Alphabetization is letter-by-letter. Names of fictional characters are followed by parenthetical reference to the works in which they appear.
- Abel, Elizabeth, xiii, 117, 118, 119
- Acting: and dream work, 138-40; and reading, 21-22; and speaking, 25; on stage, 20; and writing, 20-25
- Adams, Robert M., 33
- Aesthetics, 5, 45, 130, 249-55, 258 (n. 25)
- After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, 61, 120–24
- Alvarez, Albert, 54, 61-63, 70-71
- Amélie (Wide Sargasso Sea), 150, 183-84, 202
- Annette. See Mason, Annette
- Antoinette. See Mason, Antoinette
- Ardener, Edwin, 50-51, 261 (n. 11)
- Ardener, Shirley, 50-51, 261 (n. 11)
- Arnold, June, 17
- Athern, Louise Montague, 43
- Athill, Diana, 63, 265 (n. 1)
- Audience: female, 1-25; male, 62, 70; for men’s texts, 10; of readers, xii, 2, 22; theater-going, 1, 2, 10, 20-21; for women’s texts, 6, 7, 10
- Austen, Jane, 11, 57
- Authority, xvi
- Authors. See Writers
- Authorship, 14, 15, 144
- [Auto]biography: defined, xv, xvi, 5, 43-45; Rhys’s novels as, xvi, 61-63, 110; women’s novels as, xi, xv, 1, 18, 40-48; Woolf’s works as, 263 (n. 29)
- Baptiste (Wide Sargasso Sea), 220, 222, 223, 229-30, 244
- Bart, Lily (The House of Mirth), 16, 22-24
- Beardon, Maudie (Voyage in the Dark), 72-73, 222
- Beauvoir, Simone de, 52, 261 (n. 2)
- Bernini, Gian, 33-34
- Bertha. See Jane Eyre; Mason, Antoinette
- Bitzer, Lloyd, xi-xii
- Blanks: in discourse, 50, 53, 65, 97, 261; “Mr. Blank,” 64, 76, 77, 99; within Rochester, 194, 209. See also Gaps (in discourse)
- Books: The Arabian Nights, 59, 114; father-book, 56, 59, 60, 115, 180; The Glittering Coronet of the Isles, 213, 232, 234, 240; God as, 56, 59-60, 115, 123, 193, 252; Life and Letters of. . . , 198; mother-book, 56, 114, 181, 186; needle book, 56, 123; readers and, 2; Rhys’s ideas of, 59-60, 114-15, 123, 193, 252
- Booth, Wayne, xii
- Boyd, Daniel. See Cosway, Daniel
- Brontë, Charlotte, 11, 57; Jane Eyre, xvi, 60, 108; Villette, 19, 24, 252. See also Jane Eyre; Villette
- Brontë, Emily, 57
- Bruss, Elizabeth, 42, 44, 260 (n. 8)
- Bunyan, John, 44, 260 (n. 8)
- Burke, Kenneth, 248, 270 (n. 7)
- Carnival, 102-3, 163, 254
- Caves. See Imagery
- Characters, Rhys’s: heroine-narrator, xv, 54, 61-68; male, 10, 200, 201, 265 (n. 17), 267 (n. 1). See also names of individual characters
- Charcot, Jean, 26-31, 33, 197, 232, 259 (n. 13)
- “Check and stimulus,” 132, 265 (n. 7)
- Chopin, Kate, 57
- Christophine (Wide Sargasso Sea): and Antoinette, 145, 147-51, 158, 165, 168, 173-74, 183, 221, 270 (n. 7); and Rochester, 180, 197-98, 206, 218, 232-33
- Cinema, 20, 26, 260 (n. 40)
- Cixous, Hélène, 199, 249, 267 (n. 9)
- Cleopatra (paintings), 23, 32
- Coco (Wide Sargasso Sea), 157, 171, 173-80, 190, 192
- Colette, 263 (n. 30)
- Community: fiction as constitutive of, 3-4, 11, 45; and status quo, xi, 52, 249; of women readers, xi-xii, 2-4, 7, 248-55
- Content: versus style, 13, 19; of women’s novels, 3, 14, 40-48, 50, 56, 199
- Context: and language, 65, 68, 72, 75-79, 83, 89; of the reader, 128-29; of Rhys’s heroine-narrator, 80-84
