
Two large sheets of construction paper; Stopwatch; Two or three cubes of ice in a container; Paper towel
1. Imagine that your hands represent a fictitious enzyme that we’ll call paperase. The sole function of this enzyme is to tear paper into very small pieces about the size of peas.
2. Pick up one piece of construction paper and begin tearing it into very small pieces. Time yourself for twenty seconds. After twenty seconds, count the number of pieces of small paper. Record that number.
3. Take the cubes of ice and rub them back and forth in your hands for sixty seconds. Quickly dry your hands on a paper towel. Immediately repeat step 2 with the second piece of construction paper.
4. Compare the number of pieces you were able to tear in both cases.
228 Follow-Up Questions
1. How many pieces of paper did paperase produce the first time? How many pieces were produced the second time?
2. What was the difference in these two trials?
3. Explain what this activity demonstrated.
229 Extension
If you are not familiar with the words substrate and active site, look them up. What was the substrate in the above activity? Find out how the structure of an enzyme molecule is affected by high temperatures.


Surface Area and the Folded Membrane
Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of cells, because they produce energy by chemically breaking the bonds in sugar molecules. Many of the energy-producing reactions occur on the mitochondria’s inner membrane. The inner membrane is highly folded, giving it plenty of surface area. This activity will show how folding of the inner membrane increases its surface area.
230 Materials
Small box of envelopes
Metric ruler
1. Remove the envelopes from the box and set them aside.
2. Calculate the total surface area of the box in square centimeters (cm2). To do this, multiply the length of one side of the box by the height of the box. Do this for all six sides and add the six values.
3. Calculate the total surface area of one envelope by following the procedure in step 2. When you find the surface area for one envelope, multiply that number by the number of envelopes. This will give you the total surface area of the contents of the box.
231 Follow-Up Questions
1. What is the surface area of the box itself? What is the surface area of the contents of the box (the envelopes)?
2. How are the envelopes in the box similar to the inner membrane of the mitochondria?
232 Extension
Try this procedure using a box of tissue. Is the surface area greater or less in this case? Explain.


Formula Scramble
Autotrophs, such as plants, produce organic compounds (like glucose) through the process of photosynthesis, in which light and carbon dioxide combine to make glucose and release oxygen. Respiration is the opposite process in which living organisms use oxygen to break down organic molecules (like glucose) to produce energy needed for survival and release carbon dioxide and water. This activity will allow you to construct the chemical formula for these two processes.
233 Materials
An envelope containing the following words and symbols on individual pieces of paper (prepared by the teacher; see Teacher’s Notes):
1. Empty the envelope of words and symbols on the desk.
2. Begin by combining pieces to form the word equation for photosynthesis.
3. Underneath this equation use the remaining words to form the equation for respiration.
4. If you did it correctly, you will not have any leftover pieces of paper. If you do, reexamine your equations to find your error.
235Follow-Up Questions
1. Write the word equation for photosynthesis. Write the word equation for respiration.
2. How do plants and animals depend on each other for survival?
236 Extension
Respiration produces carbon dioxide gas. One way you can verify the production of carbon dioxide in your own respiration is by blowing into a container of bromthymol blue solution (prepared by the teacher; see Teacher’s Notes). Use a straw to bubble air into a large test tube partially filled with bromthymol blue. What happens to the color? If it changes to yellow, this is evidence of the addition of carbon dioxide. If you want to see it change back to blue, put a radish seedling in the yellow chemical, stopper it, put it in the sun, and leave it twenty-four hours. What do you think will happen?