Confusion in Dietetics

Lesson XI

In this very important lesson, it is necessary for me to convince you, once and for all, of the following facts:

FIRST—that in food (in diet) lies 99.99 percent of the causes of all diseases and imperfect health of any kind.

SECOND—that consequently, all healing, all therapeutics, will continue to fail so long as they refuse to place the most important stress on diet.

THIRD—that what I call "mucusless diet" and "mucus-forming foods" divides characteristically all human foods into harmless, natural, healing, and real nourishing foods—and into harmful, disease-producing ones.

FOURTH—that all other dietetics are mainly wrong because they lay their stress on food values entirely, whether "wrong" or not, instead of the healing, cleaning, eliminating values, and their efficiency before the healing process is started, going on, or accomplished at all. (See Lesson V )

The dietetic problem, "What shall humans eat to be healthy or to heal their disease," is, in fact, the problem of life—as little as it is considered or even known as the most important question. Long ago, I coined the following phrase, "Life is a tragedy of nutrition." 58 The confusion and ignorance regarding what to eat is, in fact, so great that it must be necessarily called the "missing link" of the human mind.

That medical science and even so-called "natural" therapeutics see dietetics in general as a secondary question of healing is significant. Even the efficiency of a machine depends upon the quality and amount of its fuel. There is no longer any doubt existing regarding the fact that a plant depends more on the kind of soil rather than climate to produce a high-quality fruit. Farmers understand thoroughly that everything depends on what they feed their livestock. Health and disease of the animal and human body is 99.99 percent dependent on food. This is tremendously manifested by nature through the simple fact that every animal refuses food when sick. The animal instinct of responding to every disease or even accident by fasting is nature’s demonstration that health and disease depend mainly and entirely from eating or not eating, as well as the kind of foods.

That the average person, and even the reformed doctors, blames everything on earth, excepting food, as the cause of their disease is due to the tragic fact that disease is as yet a mystery in their minds. They don’t know how terribly unclean the inside of the body is caused through the life-long habit of overeating 10 times as much as required—in many cases harmful foods mostly, or even exclusively.

If the average eater, even in so-called "perfect health," fasts 3 or 4 days, their breath and the entire body as well as their discharges are of an offensive odor which signifies, demonstrates, and indicates that his or her system is filled up with decayed, uneliminated substances brought in through no other manner than by eating. This accumulated and continually increasing waste is his or her latent, unknown "disease," and when nature wants to eliminate it by any kind of a "shock," commonly known as disease, they first try everything to "heal" themselves excepting to fast, to stop increasing the cause of the disease—the inside waste.

You have now learned how wrong medicine is, trying to stop nature’s healing, eliminating process, called disease, and thereby increasing the inside waste through drugs and serums. But "natural" therapeutics of all kinds of elimination will never heal perfectly just so long as you fail to discontinue the supply of inside waste caused by eating and "wrong" eating. You may clean, and continue to clean indefinitely, but never with complete results up to a perfect cleanliness, as long as the intake of wrong or even too much right foods is not stopped.

If it is a fact that food alone is chiefly to blame for all disease—as nature so clearly demonstrates—then it is logical and self-evident that you can heal only by diet; and radically only, if necessary, with the most rational diet—fasting—nature’s only "remedy" in the animal kingdom.

Therefore, if any kind of diet shall heal, it must consist of food not according to food values as to their nourishing and rebuilding qualities, but according to qualities of healing, of cleaning, and of elimination.

Here is the cardinal reason why, as well as where, all other dietetics fail. My diet of healing, the mucusless diet, divides, as stated above, all foods strictly into two kinds: certain ones which heal and certain ones which produce disease.

It is not sufficient, as the layperson imagines, to only know which foods are mucusless and which are mucus-forming, but:




This is the SYSTEM of the Mucusless Diet and Fasting. It represents what THE PRACTITIONER HAS TO STUDY AND MUST LEARN , and what the layperson does not know, and consequently why they must inevitably fail when trying to cure a person with "good foods."

After the foregoing explanation, you will at once see in the following critique of the best known dietetics why they are imperfect and why the confusion is so great. In later lessons, you will also learn of every kind of food, why it is good, and why bad. In case you are still unaware which of the foods are mucusless and which mucus-forming, they are as follows:

All fruits, raw or cooked; also nuts and green-leaf vegetables are mucus-free. 59

All other foods of civilization, without exception , are mucus and acid-forming, and therefore are harmful.



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