- Conversation: fundamental, 60, 95, 105, 113, 122; male-female, 49-69, 105; Rhys’s memory of, 112-13; subconversation, 82-83, 130, 137; unspoken, 67, 82-83; writer-reader, 6. See also Discourse
- Cora, Aunt (Wide Sargasso Sea), 150, 175, 177, 188-90
- Cosway, Annette. See Mason, Annette
- Cosway, Antoinette. See Mason, Antoinette
- Cosway, Daniel (Wide Sargasso Sea), 141, 143, 178, 184, 212-26, 265 (n. 17)
- Criticism: American, 45; feminist, xii-xv, 4-5, 14, 49, 185-86, 192, 257 (n. 5); French, xv, 4, 8, 20, 31; Marxist, xiv; masculinist, xii-xiv, 260 (n. 6), 261 (n. 8); of men’s works, 42-44; reader-response, xii, 257 (n. 4); of Rhys’s works, 54, 61-63, 70, 267 (n. 1); structuralist, 251; of women’s works, 42-44
- Culler, Jonathan, 251
- Culture. See Community
- De Courtivron, Isabelle, 49, 261 (n. 2)
- Derrida, Jacques, 8
- Devi, Mahasveta, xiii, xiv
- Discourse: feminine, 49–69; gaps in, 49, 50, 261 (n. 13); masculine, 71, 102, 122-23; muted, 50-51. See also Idioms
- Displaying texts. See Texts
- Dolls: Olympia, 34-40; in Rhys’s childhood, 253-54; Rhys’s female characters as, 57-58, 245-46; Rochester as, 209, 226, 232, 254. See also Masks
- Dora (Freud’s patient), 28-30, 33, 132, 186-88, 190-92, 266 (nn. 25-27, 32)
- “Draupadi,” xiii, xiv
- Dreaming, 149, 164
- Dreams: Freudian interpretation of, 131-32, 138-39, 186-88; in Jane Eyre, 132, 154-55; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 127-45
- Dream-text, 130-33, 141-42, 144, 181, 265 (n. 7). See also Wide Sargasso Sea
- Drowning. See Imagery
- Dubois, Christophine. See Christophine
- Ecstasy of St. Teresa, 33-34
- Eff, Mrs. (Jane Eyre), 134, 201, 220, 237
- Eliot, George, 11,57
- Ellipses. See Punctuation
- Emile (Wide Sargasso Sea), 204
- Eyes: Freudian symbolism of, 35, 59; and the gaze, 31, 40, 45-46, 162, 265 (n. 5); in Jane Eyre, 162; in Rhys’s childhood, 59, 60; Rochester’s, 233-34; in “The Sand-Man,” 35-36, 58-60; in Smile Please, 59-60; in Villette, 160-61; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 148-49, 174, 233, 268 (n. 23); in women’s texts, 40-42
- Fairy tales, 59-60, 114, 150
- Father book, 56, 59, 60, 115, 180
- Father(s): Antoinette’s lack of, 212-13; as literary norm, xiii; name of the, 268 (n. 26); Rochester’s, 133, 199-201
- Father-texts: characteristics of, xiii, 56, 59, 60, 248; Rhys’s use of, 269 (n. 28); Rochester and, 195-200, 212, 215, 240-42, 244
- Faulkner, William, 258 (n. 3)
- Female Man, The, 15, 19-21, 39
- Female writers. See Women writers
- “Feminine fifties,” 5
- Feminist criticism. See Criticism
- Fetterley, Judith, xiii
- Fiction. See Novels
- Film. See Cinema
- Fires: Dora and, 266 (n. 25); in Jane Eyre, 127, 170-71; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 151, 157, 159, 170-75
- First-person narrators. See Narrators
- Flying, 42-43
- Fraser, Mr. (Wide Sargasso Sea), 217–18
- Freud, Sigmund: and Charcot, 26; and Dora, 28-30, 33, 132, 186-88, 190-92, 266 (nn. 25-27, 32); on dreams, 131-32, 138-39; “The ‘Uncanny,’” 34-40
- Fundamental conversation. See Conversation
- Gallop, Jane, xii-xiv
- Gaps (in discourse), 50, 53, 261 (n. 13); in Voyage in the Dark, 97, 102
- Gardens. See Imagery
- Gardiner, Judith Kegan, 185, 194
