

With this book coming so soon after Dreams of Awakening I’d assumed there might be fewer people to thank, but in fact there are perhaps even more!

Firstly I’d like to thank all the contributors: Rob Nairn, Robert Waggoner, Daniel Love, Ryan Hurd, Clare Johnson, Luigi Sciambarella, Tim Freke, Keith Hearne, Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, Sergio Magaña, Nigel Hamilton, John Lockley and Stanley Krippner.

Although there have been many people who’ve contributed to this book, I take full responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies within the text, and I apologize for any and all of these.

Thanks to all those who kindly read through sections of the various drafts and offered corrections and advice, including Robert Waggoner (thanks so much for the advice), Rob Nairn, Albert Buhr, Melanie Schädlich, Daniel Love, Violet Lim and Nick Begley.

Special thanks to the case study subjects – Antonio, Nina, Kerri, Bruno, Millie and Ester – for being so kind and courageous in sharing your experiences.

Thanks to Debra Wolter for the tireless editing work, and Michelle, Amy, Jo, Ruth, Jessica, Duncan, Tom, Julie and the rest of the brilliant team at Hay House for all their hard work. Probably the best publisher to work for in the world.

To my teachers, Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, Rob Nairn, the late Akong Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche, the late Mervyn Minall-Jones and Lama Zangmo, for their kindness and patience with me.

To the London Samye Dzong Buddhist Centre sangha, with whom I have lived for the past four years, and to all those who choose to take the road less travelled.

To the Mindfulness Association for their continued support, Ya’Acov Darling Khan for guidance, Gateways of the Mind, Sergio Magaña for the world tour, Albert Buhr for the massages, the THROWDOWN community that I think of every day, and all my dear friends.

Huge thanks to my mum, dad, brother and family, who have continued to support me. And to my fiancée Jade, for keeping me grounded with her Northernness.

Thanks to all the people I’ve had the pleasure of teaching lucid dreaming to around the world, and finally, thanks to you for reading this book. I wish you full lucidity in both your waking and dream lives!