Rails and Unicode

Ruby 1.8 has less-than-ideal Unicode support, when compared to its contemporaries such as Java and the .NET languages. To Ruby, strings are just sequences of 8-bit bytes, while the character and string types of the Java runtime and .NETCLR are based on Unicode code points. While Ruby's approach simplifies the language, most developers at this point in time need Unicode support. Luckily, Ruby is flexible enough that we can tack support for Unicode onto the language in a relatively friendly way.

It is not surprising that Ruby's Unicode support is lacking. During the time of Ruby's genesis in Japan (the mid-1990s), Unicode was first being developed. In Unicode's early stages, its supporters were mainly American and European, with less East Asian involvement.

Many Japanese people opposed the process of Han unification, or collapsing most of the Han characters common to CJKV languages into a single set of code points. The unified Han characters tended to appeal more to Chinese speakers than Japanese speakers. The people involved in Han unification (primarily Westerners) tended to collapse characters that were similar, but not identical, across Asian languages. In the early days of Unicode, rendering software would get confused and display similar, but incorrect, glyphs for the Han-unified characters. This was at best disconcerting; at worst, offensive.

There are technical solutions to all of these problems today, but Unicode was a slow starter in Japan. Other character sets such as Shift_JIS gained more currency in Japan at the time, which actually may have contributed somewhat to the problem; having more extant character sets leads to more conversion issues. [76]

Ruby 1.9 will support multilingualization (m17n). Rather than a built-in Unicode assumption, Ruby 1.9 will support interoperability between multiple character sets. This is more flexible than assuming that all string literals are Unicode, and it is a more general approach to character set handling. To use UTF-8 for all string and regex literals, the following pragma can be used:

	# coding: utf-8

In lieu of complete multibyte character support in Ruby 1.8, Rails has created a workaround. We touched on this solution, ActiveSupport::Multibyte, back in Chapter 2. Here, we will explore it in more detail.

Recall that the global variable $KCODE determines the current character encoding, and thus influences how Ruby treats your strings. In Rails 1.2 and later, Initializer sets $KCODE to 'u', so all processing is assumed to be in UTF-8 unless otherwise specified.

Rails includes a library called ActiveSupport::Multibyte that provides a way to deal with multibyte characters on top of Ruby. At this time, only UTF-8 is supported. The encoding is derived from the current value of $KCODE.

Multibyte adds a String#chars instance method, which returns a proxy (of type ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars) to that string. This proxy delegates to a handler, depending on the current encoding. (Right now, the only handlers are a UTF-8 handler for $KCODE='u' and a pass-through handler for everything else.) The Chars object uses method_missing to trap unknown calls and send them to the handler. If the handler cannot deal with them, they are sent to the original String.

The most important feature Multibyte provides is the ability to split strings on character boundaries, rather than byte boundaries. All you need to do is call the String#chars method and optionally convert back to a String when you are done:

	$KCODE = 'u'

	str = "résumé" # => "résumé"

	str[0..1]      # => "r\303"
	str.chars[0..1].to_s # => "ré"

Multibyte also provides case conversion, which can differ vastly among languages:

	str.upcase # => "RéSUMé"
	str.chars.upcase.to_s # => "RÉSUMÉ"

And method calls to chars can be chained, as the Chars methods return a Chars object rather than Strings. Even methods that are proxied back to the original String have their String return values converted to Chars objects.

	str.chars[0..1].upcase.to_s # => "RÉ"

The implementation of Multibyte is itself fascinating; the tables of composition maps, codepoints, case maps, and other details are generated automatically from tables at the Unicode Consortium web site and stored in active_support/values/unicode_tables.dat . The generator can be found in active_support/multibyte/generators/generate_tables.rb.

As with any increasingly complicated encoding, normalization and canonicalization are important issues with Unicode. One representation on paper (or screen) may map to multiple encodings. In some cases, it may be more desirable to treat those sequences identically, but in other cases we may need to treat them differently.

One complicating issue is character composition. Unicode provides multiple versions of some characters, for various reasons. For example, the ö in the German word schön can be encoded as either ö (U+00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS) or as the combination of o (U+006F LATIN SMALL LETTER O) and (U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS). The two representations use different byte sequences, and therefore they would not compare as equivalent to a byte-oriented procedure.

Another example is compatibility characters, or characters that were introduced into Unicode for compatibility with older encodings. One area where this occurs is typo-graphical ligatures (see Figure 8-2).