- Gauthier, Xavière, 49, 50, 97, 164, 197, 261 (n. 13)
- Gaze, proprietorship of, 31, 45, 260 (n. 40). See also Eyes
- Gender: effect of on writing practice, 252; marking, 55, 103; and perception, 13
- Genre: autobiography as, 40-48; Gothic, 230-31, 268 (n. 25); novels as, 251; shadow-genre, 44
- Gesture (of novels to women readers), 1-7, 10-11, 19-20
- Gielgud, John, 20
- Gilbert, Sandra, 14, 15, 17, 25, 32, 137
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 31, 57
- Glaspell, Susan Keating, 8, 31, 57
- Glittering Coronet of the Isles, The (Wide Sargasso Sea), 213, 230, 232, 234, 240
- God: Antoinette’s view of, 181; Rhys’s view of, 56, 59-60, 115, 123, 193, 252; as spirits, 180-81
- Golden Notebook, The, 2
- Good Morning, Midnight, 55, 61, 64, 65, 66, 116-17, 119, 127
- Gothic (genre), 222, 230-31, 268 (n. 25)
- Grahn, Judy, 34
- Grammar, 60, 248, 250-51, 270 (n. 7)
- Gubar, Susan, 14, 15, 17, 25, 32, 137
- Hamlet, 242, 269 (n. 29)
- Heath, Stephen, 26
- Hernadi, Paul, 2
- Heroine-narrator, xv, 54, 61-68; of Good Morning, Midnight, 116-17, 119-20; of Voyage in the Dark, 108, 111, 124-25, 192
- Hester, Aunt (Voyage in the Dark), 86-88, 102, 104, 116
- Hoffman, E. T. A., 34-39, 59-60, 233
- Horsfield, George (After Leaving Mr Mackenzie), 120, 123
- House of Mirth, The, 16, 22-24, 26, 31
- Hysteria: of Dora, 29-30, 186; of nineteenth-century women, 30; Rochester’s, 197. See also Schizophrenia
- Idioms: clash of, 84, 117, 119, 129, 141; dominant, xi, 68, 84, 120, 129, 141, 252, 254, 255; muted, 50-51, 108, 129, 137, 141, 252, 254
- Imagery: caves, 17-18; dolls, 57-58; dresses, 169, 170; drowning, 71, 95-96; fire, 157, 159, 170-72, 186-91, 266 (n. 25); gardens, 167, 254, 268 (n. 23); jewel-case, 175, 186-91; masks, 163, 254; needles, 56; trees and forests, 89-90, 165, 167; womb, 17-18, 243
- Intratext, 110-26
- Irigaray, Luce, 70
- Iser, Wolfgang, xii
- Italics. See Punctuation
- James, Alice, 26, 28, 30, 33, 226-27
- James, Henry, Sr., 30
- Jane Eyre, xv, 60-61, 108; Bertha in, 61, 127-28, 152-55, 158-61, 181; Rhys’s Antoinette and, 128, 130-37, 140-44, 147-48, 151-65, 172-74, 177, 179, 181, 184-85; Rhys’s Rochester and, 195, 222, 226-29, 234
- Jeffries, Vincent (Voyage in the Dark), 85-86, 89-93, 96-102, 104
- Jeffries, Walter (Voyage in the Dark), 85, 106, 125, 223
- Jelinek, Estelle, 42-44
- Jewel-case. See Imagery
- Joyce, James, 3, 13, 43, 225
- “Jury of Her Peers, A,” 8, 31
- Kamuf, Peggy, 198, 200, 208
- King Lear, 240-42
- Kolodny, Annette, 8, 9
- Kristeva, Julia, 132, 199-200, 225, 248-49, 255
- Lacan, Jacques, 8, 31, 268 (n. 26)
- Laing, R. D., 117-18
- Language: as context, 65, 68, 83; gaps in, 50, 53, 65; men’s, 60, 68; as power, 68, 84-85; Rhys’s handling of, 56-58; suppression of, 96, 118; unspoken, 67, 119; women’s, 48-50, 60, 119-20, 122
- Lessing, Doris, 2, 117
- “Letter of the Law,” 151, 163, 196-97, 207, 212, 270 (n. 7)
- Letters: in Voyage in the Dark, 84-88, 92-93, 101-2, 217; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 142–43, 206-7, 214-20
- Life and Letters of. . . (Wide Sargasso Sea), 207
- Literary criticism. See Criticism
