Full references to all works cited in the notes using a shortened form of the title are listed in the bibliography. The bibliography also provides details of all the songs included in Appendices 1 and 2. Where there is more than one available edition, the one marked with an asterisk is the one referred to, unless otherwise indicated. The bibliography also indicates the spellings of troubadours’ names adopted here. These names are listed in the conventional order established by Pillet and Carstens in their Bibliographie der Troubadours; Pillet-Carstens (PC) numbers are also used to identify individual songs.
My own quotations from editions follow the spelling conventions of the editors concerned, except that I modernize and bring in line with American usage the use of capital letters and the punctuation of direct speech; additionally, I use italics in quotations and the text in which they are embedded in order to identify words or phrases that are repeated from one to the other.
References to troubadour songs use PC numbers; thus, for example, 70.1, 33 means “line 33 of PC 70.1,” this being the Pillet-Carstens identifier for Bernart de Ventadorn’s song “Ab joi mou lo vers e.l comens.” Passages quoted from the texts of songs are from the editions listed in the bibliography and are identified, in addition to their PC number, by their number in that edition.
All translations are my own, unless otherwise indicated.
The following abbreviations are used, primarily in the Appendices:
In addition, manuscripts are referred to by short, conventional sigla (see Appendix 17).