Appendix B. CCNP Enterprise Core ENCOR 350-401 Official Cert Guide Exam Updates

Over time, reader feedback enables Pearson to gauge which topics give our readers the most problems when taking the exams. To assist readers with those topics, the authors create new materials clarifying and expanding on those troublesome exam topics. As mentioned in the Introduction, the additional content about the exam is contained in a PDF on this book’s companion website, at

This appendix is intended to provide you with updated information if Cisco makes minor modifications to the exam upon which this book is based. When Cisco releases an entirely new exam, the changes are usually too extensive to provide in a simple update appendix. In those cases, you might need to consult the new edition of the book for the updated content. This appendix attempts to fill the void that occurs with any print book. In particular, this appendix does the following:

Always Get the Latest at the Book’s Product Page

You are reading the version of this appendix that was available when your book was printed. However, given that the main purpose of this appendix is to be a living, changing document, it is important that you look for the latest version online at the book’s companion website. To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1. Browse to

Step 2. Click the Updates tab.

Step 3. If there is a new Appendix B document on the page, download the latest Appendix B document.


The downloaded document has a version number. Comparing the version of the print Appendix B (Version 1.0) with the latest online version of this appendix, you should do the following:

  • Same version: Ignore the PDF that you downloaded from the companion website.

  • Website has a later version: Ignore this Appendix B in your book and read only the latest version that you downloaded from the companion website.

Technical Content

The current Version 1.0 of this appendix does not contain additional technical coverage.