- Literature: autobiography as, xv; contemporary, xi, 11; nineteenth-century, 5, 11, 12, 31; and politics, xiii-xv; twentieth-century, 3-5, 11, 12, 42, 52-53, 248-51
- Looking-glass. See Mirrors
- Madness, 26-32, 232-33; Annette’s 180; Antoinette’s, 162, 179; Rochester’s, 243, 247. See also Hysteria; Schizophrenia
- Male characters. See Men characters
- Male writers. See Men writers
- Marie Augustine, Sister (Wide Sargasso Sea), 145, 146-47, 150-51, 167
- Marks, Elaine, 49, 261 (n. 2)
- Martin, Julia (After Leaving Mr Mackenzie), 120, 123-24
- Marxist criticism. See Criticism
- Masculine texts. See Men’s texts
- Masks, 58, 71, 254-55; in Voyage in the Dark, 103-5, 163, 254; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 163. See also Dolls
- Mason, Annette (Wide Sargasso Sea), 145, 149-50, 165, 173-80, 183-85
- Mason, Antoinette (née Cosway) (Wide Sargasso Sea), 133–37, 179; self-recognition of, 169, 268 (n. 23); and women characters, 145, 164-65
- Mason, Richard (Wide Sargasso Sea), 167, 175-77, 184, 189
- Maudie. See Beardon, Maudie
- Mellown, Elgin W., 62, 65-66
- Men characters, 10; in Voyage in the Dark, 114; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 129, 183, 200-201, 265 (n. 17), 267 (n. 1). See also “Rochester”
- Men readers, 8, 62, 70
- Men’s novels, xi, 1, 6, 114, 252, 261 (n. 8)
- Men’s texts, 129-30. See also Father-texts
- Men writers, 3, 6, 9, 261 (n. 8)
- Miller, Nancy K., 46-47, 50, 70
- Millett, Kate, xiv, 31-32, 42-43, 259 (n. 7), 269 (nn. 28, 29)
- Mirrors: in Jane Eyre, 151, 158; Rochester and, 71, 192, 198, 200, 229, 234, 247; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 71, 150, 166, 172, 192, 198, 200, 226, 231, 268 (n. 26); women’s novels and, 41
- Moon, the, 152-56, 158, 159-62
- Morality, 53, 248-51
- Morgan, Anna (Voyage in the Dark), 61, 65, 72-109, 118, 125, 129, 136, 149-50, 192, 217
- Mother book, 56, 114-15, 181, 186, 252
- Mothers, xiii, 133, 152-54, 156-62. See also Mason, Annette
- Mother-text, 115; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 149-86, 194, 198, 200, 208-11, 216, 225, 266 (n. 23)
- Multiple narrators. See Narrators
- Multiplicity: of narrators, 124-25, 144; of selves, 13, 183
- Nabokov, Vladimir, 44, 260-61 (n. 8)
- Naipaul, V. S., 54, 62, 63
- Names: Antoinette/Bertha, 179-80, 184-85; Jones/Jeffries, 73-76, 99; name-calling, 166, 174; nicknames, 75; “Rochester,” 195
- Nana, 61, 72
- Narratives: dreams as, 131-32; first-person, 65, 118, 124-25, 194; multiple, 83–84; Rochester’s, 194-247; third-person, 61, 118, 123
- Narrators: heroine-narrator, xv, 54, 61-68, 108, 111, 116-17, 119-20, 124-25, 131-93; male, 194; multiple, 131, 144. See also “Rochester”
- Nebeker, Helen, 164, 167
- Needle books. See Books
- Novels: as genre, 251; men’s, xi, 1, 6, 114, 252, 261 (n. 8); nineteenth-century, 137, 143, 252; shape of, 64, 112; structure of, xv; tone of, 64–65; twentieth-century, xi, 3, 11, 42, 252; women’s, xi, xiii, 1-7, 22, 40-48, 251, 252
- Oedipus complex, 34, 38, 59, 197, 199, 231
- Olympia (“The Sand-Man”), 34-39, 119, 197, 233-34
- Ong, Walter, xii, xiv
- Ophelia, 27, 242
- Orphans: Rhys’s heroines as, 62, 88; Rochester’s text as, 196, 219
- Paradigms, 250-52
