xxiii Archives of the Max Planck Society: AMPG, VI. Abt., Rep. 1, Otto Warburg, Nr. IV/14
24 Photograph by Georg Pahl, The German Federal Archives
60 Archives of the Max Planck Society: AMPG, VI. Abt., Rep. 1, Otto Warburg, Nr. I.2/1
68 Photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann, National Archives and Records Administration
100 Top: Archives of the Max Planck Society: AMPG, VI. Abt., Rep. 1, KWI für Zellphysiologie, Nr. I/10
100 Bottom: ullstein bild
112 Photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann, National Archives and Records Administration
136 ullstein bild
143 Photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann, National Archives and Records Administration
192 Photo published in the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, January 9, 1949
216 Private Collection of Frederic Burk
246 Private Collection of Frederic Burk
312 ullstein bild - Jung
313 ullstein bild
329 ullstein bild