Now that you know about the brain-protecting effects of healthful foods, exercise, and attention to the effects of medicines and medical conditions, let me invite you to walk with me from the laboratory to the kitchen. It is time to put that knowledge to work.
In the next chapter, we’ll trace out a brain-enhancing menu to give you optimal nutrition, along with a simple way to ease into it. We’ll break the process into steps that are so simple that I have never seen anyone who couldn’t follow them. Whether you like to cook or prefer to eat at restaurants—or even fast-food places—we’ve got you covered.
Next, we’ll tackle food cravings—those annoying times when less-than-healthful foods just won’t take no for an answer. I’ll show you what these foods are doing inside your brain and what to do about it.
Finally, we’ll arrive at a treasury of delightful recipes, devised by Christine Waltermyer and Jason Wyrick. Page through them, see which ones call out to you, and give them a try.