- Performance: of the book, 1, 3, 258 (n. 3); on stage, 2, 25; of writing practice, 3
- Plante, David, 110, 112, 264 (n. 8)
- Plot: nineteenth-century, 14-15, 143, 252; twentieth-century, 14; in women’s texts, 14
- Point of view. See Narratives
- Politics, xiii-xvi
- Poole, Grace: in Jane Eyre, 133, 158; in Wide Sargasso Sea, 133-35, 137, 145-47, 150, 151, 171, 177, 201, 220
- Pritchett, V. S., 54, 93, 117
- Proprietorship: of the dominant culture, xi, 4-5; of the gaze, 31, 45, 260 (n. 40); of women by men, 75-77, 84-85, 93, 189-90, 206, 245
- Psychoanalysis: Freudian, 26, 28-30; post-Freudian, 60, 117-19, 268 (n. 26); Rhys and, 266 (n. 26). See also Freud, Sigmund
- Punctuation (Rhys’s): ellipses, xviii; italics, 78, 80-83, 102-3; quotation marks, 67
- Reader-response theories. See Criticism
- Readers: female, 4-8, 10-12; male, xii, 3, 6, 8; relation to writers, xi-xvi; response of to Rhys, xv-xvi, 137
- Reading, 7, 8, 11; in Rhys’s life, 114-15, 128, 266 (n. 26)
- Religion, Rhys’s view of, 56, 59, 60, 115
- Remembering, 17-18, 105-7, 112, 181
- Representation (of self), 31, 181; of women, 24-25
- Repression, 26, 28, 30, 33; of Antoinette, 183, 185; by Dora, 187-88
- Resonance, 51-52
- Revision, 107, 112
- Rewriting, 105-9, 123, 252
- Rhetoric, xi
- “Rhetorical situation,” xi-xii, 5
- Rhys, Jean (née Ella Gwendolen Rees Williams): critical appraisals of, 54, 61-63, 70, 267 (n. 1); as displaced person, 54-55, 262 (n. 14); and editors, 105-8; and male readers, 54, 61-63, 70; modernity of, 14, 52-53; personal life, 53-54, 59, 61, 63, 115-17, 262 (n. 14); similarities to heroine-narrator, 61, 63; view of God, 56, 59, 60.
- –Works: After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, 61, 120–24; Good Morning, Midnight, 61, 64-66, 116-17, 119, 127; Quartet, 61, 120, 123; Sleep It Off, Lady, 61, 265 (n. 1); Smile Please, 59, 66, 105-6, 110–11, 113-17, 122-23, 262 (n. 14); Tigers Are Better Looking, 265 (n. 1); Voyage in the Dark, xv, 61, 65-68, 110-14, 252, 254; Wide Sargasso Sea, xv, 61, 108, 113, 123, 127-93, 253, 266 (n. 23)
- Rich, Adrienne, xvi, 11, 46, 191
- Richardson, Dorothy, 12, 13, 57
- “Rochester”: as doll, 254; eyes of, 268 (n. 23); and male critics, 129, 200–201; naming of, 195; narrative of, 194-247; societal position of, 265 (n. 17); text of, 129-30, 194-242
- Russ, Joanna, 19-21, 32, 39
- Sadlier, Michael, 105-6
- Sandi (Wide Sargasso Sea), 183
- “Sand-Man, The,” 34-39, 59-60, 233
- Schizophrenia, 14, 117, 119, 242
- Second Sex, The, 52, 261 (n. 2)
- Seeing. See Eyes; Spectacle; Vision
- Self, 3, 5; constitution of, 111-14, 185, 249; divided, 13, 32, 117-19, 183; names and, 179-80
- Sexual Politics, xiv, 31-32, 259 (n. 7), 269 (nn. 28, 29)
- Shadow genres, 44
- Shakespeare, William, 139-40, 234, 240-43, 269 (nn. 28, 29)
- Shelley, Mary, 17
- Showalter, Elaine, 12-13, 14, 259 (n. 13), 261 (nn. 11, 13)
- Sinclair, May, 57
- Sleep It Off, Lady, 61, 265 (n. 1)
- Smile Please, 59, 66, 105-6, 110-11, 113-17, 122-23, 262 (n. 14)
- Snowe, Lucy (Villette), 24, 31-33, 38, 159, 255, 259 (n. 7)
- Spectacle: Vashti as, 160-61; women’s texts as, 5, 33-34, 38-48
- Spectacular text. See Texts
