
Cover    i

Half Title Page    ii

Series Page    iii

Title Page    iv

Copyright Page    v

Dedication    vi

Series Preface     ix

Invocation    xi

Introduction: An Invitation to Friendship    1

1. The Limits of Marriage    7

2. The Confusions of Friendship    13

3. Friendship as Success at Being Human    29

4. Friendship and Beauty    39

5. The Weirdness of Divine Love    49

6. Biblical Friendships    59

7. Christian Friendship and Christian Love    75

8. Unapologetic Celibacy    93

9. Is There Friendship in the Trinity?    117

10. Examples of Friendship    125

11. All Together Now    143

Postscript: Concrete Practices    151

Credits and Acknowledgments    157

Notes     159

Scripture Index     169

Subject Index     171

Back Cover    174