

acceptance 56–7, 86

compassionate 57, 86

and letting go of judgement 165–8

addictions 37–40

adrenaline deactivation 139

alcohol 141

almonds 139

Amitabha Buddha 148

Aquinas, Thomas 103

archetypes 77, 78, 79–80, 106

higher self (Self) 10, 78, 79–80

and the ‘other 1 per cent’ 161–8

shadow see shadow

Aristotle 101

aromatic plants 142–3

Aserinsky, Armand 107

Aserinsky, Eugene 106–7, 108

associative thinking 61

Austin, Valerie 14

autosuggestion 94

and the MILD technique 94–5

ayahuasca 122


B vitamins 137–8

Bly, Robert 80


activation in lucid dreaming 3, 4, 6–7, 8, 12–13, 58–9

and calcium 139

creating/strengthening neural pathways 12–13, 28, 34

imaging technology 6, 31

left-brain cognizance 59

and magnesium 140

neuroplasticity 12, 28

prefrontal cortex 3, 6–7, 12

right hemisphere 58–9

serotinin-based cortical arousal during REM sleep 138

waves see brain waves

brain waves

delta 49

gamma 8

monitoring 106

Buddha, Gautama 145

Buddhism, Tibetan see Tibetan Buddhism

bush eyes 41


calcium 139

camalonga seed essence 144–5

cannabis 141

Castenada, Carlos 133

Chaac Mol technique 120

cheddar 139

cheeses, hard 139

chi energy 150–51, 169

Chichimecas 119

Christianity 103–4

clary sage 143

collective unconscious 77–8, 106

archetypes in see archetypes

and the ‘other 1 per cent’ 161–8

Columbo method 71–3

compassion 32, 88, 117, 148

and acceptance 57, 86

mantra 88

meditations 145

see also kindness

cortex, prefrontal 3, 6–7, 12

creative dreaming 58–65


Dalai Lama 58

Dance and Dreaming retreats 23

death 116–17

after-death process 163

communication with energetic resonance of dead people 163

lucid living and fear of death, case study 171–4

preparation for 178

delta brain waves 49

Devereux, Charla 102

Devereux, Paul 102

dimethyltryptamine (DMT) 122

dream anomalies 7

dream diaries/journals 20–25, 43

dream recall 16, 17

boosting techniques 19

and recording 18–25, 43

dream signs 42–4

dream yoga, Tibetan xii, 20–21, 115–18, 158, 170


as gateways to the unconscious 14

lucid see lucid dreams

nightmares 83–9

non-lucid 8, 13, 73

reality checks in see reality checks

red 148

remembering see dream recall

sexual 27–9

time spent in dreaming in everyday experience 71

witnessing 92


eating regimes 140–41

Eden, Frederik Willems van 104

EEG (electroencephalography) 6, 106, 146

ego 11

energy levels 149–51

enlightenment 59, 116

accessing our enlightened knowledge 62–5

enlightened people and the ‘other 1 per cent’ 163–4


falling asleep consciously (FAC) 127–31


and awareness 83

of interacting with the unconscious 33–4, 35

lucid living and fear of death, case study 171–4

overcoming 33–5

phobias 33

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) 6, 31

food regimes 140–41

Freke, Timothy 174–6

Freud, Sigmund 13, 105

friendliness 57–8

making friends within the dream 13, 16, 35, 57–8, 79, 168–9 see also shadow: integration