- “Spectral architecture,” 132-33, 144, 265 (n. 5)
- Speech. See Voice; Voices
- Spivak, Gayatri, xiii
- Stage, 2, 3, 18
- Stanislavski, Konstantin, 138-39
- Stein, Gertrude, 14, 57
- Structuralism, 251
- Subconversation, 82-83; in Voyage in the Dark, 95, 130, 137
- Subtext, 138-41, 143-45, 147, 151, 163, 183, 185, 194
- Tableau clinique, 26, 30–31, 38
- Tableau vivant, 20, 22-23, 28, 31, 38
- Teresa, Saint, 33-34, 259-60 (n. 29)
- Texts: “displaying,” 7, 10, 19, 40-48, 251; dominant, 202, 223; dream-text, 130-33, 141-42, 144, 181, 265 (n. 7); father-text, xiii, 56, 59, 60, 195-200, 212, 215, 240-42, 244, 248, 269 (n. 28); masculine, 129-30; mother-text, 115, 149-86, 191-96, 266 (n. 3); performative, 40-48; “spectacular,” 7, 10, 19, 40-48, 251; women as, 5, 8-9, 13. See also Women’s texts
- Theater: of women’s texts, 1-26, 46-48
- Third-person narratives. See Narratives
- Tia (Wide Sargasso Sea), 150, 165, 166, 172-74; as Antoinette’s alter ego, 182-83, 185, 192, 254
- Tigers Are Better Looking, 265 (n. 1)
- Tone: of Rhys’s novels, 64-65
- Transference, 190-91
- “Trial of Jean Rhys, The,” 122-23, 125-26, 187
- Vashti (actress) (Villette), 19, 25, 32, 159-62, 255
- Villette, 24, 31, 38, 128, 159, 252, 259 (n. 7). See also Vashti
- Vincent. See Jeffries, Vincent
- Vision: and hearing, 104, 254. See also Eyes; Revision
- Voice: absence of, 22, 27, 29, 31, 38, 162; of women’s texts, 4, 20, 22, 25, 46-48, 251
- Voices: of actors, 22-28; of Charcot’s patients, 27; of Freud’s Dora, 28–29; in Voyage in the Dark, 80, 86, 100
- Voyage in the Dark, xv, 61, 65-68, 70-109, 110-14, 252, 254
- Vreeland, Elizabeth, 63, 66, 113, 127
- Weaving (as narrative technique), 52, 268-69 (n. 27); in Wide Sargasso Sea, 113, 122, 123, 130, 149, 195-96, 221, 226
- Wharton, Edith, 16, 22-24, 26, 31
- Wide Sargasso Sea, xv, 60-61, 66, 67, 69, 83-85, 108, 262 (n. 14); as dream-text, 127-93, 250, 253; interweaving in, 113, 123; language in, 120; “lesson” of, 249; mother-text in, 122-23, 266 (n. 23); women characters in, 130
- Williams, Angela, 144
- Wilmot, John, earl of Rochester, 242-43
- Wittig, Monique, 49, 97
- Woman-as-text, 5, 8-9, 13
- Women characters, 130
- Women readers, xi, 4-8, 11-12, 128, 253, 257 (nn. 4, 5)
- Women’s texts: as [auto]biography, 40-48; characteristics of, 199; dramatic aspects of, 1-7; as dreams, 130-93; examples of, 252-53; in “feminine fifties,” 5; nineteenth-century, 5, 31; twentieth-century, 14, 252-54; voice in, 22, 48
- Women writers, 3, 6, 8-17, 42-44, 253
- Woolf, Virginia: as exemplar, xv, 13, 14, 16, 42, 49; quoted, xiv, xv, 4, 13, 130, 265 (n. 5); A Room of Ones Own, 57, 262-63 (n. 29)
- Words: in dreams, 139; futility of, 179; as talisman, 69, 73, 91, 212. See also Discourse; Language
- Writers: female, 6, 14, 252-54, 264 (n. 6); male, 3, 6, 261 (n. 8); nineteenth-century, 11, 13-16, 31-32; relation to readers, xi-xvi; twentieth-century, 14–16
- Writing: and critical theory, xi, xv; legitimizing power of, 88; purposes of for Rhys, 111, 121-22; as social force, 69, 93, 119
- Wyndham, Francis, 54, 70
- “Yellow Wall Paper, The,” 31
- Young Bull (Wide Sargasso Sea), 141, 204, 205, 265 (n. 17)