The text on the left does not use a ligature. For typographical reasons, the style on the right is usually used for the combination of f and i. The original intent of Unicode was that a smart rendering system would replace the consecutive code points f and i with the appropriate ligature. However, many systems turned out not to be capable of this advanced rendering (Mac OS X being a notable exception). Therefore, common ligatures were given their own code points, so that they could be embedded in a body of text and rendered (with a suitable font including those ligatures) with a dumb client. In this case, the ligature "fi" is U+FB01 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI.

To support character composition on platforms with less complex rendering systems, Unicode includes precomposed characters, such as the ö shown earlier (U+00F6 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS). Compatibility characters such as the typographical ligatures are often precomposed. In order to properly compare and collate strings that may include both combining characters and precomposed characters, the strings must be canonicalized, or reduced to a well-known form such that two strings that are "the same" (by some definition) will always map to the same sequence of code points.

To canonicalize sequences of code points, we must first determine what our notion of equivalence is. Unicode defines two types of equivalence: the narrow canonical equivalence and the broader compatibility equivalence. Canonical equivalence is limited to characters that are equal in both form and function—the standard example being the decomposed ö (the two code points o and ") versus the precomposed character ö (one code point). Two sequences of code points, such as those, that are canonically equivalent are identical in appearance and usage, and can in nearly all cases be substituted for each other.

Compatibility equivalence is a broader concept. Compatibility equivalence includes all canonically equivalent characters, plus characters that may have different semantics but are rendered similarly. Examples include the characters f and i versus the fi ligature, or the superscript 2 versus the ordinary numeral 2.

There are four methods of Unicode normalization: D, C, KD, and KC. (They are also referred to as NFD, NFC, NFKD, and NFKC, with NF standing for Normalization Form.) The D forms leave the string in a decomposed form, while the C forms leave the string canonically composed (by first decomposing, and then recomposing by canonical equivalence). The K forms decompose by compatibility equivalence, while those without a K decompose by canonical equivalence. (All composition is done under canonical equivalence to ensure a consistent composition.)

ActiveSupport provides methods on the UTF-8 handler for Unicode normalization, supporting all four forms. The following code shows the differences between the four forms as applied to the string final piñata. The first word includes the fi ligature, which is compatibility equivalent (but not canonically equivalent) to the separated characters fi. The second word includes the character ñ, which is both compatibility equivalent and canonically equivalent to the code points n and ˜.

	$KCODE = 'u'

	str = "final piñata".chars

	str.normalize(:d).to_s # => "final pin˜ata"
	str.normalize(:c).to_s # => "final piñata"
	str.normalize(:kd).to_s # => "final pin˜ata"
	str.normalize(:kc).to_s # => "final piñata"

Although you may be UTF-8 clean through your entire system (UTF-8 text can be entered anywhere and is displayed identically upon output), you are still at risk of problems if you just accept user-provided strings as UTF-8. Users can provide invalid UTF-8 text (not all byte sequences correspond to valid sequences of UTF-8 code points). Users will even provide maliciously malformed UTF-8 text in an attempt to crash or exploit your string-processing functions.

Paul Battley wrote an article addressing the issue of filtering untrusted UTF-8 strings. [77] As with most other hard problems in Rails, we cheat. In this case, the iconv library can clean up UTF-8 strings for us:

	require 'iconv'

	ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8')
	valid_string = ic.iconv(untrusted_string + ' ')[0..-2]

The Iconv.new line creates a new Iconv object to translate potentially invalid UTF-8 data into UTF-8 data with invalid characters ignored. The next line works around an Iconv bug: it will not detect an invalid byte at the end of a string. Therefore, we add a space (a known-valid byte) and chop it off after performing the conversion.

Ilya Grigorik shows how to use the Oniguruma regular expression engine to filter out control characters (of the Cx classes). [78] Note that the Oniguruma engine is standard in Ruby 1.9, but is also available for Ruby 1.8 (gem install oniguruma).

	require 'oniguruma'

	# Finall all Cx category graphemes
	reg = Oniguruma::ORegexp.new("\p{C}", {:encoding => Oniguruma::ENCODING_UTF8})

	# Erase the Cx graphemes from our validated string
	filtered_string = reg.gsub(validated_string, '')

Proper i18n requires that your character set be correctly processed in the application and correctly stored in the database. For most Rails applications, this means setting up the database and connection to be UTF-8 clean. Since Rails 1.2, ActiveRecord correctly processes UTF-8 data and is ready for UTF-8 storage over supported connections. The specifics differ among database engines, so we'll examine MySQL and PostgreSQL here.

To properly store UTF-8 data in a MySQL database, two things need to be in place. First, the database and tables need to be configured with the proper encoding. Secondly, the client connection between ActiveRecord and MySQL needs to use UTF-8.

