
Introduction: New York Knickerbocker

PROLOGUE     June 18, 1910


ONE     This Little Rocky Island

New York at Roosevelt’s Birth

TWO    It’s Roosevelt from New York

Roosevelt at Harvard

THREE   The Dirtiest City in the Universe

1881: A Year in New York

FOUR    A Revolting State of Affairs

Roosevelt’s Work in the New York Assembly

FIVE     Hero Land

Roosevelt’s Trips West

SIX       Into the Yawning Gulf

Roosevelt’s 1886 Bid for Mayor

SEVEN   With Fidelity and Integrity

Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner

EIGHT   There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

Roosevelt as Police Commissioner

NINE     The Ritz Riders

Assistant Secretary of the Navy, War in Cuba, and Roosevelt’s Path to Albany

TEN      Governor of the Entire Party

Roosevelt, Thomas Platt, and the New York Governorship

ELEVEN  The Direct Antithesis of McKinley

The New York President

EPILOGUE     Fall Has Come,”


