Illustration 1—Chakras As Vortexes
Illustration 2—The Location and Basic Functions of the In-Body Chakras
Illustration 3—The Plumed Serpent and an Ouroboros
Illustration 4—Kundalini and the Three Main Nadis (left) and the Energy Flow of Ida and Pingala (right)
Illustration 5—The Three Main Granthis
Illustration 6—The Five Koshas
Illustration 7—The Greek Caduceus and Kundalini
Illustration 8—The Endocrine System
Illustration 9—The Seven Hindu Chakras
Illustration 10—The Muladhara and Parts of the Spine
Illustration 11—The Pancreas
Illustration 12—The Celestial Tree Wishing Chakra
Illustration 13—The Thyroid and Parathyroid
Illustration 14—The Lalana Chakra
Illustration 15—The Three Main Secondary Chakras of the Ajña
Illustration 16—The Location of the Pineal Gland
Illustration 17—Sukhasana
Illustration 18—Padmasana
Illustration 19—The Jnana and Chin Mudras
Illustration 20—Navamukhi
Illustration 21—Dhyani or Samadhi Mudra
Illustration 22—Vitarka Mudra
Illustration 23—Dharmachakra Mudra
Illustration 24—Bhumisparsha Mudra
Illustration 25—Abhaya Mudra
Illustration 26—Varada Mudra
Illustration 27—Uttarabodhi Mudra
Illustration 28—Mudra of Supreme Wisdom
Illustration 29—Anjali or Namaskara Mudra
Illustration 30—Vajrapradama Mudra
Illustration 31—Karana Mudra
Illustration 32—First Chakra Pose
Illustration 33—Second Chakra Pose
Illustration 34—Third Chakra Pose
Illustration 35—Fourth Chakra Pose
Illustration 36—Fifth Chakra Pose
Illustration 37—Sixth Chakra Pose
Illustration 38—Seventh Chakra Pose
Illustration 39—The Seven Sacred Geometry Signs of the Chakras
Illustration 40—Reiki Symbols
Illustration 41—Vishnu and the Sudarshana Chakra
Illustration 42—The Greek Omphalos
Illustration 43—Nadis within the Sushumna
Illustration 44—The Auric Fields
Illustration 45—The Seven Rays
Illustration 46—The External Energy Bodies
Illustration 47—The Dantians
Illustration 48—The Human Spine
Illustration 49—Parts of the Brain
Illustration 50—Close-Up of the Glands
Illustration 51—The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Illustration 52—Gap Junctions
Illustration 53—The Torus, Zero-Point Insert, and the Chakra
Illustration 54—Two-Sided Chakra (left) and the Heart’s Field (right)
Illustration 55—The Rising of Charges
Illustration 56—Bodily Areas Where Emotions Appear in Kundalini Situations
Illustration 57—A Thirteen-Chakra System
Illustration 58—The Kshetram Points
Illustration 59—The Kshetram and Chakra Points in the Brain
Illustration 60—The Five Elemental Areas of the Body
Illustration 61—The Five Koshas in the Body
Illustration 62—The Marmani Related to the Chakras
Illustration 63—The Kalachakra Six-Chakra System
Illustration 64—The Four Taoist Forces
Illustration 65—The Microcosmic Orbit
Illustration 66—The Seven Chakra Points in the Hand
Illustration 67—The Seven Chakra Points on the Foot
Illustration 68—The Korean Dahnjons
Illustration 69—Pranic Healing and the Eleven Major Chakras
Illustration 70—The Kamitic Tree of Life
Illustration 71—The Yoruba Cosmology
Illustration 72—The Yoruba Chakra System
Illustration 73—The “Chakra” Worlds of the Norse
Illustration 74—The Zarathustrian Amesha Spentas
Illustration 75—Physical Location of the Lataf’a
Illustration 76—The Sephiroth on the Tree of Life
Illustration 77—The Chakras and the Kabbalah
Illustration 78—The Taoist I Ching and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life
Illustration 79—The Seven Stones of the Sioux
Illustration 80—The Chumpi Energy Belts
Illustration 81—The Hidden Thirteenth Nawi
Illustration 82—The Nawis in the Feminine Quilagos Tradition
Illustration 83—Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”
Illustration 84—The Rose Cross Lamen
Illustration 85—The Rose Cross with Seven Roses
Illustration 86—The Power of Ten
Illustration 87—The Rose in the First Chakra Square
Illustration 88—Blavatsky’s Planes Within Planes
Illustration 89—The Theosophical Constitution of the Human Being
Illustration 90—The Shape and Structure of a Chakra
Illustration 91—Leadbeater’s Chakra System
Illustration 92—Brennan’s Planes of Reality and Auric Field Layers
Illustration 93—Brennan’s View of the Chakras
Illustration 94—The Twelve-Chakra System
Illustration 95—Transpersonal Chakras
Illustration 96—The Hara Line Chakras
Illustration 97—The Antakarana Symbol
Illustration 98—Crop Circles and Chakras
Illustration 99—Animal Chakras