Special Transition Recipes
Being known as a "diet expert," I receive continual requests for a "diet book," or at least a collection of food combinations, mucusless recipes, and menus.
Many volumes have already been published by numerous dieticians, which are now on the market. They call them "scientific diets," but not one of them is in accord with Nature, such as exists in the animal kingdom, and which is SIMPLICITY, with absolutely no mixtures at all.
I must again remind you that cattle, for instance, when in the wilderness eat absolutely nothing else other than grass during their entire life. No animal when eating combines different foods at the same time or even drinks between mouthfuls of food, with the possible exception of domesticated animals changed into mixed eaters by civilized humans.
The ideal, and at the same time most natural, method of eating for humans is one kind of fresh fruit, in season, and you will soon notice after you have been living on the transition diet for a while, that you will feel more satisfied and in fact are better nourished with one kind of fruit, than with all kinds of scientific mixtures or prepared, made-up foods. This condition cannot of course take place until your body is perfectly clean.
During the transition diet, I use food combinations and mixtures prepared from cooked, steamed, or baked foods for technical reasons, to better perform the healing process intelligently, systematically, and under control.
Vegetables and Fruits
My experience has taught me that only raw celery, lettuce, carrots, and beets combine well with fruits. In general, it is best never to use more than three kinds with the same combination. Always use one kind as the prevailing "stock" or base.
For a bad, acid, or "mucused stomach," use menus consisting of more vegetables and very little fruits. For a stomach in better condition, or the average stomach, use more fruits and fewer vegetables.
The following is an example:
Fruit acid dissolves waste and forms gases; fruit sugar ferments in the waste and stirs it up, also forming gases. Both eliminate and for this reason it can become harmful if they work too intensively. It is therefore advisable to use raw vegetables as a "broom" more frequently. For this same reason, use stewed fruits in the beginning, or at least half and half. For example, half raw grated apples (with the skin) and half apple sauce sweetened with honey.
A "Square" Meal Substitute
Before a crisis, during or shortly after, or to satisfy a craving for wrong food especially rich in fat, you may take this once in a while. While it is too rich, it is much less harmful than a "square" meal and will be found to be very enjoyable:
Take some grated coconut, mixed or eaten together with apple sauce, stewed prunes, or sweetened apricots.
Very ripe bananas—or if unripe, then baked—will be found to satisfy when unusually "hungry."
Other kinds of grated nuts or nut butter may be served once in a while for this purpose, but are too rich in protein and will produce, if continually used, mucus and uric acid. 76
Improved "Cooked" Vegetables
Only one kind of cooked vegetable should be used at one meal. It may be eaten either cold or warm, and mixed with green salads and raw vegetables.
If cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets, cauliflower, onions, etc., are slowly stewed in very little water, or best, if carefully baked, they become sweeter, which proves that the carbohydrates are developed into grape sugar, more or less, and the mineral salts are not destroyed and not extracted. This is in fact an improvement and not a waste.
In winter, canned foods may be used as a substitute for fresh ones. I differ from the raw food "fanatics," because the food value is not important in a diet of healing. It is of more importance that the patient should and shall enjoy his or her change of diet during the transition, until their tastes and conditions have improved. 77
Special "Mucus-Eliminator" Recipes
Recipe for a Special Dissolver of Hardened Mucus and Uric Acid
With the following recipe, I once healed a woman who, after 6 years of paralysis, became entirely normal when both fasting and the mucusless diet failed to affect a recovery. It cannot be taken into a mucus-filled stomach. The recipe follows: Take the juice and pulp of four lemons. Grate and peel one lemon and mix with the juice. Sweeten with honey, brown sugar, or fruit jelly to taste. 78 The object of the sweetening is to make the mixture less sour and bitter.
This is really a question of personal taste. A good salad- or olive-oil with lemon juice to taste is simple and good. A spoonful of peanut butter or nut butter dissolved in water and a little lemon juice added is another simple recipe. Add finely sliced onions (green) if desired. Homemade mayonnaise 79 that uses lemon instead of vinegar is not especially harmful during the transition diet and can be used if you enjoy it. Tomatoes cooked into a sauce or a good canned tomato soup mixed with the dressing may help you enjoy the "transition diet."
