You have just read in Lesson XX about patients eating several times during the night in order to sleep again. You have been taught why this happens. Upon awakening, you may perhaps feel fine; but instead of getting up, you remain in bed and fall asleep again, have a bad dream, and actually feel miserable upon awakening the second time. You can now understand the exact reason for this.
As soon as you get up and move around, walk, or exercise, the body is in an entirely different condition than during sleep. The elimination is slowed down; the energy is being used elsewhere.
If eating breakfast is eliminated from your daily menus, you will probably experience some harmless sensations such as headaches for the first 1 or 2 days. After that, you will feel much better and enjoy your luncheon better than ever. Hundreds of severe cases have been cured by the "non-breakfast-fast" alone, without important changes in diet, proving that the habit of a full breakfast meal is the worst of all, and most injurious.
It is advisable and really of great advantage to allow the patient to have the same drink for breakfast that they are accustomed to; if they crave coffee, let them continue to drink coffee, but absolutely no SOLID food! Later on, replace the coffee with a warm vegetable juice, and still later, change to fruit juice or lemonade. This change should be made gradually for the average mixed eater. 96
The 24-Hour Fast, or One-Meal-a-Day Plan
As with the breakfast fast, you can heal more severe cases with the 24-hour fast, or in cases of deep chronic encumbrance and drugs, it is a careful, preliminary step to the necessary longer fasts. The best time to eat is in the afternoon, say, 3 or 4 o’clock P.M.
If the patient is on the mucusless or transition diet, let him eat the fruits first (fruits should always be eaten first), and after a lapse of 15 or 20 minutes, eat the vegetables; but all should be eaten within an hour so that it is, so to say, one meal.
Fasting When Used in Connection With the Mucusless Diet Healing System
As I have stated before, I am no longer in favor of long fasts. In fact, it may become criminal to let a patient fast for 30 or 40 days on water—contracting the avenues of circulation, which are continually filled up more and more with mucus and by dangerous old drugs and poisons, and at the same time rotten blood from their old "stock;" in fact, actually starving from necessary vital food elements. No one can stand a fast of that kind without disadvantage or without harming his vitality.
If fasting is to be used at all, then start at first with the non-breakfast plan; then follow with the 24-hour fast for a while; then gradually increase up to 3-, 4-, or 5-day fasts, eating between fasts for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days a mucusless diet, combined individually as an elimination adjustment, and at the same time supplying and rebuilding the body continually with and by the best elements contained in and found only in mucusless foods.
Through such an intermittent fast, the blood is gradually improved, regenerated, can more easily stand the poisons and waste, and is able at the same time to dissolve and eliminate "disease deposits" from the deepest tissues of the body; deposits that no doctor ever dreamed existed, and that no other method of healing has ever discovered or can ever remove.
This, then, is the Mucusless Diet Healing System , with ‘fasting’ as an essential part of it.
Fasting in Cases of Acute Disease
Hunger Cures—Wonder Cures was the title of the first fasting book I ever read. It gave the experiences of a country doctor, in which he said, "No feverish, acute disease must nor can end with death if Nature's instinctive command, to stop eating through lack of appetite, is followed."
It is insanity to give food to a pneumonia patient with a high fever, for instance. Having had an unusual contraction of the lung tissues by a "cold," the pressed-out mucus goes into the circulation and produces an unusual heat-fever. The human engine, already at the bursting point through heat, becomes more heated through partaking of solid food, meat broth, etc. (good, nourishing foods, so-called).
Air baths taken in the room, enemas, natural laxatives, and cool lemonade would save the lives of thousands of young men and women who are now daily permitted to die, the innocent victims of pneumonia or other acute diseases—due to the stubborn ignorance of doctors and so-called highly civilized people.
The Superior Fast
Please try and memorize the lesson on Metabolism (Lesson 6), because it is the most important truth of my new physiology. You should also memorize Lesson V and then you will clearly understand fasting with all its possible sensations.
All experts, excepting myself, believe that you live from your own flesh during a fast. You know now that what they call metabolism—"Metabolize your own flesh when you fast," is simply the elimination of waste.
The Indian "fakir," the greatest faster in the world today, is nothing but skin and bones. I learned that the cleaner you are, the easier it is to fast, and the longer you can stand it. In other words, in a body free from all waste and poisons, and when no solid foods are taken, the human body functions for the first time in its life without obstructions. The elasticity of the entire tissue system, and of the internal organs, especially of the spongy lungs, work with an entirely different vibration. They become more efficient than ever before. They work by air alone and without the slightest obstruction. When stated differently, what this means is that "V" equals "P." And if you simply supply the "engine" with the necessary water that is used up, you ascend into a higher state of physical, mental, and spiritual condition. I call this the "Superior Fast."
If your blood "stock" is formed from eating the foods I teach, your brain will function in a manner that will surprise you. Your former life will take on the appearance of a dream, and for the first time in your existence, your consciousness will awaken to a real self-consciousness.
Your mind, your thinking, your ideals, your aspirations, and your philosophy will change fundamentally in such a way so as to beggar description.
Your soul will shout for joy and triumph over all misery of life, leaving it all behind you. For the first time, you will feel a vibration of vitality through your body (like a slight electric current) that shakes you delightfully.
You will learn and realize that fasting and superior fasting (and not volumes of psychology and philosophy) is the real and only key to a superior life, to the revelation of a superior world, and to the spiritual world. 97