
Page numbers have been removed from the index for this electronic edition. To locate any of the following terms, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

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Adams, Jerome

Aiken, Ann

certification of Juliana for interloculatory appeal

on court authority to mitigate on behalf of the oppressed

on right to a stable climate

air conditioners


boreal forest

earthquakes and volcanoes

economic dependence on oil industry

salmon fishing

sea ice and permafrost

state budget cuts and oil revenues


Alaska Climate Research Center

alternative fuels

Althoff, Don

American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers

American Petroleum Institute

Americans for Prosperity

Anchorage Daily News

Anderson, Clinton, letter to President Kennedy

An Inconvenient Truth

Antarctic ice melt

Arcosanti experimental town

Army Corps of Engineers

Arrhenius, Svante

atmospheric trust litigation

bacteria problems

from hurricane damage

lack of cold weather

Bakken crude oil

Bannon, Steve

Baring, Nathaniel (plaintiff)

competitive skiing

home and lifestyle

internship with Senator Murkowski

litigating harms

on thermokarst

bark beetles. See also pine beetle damage

Barrett, Vic (plaintiff)

on climate impacts on Garifuna people

on judicial delay

litigating harms

Bayou Bridge Pipeline


as habitats

rationale for public beaches

temporary protective measures

tourism industry

Bell, Michael

Bell, Zealand (plaintiff)

early environmental awareness

home and family

litigating harms

Big Tobacco playbook

biodynamic farming

Bloomberg News

Boiling Point (Gelbspan)

boreal forest

Boutrous, Ted

Brown v. Board of Education

Bush (GW) administration

environmental actions

protestors during

surgeon general

Butler, Jaime (plaintiff). See also Navajo Nation



harms / litigating harms

reason for joining plaintiffs

sheep camp experiences

Callendar, Guy

Camp Fire (Paradise, CA)

coping narratives

disaster response set-up



federal agencies responding


press conference and Q & A

remaining buildings

road into

role of Butte County officials

role of FEMA


Trump claims of forest mismanagement


Captain Climate costume

carbon dioxide emissions

early warnings


reduction of

US share of

carbon sequestration

carbon taxes

Carey Act

Carlson, Ann

Carmona, Richard

Chancellor, Steven


Chisholm, Ken


civil rights

Brown v. Board of Education

Juliana as a civil rights case

Clark, Jeffrey Bossert

employment history

hostility to greenhouse gases regulation

as lead defense attorney

Clean Air Act

Clean Water Act

Clement, Jules

“Climate Cassandras,”

climate change

acknowledgement by government experts

comparison to tobacco health crisis

as a conspiracy

early warnings and predictions

effects, generally


ignorance of

public perception of

as a social justice issue

climate denial

comparison to Catholic sex abuse scandal

fossil fuel industry seeding of

inaction and

press responsibility for legitimizing

reasons for

climate remediation

comparison to business insurance

cost of doing nothing

difficulty of implementing

economic aspects

individual vs. group solutions

moderate gains

personal mindfulness

public fears

climate remediation plans

Drawdown Plan

expert witnesses on

government role in

Navajo Nation

Netherlands’ implementation of

plan sought by plaintiffs

Clinton administration surgeon general


Bush (GW) administration actions

“clean coal” as term

Navajo Nation’s economic dependence on

Obama-era rules

Trump administration appointees’ support of

Coats, Dan

Cohn, Gary

cold temperatures, effects of declining

bacteria survival

bark beetle infestations

Coleman, Haven


fire season

pine beetle tree damage

Columbia Journalism Review (CJR)

Columbia River

environmental aspects

as protest site

Columbia University

Conway, Erik M.

Coquille Tribe

coral reefs

Corrigan, Sheryl

Coupland, Douglas

Crass (band)

Crawfish: The Musical


Dakota Access Pipeline


Deepwater Horizon oil spill

defense strategy

aggression of

Big Oil playbook

Clark as lead attorney

comparison to tobacco defense

dismissal and delay

expert witnesses

government acknowledgement of climate science

separation of powers argument

writ of mandamus

DeGeneres, Ellen


DeSmog Climate Disinformation Research Database

Detjen, Jim

DiCaprio, Leonardo

Diné. See Navajo Nation

disaster trauma

disinformation campaigns

DeSmog Climate Disinformation Research Database

fossil fuel industry

funding of

legitimization of fakes and pundits

tobacco industry

displacement. See also migration

Camp Fire (Paradise, CA)

Hurricane Michael

Indigenous communities

planning for

from weather-related disasters

District Court of Oregon. See also Aiken, Ann

Draheim, Leigh-Ann

Draheim, Levi (plaintiff)

