Almanzor [al/mn/zor] A Saracen chieftain.
Bezant [beznt] A gold coin of Byzantine origin.
Blazon [blayzn] A coat of arms.
Bliaut [blee/o] A tunic.
Boss A round metal knob at the centre of a shield.
Buckler A small round shield.
Byrnie [burnee] A long knee-length garment of leather, upon which metal rings were sewn in various patterns; for the protection of the body and the thighs in battle.
Caliph [ka(y)liff] A Saracen civil and religious leader.
Carl A villain.
Chain mail Armour made of small metal rings linked together.
Chausses [fr.] Mail leggings.
Coif [coyf] A skullcap worn under the helmet.
Cotte [cot] 1. A coat 2. A gown 3. A tunic.
Denier [den/ee/ay] A coin of little value; a penny.
Destrier [des/tree/ay] A war-horse; a charger.
Dromond [dromnd] A flat-bottomed barge.
Eme [eem] An uncle.
Emir [ameer] A Saracen prince or governor.
Esses Helmet adornments wrought in precious metal.
Fealty A feudal tenant’s fidelity to his lord.
Fief An estate held in fee by a vassal (q.v.) from a superior.
Geste [fr.] 1. A military exploit. 2. An epic narrative. 3. A clan
Gonfalon [gon/fa/lon] 1. A banner with streamers.
Haubergeon [haw/bur/jon] A sleevless coat of mail.
Hauberk [hawburk] 1.A long knee-length garment of chain mail (q.v.) for the protection of the body and the thighs in battle.
Jennet A small docile horse.
Jongleur [fr.] An itinerant musician.
Label A narrow strip superimposed on a coat of arms by an eldest son during the life of his father.
Liege lord A feudal superior.
Liegeman A sworn vassal (q.v.). A faithful follower.
Mangon [mangn] A gold coin worth two bezants (q.v.).
Matins A canonical hour of the breviary, ending at dawn.
Mewed Encaged; moulted.
Michaelmas [mick/l/muss] The feast of St. Michael (29th September).
Nielloed [nee/ell/ode] Enamelled black.
Olifant An ivory horn.
Oriflamme The sacred red banner of the abbey at Saint-Denis, Paris; traditionally handed to French kings upon the start of any war.
Paladin 1. One of the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne’s court 2. A knight errant; a champion.
Palfrey [pawlfree] A small docile horse.
Rowel [raowul] A spiked revolving disc at the end of a spur.
Sardon A quartz stone containing layers of onyx and sard.
Seizin [seazn] The possession or the taking possession of land by freehold.
Sendal [sen/dl] A fine silk material.
Solar An upper chamber.
Squire A knight’s attendant.
Sumpter A beast of burden.
Surcoat A flowing garment worn over armour.
Targe [targ] A small round shield.
Tonsure [tonshur] A part of a monk’s or priest’s head left bare on top by shaving off the hair.
Vassal A holder of land by feudal tenure.
Vavasour [va/va/sor] A vassal owing allegiance to a great lord and having other vassals under him.
Ventail [ventail] A flap of mail fastening across the mouth and lower face.
Vespers A canonical hour of the breviary. Ending at dusk.
Vièle [fr.] A five-stringed, lute-shaped instrument, played with a bow.
Villein [fr.] A peasant.
Wyvern [wivurn] A snake-shaped dart hurled by Saracen warriors.