In 1679, Uematsu Tanomonosuke, under the guidance of Suga Gensai Masaie, developed Mukaku Ryū, a samurai school of chū-kodachi (shortsword) and shuriken-jutsu (the art of the throwing blade). The tradition has been passed down in the Uematsu family from that time until now and is taught by Uematsu Yoshiyuki Sensei. While other branches did form, he is considered the primary lineage. The skills of his school are being revealed for the first time to anyone in any language outside the school, and it is a privilege to share these ancient skills with the world. I personally hope that these teachings reach dedicated students, and that those wishing to fully engage with these skills—who may also hopefully become licensed teachers—will visit japan to study under the grandmaster.

The scrolls of Mukaku Ryū in Uematsu Yoshiyuki’s care are all handwritten by him from his family teachings, which, of course, does not cement his school in history. However, upon researching the school, a collection of three Mukaku Ryū scrolls were found on the rare book market in Tokyo and were sold as Edo Period scrolls of Mukaku Ryū. This scroll set was found by Mieko Koizumi and me, ensuring that no tampering occurred. Even after the branch schools had spent possibly hundreds of years apart, the teachings in the school remained, in title and name, the same, as seen in figure 18.1.


The grandmaster lineage as given by Uematsu Sensei:

1. Uematsu Tanomonosuke Yoshiharu (上松頼母介義治)

2. Uematsu Gondayū Yoshinaga (上松権太夫義長)

3. Uematsu Shin’emon Yoshisada (上松新右衛門義祇)

4. Uematsu Kuranoshin Yoshichika (上松藏之進義局)

5. Uematsu Uneme (Kazuma) Yoshishige (上松采女(主馬)義蕃)

6. Uematsu Shinzaemon (Shin’emon) Yoshitoyo (上松新左()衛門義豊)

7. Uematsu Kuranoshin Yoshitsugu (上松藏之進義次)

8. Mori Gohō (森悟峰)

9. Uematsu Torao (上松寅雄)

10. Uematsu Ichiji (上松一二)

11. Uematsu Yoshiyuki (上松義幸)

Figure 18.1. Grandmaster Uematsu’s scroll (below) and the Edo Period scroll (above) found by Antony Cummins and Mieko Koizumi. The skill sets remain the same in both.


Antony Cummins says: Kodachi literally means “smaller greatsword,” a small tachi. In this case the “t” sound in tachi becomes “d.” The kodachi is the main sword used in the Mukaku Ryū system.

Figure 18.2. A section of Grandmaster Uematsu’s scroll and his drawing of one of the skills.

Basic Chū-Kodachi Sword Skills in Mukaku Ryū (無覚流中・小太刀, Mukaku Ryū Chū Kodachi)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This skill is done both to the left and the right.

Figure 18.3. Sanpōgiri (三方切)

Figure 18.4. Kotezume (小手詰)

Figure 18.5. Ōzume (大詰)

Figure 18.6. Kakegiri (掛斬)

Figure 18.7. Migikiri Hidarikiri (右切左切)

Figure 18.8. Ainuki (相抜)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This is a fast cross-walk where you move to the side of the opponent before he fully draws his weapon. The walk is shown in figure 18.9.

Figure 18.9.

Figure 18.10. Surinuki (摺抜)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This step has small jumps to the side. In our school the swordsman will move with speed and a small leap to cut the enemy.

Figure 18.11. Kaerimi (返身)

Figure 18.12. Unryū (雲瀧)

Figure 18.13. Kumotsuke (雲附)

Figure 18.14. Hiryū (飛瀧)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: When you have defended against an overhead cut, crouch and slice the inside of the opponent’s leg.

Figure 18.15. Hien (飛燕)

Figure 18.16. Raikō (雷光)

Figure 18.17. Kasumigiri (霞切)

Figure 18.18. Tappi (達飛)

Figure 18.19. Enkai (猿廻)

Figure 18.20. Enpi (猿飛)


Grandmaster Uematsu says: The following nine positions are the guards and stances of our school. They are divided into three sections: upper, middle, and lower. You strike in the direction the blade naturally wishes to move in.

Upper Position (上段, Jōdan)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: The first three are in the upper position.

Figure 18.21. Saishōken (最勝剣)

Figure 18.22. Kenshōken (見性剣)

Figure 18.23. Shichiyōken (七陽剣)

Middle Position (中段, Chūdan)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: The second three are in the middle position.

Figure 18.24. Seikiken (勢竒剣)

Figure 18.25. Chūseiken (中正剣)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This guard is also to stab from.

Figure 18.26. Manshōken (萬勝剣)

Lower Position (下段, Gedan)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: The third three are in the lower position.