Captain Climate costume

characteristics and beach life

harms / litigating harms

public speaking

relationship with other plaintiffs

Drawdown Plan

drought conditions

Navajo Nation

role in bark beetle invasions

role in wildfires

Dunleavy, Mike

Durbin, Dick

Earth Day (1970)

Earth Guardians

Earth Liberation Front


Theth Hour (documentary)

Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

endangered species

Endangered Species Act

The End of Oil (Roberts)

Energy Modeling Forum (EMF)

energy rations

Energy Transfer Partners

environmental protections

deregulation of

environmental laws

public trust doctrine

Trump administration rollbacks

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

characterization of regulation efforts

power to regulate greenhouse gases

recommendations to halt global warming (1983)

removal of web page on climate change

under Trump administration

ethanol fuels program


expert witnesses

on climate remediation plans

on decarbonization

for the defense

disputes among

for the plaintiffs


ties to fossil fuel industry

on trauma effects

extinction, mass

Extinction Rebellion

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission




Northwest Fish Wars


fish kill


flooding (2018)

Hurricane Michael

lagoon system

Satellite Beach

Ford, Gerald, State of the Union address

Fortifying Alaska’s Future

fossil fuel industry. See also oil and gas industry; pipelines

alternative fuels

American entrenchment in

attempts to dismiss Juliana

companies and trade groups

disinformation campaigns

economic dependence on

government subsidization of

influence on media

organizations funded by

representation in government

think tanks supported by

Trump administration support of

Trump appointment of industry lobbyists

withdrawal from Juliana case

Foster v. Washington Department of Ecology

Fourth National Climate Assessment report

Fox & Friends (television program)

Foytlin, Cherri


on potential protest legislation

Foytlin, Jayden (plaintiff)

characteristics and home

on court delays

flood experience

litigating harms

on pipelines


social cost of activism

fuel efficiency standards


food waste

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

pervasiveness of

Garifuna people, climate impacts on

Gelbspan, Ross

generations and climate change


Gen X

Gen Z

intergenerational equity


Geophagia (band)

Geophysical Institute (Fairbanks, AK)

Gerrard, Michael

Glenn, Trey

global warming. See climate change

Goldfinger (film character)

González, Emma

Gordinier, Jeff

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

greenhouse gases. See also carbon dioxide emissions

agencies’ power to regulate

Drawdown Plan objectives

early warning of greenhouse effect

hostility to regulation of

from melting permafrost

overpopulation and

Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the Netherlands

Greenland ice melt

Green New Deal


Gregory, Philip

Grijalva, Raúl M.

groundwater loss


Hansen, James (plaintiff representing future generations)


hashtags for climate change

Hatton, Tia (plaintiff)

litigation harms



Herzog, Howard

Heywood, W. Scott

Hirsi, Isra

Hogg, David

Hoggan, James

Home Depot


death from drought conditions



human connection to nature

human rights

hurricanes and cyclones

climate change impacts on


Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Michael

long-term effects

Hurwitz, Andrew


ice melt


Indigenous communities

Ingraham, Laura

Inslee, Jay

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

climate assessment reports

panel members

International Center for Not-for-Profit Law

international law, nations relying on

Jackson, Lisa

Jacobson, Mark

Johnson, Lyndon B., on pollution

Johnson administration report on atmospheric carbon

Jones, Jody

Josea, Janelle

judicial remedy

Juliana, Kelsey (plaintiff)

on aging out

on delay of trial


on explaining the climate movement

on guilt

litigating harms

public speaking

on why Juliana matters

on youth burden of climate change

Juliana twenty-one. See plaintiffs

Juliana v. United States

arguments to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

as a civil rights case

comparison to Brown v. Board of Education

context of political inaction and youth frustration




interloculatory appeal

legal skepticism on success of

media coverage

motion to freeze fossil fuel development on public lands

“no ordinary lawsuit,”

potential outcome of victory


Kavanaugh, Brett

Kennedy, Anthony

Kennedy Library

Kids vs. Global Warming

King, Martin Luther

Kivlehan, Sophie (plaintiff)

compulsion to act

litigation harms

Klamath Tribe

Knight Center for Environmental Journalism

Koch, Charles

Koch brothers

Koch Industries

Koop, C. Everett

Kovarik, Bill

Kyoto Protocol

LaMalfa, Doug

Laudato si’ (encyclical on care of the environment)

