Barbecue Joints,
Catfish Kitchens, and
Meat and Threes

Eating Out Southern-Style

I can remember my first foray into an expensive New York restaurant shortly after moving from the South. I was served two bite-size pieces of decorative meat, swathed in sauce that reached to the edge of the plate with a colorful drizzle to make the plate appear full. There was a carrot frilled to resemble a garnish. I was thrilled with the beautiful presentation and absolutely horrified when I realized this was not a sample of the food but the actual entrée, for the same price I would pay for a nice pedicure. In the South, a restaurant experience means the food is piled high and you get three sides, a salad, pie, and sweet tea. All that, and the biscuits are free. Yes, I like dining out where you don’t have to eat when you get home because you’re starving. I love re-creating my favorite restaurant experiences at home too. The food in this chapter is pure comfort!