Figure 18.27. Sanseiken (三成剣)

Figure 18.28. Bichūken (備中剣)

Figure 18.29. Shinmyōken (心明剣)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This is the end of the nine sword positions and their applications.


Figure 18.30. The Kuji section in Grandmaster Uematsu’s scrolls, with the associated gods and Sanskrit equivalent

The nine positions of the Kuji ritual:

• Rin () is associated with the deity Bishamonten (毘沙門天).

• Pyō () is associated with the deity Jūichi-men Kan’non (十一面観音).

• Tō () is associated with the deity Kongō Nyoirin (金剛如意倫).

• Sha () is associated with the deity Fudō Myō’ō (不動明王).

• Kai () is associated with the deity Aizen Myō’ō (愛染明王).

• Jin () is associated with the deity Shō Kan’non (聖観音).

• Retsu () is associated with the deity Senju Kan’non (千手観音).

• Zai () is associated with the deity Miroku Bosatsu (弥勒菩薩).

• Zen () is associated with the deity Daikokuten (大黒天).

Antony Cummins says: Kuji is found in many schools and is a recurring theme in samurai teachings. On the whole the outline is the same, but each school may have their own secrets and usages. The kuji nine-step ritual is also a preparation for jūji—the tenth symbol when using esoteric magic.

How to perform the ritual of kuji no in:

Step 1: The Sword Hand Position

Grandmaster Uematsu says: Place your fingers into your hand as shown in figure 18.31. This symbolizes the sword. You then withdraw this “blade” from its “scabbard.” The hand now becomes the sword, ready to perform the ritual of kuji.

Figure 18.31.

Step 2: Draw the Grid in the Air

Grandmaster Uematsu says: Draw all nine lines to form the grid in front of you. We have a secret tradition in our school about the third line.

Secret tradition: The secret tradition is to flick the fingers out to the right on the third line, as shown in figure 18.33.

Figure 18.32.

Figure 18.33.

Step 3:

Grandmaster Uematsu says: When the ninth line is finished, make a low guttural shout, saying the sounds “a-un.”

Antony Cummins says: “A-un” represents the beginning and the end of all things. This is said with power but not said too loudly.

Figure 18.34.

Step 4:

Grandmaster Uematsu says: Hold up the sword fingers and blow the energy away.

Figure 18.35.

Figure 18.36.

Step 5:

Grandmaster Uematsu says: Place the sword fingers back in their scabbard. Now that the ritual is done, you have hidden your power of intent. You are now ready to kill your enemy.

The deepest secret of kuji in Mukaku Ryū: In Mukaku Ryū, kuji is used to help the samurai kill an enemy. When a samurai of this school wishes to kill a foe, he has to hide his killing intent. Therefore, before he approaches the target to make his kill, he performs the ritual out of sight. Doing this dispels the killing intent, making the samurai’s intentions invisible to the adversary.

Antony Cummins says: The enemy may feel the samurai’s intent to kill, therefore this ritual dispels and hides the intent. The samurai then approaches the enemy with less energy emanating from him.

Once performed, a samurai may restore his lost power by chanting the following spell three times:

On kirikyara harahara futaran Pasotsu Sowaka

Kuji can also be performed with a real sword:

Figure 18.37. Grandmaster Uematsu performing the ritual of kuji with a sword


Grandmaster Uematsu says: This is the hidden element of martial arts that lies below the surface. It can also be known as onken-jutsu (hidden blades) or an-kenjutsu (dark blade art). It is used to defeat an enemy, both distant and close. This is achieved by holding [the blade] and hiding it without it being noticed by the opponent. Even small blades of five sun [6 inches] can overcome a larger blade of three shaku [3 feet].

Concerning Shape (形状之事, Keijō no Koto)

There are many shapes of shuriken, each according to its school, including these, among others:

bōjō (spike)

jūji (cross)

hiragata (plate)

Train and consider how to throw and stab with them.

[Types of Shuriken recorded by the current Grandmaster:]

Figure 18.38. Katori Shintō Ryū: square cross section (角型, kaku-gata)

Figure 18.39. Enmei Ryū: knife-bladed (短刀型, tantō-gata)

Figure 18.40. Shirai Ryū: round cross section (丸棒型, marubō-gata)

Figure 18.41. Mukaku Ryū: square cross section, with angled edge (四角型, shikaku-gata)

Figure 18.42. Tōden Mōen Ryū [no title]

Figure 18.43. Yagyū Ryū: cross style (十字型, jūji-gata)

Figure 18.44. Tsugawa Ryū: plate (平型, hira-gata)

Figure 18.45. Negishi Ryū: eight-sided (八角型, hakkaku-gata)

The Art of Posture and Form (構形之事, Kamae Kata no Koto)

When throwing and striking with a shuriken against the enemy, adopt the appropriate method for each shuriken.