L’eau Est La Vie camp

Lebel, Jacob (plaintiff)

activist connection with Alex Loznak

on activist role



family farm

litigating harms

LNG pipeline opposition

media attention to

on plaintiffs’ goal

Little Colorado River

livestock management

Loorz, Alec


Atchafalaya Basin

Clement No. 1 well

crude oil and natural gas production rankings

flooding (2016)

fossil fuel dependence

Jennings oil field

oil industry in

Loznak, Alex (plaintiff)

activist connection with Jacob Lebel



family farm

harms / litigating harms

on having a good villain

influence of Mary Christina Wood

interviews and speeches

legal research

time at Columbia University

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge


mandamus, writ of

Margolin, Jamie

Marshall Islands

Martinez, Xiuhtezcatl (plaintiff)

on blame

on hope

immersion in hip-hop

Indigenous connection

influences on

litigating harms

on media coverage of environmental issues

media presence and public speaking

Twitter exchange with Trump

We Rise (book)

McGahn, Dan

McRae, Avery (plaintiff)

Capitol Hill experience

Halloween party

harms / litigating harms

home and family life

love of animals

McRae, Holly

McRae, Matt

media coverage. See also disinformation campaigns

balancing of viewpoints

blind spot on youth activism and climate fight

carrot and stick dynamic

dedicated climate-related outlets

journalists’ stress

Juliana v. United States

lack of agreed-upon facts

legitimization of fakes and pundits

as missed opportunity

most important thing a reporter can ask

national news shows and articles

newspapers and wire services

op eds

of Patagonia demonstration

plans for extended

press relationship with the public

press responsibility for conveying facts

pressure from fossil fuel industry


responsibility for legitimizing climate denial

seating in the jury box

selection and elevation of media figures

television networks

Three Mile Island reporting

Thunberg luring of

Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes)

migration. See also displacement

Mitchell Act

Montreal Protocol

Mosquito Fleet

Mrs. Nixon campaign, Toronto (2009)

Murkowski, Lisa

Murthy, Vivek



as grassroots movement

NASA Carbon Monitoring System

National Academy of Sciences

National Guard

native plants

Navajo Nation

climate adaptation plan


diminishment of wildlife and plants



fossil fuel dependence

wild horses

Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife

Navajo Times

Nelson, Jim

Never Again Campaign

New York Times

Nez Perce fishers

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

dismissal of Juliana case

hearing on whether trial should go forward

history of intervening in disputes


Trump frustrations with

Nixon administration Energy Future report

Northwest Fish Wars

NowThis News

Obama, Barack, State of the Union Address

Obama administration

oil and gas production during

response as target of Juliana

support of alternative fuels

surgeon general

Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria


absorbing of greenhouse gases

coral reefs

sea level rise

warming of Atlantic

oil and gas industry. See also fossil fuel industry; pipelines

in Alaska

Bush (GW) administration actions

dependence on Mideast oil

in Louisiana

natural gas reserves in India

oil trains

Taylor Energy oil well

Trump administration actions

US production

Olson, Julia (plaintiffs’ lead attorney)

argument to Ninth circuit

awareness of global warming

filing of youth lawsuits

founding of Our Children’s Trust

influence of Mary Christina Wood

as a mother

speech on courthouse steps

on standing with young people

as victim of gun violence

Oommen, Kiran (plaintiff)



celebrity as a strategic lever


influence of United Church of Christ

litigating harms

role in Patagonia demonstration

sighing on to Juliana

World Council of Churches meeting


environmental corrections


fire season

history and geography

ideology of natural values

legal history

Mount St. Helens eruption

native people


Willamette Valley agriculture

Oregon Petition

Oregon State Sanitary Authority

Oreskes, Naomi

Our Children’s Trust

appeal of Juliana dismissal

butcher paper mural of evidence

encouragement of social media

first meeting with attorneys

founding of

strategic meetings and speakers

summer camp

Pacific Connector Natural Gas Pipeline

Page, Elly

Paris Agreement

Parkland shooting

Pash-Bell, Kim

Patagonia demonstration


arrival of Patagonia


dock workers

media coverage

participation of Kiran Oommen


reason for


Perdue, Sonny


Perry, Rick

Philadelphia Inquirer

Pickax (band)

Pimlott, Ken

pine beetle damage

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration


Bayou Bridge Pipeline

as climate tipping point

Dakota Access Pipeline

opposition to

Pacific Connector Natural Gas Pipeline


sovereign lands and

threat of fire

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project

Trunkline Pipeline


Piper, Aji (plaintiff)

celebrity on Capitol Hill



Foster v. Washington Department of Ecology

life aesthetic

litigating harms

Mrs. Nixon campaign as source of inspiration

plaintiffs. See also individual names of plaintiffs



as a class of citizens denied equal rights

courtroom appearance and demeanor

expert witnesses for

focus of complaint

harms / litigating harms

importance of not being arrested

planned courtroom strategy

as political stage props

press conference in front of Supreme Court

proof of harm

recruiting and assembling of

sense of community

#YouthvGov hashtag

Pleistocene epoch

polar ice, melting of

polar region research

political indorsements sought from plaintiffs

Pompeo, Mike

Portland Rising Tide

Port of Vancouver USA Commission

presidential libraries

protests and demonstrations. See also Patagonia demonstration


Crawfish: The Musical

Earth Day (1970)