Even if the use of table salt is discontinued, you will sometimes be very thirsty during your transition diet, because your mucus, now back in the circulation, and the waste of decayed unnatural foods, eaten with salt during your former life, is very salty. When in the circulation, you will suffer from unnatural thirst. A light lemonade with a little honey or brown sugar will relieve the thirst much better than plain water. The juice of any of the acid or sub-acid fruits makes a good drink and the best is sweet apple cider, if not too sweet. Postum, 80 cereal coffee, or even light genuine coffee, if this was your customary drink, can be used during the transition period. 81
Supplement to Transition Diet Menus and Combinations
The "standard menu" of the day in my sanitarium, besides special prescriptions for patients under personal treatment, was as follows:
A drink in the morning
LUNCH: One or two kinds of fruits
SUPPER: Vegetables, mucus-lean or mucusless 82
This diet quickly brings the average person, not called sick, into better condition. Slight spells may be manifested in some manner or other, but an "old chronic" or severe disease, caused chiefly through a drug-poisoned body, must be treated by systematically and individually prescribed daily menus, continually changing same, "speeding up and slowing down," according to the patient's changing condition.
The Mucusless Diet Healing System is NOT propaganda like vegetarianism or the raw-food movement; it is a clinical THERAPY OF EATING that has to be studied and intelligently advised and prescribed personally, the same as is being done by all other methods of drugless healing and therapeutics.
This diet heals every disease if it is possible to be healed at all, because all disease-producing foods are finally eliminated from the diet menus, and the new ones loosen, stir up, remove and eliminate, clean, heal, and cure the body.
You build up a new, and for the first time in your life, a perfect, natural blood composition such as the one defined in Lesson 8. This new blood removes and eliminates finally and unfailingly every disease matter, even though your doctor failed to locate exactly where it was.
The function of healing, the "operation without the knife," the cleansing, eliminating process begins almost immediately and must of necessity be conducted, controlled, and supervised for weeks and even months to secure proper results. The knowledge contained in these lessons is sufficient to enable the student to properly supervise their own individual case.
The menus, combinations, mixtures, and recipes are therapeutic adjustments to enforce the self-healing of the body, called disease, and not to suppress or to stop it as is done with drugs.
The average patient expects the right diet to help him at once; therefore the great desire for curative menus and mixtures. Even most of the advanced doctors imagine that a few menus and combinations from one day to the other is all the knowledge necessary.
As yet, they don't know the truth that you have learned in the previous lessons that physiology and pathology are fundamentally wrong, that all present-day ideas about food and nourishment are entirely wrong and diametrically opposite to the truth. Therefore, they do not have the slightest idea what happens and what must happen in the human system, if for the first time in the patient's life the decades-old waste and poisons are stirred up and have to be eliminated through the circulation.
You must realize and perceive that you are starting on an entirely new and perfect revolution, regeneration, and rejuvenation of your body when you change your diet in this way, and it cannot be accomplished within a few days by simply eating some good menus and mixtures.
Mucus-lean Recipes
If a little starchy food is eaten after a meal, it can be called a MUCUS-LEAN DIET. 83 But these starchy foods can be made less harmful by destroying or neutralizing, more or less, the sticky properties of the pasty starch. The more the potato is baked, the better. Toast well done is best.
Raw cereals should be roasted first, whenever desired, and will be found to work as a good intestinal broom, although they contain stimulants. Rice is a great mucus-former because it makes the best paste, but it can be improved by soaking overnight in water (you will notice that the water becomes very sticky and slimy and of an awful odor). Pour off the water from the rice and either fry or bake it a little.
A Mucus-ean Bread Recipe
Mix a rough bran flour or whole wheat flour with raw grated carrots (half and half); add only as much white flour as necessary to keep the dough; add somewhat-grated apples and a handful of grated nuts; also if desired, some raisins. Bake very slowly and well. This is best eaten when 2- or 3-days old or well toasted. 84