‘frog from the well’ story 44–5

full moons 145–6

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 6, 31


Gackenbach, Jayne 10, 158

gamma brain waves 8

Garfield, Patricia 27

Creative Dreaming 108

Greeks, ancient 101–2

Green, Celia: Lucid Dreams 108

guided meditations

‘seeing beyond the well’ 46–8

sleep meditations 53–4


Hamilton, Nigel 123

healing 157–61

curing subjection to

nightmares 83–9

hands-on, within lucid dream 148, 159

kidney disease case study 159–61

of shortsightedness 148, 159, 181–210

through unpacking of psychological baggage 32–5, 178

Hearne, Keith 109–14

herbs 142, 143

Hervey de Saint Denys, Marie-Jean-Léon, Marquis d’ 104, 142

HGH (human growth hormone) 49

higher self (Self) 10, 78, 79–80

human growth hormone (HGH) 49

Hurd, Ryan 23–5

hypnagogic state 49, 52–3

hypnagogic affirmation 92–7

hypnagogic meditation 53–4

steps to extend 53

hypnopompic state 51, 153–4


Ibn al-Arabi 123

imaginary rehearsal 29–32


Inception (film) 36

self-inception 36–40, 148

individuation 81

shadow integration 57, 80–82, 86–9, 179

International Osteoporosis Foundation 139

Islamic dream work 123–4


Jerome, St 103

Jesuits 103

Johnson, Clare 59–62

judgement, letting go of 165–8

Jung, Carl Gustav 21, 77–9, 81, 105–6, 170


Kellogg, Ed 91

kinaesthetic feedback 30

kindness 13, 32, 58, 148, 149, 150, 174 see also compassion

Koran 123–4

Krippner, Stanley 120–23

Krishnamurti, Jiddhu 56


LaBerge, Stephen 66, 113–14

MILD technique 94–5

Lockley, John 124–6

Love, Daniel 71, 72–3

lucid dreaming benefits xiii, 8, 178–9

case study of choosing a new career path 63–4

case study of letting go 165–8

of creativity 58–65

in curing nightmares 83–9

of enlightenment see enlightenment

of fun 4, 27–9, 154

of healing see healing

of mental stability 9–10

of overcoming addictions 37–40

of overcoming fear and phobias 33–5

psycho-spiritual see psycho-spiritual healing/growth

of self-awareness 9–10

of self-inception 36–40

of a sexual nature 27–9

shamanic 121–2

of training without risk 29–32

lucid dreaming enhancement, natural 137–55

with alcohol avoidance 141

with camalonga seed essence 144–5

with eating regime 140–41

exploring the hypnopompic 153–4

with full-moon day practice 145–6

with meditation 152

with minerals 139–40

with napping 152

with scents and aromatic plants 142–3

with vitamins 137–9

lucid dreaming practice

and acceptance see acceptance

and the ancient Greeks 101–2

benefits see lucid dreaming benefits

and Christianity 103–4

common entries 7, 66, 132

controlling the dream 10–12

creative 58–65

and death 116–17

and friendliness 57–8

healing through see healing

Islamic tradition 123–4

keep learning 153

and kindness 13, 32, 58, 148, 149, 150, 174 see also compassion

and lucid living see lucid living

and the lucidity spectrum 90–92

making friends within the dream 13, 16, 35, 57–8, 79, 168–9 see also shadow: integration

Mexihca tradition 118–20, 148, 158

natural enhancement of see lucid dreaming enhancement, natural

and nightmares 83–9

ocular signals given during 109–12

and the ‘other 1 per cent’ 161–8

planning 147–9

power of the mind in 36, 158 see also self-inception

reality checks see reality checks

scheduling 145–6, 154

shamanic 118–19, 120–22

sports training within state of 29–32

staying in the dream 132–4

Sufi tradition 123–4

techniques see lucid dreaming techniques

and Tibetan Buddhism see Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan dream yoga xii, 20–21, 158, 170

Toltec tradition 35, 118, 119–20, 148, 158

as a tool for self-reflection 165–8, 178–9

and the unconscious see unconscious mind

Western awareness, 19th and 20th centuries 104–14

Xhosa tradition 124–6

lucid dreaming techniques 43–8, 83–4, 94–9

Chaac Mol 120

dream recall boosting 19

to enhance lucidity with natural means see lucid dreaming enhancement, natural

falling asleep consciously (FAC) 127–31

Johnson’s tips on creative lucidity 60–61

Lucid Writing (Johnson) 61

MILD 94–5

multiple wake-ups 131–2

reality checking see reality checks

Sciambarella’s tips 98–9

spotting dream signs 42–4

Tibetan dream yoga xii, 20–21, 115–18, 158, 170

of the Toltec-Mexihca tradition 118–19, 120, 148, 158

wake, back to bed 96–7

WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream) 127

lucid dreams

control of 10–12

creative 58–65

fear of 34–5

getting to know the territory 41–54

making friends within the dream 13, 16, 35, 57–8, 79, 168–9 see also shadow: integration