fear experienced by protestors

Fridays for Future

Gen X attempts

intolerance of

L’eau Est La Vie camp

legislative penalties for protestors

non-violent direct action

Oregon as haven for

Standing Rock

US Youth Climate Strike

Pruitt, Scott

public land use

for alternative fuel sources

for oil, gas, and mineral extraction

plaintiffs’ motion to freeze fossil fuel development on

public opinion

Gallup poll on global warming concerns

percent of Americans believing in climate change

public trust doctrine

Puyallup Tribe



rainfall amounts

Rainforest Action Network Mrs. Nixon campaign



Ray, Rebel


renewable energy

rental cars



Robertson, Philip

Rockefeller family

Rockman, Marcy

Rodgers, Andrea

Sabin Center for Climate Change Law





wind effect on

Sanders, Bernie

Satcher, David

scientific literature


attacks on

as expert witnesses

as ideologues

Scopes trial

sea bean (hamburger seed)

sea level rise

as climate tipping point

displacement and

habitat impacts

impacts on beaches

rate of

temporary control measures

sea turtles

separation of powers in defense arguments


Shabecoff, Phil

Shanahan, Patrick

sheep in Navajo culture


snowfall, reduced

snow leopards

social media

Society of Environmental Journalists

Soleri, Paolo

Standing Rock protests

Staton, Josephine L.

Stiglitz, Joseph

Stolt, Lydia

storm intensity

straw boycott

Sumner, Daniel

Sunrise Movement

surgeons general

Sweeney, James

tar sand investments


Three Mile Island, reporting on

Thunberg, Greta


iconography of

testimony before US Congress

UN Climate Action Summit

TigerSwan security company

Tillerson, Rex

Tlaib, Rashida

tobacco industry

C. Everett Koop on smoking

disinformation campaigns

tobacco defense

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project

Trash Island


boreal forest water damage

climate breakdown threats to

economic impact of losses

pine beetle damage

plans to expand logging and thinning on federal land

promotion of burning for energy

severe weather damage

US Forest Service

Trump, Donald

appointment of fossil fuel industry lobbyists

campaign style

comparison to Goldfinger

dropped as named defendant

leadership style

Twitter exchange with Martinez

Twitter firings

views on Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Trump administration


climate denial

response to Juliana

rollback of environmental protections

use of writ of mandamus

Trunkline Pipeline

Twilight Cafe (Portland)

United Church of Christ

University of Alaska budget and oil revenues

Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the Netherlands

US Coast Guard

US Congress

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

party control of

plaintiffs’ testimony before

US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. See Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

US Department of Agriculture

US Department of Defense

US Department of Energy

US Department of Justice. See defense strategy

US Department of the Interior

US District Court for the District of Oregon. See District Court of Oregon

US Forest Service

USGS (United States Geological Survey)

US Protest Law Tracker

US Supreme Court

Chief Justice Roberts on judicial independence


decisions on Juliana

US surgeons general

US Youth Climate Strike

Valentine, Sahara (plaintiff)


litigating harms

Van Susteren, Lise

Van Ummersen, Hazel (plaintiff)


litigating harms

Venner, Marie

Venner, Nick (plaintiff)

on actions of individuals vs. systems

on axioms

on chaos theory

on government’s position

harms / litigating harms

home and community

obsession with environmental causes

pet bird

social cost of activism

Veresen, Inc.

Vergun, Isaac (plaintiff)

description and demeanor

litigating harms

Vergun, Miko (plaintiff)



litigating harms

on past generation’s role in climate crisis

Villasenor, Alexandria

von Neumann, John

voting as remedy

Washington Post

water pollution

water table

We Rise: The Earth Guardians Guide to Building a Movement That Restores the Planet (Martinez, with Justin Spizman)

Weyant, John

Wheeler, Andrew

Whitehouse, Sheldon

White House Council on Environmental Quality

wildfires. See also Camp Fire (Paradise, CA)

Williams, James H.


Window-Smashing Job Creators (band)

Wood, Mary Christina

on demoralization of activists

on efficacy of environmental legislation

on government’s role in environmental protection

on intervening role of Ninth Circuit Court

Nature’s Trust (book)

on public trust doctrine

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

writ of mandamus

Yankton Sioux Nation


burden of climate change on

climate organizations founded by

reactionary culture

Zephier, Journey (plaintiff)

cultural practices

litigating harms

Zero Hour campaign

Zinke, Ryan

Camp Fire press conference

on climate change

ethics investigations of

political aura

rollback of environmental protections