Figure 18.46. Reversed

Grandmaster Uematsu says: The shuriken spins over only half a turn before the spike hits the target.

Figure 18.47. Straight hold

Figure 18.48. Dart-like

Grandmaster Uematsu says: The shuriken is thrown in a similar [yet not the same] way as in the Western sport of darts.

Gauging Distance (目測之事, Mokusoku no Koto)

Correctly estimate the distance between you and the enemy, judge the advantages and disadvantages, and throw in an appropriate fashion so as to defeat the enemy.

Throwing the Blade (打剣之事, Uchi-ken no Koto)

Anytime that you strike with the blade, throw and gain victory with the intention to kill the enemy.

Skills with the Hidden Palm Blade (掌剣型之事, Shōken-gata no Koto)

[Skills with the hidden palm blade are the following skill sets:]

Palm blade: basic form (掌剣型, shōken-gata)

Figure 18.49. Basic palm blade from the scroll and its modern replica

Palm blade: cross form (十字掌剣, jūji shōken)

Figure 18.50. Cross palm blade from the scroll and its modern replica

Grandmaster Uematsu says: Hide these in the palm of your hand, and with a flicking motion, allow the spike to come into position, as shown in figure 18.51.

Figure 18.51.

Figure 18.52. An example of the secret weapon in use

Mukaku Ryū Skill List

Antony Cummins says: The following is a list of the skills found in Mukaku Ryū’s tradition. Note that the target changes from side to side; make sure to check your starting posture in relation to the target.

Figure 18.53. Forward posture (正面打, choku-uchi)

Figure 18.54. Sideward posture (横打, yoko-uchi)

Figure 18.55. Rear-turning posture (後転打, kōten-uchi)

Figure 18.56. Stationary throwing (不動打, fudō-uchi)

Figure 18.57. Quick throwing (速転打, sokuten-uchi)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: This is to hold a bunch of shuriken in your left hand and to throw them in quick succession with your right hand.

Antony Cummins says: If you are left handed, hold them in your right hand and throw with your left. This is about holding the shuriken in the nondominant hand and throwing with the dominant hand.

Figure 18.58. Throwing from kneeling (膝打, hiza-uchi)

Figure 18.59. Moving in and throwing (遠近打, enkin-uchi)

Grandmaster Uematsu says: In this skill you can hide one blade while allowing the enemy to see a blade in your other hand. This takes the enemy’s focus away from your hidden weapon. Next bring the hidden shuriken into position—which may require you to flip it—and then throw it at the enemy. Another method is to hide both blades in your hands.

Pretend to throw the shuriken, but in fact do not [instead use the action as a feint]. When the enemy [reacts] and lets his guard down, throw it at him.

Antony Cummins says: This is to pretend to throw a shuriken at the enemy. When he reacts to defend himself, quickly make the throw for real and hit him as he comes out of his first defense. This has a two-heartbeat feel, in that you pretend to throw, and almost on the second beat, you really throw.

Throw a shuriken and pretend to have finished throwing [all your blades]. However, hide a single blade [in the left hand] and use it to pierce the enemy’s eye. This skill is used as a final measure.

Figure 18.60. Striking with a hidden blade (隠持打, inji-uchi)

Figure 18.61. The deceptive fox throw (狐疑心打, kogishin-uchi)

Figure 18.62. The crab-eye throw (蟹目打, kanime-uchi)

Antony Cummins says: This skill is to have either a hidden blade or Mukaku Ryū’s secret weapon in your left hand. When you throw a shuriken, flip the hidden blade into the correct position and stab the enemy in the eye.

Figure 18.63. The fire blade of confusion (火乱剣, kaenken)

Figure 18.64. The fire blade of confusion

Throw the knife that you are holding in your right hand at the enemy.

Antony Cummins says: This skill is to throw a knife at the enemy so that he cuts the thrown blade out of the air with his sword. As he defends himself against the thrown blade, you should strike him down.

The above is our scroll and list of shuriken-jutsu (skills with the hidden blade).

[Praise] Hachiman Daibosatsu

[Praise] Bishamonten


The founder of the school was Uematsu Tanomonosuke Yoshiharu.

The current grandmaster of Mukaku Ryū is Uematsu Yoshiyuki.

Complied in 2005 [from our ancient ways].

This is the end of Mukaku Ryū’s teachings.