The New Physiology

Lesson VI

As you now know what Vitality is and how simply animal life functions automatically by air pressure and air counter-pressure (on fish, etc., it acts exactly the same, by water instead of air), you may realize that medical physiology, the science of animal functions, is fundamentally wrong based on the following errors which have to be corrected by a New Physiology:

  1. The theory of blood circulation,
  2. Metabolism of the change of matter,
  3. High protein foods,
  4. Blood composition, and
  5. Blood building.


Medical physiology, pathological physiology, continues to find diseases, i.e., the cause of disease, with the microscope, and germ theory is now "fashionable." They will never find the truth and never understand what disease is as long as they have a fundamentally wrong conception of blood circulation.

As I have already explained, the fact has been overlooked that the lungs are the motoric organs of circulation, and the circulating blood drives the heart—the same as the regulating valve in an engine. That the bloodstream drives the heart and not the opposite can be seen through the two following facts:

  1. As soon as you increase air pressure by increased breathing, you speed the circulation and therefore the number of heart beats.
  2. As soon as you take into the circulation a stimulating poison—alcohol for example—you increase the speed of the heart. As soon as you take a nerve and "muscle-band" paralyzing poison—for example, digitalis—you decrease the speed of the heart. The medical profession has this exact knowledge, but in spite of their knowledge, arrives at the wrong conclusion that a mysterious power acts on the heart muscle driving the blood circulation.

Prominent engineers among my patients agreed with my concept after learning this new physiology, saying that the heart would make a model valve for any kind of engine.

How can it be logically proven that the heart controls the circulation, if through the circulating blood you can control the heart?

Increased air pressure through climbing a hill or running increases heart action, for the speed of the valve, as in an engine, depends upon the pressure.

Thirty years ago, a Swiss expert of physiology, although a layperson, demonstrated evidentially with animal experiments that a circulation as taught by physiology, and as originated by Professor William Harvey 38 in London 400 years ago, does not exist at all. Of course, no attention was given by medicine to his demonstrations. How can a "science" be erroneous?


Metabolism, or the "science of the change of matter," is the most absurd and the most dangerous doctrine-teaching ever imposed on humankind. It is the father of the wrong cell theory and of that most erroneous, albumen theory, 39 which will kill and stamp out the entire civilized Western world if its following is not stopped. It will kill you, too, someday, if you fail to accept the truth that a continual albumen replacement is unnecessary , and that you cannot gain vitality, efficiency, and health by protein as long as your human "engine" has to work against obstructions, which are in fact the cause of death of all humankind of the western civilization.

The erroneous idea that the cells of the body are continually used up by the process of life in their essential substance of protein and must be continually replaced by high protein foods can be and are evidentially refuted by my investigations, experiments, and observations on some hundred fasters. The facts are as follows, and you will again see that it is just as I teach and as I have experienced. What medicine calls and views as metabolism is the elimination of waste by the body as soon as the stomach is empty. Medicine actually believes that you live from your own flesh substance as soon as you are fasting. Even Dr. Kellogg 40 believed that the vegetarian becomes a meat eater when he or she fasts, and naturopathy has taken over, more or less, in principle these medical errors. 41 One believes that the human engine cannot run a minute without solid food, protein, and fat, and makes the erroneous conclusion that humans die and must die from starvation as soon as all their fat and protein is used up during a fast. 42 I found and have this to state:

Lean people can fast easier and longer than fat ones. The Hindu fakir, consisting of skin and bones, the leanest type in existence, can fast the longest time, and without suffering. 43 Where is there any "using up of the body" in this instance? I further found that the cleaner the body from waste (mucus) the easier and longer one can fast. Therefore a fast has to be prepared for by an eliminating and laxative diet. My world record of watched fasting of 49 days could be done under the conditions imposed only after using a strict mucusless diet during a long period of time. In other words, I could stand this long fast, and you can stand a fast much easier and much longer, the more the body is free from fat—which is partly decomposed, watery flesh—the more the body is free from mucus and poisons, which are eliminated as soon as eating is stopped, entirely or partly. The human body does not expel, burn up, or use up a single cell that is in vital condition! The cleaner—the freer from obstructions, from waste—the body is, the easier and the longer you can fast with water and air alone! The limit where real starvation sets in is yet unknown! The Catholic Church claims tests of holy people who fasted during decades. But the medical error even grows by teaching metabolism, claiming that you must replace cells (which are not used up as you can plainly see) with high protein food from a cadaver, partly decomposed meat , and which has gone through a most destructive heat process of cooking! The fact is that you accumulate more or less of the wastes in your system in the shape of mucus and its poisons as the slowly growing foundation of your disease and the ultimate cause of your death. Human imagination is evidently not sufficient to conceive the tremendous foolishness of this doctrine and its consequences, unmindful that its teachings are actually said to kill the individual and to finally kill all humankind!

Medicine—and the average man, of course—also believes that you are growing flesh and increasing "good health," if you daily increase your weight by "good eating." If the colon of a so-called "healthy" fat man or woman is cleansed of their accumulated feces—even though they have "regular" stools, he or she at once loses from five to 10 pounds of the weight called "health."

Weight of feces, figured by doctors as health! Can you imagine anything more erroneous, more wrong, more foolish, and at the same time more dangerous to your health and life?

That is the medical "science" of metabolism.



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