misunderstandings about 4–5

nature of 3–8

nightmares 83–9

and the passage of time 7–8

planning 147–9

realism of 5–6, 9, 10, 27–8

and science 6–7, 8, 30, 84–5, 106–14 see also brain

sexual 27–9

triggers of 43–4 see also dream signs

trusting in the dream 62–5

lucid living 169–76

Freke’s tips 175–6

Lucid Writing technique (Johnson) 61

Lucidity Institute, California 66, 68

lucidity spectrum 90–92

lucidity tank 149–51


Magaña, Sergio 118–20, 158

magnesium 139–40

mantras 88, 181–2n10

meditation exercises 134

compassion meditations 145

at full moon 145

manifesting Amitabha Buddha 148

mindfulness meditation 152

‘seeing beyond the well’ guided meditation 46–8

sleep meditations 53–4

melatonin 146

Mesopotamians 87

Mexihca dream tradition 118–20, 148, 158

MILD (Mnemonic Initiated Lucid Dream) technique 94–5

mindfulness meditation 152

Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep approach 53

minerals 139–40

Mnemonic Initiated Lucid Dream technique (MILD) 94–5

moons, full 145–6

motor skill development 29–32

mugwort 142–3

Muhammad, prophet 123–4

multiple wake-ups technique 131–2

N, O

Nairn, Rob 7, 41, 56–7, 81, 163

nakedness, repression of 80

napping 152

negative emotions 57–8

neural pathways 12–13, 28, 34

neuroplasticity 12, 28

New Scientist 34

nicotine addiction 37–40

nightmares 83–9

NovaDreamers xi

out-of-body experiences xii


perfumes/scents 142–3

peyote 118–19

phobias 33

planning lucid dreams 147–9

post-traumatic stress disorder 83–4

problem-solving 61

projection 5, 33, 85, 162, 163, 169–70

and reality checks 67–9

prospective memory 94

and the MILD technique 94–5

psychic energy 150–51, 169

psycho-spiritual healing/growth 4, 8, 178

curing nightmares 83–9

enlightenment see enlightenment

and the facing of death 116–17

overcoming addictions 37–40

overcoming fear and phobias 33–5

shadow integration 57, 80–82, 86–9, 179

psychological baggage 32–5, 178


rapid eye movement sleep see REM (rapid eye movement) sleep

Rapport, Nathan 108

reality checks 66–73

Columbo method 71–3

looking at your hands 67–8

reading text 68

using digital/electrical appliances 68–9

Weird technique 69–71

red dreams 148

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep 4, 8, 50, 107–8, 109–10

and body paralysis 129

and falling asleep consciously 127, 129

during napping 152

serotinin-based cortical arousal during 138

repression 80

Rinpoche, Akong 115–16

Rinpoche, Mingyur 57–8

Rinpoche, Traleg 170

Rinpoche, Yeshe xii, 116–17, 149–50

Rolling Thunder (Native American) 121

rosemary 142


sankalpa (statement of intent) 147, 149

scents 142–3

Sciambarella, Luigi 98–9


‘beyond the well’ 46–8, 178

through illusions 9–10, 169

Self (higher self) 10, 78, 79–80

self-doubt 33–4, 167–8, 179

self-inception 36–40, 148

self-reflection 165–8, 178–9

sensory motor skill development 29–32

serotinin 138

sesame seeds 139

sexual dreaming 27–9

shadow 79–80

integration 57, 80–82, 86–9, 179

and nightmares 83–9


and the Mexihca tradition 118–19

shamanic lucidity 120–22


and alcohol 141

deep non-REM stages of 8, 49

and full moons 146

hypnagogic stage see hypnagogic state

hypnopompic state 51, 153–4

journey into 50–2

light dreamless 49

made fun 4

magnesium and sleep patterns 140

and psycho-spiritual growth see psycho-spiritual healing/growth

REM see REM (rapid eye movement) sleep

stages 49–52

smells 142–3

smoking, overcoming nicotine addiction 37–40

sports training within state of lucid dreaming 29–32

Stevenson, Robert Louis 62

Sufi dream work 123–4

synchronicity 68, 79


techniques for lucid dreaming see lucid dreaming techniques

Thomas Aquinas 103

Tibetan Buddhism

dealing with negative emotions (Mingyur Rinpoche) 57–8

dream yoga xii, 20–21, 115–18, 158, 170

eating regimes 141

and the facing of death 116–17

and full moons 145

and the mind’s power in the lucid dreaming state 36, 158

Samye Ling Monastery 116, 117

time 7–8

Toltec dream tradition 35, 118, 119–20, 148, 158

triggers of lucidity 43–4 see also dream signs

tryptophan 138–9

Turner, Rebecca 138–9


unawareness xiii, 14, 170 in dreams 59

unconscious mind xiii, 11, 13–14

and acceptance 56–7, 86

collective unconscious see collective unconscious

creative inspiration from 59–65

exploration of 14–15, 33

fear of interacting with 33–4, 35

and Freud 13

intelligence of 33

messages from 15–16, 62–5

and the ‘other 1 per cent’ 161–8

relationship with 16–17, 33, 35, 45–8, 62–5

shadow see shadow

trusting its wisdom 62–5

Universal Mind 162, 179


video gamers 11–12


and healing 157–8

imaginary rehearsal in lucid dreaming state 29–32

and the MILD technique 94–5

waking 30, 79, 157–8

vitamins, B 137–9

voice recorders 23

W, X, Y

Waggoner, Robert 11, 91, 132–4, 153, 158

wake, back to bed technique 96–7

Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) technique 127

Weird technique 69–71

whitebait 139

WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream) technique 127

witnessing dreams 92

Worsley, Alan 109–11

Xhosa dream work 124–6

Millie Robson Photography