
I would like to thank the following for their assistance in bringing this project to fruition: Bilkent University president Ali Doğramaci for his support of my research and publishing endeavors; the Bilkent University administration for granting me a crucial one-year sabbatical; Anthony Crubaugh, the History Department chair at Illinois State University, for inviting me to be a visiting scholar for a year; my good friend Alan Lessoff for easing the way for our stay in Bloomington/Normal, and for all of our many conversations about this project over the years; the helpful and efficient staffs of the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room, New York Public Library, New York Municipal Archives, New York City Hall Library, Sterling Memorial Library (Yale), Houghton Library (Harvard), Bilkent University Library, and Milner Library (Illinois State); Wallace Dailey, the exceptionally knowledgeable and always helpful curator of the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard University, whose assistance with this project reaches back to the summer of 2004; my agent Michelle Tessler; the good people at Basic Books, especially editor Lara Heimert and publicist Cassie Nelson; and my wife, Pelin, children, Arda and Alara, and parents, Bette Jane and Robert, for all their love and support.