MySQL ships with Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) as the default character set. Thus, all of the string operations are by default byte-oriented. You can change the default character set and collation for the entire database server with the following commands in the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf):


The Rails create_database schema definition method will attempt to do the right thing. If you use create_database to create your databases, they will default to UTF-8:

	>> ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
	?>   create_database :test_db
	>> end
	-- create_database(:test_db)
	  SQL (0.000585) CREATE DATABASE `test_db` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8`
	   -> 0.0008s
	=> nil

However, the create_table method does not specify a character set, but you can provide an :options parameter that specifies any table creation options, including a character set. (Bear in mind, though, that by specifying DBMS-specific table creation syntax, you lose portability between DBMSs.)

	>> ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
	?>   create_table :test do end
	>> end
	-- create_table(:test)
	  SQL (0.028168) CREATE TABLE `test` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
	                   auto_increment PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB
	  -> 0.1264s
	=> nil

	>> ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
	?> create_table :test2, :options =>
	     'ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' do end
	>> end
	-- create_table(:test2, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"})
	   SQL (0.028386) CREATE TABLE `test2` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
	                    auto_increment PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB
	                    DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

	    -> 0.0287s
	=> nil

However, none of these methods will handle preexisting databases. Chances are, if you have created databases and tables without specifying CHARACTER SET utf8, the tables are treating the data as Latin1. If the data is actually Latin1 (and you are now converting the entire application to Unicode at once), the conversion is simple, though it must be done once for each table:


If your only need is straight data conversion, this will work. If you are using ActiveRecord migrations, Graeme Mathieson has written a migration that will perform this conversion for every table in your database. It is available from http://woss.name/ 2006/10/25/migrating-your-rails-application-to-unicode/.

Be very careful converting a table that has existing data. If you have been using Rails 1.2 or later (which support UTF-8 by default) and have not converted your tables to UTF-8, you may have UTF-8 data stored in the database as Latin1. If you then convert the table to UTF-8, the conversion will be performed twice, which will corrupt your data. The standard procedure in this case is to dump the data as Latin1, piping the dump through sed to change the output character set to UTF-8:

	mysqldump -uusername -p --default-character-set=latin1 mydb \
	  | sed -e 's/SET NAMES latin1/SET NAMES utf8/g' \
	  | sed -e 's/CHARSET=latin1/CHARSET=utf8/g' >mydb.sql

Then, load the dump back into MySQL as UTF-8:

	mysql -uusername -p –default-character-set=utf8 <mydb.sql

The last step in this process is to set up the client connection to support UTF-8. Even if all of the data is properly configured and using UTF-8, if MySQL thinks the client wants Latin1 data, that is what it will send. The SQL command to set the client encoding in MySQL is the following:

	SET NAMES utf8;

The Rails MySQL connection adapter has an encoding option that sets the client encoding as well; in lieu of sending the preceding command, just add the following to your database.yml:

	  adapter: mysql
	  encoding: utf8

At this time, MySQL does not support 4-byte UTF-8 characters. This is generally not a problem, as characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane can always be encoded in three or fewer bytes.

Properly serving UTF-8 is a matter of telling the browser that you are using UTF-8. This is done in two ways:

Note that, in the Content-type header, the name "charset" is misleading, as this parameter really specifies the encoding.

You must consider the issue of data you receive from external sources in non-UTF-8 encodings. If you serve HTML in UTF-8, the data you receive through form posts will be UTF-8. But there are other external sources as well:

To remedy this situation, you can use the iconv library, which is part of the Ruby standard library. We have seen this earlier; it was used to strip invalid characters out of our UTF-8. To convert a string from one encoding to another, create an Iconv object, providing the source and destination encodings, and call its iconv instance method:

	require 'iconv'

	# Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) equivalent of "café"
	# Latin-1 E9 == "é"
	cafe_latin1 = "caf#{"E9".hex.chr}"

	ic = Iconv.new("utf-8", "iso-8859-1") # to_encoding, from_encoding
	cafe_utf8 = ic.iconv(cafe_latin1)

We can play with the $KCODE variable to change how we see the output. If we set $KCODE to "U", the string is interpreted as UTF-8 and we see the properly converted "café." If $KCODE is "A", the string is interpreted as a series of bytes, and so we see the unprintable characters escaped:

	cafe_latin1 # => "caf\351"

	$KCODE = "U"
	cafe_utf8 # => "café"

	$KCODE = "A"
	cafe_utf8 # => "caf\303\251"

As usual, we can see the byte length of each string with String#length:

	cafe_latin1.length # => 4
	cafe_utf8.length # => 5

[76] Matz expresses this sentiment in an interview available at http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/the_ruby_vm_episode_iv.