
Lesson XVIII

It is significant for our time of degeneration that fasting, by which I mean living without solid and liquid food, is still a problem as a healing factor for the average man or woman, as well as for the orthodox medical doctor. Even naturopathy required a few decades in its development to take up Nature's only universal and omnipotent "remedy" of healing. It is further significant that fasting is still considered as a "special" kind of cure, and due to some truly "marvelous" results here and there, it has quite recently become a world-wide fad. Some expert nature-cure advocators plan out general "prescriptions" of fasting, and how to break a fast regardless of your condition or the cause from which you are a sufferer.

On the other hand, fasting is so feared and misrepresented that the average person actually considers you a fool if you miss a few meals when sick, thinking you will starve to death, when in reality you are being cured. They fail to understand the difference between fasting and starvation. The medical doctor in general endorses and, in fact, teaches such foolish beliefs regarding Nature's only foundational law of all healing and "curing."

Whatever has been designed and formulated to eliminate the disease matters and designed as "natural treatments" without having at least some restriction or change in diet, or fasting, is a fundamental disregard of the truth concerning the cause of disease.

Have you ever thought what the lack of appetite means when sick? And those animals have no doctors, and no drug stores, and no sanitariums, and no machinery to heal them? Nature demonstrates and teaches by that example that there is only one disease and that one is caused through eating and, therefore, every disease whatsoever it may be named by humans, is and can be healed by one "remedy" only—by doing the direct opposite of the cause—by the compensation of the wrong—i.e. , reducing the quantity of food or fasting. The reason so many, and especially long fasting, cures have failed and continue to fail is due to the ignorance which still exists regarding what is going on in the body during a fast, an ignorance still existing even in the minds of naturopaths and fasting experts up to the present date.

I dare say there may not be another person in history that has studied, investigated, tested, and experimented on fasting as much as I did. There is no other expert at present, as far as I know, who conducted so many fasting cures on the most severe cases, as I did. I opened the first special sanitarium in the world for fasting, combined with the mucusless diet, and fasting is an essential part of the Mucusless Diet Healing System . I have likewise made four public scientific tests of fasting of 21, 24, and 32 days, respectively, as a demonstration. The latter test is the world's record of a fast conducted under a strict scientific supervision of government officials.

You may therefore believe me when I teach something new and instructive about what actually happens in the body during a fast. You learned in Lesson V that the body must first be considered as a machine, a mechanism made of rubber-like material which has been overexpanded during its entire life through overeating. Therefore, the functioning of the organism is continually obstructed by an unnatural overpressure of the blood and on the tissues. As soon as you stop eating, this overpressure is rapidly relieved. The avenues of the circulation contract, the blood becomes more concentrated, and the superfluous water is eliminated. This goes on for the first few days and you may even feel fine; but then the obstructions of the circulation become greater because the diameter of the avenues becomes smaller and the blood must circulate through many parts of the body, especially in the tissues, at and around the symptom, against sticky mucus pressed out and dissolved from the inside walls; in other words, the bloodstream must overcome, dissolve, and carry with itself mucus and poisons for elimination through the kidneys.

When you fast, you eliminate first and at once the primary obstructions of wrong and too much eating. This results in your feeling relatively good, or possibly even better, than when eating, but, as previously explained, you bring new, secondary obstructions from your own waste in the circulation and you feel miserable. You and everyone else blame the lack of food. The next day you can notice with certainty mucus in the urine and when the quantity of waste taken in the circulation, is eliminated, you will undoubtedly feel fine, even stronger than ever before. So it is a well-known fact that a faster can feel better and is actually stronger on the 20th day than on the 5th or 6th day, certainly a tremendous proof that vitality does not depend primarily on food, but rather from an unobstructed circulation (see Lesson V ). The smaller the amount of "O" (obstruction), the greater "P" (air pressure), and therefore "V" (vitality).

Through the above enlightening explanation you see that fasting is first, a negative proposition to relieve the body from direct obstructions of solid, most unnatural foods; second, that it is a mechanical process of elimination by contracting tissues pressing out mucus, causing friction and obstruction in the most circulation. The following are examples of vitality from "P,"

Power, air pressure alone: One of my first fasters, a relatively healthy vegetarian, walked 45 miles in the mountains on his 24th fast day.

A friend, 15 years younger, and I walked 56 HOURS CONTINUALLY after a 10-day fast.

A German physician, a specialist in fasting-cures, published a pamphlet entitled, "Fasting, the Increase of Vitality." He learned the same fact that I did, but he does not know why and how, and vitality therefore remained mysterious for him.

If you drink only water during a fast, the human mechanism cleanses itself, the same as though you would press out a dirty watery sponge, but the dirt in this instance is sticky mucus, and in many cases pus and drugs, which must pass through the circulation until it is so thoroughly dissolved that it can pass through the fine structure of the "physiological sieve" called kidneys.


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